PETROLEUM AND ENERGY SUPPLY NATURAL GAS 5 AT A GLANCE Production of crude oil declined marginally during the year from 38.08 million tonnes (MT) in 2011/12 to 37.86 MT in 2012/13. On the other hand, imports of crude oil increased, Introduction in terms of both quantity and value. The total refining capacity and refinery throughput The production of crude oil declined marginally increased by nearly 2 MT and 16 MT, respectively, during during the year despite the increase in production the year. from the fields operated by Cairn India. The production of these fields is likely to increase further The government decided to decontrol the prices of as the Aishwarya field has commenced production. petroleum products in the country and the prices of diesel Imports of crude oil increased and the total outgo are being increased in small increments at regular intervals. on crude oil increased due to both depreciating In addition, the government has also introduced pilot exchange rate and rise in the prices of crude oil. schemes to initiate direct transfer of subsidies for kerosene The refining capacity of the country increased due and liquefied petroleum gas. to the expansion of the refinery at Essar-operated The domestic production of natural gas decreased during at Vadinar. The production of petroleum products the year to just over 40 billion cubic metres (BCM) from also increased during the year, particularly due 47.55 BCM in 2011/12. to increase in the production of motor spirit and The rising demand for imports has necessitated the diesel. The production of natural gas in the country establishment of new liquefied natural gas terminals in declined sharply due to a fall in production from Kakinada, Mangalore, and Gangavaram. the KG-D6 block. This led to an increase in the The recommendations of the Rangarajan Committee on purchase of liquefied natural gas (LNG). New revising the prices of natural gas had been accepted by contracts for additional imports of LNG were also the Cabinet and were due for implementation from 1 April signed during the year. The recommendations of 2014. However, Election Commission has now put this on the Rangarajan Committee on pricing of natural hold and the prices will be revised only after the elections gas have been accepted by the Cabinet and were to are over in mid-May. be implemented from 1 April 2014. The Election Till September 2012, 19 production-sharing contracts Commission has, however, put this on hold and (PSCs) were signed under the ninth round of bidding under the prices will be revised only after the elections the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP). Progress has are over in mid-May. A draft policy for exploration been slow on the Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP). of shale gas has also been announced, and the ministries concerned are currently reviewing the policy. Oil Crude oil supply Domestic production Oil production in the country fell by 0.7% in the financial year (FY) 2012/13 (Table 1) (MoPNG Energy supply Table 1 Trend in onshore–offshore crude oil production (in MT) Year Onshore Offshore Grand total ONGC OIL Private/JV Total ONGC Private/JV Total 2012/13 (P) 6.94 3.66 8.83 19.44 15.62 2.80 18.42 37.86 2011/12 7.38 3.85 6.79 18.02 16.33 3.73 20.06 38.08 2010/11 7.45 3.58 5.40 16.43 17.00 4.28 21.28 37.71 2009/10 7.51 3.57 0.73 11.81 17.34 4.52 21.86 33.67 2008/09 7.56 3.46 0.24 11.27 17.81 4.43 22.23 33.51 2007/08 7.92 3.10 0.19 11.21 18.02 4.88 22.90 34.11 2006/07 8.06 3.11 0.16 11.33 17.99 4.67 22.66 33.99 2005/06 8.10 3.23 0.10 11.43 16.31 4.45 20.76 32.19 2004/05 8.32 3.20 0.07 11.59 18.16 4.23 22.39 33.98 2003/04 8.38 3.00 0.07 11.46 17.68 4.24 21.92 33.38 2002/03 8.45 2.95 0.08 11.47 17.56 4.01 21.57 33.04 2001/02 8.64 3.18 0.07 11.89 16.07 4.07 20.14 32.03 2000/01 8.43 3.28 0.09 12.01 16.63 3.79 20.42 32.42 JV – joint venture; MT– million tonnes; OIL – Oil India Ltd; ONGC – Oil and Natural Gas Corporation; P – provisional Note The production figures have been rounded off to two decimal places. Sources MoPNG (2013); TERI (2013) 2013). The primary reason for shortfall was the of which was from the Middle East. Saudi Arabia steadily declining production levels of the Oil and and Iraq together account for a third of India’s total Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and the Oil oil imports.4 India’s July 2013 imports from Iran, India Limited (OIL). All their existing oil-producing however, were just 35 500 BOED, down 82% from fields have already reached their peak levels. Even a year ago due to international sanctions designed though production was expected to rise this year to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions (Winterbottom in light of Cairn India operated Aishwarya field and Goswami 2013). starting production, the figures were not included India’s crude import bill was $144 billion last since production started in Q1 of FY 2013.1 Cairn fiscal year—the largest part of its overall import India operated fields in Rajasthan produce 180 000 costs. