¦ --¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ¦ .5_1__f^ :,:- . -?¦.: ?:: ¦,. .;-¦*-. , .; vr - . , _ , . - ¦¦ ' ¦- ¦ :i : ¦¦-- -;:. ¦«— -- ~ ~ ,¦- .:... ¦.. .;¦ ¦ ¦•• -: ' ' ^ S^^ 'rriiwtetW'ti\viJr -.vn^. <,j. j- ts'iy ." -;' "' a~K r— -• ,. .. .- ?l .;.y^>«..ry;vjW ...- . , . TO TBE OIiD GUAEDS ^^^ ^^ Mort gagor, all monies intended to beseeure 'd by tbil within writ ten deed. .:*" Loved and Hoxotjbed Comrades. As witn and hard for, and ess our han ds this day of 18 . , "Wehave straggled long A. B. have contended against every difficulty in the • CD. cause of freedom, and at length our labours . Transfer of Shares, ¦ ¦ are about to produce an abundant harvest i ?*, ••*" ?' , •*••- ,, ' . heitiff one of the share- holders Of tho National Freeh old Benefit Building Great changes are not easily produced in a Societ ' h many abandoned our y, in considera tion of the sum of . nation ; and althoug sterling paid to me by in the Count y of cause "from hopelessnessand despair, I have ¦ do hereb y assign and transfer to tho often told you that ire would "remain -where we " Said .. '7, 'liis heirs , administrator s rind ' as- signs share of and in the said Society, "were struck down, "until the time arrived for " ¦ ¦ to hold AND the . same^uhtp the- said ¦his ficirs NATTONAT , Tltffcltliiii , , ;ad- that *we -would never : further progress, but ministratoi 's*iih"(l-assigns,.subjeet to the payment an,d, " retreat riiles .of tho Soeiety..']iAnd ; I, the said^yr-.r ^r * ; I told you, fourteen years ago, -when makin g TOL, HI. P. Bit LMBOH 8MBDH, ,do hereby agree to accept the said . share d siibjecfc . MiSllW9. - " '" " - - hrst national tomv that the day of auction ^S ^Sj S ^m. tb the same payments and rules. ; . my THE LAND ' ' ' pa rties wonld bid CONF EREN CE. ;; TO FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ., M.P. [^WOiff pere enU interest shall made to such As witness':cur¦ hands and seals this day of would arrive when all to per annum, which withdrawin g;members , all liabilities ; ¦' :' ¦da y has come. b m d the credi t of those members to on accoun t of subscri ; 18 . ibr ns, and at length that ~ t 3 ^ ? ptions or fines, shall be de- -. A. B The member s of th e La nd Honour ed and Respected Sib, —It is with whoift paey has been ad vanced; ducted from the amount so ¦'¦ ' ¦ I told you that I would neve r join any party Company will paid , and the residupi- . - ¦ . .* ¦ now feelings of the deepest grief and sorrow—though not if any—hande d over to him; ' - * (!. D who advocated mere party politics or part y understand, that the princi pal object or , her. It shall be iti- of surp ise—that we have read of your repeated de- if ciimb'ent upon members.about to withd r concentrate the achieved by the Conferen ce : ThW at ; the . end of a month member shall be, aw from the --' interests ; but that I would so appears , to my termina tion of retiring into private life. We are a jSdciety to ibi'wardvto tbe.vDjrectors in writin g 'EXTR¦ ¦ AORDINARY¦ DISCOVERY-OF- A'' mmd, of vit al m r : s - *-*« * k<& *- subscriptions instal l iwo ¦¦ ¦ ¦ * • •¦ industrious mmd of this countr y, as to place importanc e—nam ely, the mode grieved , because your retirement would destroy our '^JK > i-P . , or .. ^calendar '.'^ot !eG ;?of f - - /• ^MURDER , iv .;? : •;; h b ^montHs . % such intontioff ; and ^ / *positaoh y which memb ers are to be located future. only hope of self-elevation and independence, and 'should /soVeral 'e^Sn^ hand iipoh the the labour CTinhi5le^timate , and to in jho tic to same ' If th ere are leave us as sheep withou t a shepherd , an easy prey ^a ^tl ^ iMfu ^in^of subscri ; - fin Friday afternoon , shortly after one o' clock, makehis class what they ought to be-Jj ItEE- a certain amo unt of allotments to pt iohs, &c, shall take tho nei T be assi to crafty and unprincipled politicians, who have too 'pjace acobfd Un'ijvito 'the . order in which such notices ' ghbourhood. of.;& §w^Westdn-strectj . Ber- MEN, and not slaves. gned, one-third of those allotment s will often used tha industrious niondsey , was' alarmed in ' classes as a means of ob- -sShould the funds in handiat any cbnsequerico of tho muti- 1 wrote several letters to the shop- be assigned to those who have been akeady taining measures *•» %m&f,W sucMfiniw svillMr¦ iS^V^^ y^' lated remaiiia of a man beingi-' * In 1348, for their Own felfish or ambiliou *t , th mmSa.^M ¦time .,.*be;;nbt ,rsufBcient . to meet the : withdrawals 'discovered - in t one of balloted, other purposes—and , sir m «¥ «^^«d . the houses in Miniver- place keeping class, showin g that their interests and accor din g to priorit y ; the , we are not surprised at your de- ^^^l^^^, n of t^e ' notified , , near the new Loather termin ation , te^^^ 8^»»l»«» ho; ^ < market. -•= The House in ' those of the manual labourer were identical third will be ballot ed for by the paid -up mem- when we see the carelessness , the su- fS!