(19) TZZ ¥_T (11) EP 2 735 877 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: G01N 33/68 (2006.01) 08.03.2017 Bulletin 2017/10 (21) Application number: 13193944.9 (22) Date of filing: 21.11.2013 (54) A NOVEL NINHYDRIN REAGENT FOR ANALYSING NITROGEN-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS NEUARTIGES NINHYDRIN REAGENZ UND VERFAHREN ZUR VERWENDUNG DAVON NOUVEAU RÉACTIF NINHYDRINE ET SON PROCÉDÉ D’UTILISATION (84) Designated Contracting States: (56) References cited: AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB WO-A1-2008/081959 CN-A- 102 618 621 GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO GB-A- 1 349 491 SU-A1- 1 597 700 PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR US-A- 3 778 230 US-A- 4 274 833 (30) Priority: 21.11.2012 GB 201220902 • R. BHUSHAN ET AL: "Direct thin layer chromatography enantioresolution of some (43) Date of publication of application: basic dl-amino acids using a pharmaceutical 28.05.2014 Bulletin 2014/22 industry waste as chiral impregnating reagent", JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND (73) Proprietor: JPP Chromatography Limited BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS, vol. 21, no. 6, 1 January Plymouth, Devon PL9 0DZ (GB) 2000 (2000-01-01), pages 1143-1147, XP055099046, ISSN: 0731-7085, DOI: (72) Inventors: 10.1016/S0731-7085(99)00203-4 • Pitts, Leslie John • DATABASE FSTA [Online] INTERNATIONAL Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9BX (GB) FOOD INFORMATION SERVICE (IFIS), • Pallot, Michael Gerard FRANkFURT-MAIN, DE; 1971, NAKANISHI T ET Wembury, Devon PL9 0DZ (GB) AL: "Enzymic studies on cheese ripening. III. • Jones, Philip Rapid finger-printing on a mixed thin layer for Plymouth, Devon PL3 5BN (GB) qualitative analysis of casein hydrolysate. (translated)", XP002719439, Database accession (74) Representative: Akers, Noel James no. FS-1972-07-P-1107 N.J. Akers & Co 63 Lemon Street Truro, Cornwall TR1 2PN (GB) Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 2 735 877 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 2 735 877 B1 2 Description determined by the intensity of the coloured product de- tected in the photometer by way of absorbance at the [0001] The present invention relates to a novel reagent specified wavelength. Accordingly, this method may be for analysing nitrogen-containing compounds, for exam- used qualitatively and quantitatively to determine which ple amino acids and the like, and to a method for using 5 amino acids are present in a test sample and the relative the same. concentrations of each. [0002] Amino acids are the components from which [0005] The colour reaction between ninhydrin and the proteins are formed, which in turn play a key role in many amino acid or amine is very slow at room temperature. biological processes. In some cases the presence or ab- It is significantly faster at elevated temperatures, but still sence of a particular amino acid in an individual can se- 10 takes many minutes, even at a temperature of 130°C and riously affect their health. For example, an individual suf- above. To maintain good chromatographic performance fering from the genetic metabolic disorder phenylketonu- the colour reaction needs to take place in a time period rea cannot metabolise phenylalanine; the accumulation of around one minute or less. To achieve this, hydrindan- of which severely affects their brain development. Ac- tin, the reduced form of ninhydrin, was found to be re- cordingly, methods for detecting free amino acids or de- 15 quired for the ninhydrin reagent to be effective and pro- termining the amino acid compositions of proteins are vide an acceptable rate of reaction. There have been a vital for the proper diagnosis and management of diseas- number of suggested reasons or mechanisms for ex- es. Similarly, such methods are important for the analysis plaining the ability of hydrindantin to speed up the forma- of commercial drugs, food and foodstuffs, as well as pro- tion of the coloured products at elevated temperatures. tein and enzyme research and development. More gen- 20 One suggestion is that hydrindantin acts as a stabiliser erally, the detection and identification of nitrogen-con- for one of the reaction intermediates. As such it is con- taining compounds finds applications across a wide sidered as an accelerator not a catalyst. range of disciplines, including, agricultural, biochemical, [0006] The term ’ninhydrin reagent’ refers to a solution clinical, environmental, food, forensic, histochemical, or solutions containing all of the constituents necessary microbiological, medical, nutritional, plant and protein 25 for use in the amino acid analysers. Accordingly, a nin- sciences. hydrin reagent comprises hydrindantin, ninhydrin and the [0003] At present, free or hydrolytically released