PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Thursday, July 9, 2020 Telephonic Meeting Regular Session & Workshop 6:00 PM TOLL-FREE DIAL-IN NUMBER: 1-888-475-4499 Meeting ID: 992 2363 0283 Agenda Chair Ross Gordon Vice Chair Commissioner Commissioner Mike Axelrad Mike Baker John T. Klug Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Marc Steinberg Weldon Taylor Pamela Nelson City of Bellaire Texas Page 1 of 181 Agenda Planning & Zoning Commission July 9, 2020 REGULAR SESSION - 6:00 P.M. NOTICE OF TELEPHONIC MEETING Pursuant to Section 418.016 of the Texas Government Code, on March 16, 2020, the Governor of the State of Texas granted the Office of the Attorney General's request for the temporary suspension of certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act to allow for telephonic or videoconference meetings of governmental bodies that are accessible to the public in an effort to reduce in-person meetings that assemble large groups of people, as a precautionary measure to contain the spread of novel coronavirus COVID-19. Accordingly, this Regular Session and Workshop of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bellaire, Texas, will be conducted telephonically in furtherance of this important and necessary objective to protect the public health and welfare in our community. Members of the public will be entitled to participate and address the Planning and Zoning Commission in the telephonic meeting at the time for general comments. Any person desiring to address the Commission must submit their request via e-mail to [email protected]. The request must be received prior to the start of the meeting and include the speaker's full name and the phone number from which they will be calling in to participate in the meeting. Speakers will be recognized during the comment period in the order their requests are received. Members of the public may view a live broadcast of the meeting by visiting the City's website: https://bellairetx.new.swagit.com/views/21, U-Verse Channel 99, Comcast Channel 16, and the City's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bellairetx.gov. The toll-free dial-in number to participate remotely in the telephonic meeting is 1-888-475-4499, Meeting ID: 992 2363 0283. An electronic copy of the agenda packet for this Regular Session is posted online at https://bellairetx.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?type=26. A recording of the telephonic meeting will be made and will be posted online at https://bellairetx.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?type=26. I. Call to Order, Announcement of a Quorum, and Introduction to Meeting II. Pledge to the Flag (US and Texas) A. U.S. Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. B. Pledge to the Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. III. Approval of Minutes From Past Meeting(s) 1. Planning & Zoning Commission - Jun 11 2020 - Minutes - Pdf City of Bellaire Texas Page 2 of 181 Agenda Planning & Zoning Commission July 9, 2020 IV. City Council Liaison Report V. Reminder to Persons Desiring to Address the Commission VI. General Public Comments A. Persons at the meeting who have indicated their desire to be heard on matters of general interest to the Commission, by submitting the form provided shall have (3) three minutes each to present their comments. The Commission is not permitted to fully discuss, debate, or consider items that are not on the agenda. Questions presented to the Commission may be referred to staff. VII. Current Business (Items for Discussion, Consideration, and/or Possible Action) A. Docket SU-2020-01: Consideration and possible action on an application filed by Bagel Realty, LLC, for a specific use permit as required by the City of Bellaire Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24, Planning and Zoning, Section 24-605, Application for Specific Use Permit, to operate a one-lane drive-through window on the east side of the property for a restaurant and catering business, as provided for in section 24-536 B. (2) c) of the City of Bellaire Zoning Code. The property is located within the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) Zoning District. Agenda Statement Report - Pdf B. Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission's Report and Recommendation to City Council on the application filed by Bagel Realty, LLC, on a request for a Specific Use Permit to operate a drive-through window for a restaurant and catering business at the property located at 5422 Bellaire Blvd. Memo to Council-5422 Bellaire Blvd-Drive-Through SUP-DRAFT C. Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation letter to the Building and Standards Commission on a request to review garage floor heights and elevations. Proposed Letter from PZ to BSC - Elevated Garages and Driveways D. Update on the status of the Chair's proposed revisions to the working draft of the new North Bellaire Special Development District. VIII. Committee Reports IX. Correspondence X. Requests for New Business, Announcements and Comments A. Staff liaison report on the status of projects previously addressed by the commission as well as projects for future meetings. B. The Chair shall recognize any Commissioner who wishes to bring New Business to the attention City of Bellaire Texas Page 3 of 181 Agenda Planning & Zoning Commission July 9, 2020 of the Commission. Consideration of New Business shall be for the limited purpose of determining whether the matter is appropriate for inclusion on a future agenda of the Commission or referral to Staff for investigation. XI. Adjournment WORKSHOP SESSION - IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE REGULAR SESSION I. Call to Order and Announcement of a Quorum II. Discussion on possible changes to Chapter 24, Sec. 24-531 - R-1 Residential District, Sec. 24-532 - R-3 Residential District, Sec. 24-533 - R-4 Residential District, and Sec. 24-534 - R-5 Residential District of the City of Bellaire's Code of Ordinances regarding the maximum residential building height. III. Adjournment City of Bellaire Texas Page 4 of 181 MINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission - Jun 11 2020 Thursday, June 11, 2020 @ 6:00 PM Telephonic Meeting PRESENT: Weldon Taylor, Michael Axelrad, Michael Baker, Pam Nelson, John Klug, Marc Steinberg, and Ross Gordon; also present: Ashley Parcus, Zachary Petrov, Marleny Campos, Nathan Wesely, and ChaVonne Sampson ABSENT: REGULAR SESSION - 6:00 P.M. I. Call to Order, Announcement of a Quorum, and Introduction to Meeting Chair Gordon called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and announced a quorum was present consisting of all seven members of the Commission. He stated the Regular Session was being conducted telephonically by the authority of the Governor in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus for the welfare of the community. Chair Gordon informed the telephonic meeting was being broadcast live over the City's usual channels, including the City's website, cable television, and the City's Facebook page. He noted the presentation slides associated with each agenda item would be shown on the live broadcast. II. Pledge to the Flag (US and Texas) Chair Gordon led the pledges to the US and Texas flags. III. Approval of Minutes From Past Meeting(s) A. Planning & Zoning Commission - Mar 12 2020 - Minutes - Pdf Motion: To approve the minutes from the Commission's meeting on March 12, 2020. {Moved by Michael Baker, Commissioner, and seconded by Michael Axelrad, Vice Chair} RESULT: APPROVED. MOVER: Michael Baker, Commissioner SECONDER: Michael Axelrad, Vice Chair AYES: Weldon Taylor, Commissioner, Michael Axelrad, Vice Chair, Michael Baker, Commissioner, John Klug, Commissioner, Marc Steinberg, Commissioner, and Ross Gordon, Chair ABSTAINED: Pam Nelson, Commissioner IV. City Council Liaison Report City of Bellaire Texas Page 1 of 7 Page 5 of 181 Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 2020 Council Member Nathan Wesely informed City Council has not had any in-person meetings and mentioned review of the Comprehensive Plan has not yet been taken up by Council, but could be possible when in-person meetings resume. V. Reminder to Persons Desiring to Address the Commission Chair Gordon stated requests to speak during telephonic meetings must have been submitted via email before the start of the meeting. VI. General Public Comments A. Persons at the meeting who have indicated their desire to be heard on matters of general interest to the Commission, by submitting the form provided shall have (3) three minutes each to present their comments. The Commission is not permitted to fully discuss, debate, or consider items that are not on the agenda. Questions presented to the Commission may be referred to staff. There were no requests to speak for general public comments. VII. Current Business (Items for Discussion, Consideration, and/or Possible Action) A. Public Hearing Docket SU-2020-01: A public hearing on an application filed by Bagel Realty, LLC, for a specific use permit as required by the City of Bellaire Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24, Planning and Zoning, Section 24-605, Application for Specific Use Permit, to operate a restaurant and catering business with a drive-through window on the east side of the property, as provided for in section 24-536 B. (2) c) of the City of Bellaire Zoning Code. The property is located within the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) Zoning District. i. Opening Statement by the Chair Chair Gordon read the agenda caption and gave a brief overview of the application. ii. Presentation of the Public Hearing Process Attorney Zachary Petrov presented the public hearing process. iii. Presentation by the Applicant Bill Stone, the applicant's representative, introduced the property owners (Sion and Michael Saghion, Bagel Realty, LLC), the traffic consultant (Sampson Ukaegbu, Traff Data & Associates, Inc.), and the architect (Sammy Reese, Reese Design Services) who would City of Bellaire Texas Page 2 of 7 Page 6 of 181 Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 2020 all be available on the call to answer questions from the Commission.
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