OHIO STATE .USEUS LISRAttt 1STH i Hl'lH ST AsetsittesmttstAseOOe Columbusites Find 'Friends' Give Them Job Know-How *'--'*<».'»<-*•-?•'*V CHSISTMSS #_"r#-_E ansa a jENTiNEL ( »1 !____ \kiy -g_ THB OHIO j 15' VOL. S, No. 28 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1»5S COLUMBUS. OHIO 5ENjrjN.EL *-"*• .—aa*—1 '-a. 1, , «~~— NeverTooOldToLearn Philosophy Pays _ COLUMBUS, OHIO Off For Veteran Columbus Insurance Man SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 18S3 VOL. S No, 29 aim. -• ... *-•• •».,.•. ju<, I.IH, By NINA .M. REDD a "You never get too old to learn" is an old prove rb that'., being {riven m* f-'lasl session or n 1 preparation workshop sponsored by Robert J. Handle, manager of the Columbus brat ich bf Atlanta Life Inst by American Friends Committee featured psnet discos- who adds, "and there's a lot to learn about every st ibject." slon oa "How to Be V On the -Fob." Left to right: Carl AJtaoagh his record ladl- — — Crispin ._ . Mutual Insurance Co.* Frank already kaews a lot _«r, 1945. Under his lead Brockmeyer, liaison. Council ol Social' Agencies; Join No Police Dept. Bias, Chief Harrison. about the huarsace baslness, of Quann. gacst, emplojee of Motorists M11U1.1l: Vlrter Ewald, gU-Bdle Is now taking advance opbri American Friends Service Committee. Six week workshop was eeerses la the >_bje-t st Okie held at the YWCA, OS S. 4th tt., Columbus. See story.—Fierce State BBtverslly. Be has com­ When he began work pleted tbe second yaar course Columbus Uie branch's for the Lt'TC degree which is trial debit was just $637 l NA M. REllO Motorists Mutual Insurance a nigh acBlevemeat lor loanr- ordinary debit SWi.OOO. A American Friends Service Ittee, with regional office When be completes his cur- p-_ve the growth of his office, I Mam St., Columbus, --li- OTHERS WERE Bob Baker. •eni studies' st the university, The industrial debit now stands a successful six week Kimble, Glus* Co.; .Jim West. ie will be awarded the CLU de- B, more xDan 11747 end the or- top lust Monday night Buckeye Steel Castings Co.; (ree, the highest educational dinury ot * 1.143,506. n informative session on Harry W. Dailny, Wcstlnghot to Be Upgraded On the 2 NEGRO DETECTIVES or ^record for In- locsl office of the- I at the YWCA, 00 S. 4th Friends Service Com- WITH THE completion of the kgo* <--_*T, y. The branch wus St., every Monday night since miltets Frank Brockmeyer, second year course, Handle be- recently leading ordi Nov. 2, the workshop was de* Community Chest Council; Mary. came one of the tew Negroes in producer thei ek of Nov. 2 signed to show the persons at­ the U, S. with the designation ol - - Dim ..<-t, State Dept. of Educa­ w lh tola , It is one of tending how to obtain, nnd hold, tion; Eunice Wood, and Joan LUTC graduate. Two other -_,e larg members of the branch's staff, busincsse good jobs. Il was headed by Wiltiam W. Green. assisUnt NELLIE PARKS LEWIS Among those enrolled in tha manager, and Mrs. Nellie Parks ASST Mt.lt. GREEN has workshop were Delores Bcstic, Lewis, agent, have finished the 600 E. Engler sL; Joyce Brown, ON FORCE ON JUNK first year course for tiie degree. TBE WEEKLY sessions were 1350 Hawthorne St.; Lucile In a recent issue of the At­ attended by an alert group, Campbell, 500 Grove st; Annie lanta Life Weekly Report, offi­ made up predominantly of Mue Chirr., 030 I*. Spring st* cial organ of the company, tiie young girls in their teens, who Monta Green, 1020 Clifton av.; three of them had an opportunity to take apti­ Myrna Harris, 1360 Hawthorne the pubiii'-i.or att cited ous "honors and decorations." tude ti-.-.!-.. make voice record­ ov.; Helen Hord, 307 N. 22nd pot He received the purple heurt. ings and hear representatives st, and Marcelene Huckleby,, believes tbst insur­ Amen con defense ribbon, Yugo­ of Columbus business place, 152 Lexington ay. • . ' ' ance mea should take advan­ slavian Partisan Star, ETO rib­ and organizations speak on "var­ tage ef all opportunities otter­ bon. Good'conduct ribbon, DFC ied subjects, from how to dress Others attending regularly in- ' ed ler pi—'essleeal advance and the air medal. A commis­ for*an interview--lo getting along- eluded Coring Jeck-ion, ltd Jot* DETAIL-TOGETHER! ment. He Is Ute only Negre sioned officer, Lt. Green served with fellow employees. f-'i ...11 av.; Jean Jonas, 1371 member of Ute Columbo* Life Clifton av. Mildred H. Kelley, ten .months in combat, flew 122 Thc workshop followed a time ; missions and shot down three Viola Mae Kelley, both of 871 Story On Page 2 sequence covering the vital E. Starr uv.; Delores Lopes, enemy planes. He had achieved topics of applying for a job, the rank of captain by the time 23S N. 18th at.; Juanilu Perry, carrying out a ,.ucc__-ful inter­ 1059 St Clair av.; Lsvonno of his-discharge. view, getting along with others top lasarance mei Powell, 504 Lexington uv.; Anna once the job was obtained snd, Mae Pruitt 337 N. Garfield sv.; 3-D Test Tube Points To Hope In finally, getting promotions. Prysuck. 