ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH 923 PORTLAND AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK DECEMBER 13, 1964 50 Golden Years 1!114 1!164 Tl1is page is blanl(. iraprrtfttlly mr~iratr~ to Rt. Rev. Monsignor George W. Eckl "Monsignor Eckl" and "St. Andrew's" have become synonymous terms. For its fifty year history Monsignor Eckl has presided over this parish as its beloved pastor. "Unique" and "rare" are the adjectives that can best describe the common "Golden Jubilee" of St. Andrew's parish and Monsignor Eckl as its pastor. Born in "Dutchtown" on September 26, 1877 Monsignor Eckl attended Holy Family school, from which he graduated in 1891. St. Andrew's and St. Bernard's Seminaries were the scenes of his training for the priesthood, to which he was ordained in St. Patrick's Cathedral on June 6, 1901 by Bishop McQuaid, the first Bishop of Rochester. Until February of 1902 he was not officially assigned to any parish but assisted at St. John's, Spencerport, St. Leo's, Hilton, and St. Mary's, Rochester. On February 1, 1902 Monsignor was appointed as assistant pastor of Immaculate Conception Church, Rochester. On November 30, 1907 he became pastor of St. John's Church, Greece and h e remained there until his appointment as pastor of St. Andrew's on November 30, 1914. He guided the destiny of this new parish most zealously and by consistent and apostolic labor brought St. Andrew's to the outstanding parish it is today. He was honored by Pope Puis XII on November 11, 1947 by being made Domestic Prelate with the title of Right R everend Monsignor. In February 1916 he was chosen by Bishop Kearney as a Diocesan Consultor. St. Andrews parish plant and its good people give ample evidence of Monsignor Eckl's priestly goodness and unstinting devotion to God and Church. His extensive charity to those in need and to the missions is known only to God and himself. The tribute of a general parish communion on the Golden Jubilee Sunday and the continued prayerful good wishes will evidence the gratitude and loyalty of his parishioners. Ad multos anrws! HIS HOliNESS POPE PAUL VI HIS EXCELLENCY THE MOST REVEREND JAMES E. KEARNEY, D. D. BISHOP OF ROCHESTER HIS EXCELLENCY THE MOST REVEREND LAWRENCE B. CASEY, D. D. AUXILIARY BISHOP OF ROCHESTER REVEREND PAUL G. WOHLRAB REVEREND JAMES J. MARVIN REVEREND GEORGE E. GAUTHIER TRUSTEES GEORGE A. BUTTS JOSEPH P. MARK AUDITORS THOMAS F. EAGAN URBAN G. KRESS WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION TO THE PATRONS, ADVERTISERS, DONORS AND FRIENDS WHO MADE THIS PROGRAM POSSIBLE. The Co mmittee The next day again fohn stood, and two of his disciples. And beholding Jesus walking, he saith: Behold the Lamb of God. And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. And Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who had heard of fohn, and followed him. He findeth first his brother Simon, and saith to him: W e have found the M essia s, which is, being inter~ preted, the Christ, And he brought him to Jesus. John 1, 35~37 ; 40~42 IDqt ~tnry nf 1J1tfty I tars Fifty years! Fifty golden years! Mem­ the truths of Christ and making avail­ ories of hard work, pronounced loyalty, able to them the sacraments of Christ. complete cooperation, tremendous effort. On the occasion of this Parish's Gold­ Memories of more than a generation of en Anniversary, priests, religious and men, women and children - people of people look to their Apostolic Patron for God - striving nobly to carry on the his continued guidance and interces­ work of the Church according to the sion. will of Jesus Christ. The memories SAINT ANDREW THE APOSTLE make up part of the history of St. An­ PRAY FOR US drew's Parish in the northeast section of Rochester. Its beautiful church, rec­ tory, school and convent are located on Portland A venue between Duman Street and Barberry Terrace. A NEW PARISH We can always appreciate the pres­ ent state of things the better when we [n 1913 an urgent need was felt for contrast them with the past. Not so a place of worship and for a school in many years ago Portland Avenue, the which to educate the children in that busy thoroughfare of today, was but a rapidly growing section of the city now dirt road, having the distinction, how­ occupied by St. Andrew's Parish. Ac­ ever, of being the only road over which cordingly, it was suggested that a suit­ ran the famous "dummy cars" operating able building be secured where Mass between Sea Breeze and the city line; could be celebrated for a time. Frank while they who remember 75 years X . Foery, Frank Leckinger, Emil