MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION The Voice of the Raritan Bay District VOL. V.—No. 1 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS • Complete Course PISCATAWAYTOWN — Theo- Township's History To Be Written; WATER COSTS IRKSlight Epidemic Of Scarlet Femr dore Eggertson and Albert E. COUNTY JOB Davis, in charge of operations at the township sewage, disposal Need Is Economic--Not Academic! GROUP INKEASBEY Reported Here; No Alarm Is Felt plant, were awarded certificates Friday night at Rutgers Univer- Project Will Put Four Relief Clients To Work For Noisy Complaint Is Made Five Cases Of Disease Recorded By Health Authori- IS TRAINER'S sity for successfully having com- 18 Months, Thus Saving Taxpayers Here $4,800 To Town Committee At ties; Bailey Urges Caution To Prevent Wide Spread pleted a course in sanitation and Session On Monday . sewage treatment. WOODBRIDGE—Not because they thought very- .FORDS—Although there seems to be no immediate much of the project but because it would take four men KEASBEY At the last alarm regarding the five cases of scarlet fever discovered FOR ASKING meeting of the Township Commit- off relief for 18 months at a saving- of $4,800, the Town- tee Charles J. Alexander, Second m Fords, Avenel and Iselin during the. past nine days, Local Man Seen A3 Choice Lpparoval By Darby Is Ex- ship Committee Monday night approved the proposition Ward representative, asked for Health Inspector Harold Bailey last night-urged parents of S. Charles Browne, who was the spokesman for a pro- highway signs pointing to Keasbey, *to~ take "every precautionary measure to prevent the Of Democratic Leaders pected To Permit Hear- posed WPA project to compile a history; of Woodbridge. but that community put itself on spread of the disease.' The Township, however, had to ob- the map at Monday night's session The first case was reported in For Freeholder ing On That Date ligate itself to the extent of ?300 when a group of Keasbeyites ap- the Avenel school on February 28. To Receive Instructions On for the printing of the history. peared before the Township Com- Last Monday, another case turned New Device Second Mon- Committeeman Fred Spencer AID mittee and demanded a variety of PISCATAWAY BLAZE up—this one in School No. 6, Ise- BUT HE IS BELIEVED 7.31 RATE PROBABLE said: "I have discussed this matter things—from the immediate resig- lin. Wednesday brought two more day .Of Each Month with the department heads and nation of the water superintendent, DAMAGE IS $5,000 to light—one at the high school, TO PREFER POST HERE they have not received the idea 337 CALL-IN '39 Michael Korczowski to road re- tS EXPENSES ARE CUT CLARA BARTON — Beginning- pairs. the other at Avenel. The- fifth case Monday night, members of Raritan with any degree of warmth, large- Raritan Report Shows Av- Fire Breaks Out In Amer- was reported yesterday at Avenel. Engine Company No. 2 will meet ly because of the type of people A petition submitted to the com- The victims, now under quaran- Strength Shown In Last fecessity Of Prompt Tax the second Monday of each month working on the project and on ac- erage Of One Case Every mittee declared that "(a) Mr.Korc- ican Garage Near Plain- tine are: to receive instructions on practical count of the normal interference zowski has been very sarcastic and Election Is Basis Of Day During Year caustic when trying to collect wa^ field Ave., Route 25 Peggy Selover, 11, 7 Park Ave- uses of the organization's new in- of getting books, papers and rec- nue, Avenel; Dalores Hamryski, Payments Cited To Ob- ords out. If the project goes ter bills, instead of being consid- Growing Prestige halator, Fire Chief Michael Ban- PISCATAWAYTOWN—Accord- PISCATAWAYTOWN — Fire, 2Y2, 3 Ridgely Avenue, Iselin; Wal- through there will be considerable erate and courteous; (b) Mr. Korc- believed to have been caused when viate '41 Increase dies announced this woejc- ing to the annual report of Arthur zowski _has rendered bills in the lace Misdom, 14, Ridgedale Ave- The new inhalator, purchased by friction among the department Latham, squad chief, a total of fumes exploded apparently from nue, Avenel; William Larson, 16, FORDS — A usually reliable heads." majority of homes without even at- the board of fire commissioners, 337 calls, an average of nearly one a broken light bulb, destroyed a Wood Avenue, Fords, and Norma source revealed yesterday that Tax WO ODB RIDGE — After being tempting to take a reading at the small building and equipmemnt at will be used in drills on resuscita- Committeeman Herbert Rankin each day, were answered during meters; and (c) the Township Lower, 8, Thorp Avenue, Avenel. Collector Michael J. Trainer can .itroduced at first reading Monday the American Garage, Route 25, tion work. The equipment will declared that he sympathized with 1939 