SEPTEMBER 1986 eva a FIVEDOLLARS • USIOeSSfJ"""f1' -"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''..Nevada's Only State-wide Business Magazine Birth Of The Business Park Anew animal on the office space scene Carson City Office Space Renovation making It's mark Nevada Skylines More than six pages of Northern Nevada's most outstanding office buildings and Industrial parks, Liberty Center Office Building Ted Stoever Irighll, president of Real Properties Ltd., and hiS commercial property man· aser Glenn Fleming, pose in front of the liberty Center Office Building in downtown Reno . Real Properties Ltd. manages the building and is the exclusive leasing agent. Festival Specialty Center Flamingo at Decatur The most prestigious and fashionable specialty cente r is now being developed in this high-traffic location for occu pancy in Fall '86. The lavish land ­ scaping, glass block columns. covered walkways. atrium-window store fronts, an attractive reader board, and individually sprinkled shops will make this exciting project the retail showplace in the west end of town. This uniquely designed specialty center complements the Festival Professional Park and will be part of a spectacular six-acre, 65,000 sq. ft. development. You are invited to join these fine specialty sho ps at the "Address for Success! " • Marie Callender Restaurant • Atlan tic Seafood Gourmet Sho p . 7 Eleven • D'Lites of Amer ica • Supercuts Developed and Constructed By Investment Equity Development Corp. Architect: Kittrell & Garlock For Leasing Inf ormation Contact Investment Equity at 877·9555 Nevada Business.- """...._~ - , - ..·..·, EDITOR & PUBLISHER The Henry C. Holcomb ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Jack Dyer BUSINESS MANAGER Silver Myra E. Holcomb MANAGING EDITOR Leslie usee ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dome Donna Maxwell CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Lauren Belaustegul Joanne Eshow-Farett o Shelley Luna-Weaver university system sity of Nevada System, would conduct Sue Parkhurst research on ways used by early man to Ju lie Penn Seeks Funds adapt to desert life, and on the effects LInn Bras her Thome of salinity, extre me temperatures, Carol Voge l he University of Nevada water stress and other facto rs on plant System is in the running for growt h. ART DIRECTOR $3 million in National Sci­ The department of chemistry at Da...id Goldberg ence Foundation funds that UNR would get $992,000 of the ART ASSOCIATE wouTld help finance research aimed at money for studies of metal ato ms that Jim Michaels helping the state realize industrial and could help transform simpler mole­ cultura l expa nsion goals. cules, such as those that make up gas­ If the money is granted later this oline, into high-benefit products such CIRCULATI ON DIRECTOR summer, the University System will as pharmaceuticals, at low cost. Other Pamela K. Orr then ask the 1987 Legislature for $3 applications for these new chemicals CIRCULATION ASSISTANT million in matching funds that would include high-energy materials such as Terry J. Brown be allocated over the next five years. explosives, pro pellants and rocket COLOR SEPARATIONS And nearly $3 million more would be fuels. Southwest Color Graphics needed for direct and indirect costs of The balance of the grant money 3871 S. Valley Blvd.• Suite 21 the project. would go to the UN-Las Vegas physics Las Vegas, NV 89103 There are some interesting aspects department for further development ADVERTISING OFFICES of the research for Nevada's business of the department's laser-based reo Nort hern Nevada communi ty and farmers because the search. Jack Dyer research deals in part with ways of ad­ University Regents Chairman Dan 3008 Baker Drive justing to the state's arid climate . Klalch says a key goal is to build Carson City, NV 89701 For example, the depart ment of bio­ stronger programs in the basic sciences (702) 883·5611 chemisty at UN-Reno would get "that will help Nevada attract techno­ Southern Nevad. $600,000 of the $3-million grant for logical industries, stimulate en­ Chuck Dandy studies that would include an effort to trepreneurial activities, and generate 1641 E. Sunset ae., Suite B-117 develop strains of an important Neva­ increased employment opportunities Las Vegas. NV 89119 da cash crop, alfalfa, that are more re­ for Nevadans." (702) 361-1085 sistant to drought and saline condi­ NEVADA BUSINESS Journal is published tions. monthly at 1641 E. Sunset Rd.. Suite The Biological Sciences Center and Bankers Laud B-117. Las Vegas. NV 89119. suoscnctcn the Social Sciences Center at the De­ rates: $27.00 per year. Applicalion to mail State Universities at conncueo Circulation Hates pending at sert Research Institute wou ld get near­ Las Vegas. NV and additional post ctuc es. ly $1 million for research aimed at im­ The Nevada Ban kers Association Postmaster: Send address changes to proving the unde rstanding of desert has commended the University of Ne­ NEVADABU$INESSJournal, 164' E. Sun­ enviro nments. vada System's two universities for set Rd.. Suite B-l17. Las Vegas. NV 89119. The DRI, a division of the Univer- (Com in ll.ed on page JJ) THE NEVADA BUSINESS JOURNAUSeplember 1986 3 Contents VOLUME 1 • NO 6 FEATURES NEVADA BRIEFS OHlce& 12 Travel Industrial Space Guide seminar tells how to cope with ter­ Part II. Northern Nevada rcnsm. 