The Westfield— Serving the Town Since 1890 — Leader USPS 680020 Published OUR 108th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 23-98 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, June 4, 1998 Every Thursday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS PUBLIC FORUM SET FOR THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT Planning Board Looking To Streamline Parking Waiver for Downtown By PAUL J. PEYTON that is still being drafted by the Plan- up with many “futile” cases involv- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ning Board is that of downtown park- ing “huge calculations” for parking The Westfield Town Council was ing as it relates to applications before spaces based on current town regula- given an overview Tuesday night of the town. tions. the proposed zoning land use ordi- Town Attorney Charles H. Brandt Board attorney William S. nance. The code, which has been said the intent of the board is to Jeremiah, 2nd, said, “We want to completely revised, is intended as a “streamline” the waiver process for make it (downtown parking alloca- guide for town action regarding the parking requirements in applications. tions) fair for the town, fair for the appropriate use of development of all The board has reasoned that new applicant, and fair for the Planning lands in the town. businesses must always gain vari- Board.” The council will hold a public fo- ances from the board as it relates to Another zoning change will make David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader rum immediately following its parking. community residences, such as Sun- PLAYING DIXIE...The Westfield Dixie All-Stars perform during Sunday’s Spring Fling street festival. Pictured, left to Wednesday, June 10, meeting. The Under the revised ordinance appli- rise Assisted Living, “permitted uses” right, are: Barry Rosenberg, of Westfield, on tuba; Chatham’s John Arimond on banjo; Chris Cottier, of England, on ordinance is expected to be intro- cants would need to justify the in- in the town in accordance with state saxophone; Rich Casey, of Edison, playing the clarinet; Fred Girshick, of Scotch Plains, on trumpet, and Westfield’s own duced on first reading on Tuesday, crease in proposed parking spaces law. Previously, these types of facili- Tom Piller, on drums. June 23, with a public hearing and over what was allocated to the previ- ties were listed as “conditional uses” adoption vote scheduled for some- ous tenant. Under current law, an as authorized by the Planning Board. time over the summer. applicant must justify their entire One change, which has met with Spring Fling The ordinance, based on the cur- parking plan regardless of what was the approval of the Downtown West- rent town Master Plan for develop- previously allocated. This provision field Corporation (DWC), the gov- Finally Gains ment, is a document dating back would only apply to central business erning body for the special improve- seven years. A revised Master Plan is district applications. ment district (SID), is a provision to currently being drafted by officials. Planning Board Chairman Martin restrict non-retail businesses to the Good Weather One of the issues on the zoning law Robbins said the board often winds CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 By PAUL J. PEYTON Specially Written for The Westfield Leader The third time around turned out to be the charm for Westfield’s fourth Dr. Foley Defends Upgrades annual Spring Fling. After two cancellations in April due to inclement weather, the West- In District’s Math Curriculum field Area Chamber of Commerce By JEANNE WHITNEY do it.” grades. The board pointed out that and the street fair’s promoter, Adver- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Dr. Foley was responding to de- the classes were designed to supple- tising Alliance, were able to get the Westfield Superintendent of scriptions from district parents and ment a parent’s initiative in discus- event off the ground on the third Schools, Dr. William J. Foley, took board members of sixth-grade stu- sion of sexual and moral issues. A attempt. the long view during Tuesday’s Board dents who were struggling with math- board vote on the curriculum will Executive Director of the Cham- of Education meeting, in speaking ematics courses. take place on Tuesday, June 16. ber, Debbie Schmidt said, although out for recent upgrades in the district’s He explained that the curriculum On a separate matter, the board the fair was smaller than previous David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader mathematics curriculum. changes made this past year make it unanimously agreed to ask for a years due in part to participants’ WIN THIS CAR...John Tabachnick, Chapter Chairman of the Westfield/ “I don’t understand what it is about possible for all students to begin tak- waiver from the state to avoid com- difficulties in holding open a third