amino requisite buffers and solvents. The ninhydrin reagent acids are typically detected using automatic amino acid may be formed by adding a separate solution of hydrin- analysers. In the 1950’s the first automated amino acid dantin to the ninhydrin solution. Although, it would be analysis method was developed by Moore, Stein and 30 preferable provide one solution comprising all of the con- Spackman, (Spackman DH, Stein WH, and Moore S. Au- stituents necessary for amino acid analysis, an unaccept- tomatic recording apparatus for use in the chromatogra- ably low shelf life of the ninhydrin reagent would result. phy of amino acids. Anal Chem, 1958, 30:1190-1206). Alternatively, hydrindantin may be produced in situ by This multi-stage process involves separating the amino adding a reducing agent to the ninhydrin solution, thereby acids by ion exchange liquid chromatography. A ninhy- 35 reducing a portion of the ninhydrin to hydrindantin. The drin reagent is pumped from a reagent reservoir, mixed formation of hydrindantin in situ occurs more or less in- with the eluent from the ion exchange column and passed stantaneously in the presence of a strong reducing agent. through a steel or plastic reaction coil, heated to the tem- However, both of these methods require the user to mix perature required for reaction. Ninhydrin reacts with all a separate solution of ninhydrin with a separate solution amino acids and related amine compounds to form highly 40 of hydrindantin or a suitable reducing agent before the coloured reaction products. Ruhemann’s purple is ninhydrin reagent is ready to be used in the amino acid formed by primary amines and primary amino acids and analysis. may be measured by absorbance of light at a wavelength [0007] In recent times it has become the preferred of 570nm. Other coloured reaction products, in particular practice for manufacturers to provide two bottles, one yellow reaction products, are formed by secondary45 comprising a solution of hydrindantin in an organic sol- amines and a number of secondary amino acids. These vent and the other comprising a solution of ninhydrin, an reaction products may be measured by its absorbance aqueous buffer and an additional organic solvent, both of light at a wavelength of 440nm. The coloured reaction bottles being tightly sealed under an inert gas atmos- products vary in intensity according to the concentration phere. The contents of the bottles are then mixed to form of amino acid. 50 the ninhydrin reagent shortly before or immediately prior [0004] The amino acid reaction products are passed to use in an amino acid analyser. through a photometer where the light absorbed by the [0008] Unfortunately, hydrindantin is a very difficult re- dye complexes is detected at suitable wavelengths, in agent to handle. It is particularly unstable in the presence particular 570nm and 440nm. The presence of different of air, the oxygen rapidly oxidising the hydrindantin back amino acids may be determined by chromatography. The 55 to ninhydrin. Only relatively small amounts of air are nec- identity of each amino acid is established on the basis of essary to seriously deplete the hydrindantin and thus its migration characteristics and thus its position on the substantially reduce the sensitivity of the colour produc- chromatogram. The concentration of the amino acid is tion. If air is not rigidly excluded from the reagent, the 2 3 EP 2 735 877 B1 4 hydrindantin concentration will slowly drop until no colour agents have been assessed for their suitability for use in reaction will take place in the time frame of the chroma- reagents necessary for amino acid analysis Reducing tographic analysis. agents for ninhydrin are preferably highly soluble in the [0009] Exposure of a ninhydrin reagent comprising hy- reagent solution, have an excellent reducing property drindantin to the surrounding air must therefore be kept 5 against ninhydrin, do not form coloured by products, are to an absolute minimum as even minute traces of oxygen inert to the equipment, and are stable and easy to handle. exposure will cause a steady loss in hydrindantin activity. However, as is discussed in more detail below, existing An inert atmosphere, usually nitrogen, may be used both reducing agents do not exhibit all of these characteristics in the preparation and during use of the ninhydrin rea- and therefore interfere to a significant degree with the gent. As can be appreciated, this requirement results in 10 sensitivity and accuracy of amino acid analysis in one or the need for complex equipment and handling proce- more ways. dures, to ensure hydrindantin activity does not deterio- [0014] During the continuing development of the nin- rate at an unacceptable rate before and/or during its use.
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