Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Previewing theHOOPS Michigan and Wisconsin boys high school Redsautosales.com basketball playoffs INSIDE TODAY DAILY GLOBE Monday, February 25, 2019 Partly cloudy yourdailyglobe.com | High: 6 | Low: -13 | Details, page 2 HIT hosts classic GIVE IT A LITTLE TAP ski movie screening Rowe gives By RICHARD JENKINS bemoan the fact lawsuits [email protected] instruction and regulations have IRONWOOD – The forced ski hills to prevent height of ‘80s ski fashion everyone from skiing these was on display at the His- dangerous routes because on making toric Ironwood Theatre Sat- some overestimated their urday as the theatre skills and got hurt. showed a re-release of Greg The film follows the maple syrup Stump’s “The Blizzard of skiers around America, By RICHARD JENKINS Aahhh’s.” before they head to the rel- [email protected] A play on “The Wizard ative freedom of the moun- of Oz,” the title refers to an tains of Europe. SAXON, Wis. – Residents audience’s reactions to the While Saturday’s interested in learning more scenes on screen. screening was at least par- about maple syrup had a “Not everyone jumps off tially inspired by the suc- chance to learn more about cliffs in this movie but cess of the Warren Miller the process of tapping maple everyone has a story,” the screenings, Tregembo said trees and making syrup at a narrator said. Saturday’s screening was a pair of classes this weekend. Stump’s film 30 years theatre event rather than a In the morning, a group ago wasn’t the first ski fundraiser for the ski team. gathered in the town of Saxon movie made, but organiz- The film is part of a new to hear from Andy Rowe, of ers of Saturday’s screening effort by the theatre, Many Maples Sugar Bush. said it changed the genre. according to Tregembo, to Rowe talked about the pro- “This was a turning have a series of events tar- cess for tapping sugar maples point in the ski industry … geting specific sports and and showed the group the Before this movie came out hobbies. various tools needed to col- it was all free-style stuff, “They do this with lect sap from the trees. He mogul stuff, deep powder snowmobiling, mountain also demonstrated how to tap skiing – pretty skiing,” said biking, fly fishing if you a tree. theatre board member Dan wanted to,” he said. “We While drilling the hole to Tregembo. “These guys plan to do this with other put the tap in, Rowe told came in and they were (sports).” those in attendance that it doing stuff that was illegal, He was pleased with was important to avoid out-of-bounds.” how the first event went. revving the drill or stopping it This theme of the film’s “This is what we expect- prior to pulling the bit out of stars chasing thrills on ed,” Tregembo said, noting the tree. mountains and off-limit there were a couple other He explained this is to areas of ski resorts comes events in town Saturday keep the hole as clean as pos- up repeatedly in the film, night that may have sible to prevent micro-tears as the protagonists impacted turnout. around the edges that sap can leak through. He also emphasized trying to keep the equipment clean, saying that some major pro- ducers only use taps one time before throwing them away. Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe “You want to keep every- ANDY ROWE demonstrates how to tap a maple tree Saturday at a maple- syrup class in Saxon Saturday. SYRUP — page 5 Big Brothers/Big Sisters raises funds, celebrates By STEVE NEWMAN at the start of the school year and get fun coming and the tempo high [email protected] opportunities during school time to throughout the event. He was happy IRONWOOD – Saturday, groups spend time with their young person. to “volunteer his time for a good of bowlers gathered at Larry’s Lucky According to Maggie Munch, pro- cause.” There were giveaways and Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe Strikes in Ironwood to raise funds gram director for the western U.P., games where bowlers could win BRIAN DENSOW, left, and Stewart Payne act out a skit for and celebrate the work of the Big there are about 65 mentor matches prizes every few minutes. As a to set up the start of the film “The Blizzard of Aahhh’s” Brothers/Big Sisters program in the locally between older and younger result, the teams raising funds also at the Historic Ironwood Theatre Saturday. area. In addition to bowling, there students. have a good time. were prize drawings and contests, According to junior Tommy One of the teams, a group from food and fun and a 50/50 raffle. Lundin, he has seen changes in the Aspirus Hospital calling them- According to Gogebic Range area young person he mentors over the selves the “Aspirus Grandkids,” Ironwood Township Fire program