ao Record Crowd Goes not be 80 by. oil owan ito they Seroing the State University of lowo and the People of IOfDtJ Cit" ~oW.W. ~ginee r Establisbed in 1861 10 Cents Per ~ • - FrIday, Septembet 27, ~ission. To First Pep Rally lh rea. ndilions By JULIE NELSON of the Sta" Wrlt.r Nov. Fingers of name reached into the sky and floating sparks melted into -As McNamara Tours- twinkling slars as the Iowa Fight Song echoed across the watching river. Backing away from the heat of lhe fire was the "biggest crowd" of students Coach Jerry Bums had seen at a Pep Rally in his ten years at SUI. The blaze, termed "oiee" by 10WI\ City liremen on the scene, signified "the heights th 1)1 foot. ge, u ue ball tenm can n pire 10 this ea· son", according to master o{ cere· monies Frank Pal ton, A3. Wil· mette, III. And in all the excitement of the approaching Cirst footbaU game of Ambassador Charges the sea on Saturday. the clue to the identity of the unknown "Mi l Pep" was omitted. Mrs. Nhu Iinsuiting So here it is: "Roses are red , vinegar's sour, AI • Vi t Miss Pep and her burdl'n, are Lodg nd sometimes cnlled the girl oC the hour." about h r d Editor'S note: (?) During the 45 minute rally be­ hind the Iowa Memorial Union, * Yell Leaders and Pom Pom girls Defense Head were introduced, team co-coptains Paul Krouse and Wally Hllgen· berg pledged the best efforts of Is Pleased the team Saturday, and Coach Burns guaranteed a win. SAIGON, South VI ~am WI - In addition, Patton compared the approaching football season to that oC 1956 when the team "brought home a bouquet of ro ea." Todny, cheering block practice will be held in Macbride Audito­ rium at 4:30 p.m., and Saturday - Iowa vs. Washington State I Grace/s Niece, Architect/s Son ToWedinD.M. McNamara On The Scene DES MOINES IA'I- Com Iy Mary Burn l Cougars l Burn Lee Davis, I5-year·old niece of Th. optn doer of a U.S. Marin. Corp hellcopt.r rilla .. Marin. Gunn.r Sgt. Franklin D. RII.y, Princes Grace of Monaco, and th providad U.S. S.cr.tary of D.fenlt Robert S. Me· VIctor, W. VI., sltl besld. McNamara wllh In Irm Mor. than 2,500 students crowd around the Union footbrldg. Ind young man she loves plan a simple N mllrll a clear view of South VI.t N m t.rraln draped over the machin. gun mounted In the door, 10lNa River Thursday night liS II bonfire burns brightly, climaxing wedding ceremony, pos Ibly Fri· al he left Tim Ky today. Th. eopter was carryln. Gen. MalIw.1t D. Taylor, Chl.f of the Joint Chi.,. the first pep rli lly of tha Hason. lowe meets Wllshlngton St.t. in day. him to the command post of In oper.tlon thlt lIOt of StaH, accompanied McNamara on a 1,OGO·mlla The love affair with the int r· Its open In ••am. of the season her. Saturday .fttrnoon. underway today In the foothills of Tam Ky, 150 In peel on tour through South VI .. Ham today. -Photo by Joe Lippincott national navor came to Ilght Tu s· day night when police picked up mil .. north of SlIlgon. I.alnst Communist .Utr· -AP Wirephoto Mary Lee and John Paul Jon Jr., ~--------~~------ 19, chlldriin or weallhy Phlladel· phia parents. ~laik, Royall Meet with Council; The young couple, missing for a month, had been living here in an Valachi1s Testimony Delights $85·a·month apartment. Thursday Jones' father, on archl. Police Have Lead in Bombing tect, helped his son and future daughter·ln.law through the neces· BIRMINGHAM, Ala. IA'I - City Senators, Upsets Gangsters sory red tape to get a license and councilmen scheduled a special Students at Yale be married. Among other things, Mobster Joseph Valachi, 50, -----------------------­ closed meeting today with the two· they were to buy a wedding ring. spent two lind a half hours Thurs· Because oC Mary Lee's age she man presidential fact·finding team day spilling the beans to the Sen· Buck Authorities, can not be married in Iowa with· U.S. planes and helicopters took as Birmingham police announced ate Investigations Subcommittee. they had "something to work on" out the court's permission. This McNamara, G n. Maxwell D. Tay· was granted Wednesday by District Behind heavily guarded doors he in investigation of the city's latest Reinvite Wallace lor, chairman of the Joint Chief, Judge Tom Murrow. talked freely, an wering commit· 01 Stolf, and their aides to [our bombing. NEW HA9VEN, Conn. IA'I- Two Earlier Wednesday the young tee qu stion and putting the finger key regions in the first of several The meeting will be held with Yale student organizations over· people had received parental per· on underworld big shots. field trip on which McNamara