The Daily Register VOL. 97 NO.260 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1975 15 CENTS Howard wants fort plan funked' By SHERRY FIGDORE ning," the New Jersey Demo- very obvious that there are tronics Command (ECOM) at ry Diamond Laboratories mouth could save $12 million crat declared. Inaccuracies in many impor- Ft. Monmouth. (HDL) in Maryland would over a proposed, completely BELMAR - Denouncing The study was prepared by tant areas in the study," Mr. The letters, sent over the run about $77 million if Alt 2, new $14.4 million special in- the Army's Harry Diamond the Army Materiel Command Howard said, "and the con- signature of Col. Louis A. consolidation at Ft. Mon- telligence building Development Center Concept (AMC) to compare relative clusions cannot stand any Reinken Jr., director of Plans mouth, were accomplished, He also reported that Alt. 1. Study ai a "biased and sub- costs In personnel and dollars reasonable scrutiny." and Analysis for ECOM, con- not the $100 million estimated consolidation at HDL, "is by jective report," Rep. James to consolidate HDDC (acuities tained comments Gen. Foster in the AMC study. (ar the least preferable be- J. Howard has demanded that In Adelphi, Md., (Alternate 1) A week ago, Rep. Howard made on faulty figures and Similarity, the general cause it fragments the inter- Army Secretary Howard H. at Ft. Monmouth, (Alt. 2) or, had requested AMC to make misinformation in the AMC found that construction of action between the HDDC Callaway "abandon and junk as a third alternate, divide re- public two letters sent to it study. some additional space and and its logistics command." the entire concept study." sponsibility between the two from the office of Major Gen. Among other discrepancies, erection of a fence at the Currently unused space at "This whole thing smells installations. Hugh F. Foster Jr., com- Gen. Foster said the disuse of existing new Electronic War- Ft. Monmouth was probably and did from the very begin- "It has recently become mander of the Army Elec- existing facilities at the Har- fare building at Ft. Mon- sufficient to handle trans- ferred HDL personnel, Gen. Foster found. Space would have to be leased In Adelphi to hold the 1,700 ECOM em- ployees Involved in the pro- Senate sets last-diteh effort posed move. All of Gen. Foster's com- ments were summarized by AMC for Mr. Howard, who never did get copies of the original letters. to avoid state fiscal crisis While AMC corrected some of the figures in its final ver- program to close the deficit By CARL ZEITZ from 1.5 per cent to 6 per cent jected by the Senate four Meanwhile yesterday, sion of the report, and admit- the governor has warned he to raise |750 million. times in the past 11 months in Byrne, his staff and the legis- ted that more errors existed, would make massive spend- TRENTON (AP) - State The $M0 million fiscal plan one form or another, in- lature held a constant round the Command didn't change ing cuts. senators are scheduled to would close a $412 million cluding the defeat last Mon- of meetings to head off the its conclusions, Mr. Howard vote on an Income tax propos- deficit in the next state budg- day of a proposed state sur- impending fiscal crisis. The newest program also said. al tomorrow in what could be et; pay for a $321 million charge on federal income The legislature has passed Includes raising the state tax "But even the summary (of the last effort to head off a state school aid increase in taxes. the $2.8 billion budget recom- on corporations from S.5 per Gen. Foster's comments) in- cent to 7.5 per cent to raise major fiscal crisis. 1976, and reduce taxes state- The plan proposed late yes- mended by Byrne which con- dicates that the whole study JUNK ITI — Rep. James J. Howard declared the $90 million; a "business stabi- Late yesterday, the Byrne wide by $150 million begin- terday is essentially the pro- tains the $412 million deficit. should be abandoned," Mr. Army should "abandon and |unk" Its proposal to lization tax1 of $3.15 per $100 administration and the Senate ning next year. gram urged by Byrne a year The state constitution re- Howard commented. transfer 1,700 Ft. Monmouth personnel to Adelphi, of assessed business property Democratic leadership de- The Senate Democratic ago which won approval in quires a balanced budget on- Looking tanned and trim at Md., The N.J. Democrat expressed his opinion at a less business payments for lo- vised a new $900 million pro- leadership was cautious in the Assembly but ran into a July 1, the beginning of the See Howard, page 2 press conference yesterday In Belmar. cal real estate