Hailey’s Comet - page 6 VOL XX, NO. 99 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1986 an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Aquino, Marcos both sworn as president of Philippines Associated Press Soldiers fired on a jeering crowd loaded with loyalist soldiers at mid­ earlier today near the palace of Fer­ night last night. MANILA, Philippines — Cor- dinand Marcos, who struggled Marcos appealed to civilian azon Aquino took the oath of of­desperately to preserve a 20-year loyalists yesterday to bring their fice today as president of a provi­ hold on power that the United guns to the capital and protect him. sional government declared by States said is no longer rightfully In a broadcast on private Channel 9 military rebels battling to end the his. television, owned by an associate, 20-year rule of Ferdinand Marcos, Eight people were wounded in he said, “we will defend the who himself was sworn in later in the shooting and five were injured republic to the last breath of our his guarded palace. while trying to flee the gunfire, life, the last drop of our blood.” Marcos took the oath at noon hospital officials said. Aquino, who could hear the (Philippine time) from the Supreme Hundreds of thousands of fighting from the Quezon City Court’s chief justice, Ramon civilians defied a dusk-to-dawn area, appealed to her supporters to Aquino, but his vice presidential curfew to form human shields stay close to the facilities they have running mate, Arturo Tolentino around the suburban camp of been protecting. was not present, according to a military rebels, who proclaimed “I would like to appeal to our report from the presidential palace. Corazon Aquino president, and countrymen. Just a little while Just before the ceremony, the around the rebel-held government ago I’ve been hearing all this firing small, private television station television station, Channel 4. going on, so please cease and desist Marcos had been using to address Witnesses said masses of people from killing innocent people. the nation went black and an aide at the television station drove back said rebels had sabotaged it. seven armored personnel carriers see LEADERS, page 4 Restructuring proposal’s next step may be in form of student vote By CHRIS BEDNARSKI The Hall Presidents’ Council According to the proposed meets tonight and could propose amendment, candidates would be Senior Stuff Reporter changes to the constitution and allowed to campaign at the The fate of the proposed student then submit it for approval to the meetings of student organizations The Observer/Mike May government constitution could be senate, “It will be brought up,” at “provided that all candidates were Study silhouette decided by a student body vote on the meeting said Carroll Hall presi­ invited in writing” to the meeting. March 4, according to Committee dent Steve Kern. Kern said he Ingwersen said the amenment This silhouetted figure may be studying, but it seems as if she is on Restructuring Chairman Brian suspects the HPC will make will prevent hall presidents’ from more intent on the winter landscape outside o f Cushing Hall. The Holst, at a meeting of the student changes in the proposed con­ using the chair of their meeting to window seats in the building serve as popular studying nooks. senate last night. stitution and then send them back get an endorsment. “It’s only pro­ “The committee on restructuring to the senate for approval. viding a fair organization for and the people on the prevailing meetings,” said Ingwersen. side are going to send the proposed In other business, Judicial Coun­ Apartheid awareness constitution to the students unless cil Coordinator Karen Ingwersen The amendment would also the HPC (Hall Presidents’ Council) proposed an amendment to the stu­ make it easier for Ombudsman to makes a new prposal,” said Holst. dent government election rule that interpret the election rule according continues this week Two-thirds of the voting student currently prohibits candidates from to Ingwersen. By JIM MOHAN ded, “and not on the terms of body is needed to approve the con­ using the meetings of organizations News Staff Father Ted (Hesburgh, university see SENATE, page 4 stitution and put it into effect. for campaigning purposes. president).” Anti-Apartheid Awareness Week A film of Reverend Allan begins this week as a premiere to Boesak’s address to the Urban the upcoming March 4 campus- League will be shown tonight in WWII chaplain promotes pacifism wide referendum which will ask Morrissey Hall at 10. The film will By ROBERT HENN1G Later stationed in Japan, he said “The follower of Christ, the true Notre Dame students if the Univer­ be repeated tomorrow night at News Stuff he believes it was in the medical lover of peace, cannot participate sity should divest its holdings in Cavanaugh and Lyons, at 8:30 and