former Army Secretary Kennedy C. rode university and city officials mission to marry aCter the elder proposes "to look under every Thursday and invited Gov. George Jones and Eugene Conlan, Miss Royall and former West Point Afterwards, Chairman John Me· bush and rock" to determine how C. Wallace of Alabama to speak Davis' stepfather, flew to Des Clellan (D·Ark.l said he didn't the war is going. coach Earl H. Blaik who were on the campus. Moines. think Valachi was holding anything McNamara and Taylor talked sent here by President Kennedy to The move came only a week Iowa law says that a girl under back. "1 sensed no unwillingness with American and Vietnamese of· seek racial harmony. aCter a previous student invitation 16 years can not marry, even with to the segregationist governor was parental consent, unless the court or hesitancy to tell anything he ficers, with a Communist Viet eonl The meeting will mark the third prisoner and with several men who withdrawn under pressure. grants permission and then only if knows." straight day Blaik and Royall have parenthood is in prospect. de rted guerrlJla ranks to join the Act i n g University President Today, Valachi will go before the government forces. conferred with Birmingham white Kingman Brewster Jr. and New The elder Jones said today "we subcommiltee again in a public McNamara showed special Inter· Britain Favors and Negro civic business leaders. Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee said were mad as hops when we found they still did not like the idea of out" what the couple had done. hearing and repeat most, but not cst in the conical·hatted prl5oner, Meanwhile, Birmingham Detec· "Now that we have determined quite all , of what be told the Sen· captured Wednesday aeter Marine Wallace's coming but would not ators in Thursday morning's ses· tive Ll. Maurice House, investigat· stand in the way if the Governor that lhls is no ny·by·nlght infatu· helicopters lifted 500 infantrymen sion . NATO Fleet ing the decoy·type bombing which accepts the new invitation. ation, that Mary Lee and John are and rangers into the footbill. near Tam Ky. rocked southside Birmingham on Wallace could not be reached im· really in love, we are all pretty McClellan and Sen. Karl Mundt UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. WI - happy about it," he aded. CR·S.D.), in a joint news confer· Through an interpreter, McNa· Britain made a bid Thursday to Wednesday mormng, disclosed that mediately for comment. The invilation came from the When the wedding will take place ence, said some matters Valachi mara asked: "Why did you join the join the planning for a NATO nu· evidence Cound at the scene "gives World Community Association of has not been announced, but pre· disclosed would not be explored Communists?" clear lIeet but encountered U.S. us something to work on." Yale Law School and the Yale sumably it will occur Friday. publicly because the subcommittee "I had no choice," the prisoner resistance on one of London's Police said two explos ions oc· Law Forum. They asked Wallace Miss Davis, a Catholic, was has decided that "it would not be said. terms. curred Wednesday morning, and to speak some time in mid·Novem· Princess Grace's flower girl when in the public interest to do so." 12, DlplomaUc sources listed the 1 the first, a light blast, apparently ber. she married Prince Rainier in 1956. They declined to give any clues bid as one of the main results of was designed to lure Negro resi· Thursday's invitation was signed Jones is an Episcopalian. to the nature of these matters, ex· Dominicans Oust a wide-ranging discussion between dents and police out onto the street, " Our thinking is that the wed· by Arnold Villamil and James R. plaining that some of them affected F.. turad on the 1963 Homecoming bad". is the portrait of Vlr.il Secretary of State Dean Rusk and where they would have been caught Lowe Jr., third·year law students. ding will be performed quietly," British Foreign Secretary Lord pending prosecutions and that Val· M. Hincher, who hal jus' stlrttct hi. 24th .nd fin.1 y.ar as presi­ Their President by a second blast from a shrapnel Villamil is co· chairman of the the father said. "Then, we hope, achi had asked to be excused from Home. d.n' of the University. Pr.lident Hancher, a native of Rolfe, t bomb. WCA, whose membership is equal· that will be it." discussing at least one of the mat· SANTO DOMINGO, DomInican Th -- t'th So let F Republic (.ft _ A right.wlng, anti.
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