232 N. Participants In the panel Garfield av.; Jo Evelyn Scott, nrking with Atlanta Life 1 discussions at tbe sessions in­ 380 Parsuns ov.; Betty Slaugh­ Dimes Drive, Chapter Leader Says Atlanta Life I brunch in 1046. She's cluded Hun..lil Bestty, Rslpb ter, 378 Charles st.; Angelene Season, Dorothy Bang and nl Louisville. Stone, 376 Parsons av., and Bar­ dollar still A longtime resident of Colu D-vid Cross of the Ohio bara Stover, 740 Reynolds av. Employment Service; ll,." ...vniliol ot the March of patients 1 Cole, Ted Heniy, Mary Ed­ Dimes, is no more. foot the ei wards, Charlotte G s s d e.n. Taking its place on counters •)p." he said. Farm Bureau throughout th. community are Carl Crispin, Sarah Hamilton, small replicas ol the pi'lto pos­ •en distributed by Holiday Liquor ter showing 4 year old Debby March On Polio Doins, 1954 poster boy, and a ,ui i,'-iiihl-oihood. 3-D test tube. Store Hours According to Sid It. Phillips, Frunklin county director of the March of Dimes, ihe 195- coin Are Announced collector symbolizes a new turn in the fight against Infantile paralysis. public, steps have been Recognition Banquet For W. H. Brown 1 to increase service h. William H. Brown (extreme right) was honored last week with » recognition banquet I "Scientific, research, which retail liquor stores during. tral SUte eeUege personnel and faculty for his 29 years ol service to Institution. Graduate has made possible the hope that Hall Dedicated ni..,!.iv season, Anthony A. -. alma mater and since that polio will be conquered through owski, director, Ohio DepL kegee institute, class of '21, honored guest worked three j time has worked continuously at Central State. He is a i ber ot .Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity polio prevention, is symbolized f Liquor Control, announced b'- the test tube," Philli]>s said. and well known in civic circles. Shown I,•n• tht.te. !»._.pictur_e wit„._h are, left, John Beatty, chairman of of Columbus Civil Service office and official of the organl- •The picture Ol Debby Doins recognition banquet, and *. serves us a reminder lhat 69 atloa. N. Yea On Tuesday,. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 22, 23. 24, and Tuesday, Wednesday and A GRAIM ATE OF UD-OIO Thursday, Dec. 29, 30, 31, store* ' The Story Of A CP And What Is Being Done By UA To Help u-uvcr.it., Jeffersoe City, will bo open frum 9 a, m. to *_ p. m. instead of the usual hours m themselves understandable _ _.. /..._ _..-,!itsurnrk and make Mo., Handle began hi* Insur- Naocy Boyer" is a pretty girt Center at 523 E. Walnut st., Co- palsy, an affliction which leaves 1 7 p. m. the limbs of many of its vie- work and play together, all to­ : career in his hometown. wlth flashing brown eyes and a lumbus, where she is given LIKE ALL THE others st St. Lottis, IS yesrs sgo. Ue llms partially uncontrollable wards a common goal: leading To facilitate und speed han­ sparkling smile. Her mind is speech therapy lessons and the center, Nancy Is always Le has worked up through hi.-. while their minds remain bright a near-as-possible normal and high spirits. She expressed her dling of purchases additional nimble—- but her limbs are not works at projects which will and clear. has worked his way up Korua—_o un exhibit of Newly elected officers of Travis Lodge No. 50, AF and AM equipment und personnel have sell-supporting life. tfasnks te the VA-supported throu-h the ranks from bwilif- airs _ hould be a nature1. " ". Masons, 99 N. Monroe av., Colon, bus. are left to right, first row: been added in many of the Every motion requires all her teach her everyday uses of the center—In a halting, yet un­ teg sgeat ta msnsger. Anyone knowing who haa Ko- Floyd Washington, treasurer; Will McCray, senior steward; busier, stores throughout the efforts; every word demands hsnds—motions which come eos- BESIDES A UNIFIED pro­ Many of the young adults at derstandable voice—with, "Net In 1941 he was transferred U> rean souvenirs is urged to con- WilUam _McCord, worshipful master; Robert L. Williams, Junior _____ t.11. of her concentration, tor ily for normal persons yet mo- gram of national research to the center have shown vust im-, only have 1 learned to spesk- Youngstown.
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