coordinator Amber school year. “He has more of a com- Melissa Hillier, Cheryl Taivalmaa Department holds craft fair Renaud, those raising funds sought fort level around his classmates, and and Sue Kaffine, talked about their a donation per bowler. In addition, has been helped to engage with oth- passion for the event. Hillier stated By STEVE NEWMAN home-based businesses those who are mentors also came ers better,” he said. the event was important to her [email protected] showed their wares for an and bowled and joined in the fun. Junior Sawyer Stengard is a men- because it is “all about the kids.” IRONWOOD – The appreciative crowd. Lots of The program matches an older tor to two different kids. “I love it,” Taivalmaa stated the event has a Ironwood Township Hall volunteers worked in the high school student – usually a he said. He has sometimes been able “good core group and good times was buzzing Saturday kitchen to provide meals junior – with a third grader. to help kids with homework in addi- together.” morning with activity as for hungry shoppers as Among the bowlers was a group tion to helping with problems with Kaffine is a top fund raiser for the the Ironwood Township they wandered around of young men on the L.L. Wright other kids, “especially around Valen- event, even raising funds from peo- Fire Department held its looking for treasures and High School varsity boys’ basketball tine’s Day,” he said. ple out of the area. She said the annual Frost Fest craft fair team, all of whom are or have been Matt Agee was acting as the mas- and fundraiser there. A mentors. The mentors are assigned ter of ceremonies to help to keep the number of crafts and CRAFT — page 5 BOWLING — page 5 Wakefield council to swear in new city manager tonight By P.J. GLISSON working months early. Brown’s first er added of his successor, ment starting earlier than to his position, effective [email protected] h e r e day as city manager will be “I think he’s got a good anticipated, Brackney said, Feb. 26, 2019. WAKEFIELD – A shift with city Tuesday. handle on what’s going on. “I’ve got a big smile on my –The council will vote in power will occur after s t a f f Brown, whose wife and He seems to be a very intel- face. I’m looking forward to to address Brackney’s exit tonight’s meeting of the since last children will move here ligent man.” this.” in accordance with the fol- Wakefield city council as Tuesday. after the school year ends, Brackney said Brown In a work session last lowing statement: “The current city manager Brack- told the Globe Friday shouldn’t have any trouble Thursday, council mem- benefit package for Richard Richard Brackney turns ney, who morning that his first pri- moving forward and added bers discussed the follow- Brackney will be active over the reins to his succes- w a s ority will be to get “updates that council members may ing two issues of transition, until the end of his contract sor, Robert Brown, Jr. s c h e d - on all the projects.” ease the transition even which will be addressed May 24, 2019 and will be At a special meeting on uled to On Friday afternoon by more by scheduling a dedi- formally at tonight’s meet- paid out at that time. He Robert Jan. 23, council members Brown, Jr. retire on phone, Brackney said the cated work session with ing: will receive regular pay- voted to offer the job to May 24, past week working with the new manager to discuss –The council will vote Brown, 36, of Belding, will end Brown went “very well.” “what their concepts are.” to adopt Resolution No. Mich., and he has been his responsibilities two The current city manag- In relation to his retire- 2019-250 to appoint Brown MANAGER — page 5 TODAY INDEX Partly cloudy — Details, page 2 Classifieds . .10-11 75 cents Comics . .9 Sunday Today’s records Snowfall Community . .3 Vol. 100, No. 81 High 26 High 62 (1976) 48 hours to 7 a.m. Education . .6 Low 3 Low -33 (1967) Sunday 9.3 in. Snow depth 32 in. Obituaries . .2 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 154.4 in. Opinion . .4 High 35 48 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 132.4 in. Low 14 Sunday 0.84 in. Sports . .7, 12 l THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM AREA / STATE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019 5 Bowling From page 1 event was important to her because “the money stays here.” The funds raised support local operations, and she said that local peo- ple are “very generous.” The group from Aspirus has been working together for many years, and they have a “good team with lots of support.” In addition to the school mentors, a group of Gogebic Community Col- lege students who are being mentored came to have fun and take part.
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