May 24, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5615 Commission for a term of five years from 3/22/2000, $1,000, Giuliani, Rudolph duly constituted committee of the Sen- July 1, 2001. 12/13/99, $1,000, Blunt, Roy ate.) Kathleen B. Cooper, of Texas, to be Under 12/9/99, $1,000, Abraham, Spencer Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, for the Secretary of Commerce for Economic Af- 11/15/99, $1,000, Emerson, JoAnn Committee on Foreign Relations, I re- fairs. 11/4/99, $250, Federer, William J Kathleen Q. Abernathy, of Maryland, to be 6/8/99, $5,000, HECO PAC port favorably the following nomina- a Member of the Federal Communications 4/7/99, $1,000, John Ashcroft tion lists which were printed in the Commission for a term of five years from 3/17/99, $380, Ehlmann, Steven E. RECORDS of the dates indicated, and July 1, 1999. 3/17/99, $1,000, Bush, George W. ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- Michael Joseph Copps, of Virginia, to be a 10/23/98, $500, Inglis, Bob pense of reprinting on the Executive Member of the Federal Communications 10/19/98, $250, Federer, William J. Calendar that these nominations lie at Commission for a term of five years from 10/14/98, $1,000, Talent, James M. the Secretary’s desk for the informa- July 1, 2000. 9/22/98, $1,000, Emerson, JoAnn tion of Senators. Michael K. Powell, of Virginia, to be a 6/17/98, $500, Fitzgerald (IL Sen) Member of the Federal Communications 4/29/98, $5,000, HECO PAC The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Commission for a term of five years from 4/7/98, $2,000, Kit Bond objection, it is so ordered. July 1, 2002. 12/30/97, $1,000, Specter, Arlen Foreign Service nominations beginning By Mr. GRASSLEY for the Com- 12/23/97, $5,000, The Leadership Alliance Laron L. Jensen and ending Karen L. Zens, mittee on Finance. 12/1/97, $1,000, Talent, James M. which nominations were received by the Sen- 9/30/97, $500, Voinovich, George V. ate and appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL Piyush Jindal, of Louisiana, to be an As- 5/11/97, $5,000, Spirit of America PAC RECORD on April 23, 2001. sistant Secretary of Health and Human Serv- Note: Between 1997 and 2000 Mr. Brauer has Foreign Service nominations beginning ices. made contributions to the following organi- Ralph K. Bean and ending Richard Oliver Claude A. Allen, of Virginia, to be Deputy Lankford, which nominations were received Secretary of Health and Human Services. zations which are non federal contributions: RNC/Republican National State Elections by the Senate and appeared in the CONGRES- James Gurule, of Michigan, to be Under SIONAL RECORD on April 23, 2001. Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement. Committee; 1999 State Victory Fund Com- Thomas Scully, of Virginia, to be Adminis- mittee, Ashcroft Victory Committee, non By Mr. SPECTER for the Committee trator of the Health Care Financing Admin- federal; NRSC/non federal; Missouri Repub- on Veterans’ Affairs. lican State Committee; Republican National istration. Maureen Patricia Cragin, of Maine, to be Committee; Spirit of America PAC. Peter R. Fisher, of New Jersey, to be an an Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs Under Secretary of the Treasury. Camilla T. Brauer (Wife) (Public and Intergovernmental Affairs). By Mr. HELMS for the Committee on Date, amount, recipient: Leo S. Mackay, Jr., of Texas, to be Deputy Foreign Relations. 8/22/00, $1,000, Rick Lazio Secretary of Veterans Affairs. 8/10/00, $10,000, MO Republican Party Fed Robin L. Higgins, of Florida, to be Under Thelma J. Askey, of Tennessee, to be Di- Acct Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Memorial rector of the Trade and Development Agen- 8/10/00, $5,000, RNC Federal Acct. Affairs. cy. 8/10/00, $1,000, Lazio 2000 Jacob Lozada, of Puerto Rico, to be an As- A. Elizabeth Jones, of Maryland, a Career 3/28/00, $1,000, McNary, Gene sistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class 3/23/00, $1,000, Giuliani, Rudolph (The above nominations were re- of Career Minister, to be an Assistant Sec- 11/15/99, $1,000, Emerson, Jo An retary of State (European Affairs). 4/7/99, $1,000, John Ashcroft ported with the recommendation that Walter H. Kansteiner, of Virginia, to be an 3/17/99, $1,000, Bush, George W. they be confirmed subject to the nomi- Assistant Secretary of State (African Af- 12/21/98, $2,000, Ashcroft, John nees’ commitment to respond to re- fairs). 10/14/98, $1,000, Talent, James quests to appear and testify before any Peter S. Watson, of California, to be Presi- 4/7/98, $2,000, Kit Bond duly constituted committee of the Sen- dent of the Overseas Private Investment Cor- 12/1/97, $1,000, Talent, James ate.) poration. 