10258 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 9, 2000 no health education about preventive strate- school district, as well as family and friends, HONORING MR. MICHAEL HARVEY gies or ways to manage chronic illness. Com- will gather to honor the career of Ms. Gail pared with insured children, uninsured children Nolin, who is retiring after 34 glorious years. HON. SCOTT McINNIS are up to eight times less likely to have a reg- In 1966, Gail Nolin began her career with OF COLORADO ular source of care, four times more likely to Waterford Schools, teaching third, fourth, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES delay seeking care, nearly three times less fifth grades at Cooley Elementary School. Wednesday, June 7, 2000 likely to have seen a provider in the past year, Gail’s tenure at Cooley lasted 18 years. Gail and five times more likely to use the emer- Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to brought with her many unique and creative op- gency room as a regular place of care. There take a moment to recognize an exceptional portunities for her students to learn, including is no question that insurance is key to main- man, Michael Harvey. In May, Mr. Harvey painting a large map of Michigan in the school taining health. traveled to Washington D.C. to receive the Imagine one hundred children from Texas parking lot, and constructing a large rocket ‘‘Star of Life’’ award, the highest honor pre- standing in front of you. Fifty-four of these chil- ship. Many times, she incorporated art and sented to paramedics. Mr. Harvey received dren are insured through Private/Employer- music in her lessons, giving her students early the award because of his dedicated service to based programs. Twenty-two are covered exposure to fine arts and a well-rounded cur- his community and his fellow man as a para- through Medicaid. Twenty-four are uninsured. riculum. She later moved up to teach upper el- medic. Mr. Harvey embodies the goals that This equals to about 1.4 million of the 6 million ementary, where she involved parents in pre- this award stands for and we all can learn children in Texas without health insurance. senting technology to students, and helped from the proud example he has set. Now imagine one hundred children from all pilot the district’s first elementary computer As you know Mr. Speaker, paramedics work over the country standing in front of you. network, acting as systems operator with tirelessly and selflessly to serve their fellow Sixty-four of these children are insured Gladys Baker. man. Mr. Harvey and his fellow paramedics through Private/Employer-based programs. In 1991, Gail began a new role within the are expected to perform in difficult—even per- ilous—situations on a daily basis. Mr. Harvey’s Twenty-one are covered through Medicaid. Fif- District, that of Technology Consultant. She service and sacrifice in his field clearly merit teen are uninsured. diligently worked along with Dick Elsholz and both the ‘‘Star of Life’’ award and the respect Why is it that Texas’ percentage of unin- Randy Gross to implement a program that sured children is higher than the national’s av- and admiration of this great body. would allow third grade to fifth grade teachers It is obvious why Mr. Harvey was chosen as erage? The reason is due to a Texas govern- to integrate computer technology into their cur- ment that chooses not to take advantage of the recipient of the ‘‘Star of Life’’ award. I think riculum. She served as a member of the Insti- that we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his government funding that will allow many chil- tutional Technology Planning Committee, and dren to be insured. As a matter of fact, Texas service to the State of Colorado. Due to Mr. co-chaired the first elementary technology Harvey’s dedication, it is clear that Colorado is can expand its Medicaid coverage to the age plan. of eighteen and cover those whose income is a better and safer place in which to live. up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. Gail not only had an accomplished aca- It is with this, Mr. Speaker, that I say thank Presently, Texas only covers children up to demic career, but a political career that has you and congratulations to Mike Harvey on the age of eighteen and to those whose in- spanned nearly three decades. this outstanding accomplishment. Your com- munity, state and nation are all very proud of come is 100% of the Federal Poverty Level A member of the Waterford Education Asso- you, Mike. Keep up the good work. with Title XXI funds. If Texas expands Title ciation, Michigan Education Association, and XXI eligibility to only 200% Federal Poverty National Education Association, Gail has al- f Level, like it has the choice to, then an addi- ways remained a member in good standing SALUTE TO URSULA SHERMAN tional 483,000 uninsured children would be eli- and a role model for her peers. She has BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA gible for insurance coverage. Over half of all served the WEA as a member of its Human states have expanded coverage to 200% or Rights Commission and Negotiations Com- HON. BARBARA LEE beyond. mittee, as well as other leadership roles with OF CALIFORNIA Most states have expanded health insur- the union. As a member of the MEA, Gail has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ance coverage to children using Title XXI been an executive officer since 1985, and also Wednesday, June 7, 2000 funds. This coverage is provided through Med- sits on the Staff Retirement Board and Legis- icaid expansions and/or separate insurance lative Committee. She has operated as the Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, today I salute, con- programs. Ten states offer Medicaid to those MEA representative to the NEA on several oc- gratulate, and honor Ursula Sherman. Ms. Sherman has been a founding and ac- with an income up to 150% Federal Poverty casions. Level. Texas falls within this category. Texas tive Board member of Building Opportunities falls at the bottom. Our children fall at the bot- Gail’s strong belief in our democratic system for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS) for more than 29 tom. has allowed her an audience with not only years. This should simply not be the case. The members of Congress, but senators, Cabinet Ms. Sherman came to California in 1938 Texas government must not only strive to im- members, and several presidents, on issues after her family spent five years in Paris as prove its average compared to the national av- such as Title I and equal rights. Gail was in- refugees from Nazi Germany. She learned the erage, but it must also strive to ensure all of vited to the White House by President Carter importance of volunteerism as an under- its children adequate health care. The oppor- to participate in discussions regarding the graduate at the University of Wisconsin and tunity for Texas to make change is now. The drafting of women into the military. during her year as a researcher at the Nurem- Texas leadership must now show compassion These experiences also led her to a stint as berg trials, where she fully grasped the con- to its future and provide a means for them to an assistant to Congressman Bob Carr, and cept that there but for the grace of God go I. live healthy lives. the opportunity in 1993, where President Clin- Ms. Sherman became an advocate for youth as a children’s librarian and University of Cali- f ton met and bowled with her eighth grade stu- fornia at Berkeley visiting lecturer. In her dents. HONORING GAIL NOLIN ‘‘other’’ vocation as a community activist orga- Mr. Speaker, Gail Nolin is my educational nizer, she worked hard at integrating Berkeley HON. DALE E. KILDEE colleague and my friend. For many years, I schools in the late sixties. She and members OF MICHIGAN have benefitted from her insight, as has the of the Jewish Community organized the Hillel entire Waterford community over the course of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Streetwork project, which later became Build- the last 34 years. She has always been a ing Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency or BOSS. Wednesday, June 7, 2000 fighter for education, for she believes that a This organization continues to serve the Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, as a former strong educational background is the basis to- homeless and mentally-disabled populations in teacher, it gives me great pleasure to rise be- ward improving the quality of life. I ask my col- the East Bay, thanks to her leadership 29 fore you today on the behalf of the Waterford, leagues to please join me in congratulating years ago. Michigan School District, who will be honoring Gail Nolin on her retirement, and wishing her In addition to her work in BOSS, Ms. Sher- one of their own. On June 14, members of the the very best in her future endeavors. man is also a past or current board member VerDate jul 14 2003 14:23 Sep 23, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E09JN0.000 E09JN0 June 9, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10259 of such organizations as The Jewish Music Over the past decade the number of hate Officer of the Year and founder of several po- Festival, The Traveling Jewish Theater, the crimes has risen rapidly, consummating with lice organizations. He teaches a karate class American Jewish Congress of Northern Cali- 1999’s ‘‘summer of hate.’’ If taking anything to children every Friday. fornia and the Berkeley Public Library Founda- positive from this infamous period is possible Sgt.
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