Mountainside Chapter of the American Red Cross, stands next to an antique car this country,” he told his listeners. ing geometry by their freshman year plying with a four-hour school day rain date for the event, it was still once used by the Red Cross during its emergency calls. The car, shown here at Sunday’s Spring Fling, will be auctioned off Sunday, September 20, as part of “We talk about ‘raising the bar,’ and of high school, and to enroll in calcu- requirement during what is tradi- popular with those who attended. the Westfield Chamber of Commerce’s FestiFall. then when we do...we don’t want to lus courses by their senior year. tionally known as “final exam week” Ms. Schmidt said attendance esti- “They do it all over the world, and at Westfield High School. mates place the numbers at two-thirds there’s no reason why we can’t,” he The board resolution asking for of previous years or between 10,000 said. the waiver during the last five days of and 12,000 fairgoers. The Spring Paragano Wins Board Approval Dr. Foley indicated frustration over the school year comes after another Fling typically attracts 20,000 per- what he said was the persistent low- district took its case to court when sons to the downtown with 40,000 at est ranking of American students in they were cited for failing to live up the largest event, FestiFall, which is For Three-Story Office Building mathematics among developed coun- to a 180-day school year, according held on the third Sunday in Septem- tries. to Dr. Foley. Reportedly, final exam ber. By RUSSELL R. WATKINS field Planning Board. The board ap- office building would increase traffic Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “Are we dumb?,” he asked. “The week school days were shorter than “We’re so glad we were able to proved an application by Paragano by 25 to 30 percent; however, he four hours. Parking arrangements for a new way I see it, there are very few stu- reschedule (Spring Fling) with Ad- Westfield LLC, which had sought admitted that a detailed traffic study dents who should not be able to learn Board members agreed that the vertising Alliance,” she said. three-story office building dominated permission to erect a new office build- had not been conducted. experience of exam week in high Monday night’s meeting of the West- algebra by the end of eighth grade,” CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 ing at 50 Cardinal Drive. The board was primarily concerned he said. school was good preparation for col- Larry Paragano, Jr., testifying on about the number of parking spaces Although Dr. Foley agreed that lege, but that even if a waiver was behalf of the leasing and construc- proposed for the new site. Westfield some additions, in the form of smaller granted for this year, schedules would tion firm, which has been doing busi- ordinances require 165 parking group teaching, would help the tran- probably have to change in the fu- Car Burglary Spree ness in Westfield for 11 years, pro- spaces; however, Paragano sition to the more challenging sixth- ture. posed a 41,281-square-foot building Westfield’s plans called for only 160. grade mathematics curriculum, he “However, I would like to carry on for the site. He said he believes the When a nearly identical applica- admitted he would rather see stu- the spirit of final exam week,” Dr. building will eventually house a law tion by Darbrian Realty Company, dents struggle a little bit. Foley stated. Under Investigation firm or another professional organi- the current owners of the property, “This is not an easy curriculum by In other business, the district will By SUZETTE STALKER days, according to Detective Sergeant zation. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Specially Written for The Westfield Leader any stretch. But if there isn’t any hire three new elementary school John M. Parizeau of the Westfield Mr. Paragano also proposed a Student Support Counselors for the A string of automobile burglaries angst, we ain’t (sic) done nothing,” Police Department. “tasteful, classic” sign, measuring Deadlines Told he said. coming year. This will mean one occurred in Westfield last weekend, The first burglaries were reported 12 feet by three feet, which would counselor for every two elementary in which cash and various items were For Submittals Dr. Foley also claimed that re- last Friday morning, and were be- comply with appropriate Westfield search indicated American parents schools. The job description indi- taken from nearly two dozen vehicles lieved to have taken place during the ordinances. The board required that cates that the new staff will focus on on both the north and south sides of To The Leader consistently set low expectations for night, Sergeant Parizeau confirmed. the ground-mounted monument sign their children in mathematics. students’ personal or social issues town, authorities said.
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