July 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 15 21319 Mr. Speaker, I commend my colleague Rep- it represents, generously donating time and The Clerk read the title of the bill. resentative LYNN WESTMORELAND for intro- resources to a variety of charitable and edu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ducing this legislation and I urge the swift pas- cational programs for children throughout objection to the request of the gen- sage of this bill. the State of California; and tleman from Illinois? The bill was ordered to be engrossed Whereas Anaheim, and all of California, are proud of the accomplishment and dedica- There was no objection. and read a third time, was read the tion of the Anaheim Ducks organization and The Clerk read the bill, as follows third time, and passed, and a motion to fans: Now, therefore, be it H.R. 3034 reconsider was laid on the table. Resolved, That the House of Representa- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- f tives congratulates the National Hockey resentatives of the United States of America in League Champions, the Anaheim Ducks, on Congress assembled, CONGRATULATING THE NHL their victory in the 2007 Stanley Cup Finals. CHAMPIONS, THE ANAHEIM SECTION 1. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS SHANE R. AUS- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, on June TIN POST OFFICE. DUCKS, ON THEIR VICTORY IN 6, 2007, in Anaheim, California, the Anaheim (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the THE 2007 STANLEY CUP FINALS Ducks won the National Hockey League Stan- United States Postal Service located at 127 Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I ley Cup. They won with a 6–2 victory over the South Elm Street in Gardner, Kansas, shall ask unanimous consent that the Com- Ottawa Senators in the decisive fifth game of be known and designated as the ‘‘Private mittee on Oversight and Government First Class Shane R. Austin Post Office’’. the championship series. The Ottawa Sen- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Reform be discharged from further con- ators were worthy opponents and should be sideration of the resolution (H. Res. map, regulation, document, paper, or other congratulated for a hard-fought Stanley Cup record of the United States to the facility re- 471) congratulating the National Hock- series. The Ducks’ win marked their first Stan- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to ey League Champions, the Anaheim ley Cup title in franchise history and by a team be a reference to the ‘‘Private First Class Ducks, on their victory in the 2007 from the State of California. Shane R. Austin Post Office’’. Stanley Cup Finals, and ask for its im- I join all my colleagues in congratulating the Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. PFC Shane R. Austin mediate consideration in the House. National Hockey League Champions, the Ana- was killed on October 8, 2006, when a gre- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- heim Ducks, on their victory in the 2007 Stan- tion. nade struck his tank in Ramadi, Iraq, west of ley Cup Finals. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Baghdad. He was assigned to the 1st Bat- Mr. Speaker, I commend my colleague Rep. objection to the request of the gen- talion, 35th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade LORETTA SANCHEZ for seeking to congratulate tleman from Illinois? Combat Team, 1st Armored Division in There was no objection. the Anaheim Ducks as the National Hockey Baumholder, Germany. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- League Champions and urge the swift pas- Private Austin’s grandmother said, ‘‘Al- lows sage of this bill. though the emptiness and numbness is with Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. H. RES. 471 the entire family, we hold the pride high that Speaker, I rise today in jubilant support of H. Whereas on June 6, 2007, in Anaheim, Cali- Shane was a hero before he left for the mili- fornia, the Anaheim Ducks won the National Res. 471, recognizing the Anaheim Ducks and tary, but now he is everybody’s hero. Military Hockey League Stanley Cup, with a 6–2 vic- their victory over the Ottawa Senators in the was his dream; he intended to make it a ca- tory over the Ottawa Senators in the deci- National Hockey League Stanley Cup Finals. I reer and that he accomplished . it was just sive fifth game of the championship series; applaud the House’s consideration of this ex- a short career.’’ Whereas the Ottawa Senators proved wor- citing measure. Private Austin served his country with dis- thy opponents and should be congratulated The Ottawa Senators proved to be worthy for a hard-fought Stanley Cup series; tinction and courage. opponents, but they were no match for the Mr. Speaker, I commend my colleague Rep- Whereas the Ducks’ win marked their first hard hitting, exciting brand of hockey of Ducks Stanley Cup title in franchise history; resentative DENNIS MOORE for introducing this Whereas the Ducks’ win marked the first general manager Brian Burke and head coach legislation and urge the swift passage of this National Hockey League sports champion- Randy Carlyle. bill. ship won by a team from the State of Cali- The 6–2 win to clinch the title was a display Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise fornia; of solid teamwork as five different Ducks today in support of H.R. 3034, legislation I Whereas owners Henry and Susan Samueli scored goals. have introduced with the rest of the Kansas and general manager Brian Burke have cre- The Ducks teamwork was buttressed by the delegation to rename the Gardner, KS, postal ated a model franchise, assembling a team awe inspiring defensive work of Scott service facility the ‘‘Private First Class Shane that rose from an unstable past to the pin- Niedermayer, who was honored as the most R. Austin Post Office.’’ nacle of its sport today; valuable player of the NHL post-season. Whereas the Ducks were ably led by head Their work is a true accomplishment. Not Private First Class Shane Austin grew up in coach Randy Carlyle, and assistant coaches only did the Anaheim Ducks bring the Stanley Edgerton, KS, and attended Gardner-Edgerton Newell Brown and Dave Farrish; High School before joining the U.S. Army. Whereas Ducks team members Francois Cup to Anaheim for the first time, but they are the first team from California to win it all. PFC Austin was 19 years old when he was Beauchemin, Ilya Bryzgalov, Sebastien killed on October 8, 2006, while serving in the Caron, Ryan Carter, Joe DiPenta, Ryan With that, Mr. Speaker, we congratulate the Getzlaf, Jean-Sebastien Giquere, Mark Anaheim Ducks for their marvelous play and United States Army’s First Armored Division, Hartigan, Kent Huskins, Chris Kunitz, Ric celebrate their victory in the 2007 Stanley Cup during combat operations in Ramadi, Iraq. For Jackman, Todd Marchant, Brad May, Andy Finals. his heroism, and for saving the lives of several McDonald, Drew Miller, Travis Moen, Joe The resolution was agreed to. fellow soldiers, Shane was awarded the Pur- Motzko, Scott Niedermayer, Rob A motion to reconsider was laid on ple Heart and the Bronze Star. Niedermayer, Sean O’Donnell, Samuel the table. According to Captain Daniel Costin, Shane Pahlsson, George Parros, Dustin Penner, f was a quiet, unassuming man who worked Corey Perry, Chris Pronger, Aaron Rome, hard, whether it was cutting grass in rear de- Teemu Selanne, Ryan Shannon, and Shawn PRIVATE FIRST CLASS SHANE R. tachment or conducting maintenance on his Thorton, are all worthy of praise and admi- AUSTIN POST OFFICE ration for their contributions to the resilient tank. championship team; Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Shane’s father Terrance also said that while Whereas Scott Niedermayer, the Ducks’ ask unanimous consent that the Com- Shane was a bit on the wild side before leav- team captain and a 33-year old veteran, was mittee on Oversight and Government ing for boot camp, when Shane came home awarded the Conn Smythe Trophy as the Reform be discharged from further con- after finishing basic training he stood tall, most valuable player of the National Hockey sideration of the bill (H.R. 3034) to des- stared you straight in the eye, and had a firm League post-season; ignate the facility of the United States handshake. Whereas the Anaheim Ducks introduced a Postal Service located at 127 South new future for the National Hockey League, On October 8, 2006, Shane courageously creating new fans of the sport’s high level of Elm Street in Gardner, Kansas, as the sacrificed the most precious thing a person athleticism and competition; ‘‘Private First Class Shane R. Austin can offer to his country—his life; and our Whereas the entire Ducks organization has Post Office,’’ and ask for its immediate country, the state of Kansas, and the Gardner- contributed considerably to the community consideration in the House. Edgerton community owes Shane and his VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:26 Jul 06, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\H30JY7.000 H30JY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 21320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 15 July 30, 2007 family absolute gratitude for the rights and ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to hometown of more than 55 years in his mem- freedoms that he so heroically fought to pro- be a reference to the ‘‘Buck Owens Post Of- ory. tect. fice’’. The bill was ordered to be engrossed Shane also follows in the path of a long line The amendment was agreed to. and read a third time, was read the of brave and courageous individuals from the Mr.
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