/ ■ . PAGE TWENTY SATltRDAY, JXJLY 8, 1971 lEtiw ing iiipralii THE PUBLIC '^RAID" STARTS A T 12 NOON SATURDAY! LIVING ROOMS. BEDROOMS^ DINETTES, APPLIANCES, DINING ROOMS. OCCASIONAL PIECES. ALL REVEALED TO AREA BRAIDERS"! VOL. LXXXX, NO. 234 EXTRA FURNITURE GAZETTE Passing the Buck DISCOUNT FURNITURE WAREHOUSE • HARTFORD *xMANCHESTER Newest Tax Game; t Taxpayer Stands By HARTFXDIRD (A P ) — Connect­ while many who voted for the By JOHN STOWEIJ- sary to tell you how Important I would help avoid a strike In the icut’s new income tax Isn’t even income tax were Democrats, it WASHINGTCN (AP) — Presi­ think it is." industry, Shulu said, but Said law yet, but . already there are wouldn’t have passed without dent Nixon called on hegxitlators It was Nixon’s /irst try at In- the President would not Inter­ calls to kill It and attempts by significant Republican backing in the steel Industry today to tervenlng'in any way In a nego­ vene If there was a walkout. some In politics to scramble out also. reach a ’ “constructive settle­ tiating session before it actually "The President did not try to say that they should settle for from under blame for It. Meskin has Indicated he w<m’t ment” , that will keep the Indus­ got-’-under way and reflected a this or that,” Shultz said. On ■ Saturday, 28 Democratic veto the biU, but will Instead try competitive in world mar­ new Impetus by the While As Nixon met with the nego­ DARMG DAYUGHT ROBBERY state representatives issued a allow It to become law without . kets and maintain the economic House of more direct involve­ tiators, the White House re­ Joint appeal to Gov. ’Ibomas J. his signature by simply not act­ recovery. ment to hold down wage and leased a report on the steel In­ MeskUl to veto the blU. And ing before the Thursday dead­ The President met with the price Increases. dustry prepared by his CaWnet later In the day they were line for a veto. union and management negotia­ Nixon emphasizel the rela­ Committee on Economic Policy Joined by Senate Majority Lead­ tors for about an hour on the tionship of .the steel Indxistry In Bailey said over the weeKend detailing the troubles of tKfe DISCOUNT FURNITURE WAREHOUSE BOYS 'ROB' er J. Bdward Caldwell, D- eve of their contract talks and, the world market, told the nego­ MANCHESTER that MeskUl had indicated his HARTFORD Bridgeport. tiators how productivity has steel industry. approval of. an income tax ear- a spokesman said, laid out the Then Democratic State Ouilr- The study showed that profits Uer—In closed door “negotia­ economic problems facing the failed to Increase, how profits man John Bjedley declared that have declined dramatically In 175 Pine St. NATIONALLY FAMOUS FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS tions’’ with legislative leaders, industry. have been -lagging and wages 3580 Main St. MesklU couldn't blame the Dem­ the Industry, while labor costa in the weeks before the new fis­ Nixon called for “hard bar­ remaining stable in comparison ocrats for Uie^ income tax bill. !Uid international competltitlon Forrtier Fuller Brush Building Former Norman's Furnture cal year began. gaining" in the talks but- re­ to other Industries. The "bill wqg„,possed In the have Increased rapidly. Next to Consumer Seles ... Warehouse, Corner Pine The 23 Democrats who asked frained from setting a specific Shultz said Nixon appealed to EXCLUSIVE STORY PROMZWILD - KING" O F DISCOUNT LOOK FOR THESE WANTED early hours of Thursday mom- Last year, steel industry prof­ MesklU to veto the income tax wage settlement he would like the "sensitivity of their own O n W indsor Town Line & Forest Streets nlng, after a “ compromise’’ tax its declined by 42 per cent to the % said it was passed “ in an at­ to see brought about. The con­ self-interest In beginning the Dlscounl Ptanned This “Robbery for Many Months and package faltered. ’Die income lowest level In ten years, the re­ mosphere of frustraUon and ex­ tract expires In the Industry contract talks.” SALESMEN FOR SAVINGS! tax had both support and oppo­ haustion.” July 31. Shultz said a constructive set­ port said. sition from members—and some Now Wo*vo Dooldod to Roloaso the “H O r’ Bargains For You!” "W e now call upon you to fill- George P. Shultz, director of tlement means .a contract that In addition, the study said, YotYll want to catch these members of the "gan^’ wlfUe leaders—of both parties. Later the office of management and would maintain steel's .competi­ production has stabilized In re­ in the day, MesklU admitted that THE ^'LOOT' IS ALL HERE The n e ^ Is out . " W i l d i n g ” squeals to the they aer loaded with "loot," Inside ihformatitn dn fabu­ (See Page