centers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in war,” he said. According to corporations that support the 10, respectively, according to Rose. South African government. Father George Zabelka, former that he began his evolution to Zabelka, the Catholic Church was The Film “Country Lovers” will Catholic chaplain for the airmen pacifism. pacifist for its first 300 years. “For Activities during the week in­ be shown at the Center for Social who dropped atomic bombs on the early Church, martyrdom was a clude seminars, forums and films Concerns on Thursday evening at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, major social activity,” he said. aimed at increasing student 8. The film views apartheid presented a lecture on pacifism last Zabelka noted that the'recent awareness of the problems in South through the eyes of interracial night at the Center for Social Con­ Bishop’s Pastoral Letter of War Africa, according to Margarita lovers. cerns. and Peace supported this view, say­ Rose of the Notre Dame Anti- On Friday, Rose said, the Anti- Speaking before approximately ing, “Martyrdom must today Apartheid Network. Apartheid Network will sponsor a 100 people, Zabelka asked the become the normal way of the “We hope to increase awareness rally on the steps of the Ad­ crowd to work for peace. “I am Christian.” of the issue of apartheid and divest­ ministration Building at 4 p.m. The asking you, my brothers and On the Just War theory, he said, ment, and encourage people to see week will conclude Monday, the sisters, to do one thing: To stop the “I think that it’s time that we scrap divestment as the best option for us day before the referendum, with a business of making war respec­ it.” The Just War theory was at Notre Dame,” explained Rose. forum that will feature both black table,” he said. developed to absolve defensive Members of the Anti-Apartheid and white speakers from South A native of Lansing, Mich., warfare from moral blame. Network said they hope their com­ Father George Zabelka Africa, as well as the American Zabelka was stationed at Tinian For the past 15 years, Zabelka plete schedule of events will enable director of a “Free South Africa" Island during World War II. He He returned to parish work in has been actively promoting peace. all students to consider themselves chapter. The forum is scheduled to served as Catholic chaplain for the Lansing, becoming involved in the He participated in a 6,500-mile informed enough about divestment be held at 8 p.m. in the Engineering 509th Group of the United States civil rights movement. A follower pilgrimage walk for peace to to make a personal decision on this Auditorium. Air Force, the squadron responsi­ of Martin Luther King Jr. and Bethlehem in 1982-83. In 1984, complex issue. ble for the atomic bombings. Charles McCarthy, a former Zabelka returned to Japan to ask John-Paul Checkett, also of the Rose added that Notre Dame “I watched as the boxcar dropped teacher at Notre Dame, Zabelka forgiveness from its people saying network, said that he hopes Director of African Studies Peter the bomb. And afterwards, I said became convinced that the simply, “I am sorry.” students will realize that, “people Walshe and Management Professor nothing,” he said, referring to the teachings of Jesus included have to fight oppression on the Father Oliver Williams will debate bomb dropped on Nagasaki. pacifism. see PACIFISM, page 4 terms of the oppressed.” Michelle the issue of divestment at an as yet Koch, another network member ad­ unannounced time and place. The Observer Tuesday, February 25,1986 - page 2 Of Interest More emphasis must be put A large, black Great Dane bit a Saint Mary’s stu­ dent in front of Holy Cross Hall at approximately 12:10 a.m. on accurate communication yesterday morning, according to Richard Chlebek, director of Saint Mary’s Security. The dog was being walked on a leash by an communication, n. the act of imparting, conferring or elderly gentleman, according to Chlebek. If the dog is not located, delivering, from one to another; as, thecommunica­ Margie the student may have to receive rabies shots, said Chlebek. Anyone tion of knowledge, opinion or facts. with information about such a dog is asked to call Saint Mary’s Webster’s Dictionary gives this definition for a Kersten Security at 284-5000 or contact the Saint Joseph County Sheriff’s word we may not use frequently but a word that is im­ Police department. -TheObserver portant and crucial to our everyday relationships. Ef­ Assistant Saint Mary’s Editor fective communication skills work to enhance rela­ Outdoor ice-skating is postponedbecause of tionships with other students, parents, professors, the absence of “freezing” temperatures. The event was part of the boyfriends, girlfriends, roommates and every aspect SAB’s Winter Festival.
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