INDEX Abbasid. Caliphate, coin of, 171 COOK. B.J., with R. CAREY and K. LEAHY. Medieval and /Ethelred II. coins of, 143-4 Early Modern Coin Finds from South Ferriby, /Ethelred I, King of Wessex, coin of, 11, 13 Humberside, 95-118 .iCthelbearht of Wessex, coins of, 143 'Corieltauvi', coins of, 165-6 /Ethelred II, coins of. 173 CRAFTER. T.C.R.. A Re-Examination of the Classification jEthelred II. King of Northumbria, coins of, 171 and Chronology of the Cross-and-Crosslets Type of iEthelwulf of Wessex, coins of, 142-3 Henry II, 43-63 Alchred of Northumbria and Archbishop Ecgberht, coin of, 170 David II, King of Scotland, coins of. 88 Alexander III. King of Scotland, coins of, 79, 83. 88, 118. 177 DAVIES, J.A., contributions to the Coin Register, 163-70, Alfred, Viking imitation of coin of, 172 172-8 ALLEN, M., A Revised Chronology of the English Coinage, DE JERSEY, P.. contributions to the Coin Register, 163-6 1317-1333, 144-6 'Dobunni', coins of, 165 Contributions to the Coin Register, 177-9 Aquitaine, coins of, 117 Eadbald of Kent, coins of, 167 ARCHIBALD, MARION M.. Two Ninth-Century Viking Eadberht, King of Northumbria, and Archbishop Ecgberht. Weights found near Kingston. Dorset, 11-20 coin of, 170 Arnold V of Looz, coins of, 79, 178 Eadgar, coin of, 172 "Atrebates' coin of, 164-5 Eadred, coin of, 172 Avitus II, Bishop of Clermont Ferrand, coin of, 166 Eanred, King of Northumbria, coin of, 170-1 Edward the Confessor, coins of, 106, 141. 174-5 BARCLAY, C., contributions to the Coin Register, 167-73, Edward the Elder, imitation of coin of, 172 177,179 Edward the Martyr, coin of, 172-3 Beornwulf of Mercia, coin of, 142 Edward I, coins of, 78, 80-7, 110 BESLY, E., A Civil War Hoard from Tregwynt, Irish coins of, 79, 88, 117 Pembrokeshire, 119-36 Edward II, coins of, 83, 85-7, 110-11 Editor of and contributor to the Coin Register, 161-79 Edward III, coins of, 87, 111-12 BESLY E.M., and N.J. MAYHEW, The 1996 Broughton Edward IV, coins of, 113 (Oxon) Coin Hoard, 154-7 Irish coin of, 117 BLACKBURN, M.A.S., contributions to the Coin Register, Edward VI, coins of, 114, 127 166-8, 170, 172-6 EIMER, C., his The Pingo Family and Medal-Making in Bologna, coin of, 178 Eighteenth Century Britain reviewed, 181-2 BOLTON, Angie, contributions to the Coin Register, 166-8, Elizabeth I, coins of, 114-15, 127, 153-4 170-1, m-7 Eric of Pomerania, Denmark, coins of, 179 BONSER, M.J., contributions to the Coin Register, 167-70, Eustace Fitzjohn, impression of coin of, 177 173-7 Ferdinand the Catholic, Sardinia, coin of. 178 'Cantii', coin of, 164 Francis III of Lorraine, coin of, 117 CAREY, R, contribution to B.J. COOK, Medieval and Early Modern Coin Finds from South Ferriby, Humberside, Gaucher de Chatillon, coin of, 88 95-118 George III, coins of, 117 Carl XII, King of Sweden, coin of, 117 Gondemar II, King of the Burgundians, coin of, 166 Carausius, coin of, 166 Gui of Dampierre, coin of, 177 Carolingian coin, find of, 171 'Catuvellauni', coin of, 165 Hadrian, copy of a coin of, 166 Celtic coins, finds of, 163-6 Harold I, coins of, 173-4 Ceolnoth, Archbishop of Canterbury, coins of, 143 Harold II, coin of, 175 CHALLIS. C.E., Three Notes on the Tudor Mint, 149-52 HARRIS, E„ Halfgroats in the Henry IV-Henry V Period, 147-8 Charles I, coins of, 116, 126, 128-30, 153, 154 Harthacnut, coin of, 174 Scottish coins of, 118 Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, trade token of, 179 Charles II, coins of, 116 Henry I, coins of, 106, 176 Scottish coin of, 118 Henry II, coins of, 107. 177 Charles V and Joanna, King and Queen of Spain, coin of, 178 Henry III, coins of, 108-9 Charles the Bold, Brabant and Flanders, coins of, 178 Irish coin of, 177 CHICK, D., contributions to the Coin Register, 168-71, 176 Henry V, coins of, 112 Coenwulf, King of Mercia, coins of, 171-2 Henry VI, coins of, 112-13 Commonwealth, coins of, 116 Henry VII, coins of, 113 Confederate Catholics?, coin of, 130 Henry VIII, coins of, 113-14, 126 Conrad von Hochstellen, Archbishop of Cologne, coin of, Hiberno-Norse coin, find of, 175 117 HOLMAN, D.J., contributions to the Coin Register, 163, COOK, B.J., contribution to the Coin Register, 178 167-9, 171-3, 175-6 INDEX 193 HOLMES, N.M.McQ., Scottish Coin Hoards, 1996-97, 77-94 PAYNTON, Ceinwen, contributions to the Coin Register, His Scottish Coins: A History of Small Change in Scotland 167-73, 177, 179 reviewed, 180 Philip and Mary, coins of, 127 Philip IV, King of Spain, coins of, 154 'Iceni', coins of, 165 Philip of Heinsberg, Archbishop of Cologne, coin of, 178 Independent Examiner's Report, 188 Philippe IV, King