&S^^ to- Se c^¦eumstahces," :tKk e'plaee.'V -.' -,. ¦ question is at present un- pineness , and the base ingra titude of many of those ^ occupied, but belongs to Mr. Coleman 'the bers ; arid the other third will be assigned to ffl^sSSSP* *— W¦ -lM^i^ext!payment , * '¦ ' , ia builder , and inseparable ; and " as folly of to-da y ot ' to . :'•¥. \ ;,Dcaikof.¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * Members. ¦ ¦ ¦ for whom you have sacrificed health, wealth , talents, : their A : :! -. .- .' .£¦...»¦. I ' . ' - I . • - resid ing at No. 1, . About six months ago. ho lot it to PAI D-irP MEMBERS bonus. SSffe?*? .&• P^fefttum may be the wisdom ofthe morrow ," tbat very ONLY, by and domestic comfort. It was surely enough, sir , In case of.fl &cniber dying, the probate of .the a man named Mannin g, a dischar ged rhihvay ser- to be nt .o : class which most persecuted TOTJ and ME This was tho vital que stion which was that in your exertions to elevate the degraded sons b^ ^ ? ^ ^ i iyn of Will or Letters'nf ' Adminis tration must be exhibited vant , who was' dismissed by the dire ctors . , inSfe ^ ^^a ^- * * * " of tho decided, aud i thinkthe plan adopted should of toil, you had to encounter an opposition which a n SIf r reivr 3 hereinb efore provided '. for, to the Secictyi.*when the ,net subscriptions paid by Great.Western Railway Company some tim e has at length discovered the error of their ¦ 6har e ' ago give as it now . confines would have appalle d the stoutest heart—that you ill ^ *-' be in thoj amo prbportibii as such member , together with such other sums as tlie for beimr concerned with Ntah tin-Mle a-nri oth ers m ways, and gained knowledge from my past general satisfaction , cU ' had your motives misconstrued by your own class, f? -JP»«?e>its shall bear to?the monthl y subscri p- deceased member, or members wer e entitl ed lo, shall committing a series of robberies on. that i'me. He the pr opert y to members only. tlon W?hto upon - :yy folly. and were shun ned by them as a person dangerous *i ^ .-an original stiarel ^lU be - transferr ed ; or ' the ^'e'xccutoi ' er administr ator r esided-with his wife in Miniver- place, and the" mur- There was one mistake made by the re- ¦ "-' Old Guards , there are no enemies . so dan- to society, (thou gh many men look up to you as the ;fj ll&-^ ^js -j :• may, upon payment ofall fines' and arrears of sub- dered man was frequently seen at theWliouse, {aiid porter , which it is necessary to corr ect, I true conservator df Society shall ' scriptions c a gerous to your order as vanity, ambition, and society)—that you lost caste , as u *^.^W ^Stir» ^t nl oe held on. , transfer (free from the transfer fee) such espe i lly in the company of Mrs. Mannin g, " -Tho 000 members only remainin g itiWere tne-fc shares to any but as my devotion , to your cause has showed that 30, , among your own order—surely all this was Mg^ member of the society : or should they name of the deceased is Patrick O'Connor , a gauger folly; in the bad enough with out being mistrusted and maligned tors be desirous fo to do they nlay.rirt ain such shares for in the Customs , cks justi ce, I would not Company, and presuming them to be S^defe^mostVb ^venieht;' f o Which a report . at the London Do , where lie has been based upon love of by the very person s whom you stooped . to raise. °f the ^te 'iSoiciety^shall : be isiibinitted and the benefit of tho testator or intestate 's estate , sub-r for some time received a salar y of £300 a year. Ho stand in the four-acre shareholders , each to pay lid. a r ^he r ' allow my vanit y or ambit ion to The bare menti on of such ingratitude makes lis oac ? ject to the same lialiilitjes as other members , and was suppp sed to be in possession of nearl y £4,000 in share, or 66.. a , would amount, not to ' ' way of your regenerati on ; and while I will week shudder at our very hum anity. ; , y?iP ^*W£^ \1; entitled lo t^e^same dvanta ges except that one forei gn rail way bonds and securities, which was £13 •Ml8s®@&cj^ t'' - ' a 1 les nor abandon one ,000 a year, as stated in the report , but to We) Sir, saw in your Land Plan the only redemp- ¦person onl y shali be eatitlea to vote in the affairs of Well known to Mannin g ana his .wifc, ^atKe y never desert your pri ncip ' ^ ; ; £39,000 a year ; a sum of itself s^cleni Tto for our social miseries and lost no time in becoming -rz ; aswr ^-fwflBenttyan-thOrha bitpJ f' ^itingyKim " *-ai? his yonr Chart er, I am "satis fied to leave decweovby a ¦rn : - «*.--'—--*.--^r tx-.— - .- - '-*r ^'" **^»j-!'-i>i»i.C-1 , :• ?,..«-*,.'»=*: t t point of give a members.
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