Tho­ back, recall how this same road had mann, Anthony Limpert and Stephen been a log road - being covered with Zeitvogel who were foremost in their log planks over which the Irondequoit desire to have Mass, and subsequently farmer brought his produce to the city a church in that locality, applied to Fa­ of Rochester. At the present corner of ther Staub, the pastor of Holy Redeemer Portland and Clifford stood a toll-gate Church, "The Mother Church", to aid house conducted by Charles Stehle. them in having Mass celebrated in some There was then considerable woodland suitable edifice. and forest, and the houses were but few But Father Staub, recognizing the in number. Opposite the present church possibilities and needs of the future, grounds, between Oneida and Grafton urged the acquiring of some suitable site Streets, were dense woods, leading back for a future parish. to a log house on Grafton Street, the After a careful examination of various home of George Smith, Sr., original set­ sites, it was finally decided to purchase tler in that section. the Kleehammer property, fronting on The history of every Catholic Church, Portland Avenue, extending back be· in a wide sense, goes back to apostolic tween Duman Street and Barberry Ter­ times; but in a special way is this true race and comprising better than two of St. Andrew's because its patron was acres. The original cost of the property one of the Twelve. was $15,000.00. In the first chapter of St. John's gos­ pel we read of how John the Baptist YEAR OF FOUNDATION pointed out our Lord to Andrew the With the sanction of the Most Rev. Apostle. He, in turn, brought his bro­ Bishop Thomas F. Hickey, the land was ther Peter to the Master saying, "We acquired. A meeting was held in the have found the Messias." fall of 1913 at Concordia Hall of Holy For the past fifty years, we may say Redeemer Church to organize a new that the Apostle Andrew through the Parish. Rev. Joseph A. Miller, pastor church dedicated to him, has been bring­ of Holy Trinity Church, Webster and ing people to our Lord - teaching them former assistant of Holy Redeemer Church, was chosen for this important marble statue of St. Andrew, which work. adorns the front of the building. Father Miller soon set to work to take SOCIAL EVENTS up a census in this new field. He was ac;sisted by Francis Lane, a seminarian, Now that the parish was organized, who in 1920 became the first priest or­ keen interest was aroused for the finan­ dained from St. Andrew's parish. (Mon­ cing of the work. Bowling contests, card signor Francis Lane later became na­ parties, house pedroes, etc. were held tionally renowned in his work as chap­ in rapid succession, each bringing in lain at the Elmira reformatory.) The good returns. Messrs. Frank X. Foery, census revealed about 200 families, most­ Frank Leckinger, Anthony and Joseph ly young German and a few Irish, em­ Limpert and Albert Krum, under the ployed at Bausch & Lomb Co. and Wol­ name of the "Oneida Social Club" ar­ lensak Optical Co. With this group ranged a "Prize Bowling Contest," which Father Miller organized a new parish. took place February 17, 1914 netting He incorporated it under the name of ninety-five dollars. This was the very St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church first venture to raise funds for the bene­ of Rochester, New York. fit of the new St. Andrew's Church. The first parish building was a two FIRST LAWN FESTIVAL story structure - a combination church, The first big " Lawn F ete" was plan­ school and hall - built at a cost of ned to be held on the eves of July 22 to $55,000.00. The church was on the first 28, in the parish building, which was not floor, the school of six rooms on the sec­ yet complete. The net proceeds amount­ ond floor and a hall in the basement. ed to $565. Among the visitors at the It was made of tapestry brick and con­ "Lawn Fete" was a young priest, pastor tained fire-proof stairways. The archi­ at the time of St. John's Church, Greece, tect was James Pigot of N ewark, New New York, who had the pleasure of do­ Jersey and it was built by Gosline and nating a doll to one of the booths: this Swan, local contractors. The corner­ priest, little dreaming of th e future, was stone was laid on June 28, 1914 under shortly to become the first resident pas­ the direction of Father Miller. tor of the new parish. OFFICERS OF THE NEW PARISH FATHER ECKL APPOINTED President PASTOR Most R ev. Thomas F . Hickey, D.D. Vice-President Owing to the ill health of Father R ev.
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