The Inventory of the Kurt Baum Collection #952 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Baum, Kurt 1/31/91 Preliminary Listing I. Printed Material. Box 1 A. Clippings. Box 2 B. Clippings (continued). C. Promotional material. Box 3 D. Miscellaneous printed material. E. Opera News magazine. II. Professional Material. A. Appointment diaries. III. Printed Material (continued). Box 4 A. Programs. B. Musical scores (sheet music). Box 5 C. Musica, Italian music periodical (with article re: KB). D. Small black looseleaf notebook of clippings. IV. Photographs A. Prints and 2 drawings of KB (envelope). B. 3 negatives of KB. C. Photographs of other singers (envelope). D. Photographs of Renata Baum (wife) and KB (envelope). E. Miscellaneous photographs (envelope). V. Correspondence. Box 6 A. Professional. B. General. C. Personal papers and correspondence of KB and Renata Baum. VI. Miscellaneous. A. ABaum@ (1 envelope). B. Passports, bankbooks, ledgers. Baum, Kurt (1/31/91) Page 1 of 1 Baum, Kurt 9/22/03 Preliminary Listing I. Professional Material. A. Subject files. [F. 1] Box 7 1. APress Material and Recording.@ a. Includes printed material re: KB, the Metropolitan Opera. b. Correspondence to KB (1942-1980); includes photocopied TL from Latita Baldridge (secretary to Mrs. Kennedy). c. Miscellaneous holograph notes. d. Financial material. e. Contracts; unsigned. f. Manuscript material (AOne Day in My Life@ by KB). g. Photo of opera scene. 2. ARechnungen (?) Diverse, ?41-42.@ [F. 2] a. Correspondence, TLS, 1980, 1987, 1948. b. Miscellaneous. c. Copy of marriage certificate. d. Manuscript material by KB. e. Legal material. B. APress Material on Kurt Baum, Tenor@ (2 copies). [F. 3] C. 14 contracts, unsigned by KB. D. 22 contracts, signed by KB. E. 5 TLS misc. F. Misc documents. II. Correspondence. May include telegrams, ANS, TLS, copies. A. Professional B Ainbox.@ 1. 1915: 1 TLS. [F. 4] 2. 1930 B 1939: 42 TLS, 3 ALS. 3. 1940 B 1949: 40 TLS, 2 ALS. 4. 1950 B 1959: 80 TLS, 1 ALS. [F. 5] 5. 1960 B 1969: 38 TLS, 1 ALS. 6. 1971 B 1977: 7 TLS, 1 ALS. [F. 6] 7. 1980 B 1989: 5 TLS, 1 ALS. 8. No dates: 7 TS, 1 ALS. B. Personal to KB. 1. 4 telegrams (1948, 1949, 1967, 1977). [F. 7] 2. Photocopy of TLS, ATo All Members of the Achram and Board,@ includes 11 p. printed material; 12/23/41. 3. 1 ALS photocopy, 1972. 4. 2 ANS, 1957; n.d. 5. 37 ALS and TLS, fan mail. C. From KB. 1. 5 ALS; 1938, 1984; includes telegram. 2. 1 AN, 1989. 3. 2 TLS; 1951, 1978. 4. 15 TL; 1945, 1938, 1958, 1961; includes telegram. D. 13 postcards to Daisy and Robert Sterber. E. 6 postcards to KB. F. 15 greeting cards, 1976-1995. [F. 8] G. Correspondence with friends and family B 66 letters; 1939 B 1985. [F. 9] H. Correspondence - press material - 165 letters; includes photos, printed material, legal material, program, financial material, sheet music. [F. 10-11] III Legal Material. A. General release. [F. 12] B. Summons. C. Restraining notice against Carl Henry Abraham. D. Letters, 1933 B 1975. E. Certificates of naturalization and literacy for Kurt and Renate Baum. F. Lease of apartment. G. Unidentifiable Russian certificates. H. 8 passports. [F. 13] 1. Venezuela. 2. America. 3. Czechoslovakian Republic. 4. Italy. 