•; i- i; & ^Volume 37 July T97p^ /Number _2 PROCEEDINGS '('.*.' ': .".\\ semiannual journal of\ devoted #o '' Helmi^tholpgy and all ^ branches/ of Parqsitology in partby the '. Ransom M a yolun)e;>'ForeJgh;^$9.5d , , jRiCHAjRD 'E. AND DAVID Ei ,WoRii:y. (Qchoiona princeps) in Two' ^Counties ; in ^^South-<Ssiitfal\, \vith New Host Records '----^^-~T-----i~l---'--^^-- (A. MpfW^mt"^ idae ) ;;fro m the Porcupirie^Efet/ititoh \darsatum L. ; (TR6dentiia ) L., ^E, R. p. .AND CAROLYjsrTl. SANB'ORN. TWp <)yjiduct flukes frorn IReptiies i in Indiana:' Telorchis oampactussp.ti.^and .a !' Previously Described Speciesii; M. L., I. Li, LiisDAkt^it D. teNZiE.rG. E^Wiarnvig>aE, AND A. /L. :\VDtSoN. ox Effect of ' Management Systems on tiie i^rowtia J of . Lambs 'and .-..pfeyeldprrient of Infernal Parasitism o IV:) Field Trials^ with- Lambs on Drylot and Pasture Involving Medication wiA iThiaberidazble ^nd Purifie(| Microriized \Phenothiazine A™-^ .-..-,.„;.,. - w. ":! '•' - ,^ ••' • ' ' • s • -- • • - • . - - T - - - ----- • --- -. C^AnJEYj 'MURJRAY Dv - The Transmission of Por4/iZaroides/H4cor'tw,x(Nemat6da; ;-.V. Metastrongyloidei) iri^ the Galifornia^ Sea.Lipn ;(!ZaiQp7itw;' caZtjbmicnu?)!...! FISCHTHAL, JACOB H.,: A'NP J. D. THO^IAS. Digehetic^ Trematpcfes of Marine ! '.f' :Fishes;fr6m Ghana: Fairiily^Oipecpeliclae >"^laiV---—^-~:----^-^----:----t--------i- "•- .";*YU •/ ^S'"V'A'T (Continued on Back QoverY . ": sJc f- I-;.V '••'•'-', Y^ Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington V-;'^HE HElMlNTHOLOGICAL fOCIETT OF WASHINGTON ^ < ; SOCIETY meets onceVm6nth from October through May for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and <ill branchesrof parasitdlogy or related^sciences. ,AH interested persons are^invited^ to attendv- " V( ^ , . .• ' - ]~'T v 1 7 >•' f'' Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain applie&iion blanks from the; Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Edna M. Buhrer, :Belts- ville Parasitological Laboratory, Agricultufat Bese'areh Genter.^Beltsvilleii Maryland 20705. A year's subscription to the Proceedings is included in th£ annual dues ('$$.00'). - L ; .;-,. , v OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1970 President: A; JAMES HALEY J^ •.-''<••, -^-\- .' > ''&'£-£. Vice President:-^ E. J. L; SOULSBY : A ^ ^ v ^ -i Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer^ EDNA M. BUHBJER h . ,\ Treasurer: LlpYD E. ROZEBOOM ; \ Assistant, Corresponding Se^fetofyrr^ecwfer: HALSJEY\H.;VEGORS: Recofding Secretary,: ROBERT S. ISENSTEIN, r : - ^ ' Librarian: JUDITH M; HUMPHREY (19oi^' ) ;- - iArcito*: WILLARD,W. BECKLUND (1Q67- ) ;,; •."• j ; ;, ; Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences; AtJREL p. Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists: ; ' _' •"-•.. ^GEORGE W. LUTTERMOSER (1969^- ) ^, f- - ~ ; Executive Committee Members-fft-Large: GILBERT F. OTTO} 1970 :':^-^:-^., 'V'-:.,r -V:..'-.''I."'--1''''1.11.'."-- THOMAS K. SAWYER^ /i971 3THE PRdCEEDINGS OF THE HELAAINTHOLOGICAL SQCIETY OF WASHINGtON /THE ^PROCEEDINGS are; publishedv s^miarinually at Lawrence, Kansas by the Hehriintho- *-/ logical Society of "V\fashington. Papers 'need <not be presented at a mee^ting 'to be pubh'shed v /,in/ithe Proceedings^ Howeyer, non-members may publish in ,the Prpceedirigs only i if they doritributp the '"fuil cost of publication. ; v x ; ^ i , \ - ,, " MANUSCRIPtS should be seAt to -the ^DITOR, Francis G. .Tromb^ Beltsville Parasito- logical 'Laboratory, Agricultural Research Qeiiter, | Beltsville, Maryland >20705r Manuscripts must be typewritteny double spaced, arid in>finisiied form. Only the tibbbn ebpy( will be vaccepte^/fbr/; publication; it is Accepted with the understanding ^that it will be/published onl^ rin the Proceedings. ' /- -'".'"/ -^.. '•'•:•. ''' -'"/i/. / v-' : ~-'~:'' ';'••- ~ -- ' •• :••- '' ^ • -•';• •' '-- •" '-•••' V/: :,-.~ / : IlEPRlNTS: niay be ordered from ^the PRINTER at tde same '.time the corrected proiof ;is returned to the EDITOR. •':."r" "..^v'. V:'.^-. '•''."•' '; '." '. '.• •/; , '<•-• l ,•':-: "-" i% 71:' --' /ypLUMES' of the Proceedings are^ available; . Inquiries eoncerning back volurries krid current jSubscriptions should be directed to: Hehninthological Society of Washington, c/o Allen Press, Inc.', 1041 New Hampshire St., I^wrence, Kansas '66044, U.S.A. / / ^BUSINESS 'OFFIGE. The Society's>business office is at /Lawrence, :Kansas. ^All' mquiries , eoncerning subscriptions tor bafck issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, c/o Allen Press, Inic^ J.041 : New Hampshire i St., Lawrence,, Kansas 66Q44,^3.S.A. /*• :l-,~. j'-,V .V ' \ ! ; / y •<•-• EDITORIAL BpARD Vf V i FRANCIS G.