41 .....l,;i.;:t::':r::-^v^'' V '■ 'r....^ ■> FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER % 1944 POURTEElf Manchester" Evening Herald Tke Weather ✓ Average Daily Circulation Foreeast of C. ». Westher Baioao ...................Z- AI I i F ir tlM MonUi ef Angnst, 1M4 . Fair weather through Honda).; Mlantonomoh Tribe No. B8, Un. Pvt. WUliam w. Shea:11^ son df continued cool tonight and Sunday Dr. Bernard. J. Sheiidcn <if the Mrs. Msbal W. S h earero----- fT l Ed- Manchester Rotary Club has call­ proved Order of Red Men, will morning; somewhat higher ten»- hold Its 'regular meeting' Monday ward straet, has been transf^reotransWiPte<i 8,77.5 pemture Sunday nftemoon. ■T-itE4boutTowh ed a meeting of the Tournament from Camp Lee, Va., to Fort Saha,, on Wheels committee for this eve­ evening at eight o’clock In the Zlp- Member’^ of the Aadit scr club on Brainard placd. Houaton, Texaa. Pvt. 'Shearer was ning at 8 o’clock at his home, 47 graduated from Manchester High BoreM e< CtrcnUtlqna Manche$ter— A City tif tiUagg Charm WMidell H. CMeney.' of 89 Stephens street. Sgiiidleld itreet, aon of Mr. ond f The North_ Methodist Women’s school in the 1943 class and was KT n m I a . caieney, ia at hia Society of Christian Service will honor student. He was inducted (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI I for a two ‘weeks’ furlough ^piUb(Bg«(M VoyfA Orange hold Its first fall meeting Wednes­ In the service April 22, and after (ClasaUled Advertlstag M Page M) MANCHESTER, CONN^ R-ATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 9, 1944 Camp Swtft, Texas. Private Lodge. No. 117, will hold its regu­ day afternoon at 2:30 at the several weeks at Fort Devens ww X _ey ta a member of the 88th lar mietlng tonight at 7:30 in church. There will be a roll-call,' transferred to the Quartermaster Hvisfon, in training ad Camp Orapge hall. The delegates to the when it is hoped the members will school at Camp Bliss. Hp Is now aupt'eme convention in Philadel­ relate their summer experiences. In training at the Adjutant Gener­ FFI Oiildren Help Free Paria phia last month will make their Articles for the Silver Lake sale al school. V. reports. It is hoped a large num­ should be 'brought to this meet­ May Free Entire Yanks Within Heavy TALL CBDAM ber pf the members will be on ing. There will be s nSeetlng of the hand to hear them. ““ b* Hartford Countyy,Council, Veterans of Foreign Wars Sunday Sept. 9 BINGO There Will be a meeting of the Rev Dr. Earl H. Fuigesoii of Odd Fellows Bingo committee this at 2:30 in Hertford at the Cald- well-OoIt pdst, 3700 Main street. Balkan Peninsula TON IGH T I the North Methodist church is at- evening in Odd Fellows hall. ' leich ' tending the Ministerial Training I ’ ORANGE HALL School a t’ Wllbraham, Mass., this week. Inside of Week Battl Toiletriesf Etc, Russian Army Offensive Sure Union HALE'S SELF SERVE Coupled with Com­ Biggest American Figm The Original In New England! Enamel Metal Compacts ..... ..... $1.69 />U,evel in th# beauty and elegance of clothes such as we are bined Operations of W ill Stick Yankee Drive Flying Boats ing Force Ever Mi Ab^inlf.. stars of your new-sea.son wardrobe. Among our Partisans and Allied On Foreign ContinCTllJ 50c v/Siiperb selections of 1944 newcomers you will find high spirited To P led g e Carry A long BreeikV l.attier Oil Shampoo . / fashions forAyery occasion. Commanido Units Ex­ (iets Nearer ' Closes in for Batt]^ SATURDAY SPECIALS! V • . * • 's pected to Bring Result. ..... $l!oo j ♦ X. • . • Of Germany; T hr«|j ’•'Dubarry Face Powder Thomas Sees No Strike Belfort Gap Medical Aid Moscow, Sept. 9.—(A*)— A American Armies, Bi ____ $ Promise Big Issue Hale's Bread l.oar 7 C *Diil>arry Lipsticks . 1.00 Red Army offenBivO through ish Army Being Ua New Crepe, Faille Push Rapidly Through Specially Trained Hos­ Bulgaria, coupled with the At National Conven In Gigantic Operatioi SfUl,*, ’*‘Elmo Lipsticks . e • e • ...........$1.00 combined operations of Mar­ tion of. Auto Wothers Douhs River Valley to pital Corpsman Part of shal Tito’a partisans .and Al­ % . Point 25 Miles from Regular Crew on Allj^ London, Sept, 9.— Coffef Cakes 29c ♦Arrid Deodorant iQt^eam . ..........39c-59c ii^ Omimando dnits m Yu­ and Wool Dresses Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 9— Route into Germany. Rescue Missions Now.' biggest American fighti: goslavia, appeared likely to­ (g.)—R. J. ’Thomsa president of force ever massed on a foi Gold Medal X ........ 39c In Black, Brown, Green, Blue, and Fuchsia. day to freq the Balkan penin- 50c' Ipana Tooth P aste............ the United Automobile Workers Rdme, Sept. 9 —(P)—American Washldqton, Sept. 9 —|)P)— Big, eign continent clo8fed in foi aula entirely of Germans in (CIO), Is confident his union will Flour 25-Lb. Bag $ 1 2 9 Issa than a wmk. At Ue same Sevenhi Army Forces, driving rap­ clumsy, but effective Catalina fly­ the battle of Germany t ,50c Lyon’s Tdoth Powder , ..... 