5. Germany. I. Social security card. J. Identity cards. IV. Medical Records. A. AMedical Report B Cuba,@ re: Aida (dog) B Contract de Vente, Pedigree. [F. 14] B. Letters from La Société Contrale Caninet / the National City Bank of New York. V. Financial Material. A. Bank statement. B. Demande de Visa. C. Bills. D. Royalty earning statements. E. Letter re: Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires Etrangieres. VI. Printed Material. A. Newspaper clippings, 1948-1987. [F. 15] 1. 7 newspaper clippings. 2. 7 photocopied clippings. 3. 1 photo reproduction. B. Blank postcards, 11 color, 3 black and white. C. Opera programs; includes photo reproductions. [F. 16] 1. Philadelphia Civic Grand Opera Company, ACarmen,@ 11/29/51. 2. Metropolitan Opera, 1953-1954. 3. San Francisco Opera Company, October 1931, 1948. 4. San Francisco Opera Association, September 18 - October 21, 1951. 5. Metropolitan Opera, April 11-16, 1955. 6. AAida,@ 1948. 7. AKurt Baum, Jugendlicher und Lyrischer Tenor,@ 1935-1937. 8. ALieder Und Arienabend,@ August 11, 1988. 9. ASysacuse Liedertianz,@ November 2, 1955. 10. AKurt Baum Sings Famous Operatic Opera Arias.@ 11. AGala farewell,@ April 16, 1966. 12. The Chicago Joint Board of the I.L.G.W.U. 13. East Carolina College Entertainment Committee, 10/26/55. 14. Metropolitan Opera Record Club B ACarmen.@ 15. ALohengrin.@ 16. AVerdi Duets,@ Columbia Masterworks, 1949. 17. AKurt Baum,@ Metropolitan Opera. D. Invitation to The Annual Gold Medal Award Ceremony, 10/3/61. E. Photocopy of AWhen Eddie Johnson Quit the Dear Old Met,@ with holograph notes, 3 p., 1954. F. AA Gift for You - In Celebration of Sri Brahmanada Sarasvati=s Physical Birth - In this Dream we Call our Life,@ 15 p., 3/16/94. G. Booklet and loose pages of foreign children=s workbook. H. Scanned and printed photograph, laminated. I. Booklets. 1. ACatéchisme du Diocése La Province de Paris,@ J. De Gigord editor, 1933. [F. 17] 2. Sanskrit booklet. 3. Booklet of prayers in German, 1914. J. Lyrics in German, July 30, 1914. K. Magazines. 1. Opera News, 4/21/58. 2. Repertory and Artists New Orleans Opera House Association, advance release, 1950-51, 8/15/50. L. ASinging and Singers Today,@ 1 p., 2 copies. M. AKurt Baum, Internationally Famous Tenor Star of the Metropolitan Opera.@ N. Printed advertisements; includes clippings from magazines and newspapers, playbill, magazine. [F. 18] VII. Miscellaneous. A. Address book. [F. 19] B. Notes. C. Airplane ticket from Vienna to New York. D. Donation confirmation. E. Card with photo. F. Card with painting & note. G. Prayer. VIII. Audio. Box 8 A. Cassettes, 125 tapes total; titles taken from labels. 1. AArias- 1/10/54...@ 2. ACarl Trili Broadway Model.@ 3. AArthur Goufry, Ficher, Baum.@ 4. AHelen Thaubel Lente I Braut Glurats Sehririt.@ 5. ABageru Malin Place.@ 6. ATenor Pavarotti.@ 7. ACaruso Loribolpe / Ros Marie,@ September 1975. 8. ALa Gioconda.@ 9. AKurt Baum Sings Famous Carus o Arias,@ 2 copies. 10. AVarres.@ 11. AMet Tin.@ 12. AArias.@ 13. ARosita.@ 14. AGrovoda I Act.@ 15. ACavelina.@ 16. AMiset Salade.@ 17. A1950 Met.@ 18. AArias on / Peirati.@ 19. AAida Callas- Baum Last Show / 9/18/73 Boston.@ 20. AArias Pagliacci Act Kurt Baum.@ 21. AKurt Baum Concert in Italy.