of France, coins of, 178 Islamic coin, find of, 171 Pippin the Short, coin of, 171 POORE, D., contribution to the Coin Register, 178 James I, coins of, 115, 126, 128, 153, 154 Presidential Address, 189-91 Irish coins of, 117 Proceedings of the Society, 183 James III, King of Scotland, coin of, 118 James VI. King of Scotland, coins of, 126, 130 Report of the Trustees, 184 Counterfeit coins of, 90-4 Richard I, coins of, 107 John, coins of, 107-8 Richard II, coins of, 112 John I of Brabant, coins of, 79 Robert II, King of Scotland, coin of, 118 John I or II of Brabant, coin of, 117 Robert III, King of Scotland, coins of, 89-90, 118 John I, Duke of Britanny, coin of, 178 Robert of Anjou, Provence, coin of, 178 John of Avesnes, coins of, 79. 177-8 Robert de Bethune, coins of, 88 John the Blind, Luxemburg, coins of, 83, 88 ROBINSON, P.H., contribution to the Coin Register, 174 JONES, M., review of C. Eimer's The Pingo Family and Roman coins, finds of, 166 Medcd-Making in Eighteenth Century Britain, 181-2 RUDD, C., contributions to the Coin Register, 164-5 Julia Domna. copy of a coin of, 166 St. Edmund Memorial penny, 172 Kuno von Falkenstein, Trier, coin of, 178 Sceattas, finds of, 167-70 SHARP. M„ The St. Patrick Coinage of Charles II, 160 LEAHY. K., contribution to B.J. COOK, Medieval and Early SHIPP, S.J., contribution to the Coin Register, 179 Modern Coin Finds from South Ferriby, Humberside, 95-118 Short Cross coins, finds of, 107-8 LEAN, W., contribution to the Coin Register, 175 Statement of Financial Activities, Balance Sheet and Notes to Leonardo Loredano, Venice, coins of, 117 the Accounts, 185-7 LESSEN, M., Cromwell Coin Tools in the Royal Mint Stephen, coins of, 106, 176-7 Museum, 157-60 STEWARTBY, Lord, review of N.M.McQ. Holmes's LLOYD, C.D.. The C Mint of Carausius and Allectus, 1-10 Scottish Coins: A History of Small Change in Long Cross coins, finds of, 108-9 Scotland, 180 Lords Justices (Ireland), coin of, 130 Stycas, finds of, 170-1 LYON, C.S.S., Die-Cutting Styles in the Last Small Cross SYMONS, D.J.. Two Unrecorded Finds, 152-4 Issue of c. 1009-1017 and some Problematic East Contributions to the Coin Register, 164-8, 170-7. 179 Anglian Dies and Die-Links, 21-41 TATLER, G.L.V., The Bury Coinage of Edward I with the Margaret of Hainaut, coin of, 117 Name of Robert de Hadeleie, 64-76 Maria of Namur, coin of, 178 Trade tokens, finds of, 116 Mary Tudor, coins of, 114, 154 MAYHEW, N.J. and E.M. BESLY. The 1996 Broughton Valeran of Ligny, coin of, 178 (Oxon) Coin Hoard. 154-7 Vikings of York, coin of, 172 MERNICK. P.. review of M. Mitchener's Jetons, Medalets and Tokens. Volume Three. British Isles circa 1558 to William I, coins of, 106. 175-6 1830, 180-1 William III, coins of, 116 Merovingian coins, finds of, 166 William I, King of Scotland, coins of, 118 Michael Kuchmeister von Sternburg, Teutonic Older, coin of. 179 William of Namur, coins of, 117, 178 MILLER. S., contributions to the Coin Register, 166-78 WILLIAMS, G.. The Gold Coinage of Eadbald, King of Kent MITCHENER. M, his Jetons Medalets and Tokens. Volume (AD 616-40), 137-40 Three. British Isles circa 1558 to 1830 reviewed, 180-1 A Further Parcel from the Appledore Hoard, 141 MOESGAARD. J.C., contributions to the Coin Register. A Hoard of /Edelrted II 'Long Cross' Pennies from 167-70. 173-8 Bramdean Common, Hampshire, 143-4 MYCOCK. C., contribution to the Coin Register, 178 Contributions to the Coin Register. 166-8, 170-3, 175 WILTHEW, P.T., contribution to N.M.McQ. HOLMES, NEWMAN, J., contributions to the Coin Register. 166. Scottish Coin Hoards, 1996-97, 92-4 168-70, 172-5, 178 WISE, P.J., contributions to the Coin Register, 164, 178 Wulfhere (Archbishop), Northumbrian coin of, 170 Offa, King of Mercia, coin of, 112 Wulfred, Archbishop of Canterbury, coin of, 171 PAGAN, H„ The Engleheart Parcel of Coins from the 1817 Yonge, Robert Harry and Richard Harry, Provosts of Dorking Hoard, 141-3 Moneyers, 149-50 CjshLIis/ieJ 1872 A. H. BALDWIN & SONS LTD. 11 Adelphi Terrace, London WC2N 6BJ Tel: 0207 930 6879 Fax: 0207 930 9450 BALDWIN'S AUCTIONS Limited specialist auctions of quality coins, commemorative medals, banknotes and books held in London, Dubai, Hong Kong, New York and Singapore 11 Adelphi Terrace, London WC2N 6BJ Tel: 0207 930 9808 Fax: 0207 930 9450 Coins & Medals, Medallions and Paper Money Specialist Auctions throughout the year For 2,000 years coinage has flourished .111 Great Britain, from the sophisticated Celtic issues to the highly mechanised currency of our present Monarch.
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