by the Raritan Township Committee can save money by have an appointment to the county ight the 1940 budget was taken to near Plainfield In each case, books and personal become a regular part of the com- the department heads, but he be- Safety Squad No. 1, Piscataway- eliminating the job of water super- Avenue, Friday Board of Freeholders by merely 'renton Wednesday morning by morning. belongings of the pupils were im- township Attorney Leon E, McEl- pany's fire equipment. Each fire- lieved the committee ought to bend town. intendent and having the Township mediately ordered burned by school saying the word. The building housed generators oy and Township Clerk B. J. Duni- man will be required to participate backwards a little bit, as long as The report showed an increase Engineer take charge." authorities. At the high school, and other machinery for the light- The information indicated that ,an and if it is returned in time by in the instructions so that mem- four men would be taken off relief. in activities by the local s'quad William Kovach and Sol Kantor where students have private lock- ing plant at the garage. Democratic county leaders,' in he Commissioner of Finance a bers will be familiar with its oper- He made a motion approving the which operates the new Safety appeared to be the spokesmen of ers in which they keep gym suits, Damage was fixed at $5,000 by whose laps the designation lies,* mblic hearing will be held at the ation when a necessity arises. project and Committeeman Samuel Council ambulance, even though the- group. However, the group the boys' locker room was fumi- the owners. would like very much for Mr- Memorial Municipal Building on In addition to the iishalator in- Farrell seconded the motion. When the old apparatus is being oper- did not pay much attention to their gated and the boys ordered to take Trainer to accept and -would sup- ifarch 25. structions, Bandies stated, firemen the matter came to a vote all cast ated by the Menlo Park unit at representatives for several mem- Firemen from Raritan Engine their gym suits home to be washed port him for the full term, in the Company No. 1 responded to the As predicted in this paper last also are being taught uses and ballots in the affirmative, but Com- the other end of the municipality. bers jumped up at the same time and sterilized. election next November. It is un-^ operation of gas masks. mitteeman Spencer hesitated a few Of the calls, 215 were for trans- to address the chair and at one alarm. derstood,,however, that b,e is not v'eek, the tax rate for general tax- No Alarm Felt ition, exclusive of fire and gar- seconds before he said, "Yes." portation of patients to or from time there were four or five men intex-ested and prefers to remain 3age district taxes, will be the same Spencer Attitude hospitals, while 103 were for mo- trying to outshout each other at School nurses, in cooperation on the job to "which he was elected is last year, $7.31. After the vote was taken Mr. tor accidents. , the same time. REPUBLICAN with the Township health depart- for a five-year term last Fall. - * I Spencer stated : Other calls included: industrial Now Pay For Water ment, are investigating and con- Mr. Trainer's astonishing-' In presenting the budget, the ducting examinations in each of chairman and members of the accidents, eight; gas cases, four; The gist of the complaints ap- strength, as shown when he ran "I voted yes cm account of the the schools to prevent the spread- Township Committee issued the home accidents, three; submer- peared to be that the Keasbey resi- ELECTS OFFICERS for re-election last November, im- saving and employment of four re- ing of the disease. Eollowing statement: lief men. However, I believe that sions, one; attempted suicides, one; dents are paying more money for pressed county leaders up end. "The preparation of the 1940 these men must understand that assisting another squad, one, and their water than heretofore. When Anders Christenseti Chosen School officials point out that They feel if he can pile up a big Mr. Korczowski was appointed su- budget was very difficult, mainly Alexander Resolute they will not be allowed access to one demonstration" "five cases out of an enrollment of majority in his home town for a, perintendent of the Keasbey Water As President; Social because of the large decrease of ing Mrs. Schofield.'Is the records promiscuously, only at The ambulance covered a total 1,800 pupils in three schools is local office he can repeat in a revenues and valuations, over of 9,364 miles during the year on System, he discovered that a num- nothing to be alarmed over." county-wide election, a contention the convenience of the department ber of meters were not registering •MarchSOth which the Township Committee has .
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