12 Mining Denver compa ny seeks gold in Sil· 25 Directory & Maps ver State , The most complete directory of Northern Nevada office and in­ 12 Canventlans dustrial space ever published , accompanied by severa l maps for Las Vegas, Reno ready for the busy easy reference . season. 12 Rellglan Businessmen put God in the ctnce . 28 & 29 SkYlines 14 Regulations 32 & 33 Miniature profiles of more than two dozen of New FAA·required in-flight medical 3& & 37 Northern Nevada 's most prestigious business addresses. kits leaves manufacturer behind. 15 ACquisitions Digital of Las Vegas purchases 6 NNDA: Taming. Not Restraining Growth Telephone Systems of Nevada . Some people in Northern Nevada think " growth" is a four-letter 15 Automotive word. but NNDA aims to make the best of it. las Vegas Ford dealer eyes import market. 8 sunny Skies Over Reno's ORlce Market 18 Aviation Large new projects are in the works, wh ich could mean foul Reno airport unveils e~pa ns iOn weather for older properties. plans. 18 Communications 20 The Sleeping Giant Stirs In Carson City cemet proposes lower rural rates. New buildings aren't totally chang ing the face of the Carson Valley. Many professionals are opti ng for restoration. 58 Birth Of The Business Park Office and indust rial parks have become almost indistinguishable. The popular new hybrids are dubbed " business parks." SO New Kid on The Block A brief look at some new faces in town and some net-so-new faces who are spo rting classy new addresses. S6 In Ouest Of Project Approval City and county board s must oversee the area 's burgeoning de­ velopm ent- but do they go too far? DEPARTMENTS 5 Sliver Dome THE COVER:Real Properties Ltd. 10 welcome TO Nevada President Ted Stoever poses with II Small Business Of The Month Commerc ial Property Manager Glenn 24 Editorial Fleming in front of the Liberty Center S4 Executive Suite Office Building. 4 THE NEVADA BUSINESS JOURNA L/September 1986 Image Efficiency Serenity The Ultimate office environment Greystone was designed to work. And it has . In arch itec­ ture, landscaping, engineering, and total environment, Greys/one is designed to enhance your work and your corporate image. Greystone. The most sought-after business address in Las Vegas. Join such presti­ gious companies as Digital Equipment, Eastman Kodak, HiI· ton Hotels, Transamerica lns ., New York Lile, Meredith Broad· c;Js tinglTV5, Citicorp, RaCiSoei Pierce Relsnes, Inc. and many others at Greys/one. '..... - -- --I ©'y'i(}I. J/{-JlC, ~ MAR KBOROU GH NEV INC. 1900 East Flamingo Boac, e " 5 Las Vegas , Ne vada '! 9 (702) 731-3696 ___________....... NNDA EFFORTS -I NNDA: Taming, Not Restraining Nevada Growth There are some in northern Nevada who think "growth" is a jour-letter word. But others, including NNDA, realize it's inevitable, and aim to make the best oj it. ____________..... By Bob Belknap;;;;; ,. rowth 'Is. No Growth. It cutive director for the Carson Valley Nevada Governor Richard Bryan, sounds like a heavyweight Chamber of Commerce. His infec­ " Nevada' s past is part of our present, title bout or at the very tious enthusiasm is shared by full­ and our pioneer heritage is still avail­ least the debate of the de­ time Administrative Assistant Valerie able to experience and enjoy. In Ne­ cadeC when it comes to the future of Lingelbach, who has served in that vada, a family can enjoy a quality of northern Nevada , particularly Carson position since August, 1985. The life second to none. We are working City, Douglas, Storey and Lyon authority also has a 21-member board hard to expand and diversify our eco­ counties which make up the service of directors which oversees the au­ nomy, ensure a quality of education area of the Northern Nevada Devel­ thority' s operations and finances. for our children, protect Nevada's opment Authority. If you want to Nevada has been recognized as one independent lifestyle, provide quality know on which side of this fence of the fastest growing states in Ameri­ and affordable health care and pro­ Gary Cook, NNDA executive direc­ ca. This year Nevada will welcome its vide for a comfortable and dignified tor , sits, he'll tell you without a mo­ one millionth resident. According to retirement... ment's hesitation." Since it is inevit­ able that people willcontinue to move to this area, our challenge in economic development and diversifi­ cation is to encourage clean, high. wage businesses to come to our area," he says.
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