Seven) budget, summed up the Presi­ tive world position and have no cent years, output per man-houra whole area. The Discount Furniture Warehouse lous buys and bargains is available from these m e t e r s dent’s attitude: depressing Impact on the eco­ has shown virtually no Increase nomic recovery. and, "with compensation In- Thousands of Dollars in Furniture Buys bo}s have completed the greatest I^yllght Bobbery . "apprehend" them right away! They have tbeya^isted “I know you are going into bargaining; I know how impor­ Nixon emphasized that he of their many years of business. Leading manu­ values plus severed hundred more and they ar^eager to __ , .» tant it is to you. r felt It neces­ wanted an atmosphere that (See Page Nine) facturers have been raided and the “loot” is now dispose of. every last piece. Come make yotnyhaul now. on thrown on the market at nncomparable prices. The outstanding merchandise on really "hot” Jirices! Teainsters Clinging SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE brand names are authentic and the values beyond compare . the public can now “steal” these bujrs at prices never before possible. Every good citizen Storm’s Brush in Connecticut has been Informed to this “raid” and To Hoffa’s Protege ^England Jazzfest are now able to Join In outstanding savings! You BOSTON (AP) — Tropical must be early, the “loot” has -been hidden In aU S By NEIL 01LBBn>E Daley challenged ad(q>tlon of Fighting storm Arlene moved up the HONEST N0R>l WILD KINQ the rules. hideouts In Hartford, Manchester, but act fast . hOAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Atlantic today and threaten­ PANTY HOSE Daley, who said a sergeant- ed to brush southern New Ailing, it will be disposed of qnicldy! These buys are the The mantle of power in the huge at-arms tried to block him from Inflation "Wild-King'’ and bit henchman, "Honetl “hottest" merchandise made available this season Teamaters Unkm appears cer­ England with high' winds, Limited 2 tQ Norm," will be on the premises to help speaking, objected to a rule waves and possibly- heavy on brands you can trust . brands the Discount tain'. to remain with Frank E. LONDON (AP) — Families In in the dosposal of this onlstasiding "loot.” „ ... making any delegate liable. to rain. A Customer You can catch them and their "gang” Furniture Warehouse boys are proud to make avail­ FTteslinmoiis despite opposition expulsion from the convention Satclimo— Near the End Inflation-ridden Britain are eat­ Not Dead Only 2 5 The Weather Bureau said able! from two rebel localleaders. possible further punlrii- ing less, and paying more tor It. NEWPORT, R.i. (AP) — De­ with fantastic values at great savings. the storm, with winds up to Fltsslmmons, a protege of the ment for ahy physical disturb- Department of Trade flgfures, spite Its problems, the Newport 80 miles per hour, would Imprlsoned James R. Hoffa, as- ance. released Monday night, show FINGERS AV CH^OS MORRIS TRIGGER DAVE probably pass east of Cape Jazz Festival is not yet dead. sum^ the p re ^ c y two Daley predicted further dial- that the average family spent 9 Cod and the islands. Hie show will go on next year weeks ap> wtwnHotfa reslgAed today to proposed dues Louis Armstrong Dead per cent more In shops In May The National Hurricane sayS\lt producer, George Weln. as president of the union. hikes of $2 i>er month over two than in the same month last O n ter In Miami, however, The question now Is; Where? "SUm” was the way Don Ves- years to a minimum of $8 per despite its bawdyhouse and replaced his stubbier, mellower year. Join the Public ‘Raid’ for Big-Buys on Complete ‘Loot’I By SH) MOODY said any change in direc­ Tliis past weekend, for the Open Sunday ’Til 12 Midnight tal, NashvlUe local leader, de- month. A larger share, up 0S NEW YO RK (A P ) The campground origins, comet. Probably that’s how But butchers, bakers and gen- tion would “most likely be a third time in its sometimes scribed tUs chances of defeating cents to $2.18, would go from King Is deacl.* There is no crown There were Jelly Roll Morton most Americans will remember eral - stores sold almost 2 per turn toward the northeast stormy 18-year history, the fes­ the 48-year«ld Fitzsimmons for prince. snd Buddy Bolden and Jolmny him. cent less food in the first five which would take the center tival had problems with youths a five-year term as president in -tSM Page Blglit) BUNK BEDS There never really was. Liouis Dodds and King Oliver and Sid- But it was through the comet months of this year than they near or east of Nantucket.” who gathered outside the field 4th off July 3’Pc.
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