Select Board Regular Meeting Monday, January 6, 2020 7:00 PM Longmeadow High School Meeting Room A15 535 Bliss Road, Longmeadow, MA AGENDA 1. Open Session, Announcement of Audio and Video Recording, Pledge of Allegiance 2. Announcements Announcements for 1-6-20 meeting Documents: ANNOUCEMENT FOR 1-6-2020 MEETING.PDF 3. Resident Comments 4. Select Board Comments 5. Town Manager's Report TM Report 1-6-20 Documents: TM REPORT JANUARY 6, 2020.PDF 6. Chair's Report 7. Old Business 1. Approve Minutes: December 16, 2019 Regular Meeting Documents: 12 16 19 DRAFT MINUTES.PDF 2. Quarterly Board/Committee Appointments Documents: APPOINTMENTS MEMO.PDF 3. Charter Changes-Review/Discussion and update on the Charter Review Committee Report and next steps Charter Review Committee Final Report Documents: CHARTER REVIEW COMM FINAL REPORT.PDF 4. Select Board Town Manager Policies-Discussion on process to review, update and revise the policies Select Board Town Manager Policies Book Documents: SELECT BOARD TOWN MANAGER POLICIES BOOK 8-2019.PDF 8. New Business 1. Set Annual Town Election Date Documents: PROPOSED ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION 2020.PDF 9. Board/Committee Minutes 10. Correspondence received by Select Board 1. PVTA Letter 12/20/19 Documents: PVTA LETTER 12 20 19_0001.PDF 2. Senator Warren Letter 11/14/19 Documents: SENATOR WARREN LETTER 11 14 19.PDF 11. Adjourn ~ The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. ~ Select Board Regular Meeting Monday, January 6, 2020 7:00 PM Longmeadow High School Meeting Room A15 535 Bliss Road, Longmeadow, MA AGENDA 1. Open Session, Announcement of Audio and Video Recording, Pledge of Allegiance 2. Announcements Announcements for 1-6-20 meeting Documents: ANNOUCEMENT FOR 1-6-2020 MEETING.PDF 3. Resident Comments 4. Select Board Comments 5. Town Manager's Report TM Report 1-6-20 Documents: TM REPORT JANUARY 6, 2020.PDF 6. Chair's Report 7. Old Business 1. Approve Minutes: December 16, 2019 Regular Meeting Documents: 12 16 19 DRAFT MINUTES.PDF 2. Quarterly Board/Committee Appointments Documents: APPOINTMENTS MEMO.PDF 3. Charter Changes-Review/Discussion and update on the Charter Review Committee Report and next steps Charter Review Committee Final Report Documents: CHARTER REVIEW COMM FINAL REPORT.PDF 4. Select Board Town Manager Policies-Discussion on process to review, update and revise the policies Select Board Town Manager Policies Book Documents: SELECT BOARD TOWN MANAGER POLICIES BOOK 8-2019.PDF 8. New Business 1. Set Annual Town Election Date Documents: PROPOSED ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION 2020.PDF 9. Board/Committee Minutes 10. Correspondence received by Select Board 1. PVTA Letter 12/20/19 Documents: PVTA LETTER 12 20 19_0001.PDF 2. Senator Warren Letter 11/14/19 Documents: SENATOR WARREN LETTER 11 14 19.PDF 11. Adjourn ~ The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR JANUARY 6, 2020 SELECT BOARD MEETING* Trash Amnesty Reminder New Select Board Agendas A new agenda format for Select Board meetings has been introduced for 2020. This new format will integrate the documents or items being discussed and provide links directly from the agenda to the document. Senior Housing Task Force Applicants are being accepted for the Senior Housing Task Force until January 15. Residents can complete an online application or stop by the Select Board office to fill one out. Streetlights The streetlights that were previously owned and maintained by Eversource are now owned and maintained by the Town of Longmeadow. If you need to report an issue with a streetlight there are multiple ways to notify the DPW, you can complete a short online form at http://www.longmeadow.org/1176/Streetlights, call the DPW at 567-3400 or email [email protected]. Dagle Electric has be contracted with to provide maintenance of the town owned streetlights. *There may be additional announcements during the Select Board meeting Town of Longmeadow Select Board & Town Manager 20 Williams Street • Longmeadow, MA 01106 Tel. (413) 565-4110 • FAX (413) 565-4112 TO: Chairman Angelides and Members of the Select Board FROM: Lyn N. Simmons, Town Manager DATE: January 6, 2020 SUBJECT: Town Manager Report Online Board, Committee or Commission Application A new application for serving on a town board, committee or commission is now available to be completed and submitted online. When an applicant submits the application it is sent directly to Debbie via email. This should make it much easier for people applying from home. Here is a link to the new application. The standard paper application is also still available for those who prefer to download an application or fill one out in person at the Select Board’s office. Regional Efforts Over the next few weeks I will be working to convene meetings with the regional town managers and town administrators in the neighboring communities. There are opportunities to work together on initiatives that could share each community money while increasing or enhancing services. FY2021 Budget Departments have submitted budgets for FY21. I will be working with the Finance Director and the individual departments in the coming weeks to review the submissions in preparation of submitting the FY2021 budget in February. 