taxes, and re- gram that includes a proposal predicting support for the in- wall of opposition in the Sen- fiscal year, and If the legisla- peal of the state taxes on (or an Income tax graduated come tax, which has been re- ate. ture cannot agree on a tax gross receipts, business ma- chinery and unincorporated businesses, which now pro- duce $65 million a year. The net gain in revenue Probe ofSagner would be about $900 million In the first year although the money would be spread out over two state budgets. The program also Includes a so-called "circuit breaker" dealings denied to limit property tax pay- By CHERYL MORRISON cause he and his associates ments on the basis of family EAST HANOVER (AP) - obtained a permit from the Income. For example, a fami- The state is investigating Department of Environmen- ly with an income of $5,000 a Transportation Commissioner tal Protection in January, year would pay no more than Alan Sagner's land dealings while he held his present 5 per cent or $250 in property here, according to the town- state office. taxes. Anything above that ship's mayor. But the at- Knox claims the permit was would be refunded by the torney general's office denies "very unusual," saying he state to a maximum of $250. the mayor's claim. had not expected It to be Apartment renters would be A state policeman who said granted. permitted to calculate 25 per he was from the attorney gen- Sagner also is a personal cent of their rent as property eral's office spent four hours friend of David Bardln, who tax payments to qualify for talking with municipal offi- heads the DEP. the circuit breaker. cials Thursday then left with Knox said he thinks the in- The package also would the records from township vestigation resulted from place limits on annual In- files of Sagner's land deal- newspaper articles about con- LEADERSHIP MEETING - Gov. Brendan T. trying to resolve a $400 million budget deficit. creases in state, county and Seated at far left Is Senate President Frank Dodd. Ings, according to Mayor troversies surrounding Sag- Byrne Is at the center of table as he chairs a meet- municipal budgets tied to the Frederick Knox. ing of leaders of both houses in the legislature, ner's plans to build 250 houses annual statewide growth of "He said the attorney gen- on a 104-acre tract in a flood personal income. In other eral wanted to keep this low plain at this Morris County words if personal income rose key, so I haven't discussed it township's border with Flor- 5 per cent in a year, govern- with anyone," Knox said yes- ham Park. ment budgets could be in- terday when questioned by Alaa Saper Knox expressed surprise at Revision of Wetlands Act creased no more than 5 per The Associated Press. the Investigation, noting he cent. A spokesman for Attorney Sagner or his land," the had called the controversy to Except (or the income tax, General William F. Hyland spokesman said. Hyland's attention In Febru- all the legislation in the pack- said Hyland's office Is pur- Sagner said he thought the ary and three weeks later re- age must originate in the As- suing an investigation here, report he was being in- ceived a letter from Hyland backed by county planners sembly. but that it does not involve vestigated was part of "a dir- absolving Sagner. Assembly Speaker S. How- Sagner. He would not disclose ty game" by township offi- Sagner said he was not aw- FREEHOLD - The county the specifications for his struction funds from being tal Council's report, Robert ard Woodson told the Senate the nature of the in- cials who have accused him are of the Investigate until Planning Board yesterday en- building. spent in the state at a time Huguley, county environmen- Democrats yesterday the low- vestigation. of conflict of interest. asked about it yesterday by dorsed suggestions made by "And a builder of a 25-unit when unemployment is the tal planner, wrote that the er house would support a pro- "I won't say we're in- "Somebody in town hall The Associated Press, and the county Environmental subdivision in the area cov- highest ever. • council "approves the concept gram based on the scaled- vestigating the township gov- tried this game before," Sag- that he checked with the at- Council to modify proposed ered by the act might have to Robert D. Halsey, county of these regulations for large down graduated income tax. ernment, because that ner said. torney general's office and state regulations in the Coast- add $1,200 to the cost of each planning director, said the scale developments and for The (ate of the income tax wouldn't be fair.
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