^TROMBX, Editor WILBUR L. BULLOCK - :' •' ;*. ••<• ALLEN McINTOSH s J \ ) WILLIAM R. NICKLE ;- MAY (BELLE CHITWOOD . f- JA^Ofe H. FISCHTHAL t;> J< ' ;h: GILBERT F. OTTO 'A * WILLIAM J, HARGIS, JR.,/ '(.',: ** '& ^DE^EY^J/ RAS.KI"'. •: *;> 'T. -GLENN L. J3OFFMAN ~ :M ! HARLEY/6,.SHEFFIELD\ LOREN R. KRUSBERG- \N T. LUCKER: " ^'A ',\ $"• PAUI AR^iEN>C.'TARJAN",L p. wEiNSTEiN :' -• s- ^ JOHN S.-MACKIEWICZ '" - Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 37 JULY 1970 NUMBER 2 Digenetic Trematodes of Marine Fishes from Ghana: Family Opecoelidae1 JACOB H. FISCHTHAL AND J. D. THOMAS2 ABSTRACT: Seven new and two previously described species of digenetic trematodes in the family Ope- coelidae are reported from marine fishes from Ghana. A new genus Pedunculotrema is erected for two new species, P. ghanensis (type) from liognathid and P. capecoastensis from pomadasyid fishes. This genus is closest to Plagiopoms Stafford, 1904, and Pseudoplagioporus Yamaguti, 1938, differing signifi- cantly in having the acetabulum stalked; it also is close to Podocotyloides Yamaguti, 1934, differing in having a postoral circular muscle ring, diagonal testes with their levels overlapping, the seminal vesicle tripartite, and the ovary opposite the anterior testis. Other new species are: Poracanthium ghanensis from polynemid, carangid and rhinobatid fishes; Pseudopecoehis ghanensis from a sciaenid fish; Podo- cotijle tememis from a serranid fish; Podocotyloides chloroscombri from a carangid fish; Plagioporus gerridis from a liognathid fish. Previously described species are: Pseudopecoelus tortugae von Wicklen, 1946, from trichiurid and sciaenid fishes; Helicometrafasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902, from clinid, pomacentrid, sciaenid, lutjanid, gobiid and clupeid fishes. The trematodes of this report were killed in DATES: 12 January, 3 February 1966 (G. hot water, transferred immediately to Lavdow- decadactijlus, Cape Coast); 12, 19 January sky's FAA fixative for 24 hr, and then stored 1966 (P. quinquarius, Cape Coast). in 70% alcohol plus 3% glycerine; whole SPECIMENS: USNM Helm. Coll. No. 70663 mounts were stained with Mayer's carmalum (holotype, from G. decadactijlus}; No. 70664 and mounted in permount. Specimens have (paratypes, G. decadactijlus}; No. 70665 (para- been deposited in the U. S. National Museum type, P. quinquarius); No. 70666 (paratype, C. Helminthological Collection as noted. All mea- hippos); No. 70667 (paratypes, R. albomacu- surements are in microns latus). DIAGNOSIS (based on 90 specimens, 16 adults Poracanthium ghanensis sp. n. measured): Body elongate, narrow, unspined, (Figs. 1-2, 15-17) extremities round, with stalk bearing acetabu- HOSTS: Galeoides decadactijlus (Bloch) lum, 1,870-2,420 by 190-310 at level of stalk. (type), Pentanemus quinquarkis (L.), thread- Forebody 310-405 long; hindbody 1,345-1,895 fins (Polynemiclae); Caranx hippos (L.), jack long; forebocly—hinclbocly length ratio 1:3.3—5.8. or horse mackerel (Carangiclae); Rhinobatus Preoral space usually present, up to 10 long. albomaculatits Norman, white-spotted guitarfish Stalk variable in length depending on state of (Rhinobatidae). contraction or extension, projecting 158—220 HABITATS: Stomach (R. albomaculatus); from body in relaxed specimens, 120-175 wide small intestine (others). at base, center at anterior 18-26% of body LOCALITIES: Cape Coast, Tema; Ghana. length. Oral sucker subterminal ventral, slightly longer than wide, 107-121 by 98-114. Acetab- 1 Contribution from the Department of Biology, State ulum at distal end of stalk, transversely elon- University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901 (J. H. Fischthal). gate, 100-127 by 123-149, bearing four simple - Address of J. D. Thomas: School of Biological Sciences, The University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, Sussex, England. digitiform papillae on anterior margin of trans- 129 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY verse slitlike opening and three on posterior. testicular, in tandem with testes. Oviduct Sucker length ratio 1:0.92-1.11, width ratio emerging from anterior tip of ovary. Uterus 1:1.12-1.46. Prepharynx 29-51 long; pharynx short, intercecal, coiling only between ovary 95-112 by 65-80; esophagus 99-167 long; and proximal part of seminal vesicle, ascending cecal bifurcation overlapping region of acetabu- with slight undulations ventral to seminal vesicle lar stalk; ceca narrow, following contour of and dorsal to acetabular stalk, gland cells along gonads but may slightly overlap them dorsally, entire length. Metraterm thick walled, muscu- uniting near posterior extremity, rectum short, lar, commencing at level of pars prostatica, anus terminal. opening into genital atrium close
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