@ 22. ATravatore Mexica /Aida.@ 23. AColumbia.@ 24. AArias Fahrgut.@ 25. AIago Otello.@ 26. ADagfin Malot Training the Program for Liseberg with Carl Tillius.@ 27. AStockholm=s Konserthus.@ 28. ATravatore Plia.@ 29. AWoman J. Lennum / Some of These Days / Wave and Isn=t She Lovely.@ 30. ABrallo Met 1972.@ 31. ATorde Pegriram / Verdi Requiem.@ 32. AY. Naum: Einsam In Trüben Tagen / Love is Here to Stay.@ 33. AWarren Baum.@ 34. AChevier 1941.@ 35. AFelduebel March June 1993.@ 36. ALeite 3.@ 37. ATopu Diouer Cavrres 7/16/73.@ 38. ATrovatore Callas Mexico 1950 Baum, Warren.@ 39. ADagfin Malm Tenor vid Flygeln Tore Wiberg / Gretchen Chellson.@ 40. ACallas Trovatore.@ 41. AKathleen August 1978.@ 42. AAida Cast Act Baum Posvirelie.@ 43. AHollander Waganer Reso Azei.@ 44. ACourett Kurt.@ 45. APuccini Memories / Carmen Siveas Baum.@ 46. ADAGFIN Malm Sings in America.@ 47. ADeaf and Dumb / Don=t Take My Wheels.@ 48. AKurt Baum Sings Duets.@ 49. ACallas - Mexico Patria Mia June 1950.@ 50. AFrei Fehler.@ 51. AJungle Strut The Square.@ 52. ARichter I Stude / Schuler II.@ 53. AKurt Baum Major Arias.@ 54. AGute Soprano: Post Record.@ 55. AVerdi=s >Il Trovatore= with Kurt Baum, Elias, Guaprera, Scott, Vanni, Curtis - Verna, McCracken.@ 56. AArias KB Palliacrs.@ 57. ADon Carlo.@ 58. AArias K. Baum.@ 59. ALa Traviata.@ 60. AVasi Laurence (Opera).@ 61. AAbraham - Revate.@ 62. ABroadcast April 18, 1976.@ 63. ALohengrin, Thomas Silja.@ 64. ALirec Tenor.@ 65. ACalaree E. Luce February 15, 1983.@ 66. ATact Tasa Radio Met.@ 67. ASchubert - Communion in G, March 28, 1982.@ 68. AZoynek Muteju Samples of Composition.@ 69. AMorte.@ 70. ATosca.@ 71. APavarotti Ave Maria Mary 1980.@ 72. ALes Offices du Dinchche a Notre Dame de Paris.@ 73. ADagfin Malm Sings in America.@ 74. AModeste Moussorgsky.@ 75. ARigoletta Pavarotti I, II, III.@ 76. AJungle Strut.@ 77. AFran Aida.@ 78. APavarotti Last Act.@ 79. AHead Cleaner Cassette.@ 80. AKyra Joga Ubury.@ 81. ATosca Last Act.@ 82. ADe Paul Tosca.@ 83. ARegino.@ 84. AKurt Baum Sings Famous Caruso Arias.@ 85. APavarvel: Livre.@ 86. 317 untitled cassettes. B. Reel-to-reels, 1/4" format [also see Box 10]. 1. 7" reel diameter. a. AAida.@ b. ALohengrin.@ c. AAriesk Baum.@ d. ABeginning the Tenors.@ e. AArias Kurt.@ f. AIl Trovatore,@ Act III. g. AAstrid.@ h. AVienna.@ i. ATails Up.@ j. AIl Travatore,@ Act II. k. A7 untitled. 2. 5" reel diameter. a. ATrovatore.@ b. ANY Illus Port Authority R#12.@ c. AYMCA Angel Centana.@ d. AUrban Living Roll #4.@ e. AVicies Arias.@ f. ADon Giovanni.@ g. AFarre Last Act - farre pace.@ h. AArias - Kurt.@ i. ATrovatore.@ j. ADori.@ k. APn=a Trovatore.@ l. ANational History.@ m. ACarmen Tail.@ n. AWalter Ponti.@ o. ALast Scene Carmen.@ p. APuccini Memorial Concert.@ q. AVeva Massotti.@ r. AAida.@ s. 5 untitled. 3. 3" reel diameter: four, untitled. Box 9 C Record albums [also see Box 11]. 1. 45 rpm. a. AWilliam Tell Overture,@ 2 records. b. AThe Music of Johann Strauss,@ 4 records. c. APeer Gynt Suite.@ d. AScheherazade - Symphonic Suite,@ 2 records. e. ASymphony No. 3 in E-Flat,@ 5 records. f. ASymphony No. 6 in F,@ 5 records. g. AAdagio in E.@ h. ACestu Znam Jen Ja.@ IX. Video and Film.
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