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOED) at present, Gas (MoPNG) has undertaken several measures and plan to achieve more than 200 000 BOED by to cut the country’s oil costs after the rupee’s the end of this fiscal year.2 Cairn India intends to slide to record lows has left India facing an oil increase the production to 300 000 BOED, which bill potentially 50% higher than last year.5 An is almost 40% of India’s total production (Rowley action plan has been introduced and an Expert and White 2013). Table 2 shows the production of Committee appointed to reduce India’s import crude oil by region. dependence on oil by 50% by 2020, 75% by 2025, and 100% by 2030 (PTI 2013). Figure 1 shows the Import of crude oil trend in the quantity and value of crude oil imports in India, and Figure 2 compares total imports India imports about 80% of its oil, which accounts vis-à-vis imports of crude oil and petroleum for about 30% of its energy needs. India’s overall products. Table 3 gives the quantities of crude oil crude imports increased 7.6% in 2012/13,3 64% imports by country. 1 Cairn India Production Update FY 2012/13; details available at <www.cairnindia.com/Media/PressRelease/Press_Release_Q1_FY_2012_13.pdf> 2 Cairn India Financial Results Q1 FY 2013/14; details available at <www.cairnindia.com/IR/WebcastTranscripts/Transcript_for_Cairn_India_Ltd_Q1_FY2013-14_010813. pdf> 3 Details available at <http://ppac.org.in> 4 US Energy Information Administration—India Energy Report (March 2013) 5 Lok Sabha unstarred Question No. 3160, answered on 15 March 2013 84 TERI Energy & Environment Data Directory and Yearbook 2013/14 Petroleum and natural gas Table 2 Production of crude oil by region (in MT) Year Onshore Offshore Grand total Arunachal Andhra Assam/ Gujarat/ Onshore Private/JV Mumbai Offshore total Pradesh Pradesh/ Nagaland Rajasthan total High Tamil Nadu 2012/13 (P) 0.12 0.53 4.86 13.90 19.44 2.80 15.62 18.42 37.86 2011/12 0.12 0.56 5.02 12.33 18.03 3.73 16.33 20.06 38.08 2010/11 0.12 0.54 4.72 11.05 16.43 4.28 17.00 21.28 37.71 2009/10 0.13 0.54 4.73 6.40 11.81 4.52 17.34 21.86 33.67 2008/09 0.10 0.55 4.67 5.94 11.27 4.43 17.80 22.23 33.51 2007/08 0.10 0.57 4.36 6.18 11.21 4.88 18.02 22.90 34.11 2006/07 0.12 0.61 4.39 6.21 11.33 4.67 17.99 22.66 33.99 2005/06 0.10 0.6 4.47 6.25 11.43 4.45 16.31 20.76 32.19 2004/05 0.08 0.62 4.70 6.19 11.59 4.23 18.16 22.39 33.98 2003/04 0.08 0.66 4.59 6.13 11.46 4.24 17.68 21.92 33.37 2002/03 0.07 0.7 4.66 6.04 11.47 4.01 17.56 21.57 33.04 2001/02 0.07 0.72 5.10 6.00 11.89 4.07 16.07 20.14 32.03 2000/01 0.08 0.7 5.20 5.82 11.79 4.01 16.63 20.64 32.43 JV – joint venture; MT – million tonnes; P – provisional Sources MoPNG (2013); TERI (2013) '000 tonnes ` crore 200000 900000 ` crore 180000 800000 3000000 160000 700000 2500000 140000 600000 120000 500000 2000000 100000 400000 80000 1500000 60000 300000 40000 200000 1000000 100000 20000 500000 0 0 7 0 1 2 0 3(P) 7/08 10/1 1/1 1 4 7 0 1 2 1 2/1 3(P) 2006/0200 2008/092009/120 20 1 1/02 7/08 10/111/1 20 2000/0200 2002/032003/02004/052005/062006/0200 2008/092009/120 20 12/1 20 Crude oil imports (in MT) Petroleum, crude oil and product imports Total goods imports Value of crude oil imports (in ` crore) Figure 1 Quantity and value of crude oil imports in Figure 2 Imports of crude oil and petroleum products India vis-à-vis total imports P – provisional figures P – provisional figures Source <http://ppac.org.in> Source <www.rbi.org.in> TERI Energy & Environment Data Directory and Yearbook 2013/14 85 Energy supply Table 3 Quantities of crude oil imports (in MT) by country Region Country 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Middle East Saudi Arabia 26.99 25.94 27.14 27.39 32.52 Iraq 14.29 14.39 14.95 16.83 24.11 Kuwait 10.31 14.77 11.82 11.49 17.73 Iran 19.49 21.81 21.20 18.50 18.11 UAE 10.86 13.86 11.60 14.74 15.79 Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Neutral Zone, 11 4.19 17.01 16.03 10.38 Syria Subtotal 92.94 94.96 103.72 104.98 118.64 Africa Nigeria 9.92 10.54 13.2 15.81 14.13 Angola 4.34 5.31 8.99 9.95 9.01 Egypt, Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, 7.23 5.38 10.75 9.82 7.99 Sudan, Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Libya, Gabon, Chad, West Africa Subtotal 21.49 21.23 32.94 35.58 31.13 Asia Malaysia, Brunei, China, Singapore, 4.63 4.90 3.95 3.27 3.43 South Korea Subtotal 4.63 4.9 3.95 3.27 3.44 South America Venezuela 1.17 7.56 7.30 10.4 9.56 Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama 0.26 0.07 4.79 4.66 4.98 Subtotal 1.43 7.63 12.09 15.06 14.54 Eurasia Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia 2.47 1.81 3.98 1.54 1.04 North America Mexico, Canada 1.37 2.15 1.97 1.28 2.28 Europe Albania, Norway, Turkey, UK 0.41 0.22 0.2 0.02 Australia Australia 0.17 0.09 0.36 1.69 0.65 Total 124.91 132.77 159.23 163.6 171.74 MT – million tonnes; UAE – United Arab Emirates Note Relatively smaller values have been added and reported as “others” in each region.
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