5/12/97, $5,000, Spirit of America PAC Lorne W. Craner, of Virginia, to be Assist- 2/6/97, $1,000, Bond, Christopher f ant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. A.J. Brauer, III (Brother) William J. Burns, of the District of Colum- Date, amount, recipient: INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND bia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign 11/01/00, $1,000, Aschroft, John JOINT RESOLUTIONS Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be 9/28/98, $250, Bond, Christopher The following bills and joint resolu- 3/31/98, $1,000, McCain, John an Assistant Secretary of State (Near East- tions were introduced, read the first ern Affairs). Blackford F. Brauer (Son) Ruth A. Davis, of Georgia, a Career Mem- and second times by unanimous con- Date, amount, recipient: sent, and referred as indicated: ber of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of 6/16/99, $1,000, Bush, George W. Career Minister, to be Director General of By Mr. BOND: Stephen F. Brauer, Jr. (Son) the Foreign Service. S. 945. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Carl W. Ford, Jr., of Arkansas, to be an As- Date, amount, recipient: enue Code of 1986 to repeal the recognition of sistant Secretary of State (Intelligence and 6/16/99, $1,000, Bush, George W. capital gain rule for home offices; to the Research). Rebecca R. Brauer (Daughter) Committee on Finance. Christina B. Rocca, of Virginia, to be As- Date, amount, recipient: By Ms. SNOWE (for herself, Ms. MIKUL- sistant Secretary of State for South Asian 6/16/99, $1,000, Bush, George W. SKI, and Mr. HARKIN): Affairs. S. 946. A bill to establish an Office on A. Bryan MacMillan (Stepfather) Stephen Brauer, of Missouri, to be Ambas- Women’s Health within the Department of sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Date, amount, recipient: Health and Human Services; to the Com- the United States of America to Belgium. 4/23/98, $1,000, Kit Bond mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and (The following is a list of all members of Mrs. Lee Hunter (Mother) Pensions. my immediate family and their spouses. I Date, amount, recipient: By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and have asked each of these persons to inform 5/11/00, $2,000, George Bush Mr. INHOFE): me of the pertinent contributions made by 9/22/99, $1,000, Gene McNary S. 947. A bill to amend the Clean Air Act to them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- 6/25/99, $1,000, Gene McNary permit the Governor of a State to waive the formation contained in this report is com- 6/23/99, $1,000, John Ashcroft oxygen content requirement for reformu- plete and accurate.) Nominee: Stephen F. lated gasoline, and for other purposes; to the Brauer. Paul Vincent Kelly, of Virginia, to be an Committee on Environment and Public Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Assistant Secretary of State (Legislative Af- Works. Date, amount, recipient: fairs). By Mr. LOTT (for himself and Mr. 1/31/2001, $2,000, Roy Blunt Donald Burnham Ensenat, of Louisiana, to KERRY): 9/2/2000, $1,000, Akin, W. Todd be Chief of Protocol, and to have the rank of S. 948. A bill to amend title 23, United 8/22/2000, $5,000, Republican Natl Comm, Fed ambassador during his tenure of service. States Code, to require the Secretary of Acct (The above nominations were re- Transportation to carry out a grant program 7/28/2000, $1,000, Rick Lazio for providing financial assistance for local 6/27/2000, $1,000, Shimkus, John M. ported with the recommendation that rail line relocation projects, and for other 6/20/2000, $1,000, Graves, Sam they be confirmed subject to the nomi- purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, 6/7/2000, $1,000, Federer, William J. nees’ commitment to respond to re- Science, and Transportation. 3/28/2000, $1,000, NcNary, Gene quests to appear and testify before any By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S5616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 24, 2001 S. 949. A bill for the relief of Zhengfu Ge; S. 957. A bill to provide certain safeguards ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS to the Committee on the Judiciary. with respect to the domestic steel industry; By Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire (for to the Committee on Finance. S. 29 himself and Mr. REID): By Mr. REID (for himself and Mr. EN- At the request of Mr. BOND, the name S. 950. A bill to amend the Clean Air Act to SIGN): of the Senator from Washington (Ms.
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