. - =1".1 www.americanradiohistory.com the perfect tonic for your radio Is your set "run down" after long, constant use? The finest radio tonic known is to install a correct, new tube in every socket of your set. One inferior or old tube may be crippling your set and causing poor reception. Have your dealer test your tubes and install new, wide -awake Cunningham Radio Tubes to replace the old ones. E. T. CUNNINGHAM, INC. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO Manufactured and sold under rights, patente and inventions owned and /or controlled by Radio Corporation of America. ',NADIO TUBES www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for July, 1928 1 Follow the Example of Thousands --Join the Radio Association -Learn Radio -Take Advantage of its Big -Pay Opportunities ASSOCIATION OF Doubled His Income in Two Months You will have the benefit of proven busi- THE RADIO ness- building plans. Our Employment AMERICA will help you make Member W. E. Thom, Chicago, was a Service will be at your disposal. You money in Radio, full or part -time. It clerk in a hardware store when he joined will have the privilege of buying radio will teach you how to build and repair the Association. The training we gave parts at wholesale. You will have the the manager- in business, if you wish. him enabled him to secure Association behind you in carrying out sets; start you ship of the Radio Department of a large your ambitions. store at a 220% increased salary. "I attribute my success entirely to the You the No -Cost Earned $500 in Spare Hours ACT NOW-If Want Radio Association," he writes. "Your Membership Plan method of instruction is wonderful." of members earn $3 an hour Hundreds Membership in the Association has in- Now is the time for you to join. The serving their communities as "radio creased the salaries of innumerable men. success of the Association was so tre- doctors." Member Lyle Follick. Some turned their extra hours into cash, mendous during 1927 that we are still being "radio doctors" for their neighbors; able to offer a limited number of Mem- Lansing, Michigan, has already made others by accepting employment with $500 in his spare time. Member berships that may not -need not-cost neighborhood radio dealers. Scores of our you a cent. To secure one of them, write Werner Eichler, Rochester, N. Y., is members are now connected with big today without fail. We will send you earning $50 a week. Member F. J. radio organizations in different capacities. details, and also our book, "Your Oppor- Others are proprietors of prosperous tunity in the Radio Industry," that will Buckley, Sedalia, Mo., is earning as stores. in his spare time as he open your eyes to the possibilities in Radio much money us from you at once. receives from his employer. for you. Let hear From Clerk to Owner The Association will train you to be a "radio doctor" and to build sets "tailored" "In 1922 I was a clerk," writes Member to your neighborhood needs, that you can K. O. Benzing, McGregor, la., "when I RADIO ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA sell for less than the "ready-made" sets enrolled. Since then I have built hun- 4513 Ravenswood Avenue III. RN offered by your local dealers. dreds of sets-from 1 -tube Regenerative Chicago, Dept. -7 to Superheterodynes. Gentlemen: "I am now operating my own store and Please send me by return mail full We Will Start You in Business my income is 400% greater than when details of your Special Membership I joined the Association. My entire success Plan. and also a copy of your book. "Your Opportunity in the Radio In- If you prefer a business of your own is due to the splendid help you have given dustry." to becoming a Radio Engineer, our co- me." operative plan will start you in a business of your own without capital. Membership Privileges Name This plan gives the ambitious man his opportunity to establish himself in his If interested in Radio as a profession or community. a profitable hobby, join the Association. You will receive a comprehensive and Many have followed this plan and estab- practical training in Radio that will fit lished radio stores. you for Radio's big -pay opportunities. stlt^ www.americanradiohistory.com l Radio News for July, 1928 ,,/ 41/,4_"AA-144.1,/ NE WS Volume 10 JULY, 1928 Number 1 Contents of This Issue "Radio Concerts" By Hugo Gernsback 7 ¡ The Radio Beginner -A Cheap, Practic- able Receiver "Sure, 'Then? Was the Happy Days" ( ?) -The Crystal Set 33 By Charles Magee Admits 8 A "Junk Box" Short -Wave Receiver Radio Behind Prison Walls By Robert Hertzberg 36 By 011ie Meloay, No. 52(107 10 A.C. Tubes Require Special Wiring Care 39 Radio Aids Marine l'ire Fighters 12 A Sturdy and Dependable "B" Power Unit 40 The Passing of the Third -Floor Quack Improving Reception on a Thin Pocket- By Robert Francis Smith 14 book By Luther C. Dilatush 