12/16/19 Regular Meeting DRAFT Select Board Regular Meeting Monday December 16, 2019 - 7:00 p.m. Longmeadow High School, Room A15, 535 Bliss Road, Longmeadow, MA Present: Chair Marie Angelides, Mark Gold, Thomas Lachiusa, Marc Strange and Richard Foster. Also Present: Town Manager Lyn Simmons, Paul Pasterczyk, Debbie House, Officer Rob Lombardi, Atty. Haian Lin, Atty. Robert Schmidt, Jeannette Norman, Christine Gendron, David Marinelli, Nick Jorge, Eric Weiss (PVPC), Jessica Guerra, Michael Zeller Interviewees: Paul Gorman, Adam Metsch, Jan Komaiszko, Steven Marantz Open Session Chair Angelides opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Announcements: 1. Code Red is the town’s emergency notification system. Information is available on the town’s website and in the Library and town departments. Sign up to receive town notifications by email or phone. 2. There is a vacancy on the Planning Board. Interested residents should submit an application to the Select Board’s office by January 2. A joint meeting of the Planning Board and Select Board has been scheduled for January 6 to interview applicants. The appointment will be until the Annual Town Elections in June. Resident comments: none Select Board Comments: none Town Manager’s Report: 1. Planning Board vacancy as mentioned above under Announcements. 2. The Westcomm Police data migration was completed on December 9th. All Police, Fire, and EMS calls are being dispatched from Westcomm. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on December 20. 3. Ms. Simmons submitted the FY21 capital plan and 5-year plan to the Capital Planning Committee on December 11. 4. The town will be receiving a cyber security grant in the amount of $8,800 from MIIA. IT Director, Nick Jorge applied for the grant. 5. The Birnie Road landfill closure work started the week of November 25, 2019. The asbestos containing material abatement work is completed and vegetation clearing will begin once snow cleanup is done. 6. A town wide survey on the open space and recreational plan will start in January with public sessions scheduled for March. 7. Longmeadow schools were not invited into the MSBA eligibility period this year. 8. Residents will be allowed to put out one extra trash bag between December 30 – January 10. Mr. Lachiusa would like notice of school sport accomplishments. Ms. Simmons will look into this. 7:15 Liquor License Violation Hearing for Ume Asian Bistro – Mr. Gold made the motion to open the liquor license violation hearing for Ume Asian Bistro at 7:15 p.m. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. The vote was 5 in favor and 0 opposed. Officer Rob Lombardi attended for the Longmeadow Police Department and Atty. Haian Lin attended for the licensee. Officer Lombardi read the Police report regarding the allegation that on November 21, 2019 alcohol was served to a person under 21 years of age at Ume Asian Bistro in violation of MGL Chapter 138, Section 34. Atty. Lin stated that this was an honest mistake by a new employee. The manager is very sorry that this happened and is reminding his staff daily of the rules for checking identification. Ume has passed compliance checks for the past several years without a problem. Atty. Lin apologized for not having current Tips alcohol training certification cards for his employees on file in the Select Board’s office. They will be submitted. The manager trained the employee who made the violation again and issued a 12/16/19 Regular Meeting suspension. Mr. Foster noted that he believes after a 2-year period without a violation, the state considers a business to have a clean slate. Mr. Gold noted that the town’s liquor violation policy states that if the employee that caused the violation has not completed Tips or Safe Serve alcohol training, the action will be one greater in the hierarchy. After a Warning, the next step in the policy is a 1-5 day license suspension. Mr. Gold made the motion to close the liquor license violation hearing for Ume Asian Bistro at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Foster seconded the motion.
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