34e time a Ruaaian armorid force vote to continue iU “no strike' idly northeast through the Douhs ing boats now carry medical aid and punched to within heavj to $ 1 2 ,9 8 dri)^g '‘OowiihUr’ from the stra­ pledge at its national convention river valleWfrom Besancon, have with them on all of their rescue artillery range of the SieJ^ r Swaasdown t a ^ heart •< TransyWanla push­ here next week. ^ 35c Vick?s Vapo Rub . ..•••• .2 lvc $ 5 - 9 8 reached a pohxt leas than 25 miles missions. fried line in the key sectW-, ed within 128 mUes of the fiat •The no strike pledged will be around the German bord^j Lge. Pkg. open frontier of Hungary. a big' Issue," Thomas conceded in from the B elfW gap route Into This was disclosed today by the ^Cake Flour 27c — Oreet Bolgata an Brothora southwestern Oamany, Allied Navy in ielllng of another of the city of Aachen oh the approad 75c Boyer’s Aspirin .................. an Interview laat night, "but it to the Ruhr. Three Americfii Bulgaria'a doclaraUon of war on will pass." He laughed heartily headquarters announced today. sqorea of reacues accomplished by Frenchmen, young and old. work feverishly to tear up paving stones )n the streets ^ Paris for the Cata'ina flying hosts— nick­ Armies and a British Army weii Oermaiiy poreuaded the ®^''*** at reports that the union's execu­ Already they had^overed at being employed In the gigantic 50c Williams’ Shave Cream . ' Union to accept Sofia’s request for tive board. In busy pre-convention barr^ade.Tgal’n.rthe*GernianN, The photo was made by sn F FI Phot^K^Pher during the week of named Dumbos by fliers—In the M azola Oil $1.75 (NEA tela- least half the distance tatween Be Pacific war zones. eratlon. an armiatlce. and sessions, was casting about fran- fighting between French patriots and Najrt soldiers before Allied troops entered the clt^. sancon and the city of\Belfort, Positions of American' ArtnlM ans who moved Into Bulgaria tlcally for means at combatting Each plane, the Navy aald, "now 60c Alka S e ltz ^ .............. SKIRTS photo). , _____________________________ __ ______________ . • Allied headquarters annoum^. carries a specially trained hospi­ These were the poaitioas of Maxwell Hohso Romania . on a efforts'to repeal the pledge. (An Associated Press dispatch American Armies: - - greeted the Bulgere m brotheri in Not DiscuBSiBg Issues tal corpsnisn,, with the rating of (Bag) Plaids ‘ from the Frehch-Swlss fronttar first class or chief pharmacist’s The glrst Army In Belgiun •Pius 20% Tax. rirmd. ’ . "Do I look worried?" he last night said three Allied motdK drove beyond the captured Belglfit Coffee Purple, Brown, Red, Green, in junior ant) tegular ' --jrront dispatchee eald no hoeiui- sskod, asserting the board was ized columns were approaching th( mate, as part of Us regrular crew, tles larred the Russian «Syan« Dewey Wants Lauds . Part ’ have been trained in first aid fortress city of Liege to less tboi tizea,_^ 100% wool. “merely going over routine ap­ Baldwin city, with the most advanced only 18 miles from the German fro ^ , doU-O or ftoyal acroit-Bulgaria, which follo'^ resuscitation methods.” peals from locals now and we are 10 miles distant. This dispatch said assignment of pharmacist’s tier in the vicinity of Aachra. the capture of two big P®™' not'discussing convention issues.” Security PJan Allied artillery opened up on the The Third Army had crotaed Ruschuk (Buae) on the Danul^ city as early as 4 a. m. yesterday. mate* to the rescue craft was re- Pudding < and Varna oO the Black sea. Pre­ HU prediction that the -meeting Labor Plays in War porteXtn telling how John C. Moselle river in five places aroui $5.98 — $7.98 . would be a comparatively peace­ Determined to Defend Gap Metz and Nancy In eastern Fr: sumably the Bulgarian Army, now (’The Germans, In strength In Dodge, ^ Watsonville, Calif., pro­ a co-belltgerent, will be assigned ful one was seconded by Secre­ Pushed Ahead vided ih ^ c s l aid that probably and had crushed a Isrge-scala tIk JM tH A LC COM tary-Treasurer George F. Addes, good positions, appeared 'deter­ man counter-attack. an activR role In the Belkan clean­ mined to defend the gap,” the dis saved the life of one member of 2>Lb. Bag kUNCMISTlfi COMH* who successfully persuaded the Spirit of HelpfuliicHfi, S t p i k c S S l o W a Crew of a bpmber shot down In The Seventh Army which ci Prunes up union’s state convention to go on patch said.) up from the Mediterranean driv­ - 'if ■ The Kremlin, through the prew Favors Formation of Or­ Advice and Efforts of French' troop# driving -north­ the South Paci and radio, continued to calVon the ward west of the Americans over­ ing down the last 25 mitea to thi Hungarian people to follow Bul­ (Contlnued on Page Two) ganization Backeil by^ Federation Leaders Belfort gap north of Swltzerir (No PoliitalL Making Parts ran the towns of Le Creusot, Chag- garia In abandoning the doomed Force* Without Wait­ Given Words of Praise.
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