44 How Many Stations on One Wavelength? RADIO NEWS Monthly Prize for Construc- (Part II) By J. H. Barron, Jr. 16 tors-An Announcement 46 Radio Programs to Suit the Thermometer Radio Wrinkles 47 By V. Showell 17 Julia A Simple Remote -Control Device The Listener Speaks By Himself 18 By William F. Crosby 48 13roadcastatics 19 Interstage Coupling for Screen -Grid 'Pubes Television-Practical Demonstrations Over By E. H. Rietzke and N. M. Cooke 50 WR NY By Theodore H. Nakken 20 Methods of Obtaining Suitable Screen -Grid Vacuum Cameras to Speed Up Television Voltage By H. A. Pelton 51 By R. P. Clarkson 22 Letters from Home Radio Constructors 52 Radio Aerials By Fred H. Canfield 2i Radiotics 54 list of Broadcast Station Calls 28 I Want to Know By C. W. Palmer .55 How the Radio Public is Being Fooled 29 RAnIo NEWS LABORATORIES 58 Radio Aerials Create No Lightning Hazard On the Short Waves 59 By Baron Manfred von Ardenne 30 Experiments with a Double -Ground Sys- What is the Life of a Fixed Condenser? :32 tem +sa By W. H. Griffith, M.D. 74 RADIO NEWS is pnbllsbed on the 10th of each preceding month. There are 12 obtained from the publishers. Copyrighted in Germany. Reproduction of articles numbers per year. Subscription price is $2.50 a year in U. S. and possessions. is Germany is reserved for Radio, Berlin 92. Canada and foreign countries, $3.00 per year. U. S. Coin as well as U. S. Stamps IADIO NEWS is for sate at a1: newsstands in the United States and Canada. accepted (no foreign coins or stampa). Single copies. 25 cents each. Checks and and at Brentano's, Ave. de L'Opera, Paris, France. European agents: S. J. Wise money orders should be drawn to order of EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING Et Cie. 90 Place Verte, Antwerp. Belgium. CO., INC. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE FOR RADIO NEWS. Send your name, address and re- All communications and contributions mittance to Experimenter Publishing Co.. 230 Fifth Ave., New York. Mention to this journal should he addressed to name the Editor. RADIO NEWS, 230 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Unaccepted contribu- of the magazine you are ordering. We al.o publish SCIENCE AND INVEN- tions cannot be returned TION, RADIO LISTENERS' GUIDE. AMAZING STORIES and FRENCH unless full postage has been included. All accepted con- HUMOR. tributions are paid for on publication. A special rate Is paid for novel experi- Write clearly. ments; good photographs accompanying them are highly desirable. Publishers are RATES AND TERMS. The subscription rate for RADIO NEWS is $2.50 per not responsible for loss of manuscripts, although every precaution is taken with year. (12 numbers). When remitting do so by cheek. money order. or registered such manuscripts, upon receipt thereof. letter if cash is enclosed. Avoid sending cash through the mall if possible. Sub- scriptions for less than one year are not accepted. Subscription may be made in RADIO NEWS. Monthly. Entered as second-class matter, July 12. 1929, at the combination with SCIENCE & INVENTION, RADIO LISTENERS' GUIDE, Post Office at New York, N. Y.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry AMAZING STORIES and FRENCH HUMOR. at Dunellen, N. J. and San Francisco. Calif. Title registered U. S. Patent Office, POSTAGE. We in all parts of the United Copyright, 1928, prepay postage States. Mexico and by The Experimenter Publishing Co.. Inc.. 230 Fifth Ace.. Island possessions. For foreign or Canadian subscriptions we require 50 cents in New York. The contents of this magazine are copyrighted and must not be addition to the price for reisrodneed subscription additional postage charge. in the United States without eking full credit to the publication. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Notify us as far in advance as possible. It requires Translation into foreign languages must not he made unless permission is several weeks to make an address change on our records. Always write clearly. The contents of R.ADIO NEWS are Indexed In the Industrial Arts Index. copies of which can he found in every library. Published by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. H. GERNSBACK, President S. GERNSBACK. Treasurer C. E. ROSENFELT, Secretary Member: Audit Bureau of Circulations Radio Magazine Publishers Association Editorial and General Offices 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City Advertising Representatives: RHODES & LEISENRING New York Offices: 624 Graybar Building Chicago Offices: 307 North Michigan Ave www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for July, 1928 3 + topiitu/iaiiAeriu/s' 'p LTENNA *tailed blIndenfowd) NeedsNo Repairs REDUCES STATIC Girds Louder, Clearer DX No need to climb that roof again- except to take down the aerial that disfigures your home.
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