THE Bishops take the knee BISHOPS across the country led Angli- The Rt Rev Guli Francis-Dehqani, said: cans in ‘taking the knee’ to mark the “We must stand up and share our abhorrence death of American George Floyd and to of that racist brutality but also act in our own CHURCHOF highlight injustice in British society. areas to address the culture of discrimination The Bishop of Leicester, the Rt Rev Martyn we live in this society too.” Snow, led others in kneeling for eight min- Meanwhile the Bishop of Coventry, the Rt utes and 46 seconds, the length of time that a Rev Dr Christopher Cocksworth, and the ENGLAND US police officer knelt on Mr Floyd’s neck. Bishop of Warwick, the Rt Rev John Stroyan Bishop Snow said: “I am deeply shocked by ‘took the knee’ in front of the Charred Cross the appalling brutality we have seen against in the Cathedral Ruins. Newspaper black people in America and I stand along- In Manchester hundreds of people joined side those who are suffering and peacefully in a ‘Protest through Prayer’ event as a form calling for urgent change, as well as commit- of action in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter ting to make changes in our own lives and organised by the Archdeacon of Manchester. the institutions we are part of. This week the Archbishop of Canterbury 12 June, 2020 “Structural and systemic racial prejudice said: “The racism that people in this country £1.50 exists across societies and institutions and experience is horrifying. The Church has No: 6539 we must act to change that, as well as failed here, and still does, and it’s clear what Established in 1828 addressing our own unconscious biases that Jesus commands us to do: repent and take lead us to discriminate against others.” Earli- action.” er this year he led the General Synod in a Download our App on vote to apologise for racism in the Church. The Bishop of Loughborough, page 7 PRICE £1.50 / €2.00 / $2.50 24 9770964816108 FEATURE Friday 12 June, 2020 7 Bishop Guli Francis-Dehqani We need to look at our own record On Monday morning, two treating them with dignity and weeks since the murder of re-instating them to their George Floyd, I, together with rightful place within the several colleagues, took the community. The writings and knee outside Leicester theology of Paul, best known Cathedral. We knelt in silence perhaps in Galatians, underline for 8 minutes 46 seconds, the that in Christ there is neither time it took Floyd to die as the Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, police officer knelt on his neck. male nor female, “for all of you Ours was a representative are one in Christ Jesus”. All this action on behalf of the takes us eventually to the vision Leadership Team and the of the New Creation in diocese at a time when we are Revelation where all nations are mindful of restrictions on brought together before the gatherings. We could have filled throne of God, equal before the Cathedral Gardens many times Almighty. over and I was conscious of Celebrating and respecting being surrounded by a great racial diversity is apparent cloud of witnesses as we prayed across the whole vista of the for racial justice and equality. Bible and today too the Holy Why should we take this Spirit inspires us to continue action now and why are so working towards a time when many others – people of all God’s kingdom will show no colours and ethnicities – only partiality; where all colours and now joining in protests and races are honoured and demonstrations in this country celebrated. That’s why I believe and elsewhere? Surely, the that as well as a Government death of George Floyd, inquiry now is also the time for shocking though it was, is but open and transparent one example of the consideration within the discrimination that has long Church of England. Such a blighted society, its de- review may well be painful but humanising toxicity impacting is overdue. It will expose the structures and organisations? extent of racism that has Well, in many ways present seeped into our structures and actions do come far too late and organisation, and will enable us for that, repentance and effectively to address issues reparation is required. But and move purposefully into a sometimes there are moments future with greater justice and in history when one event equality. becomes a turning point. Thirty years ago the Events converge and that opportunity to create a moment becomes a catalyst for Commission for Black and long and lasting change. A line others, I am among a growing As the law was established, Minority Ethnic Anglican is crossed and there is no going number of voices calling for a throughout the Pentateuch, the Concerns was squandered back. The moment when Rosa public inquiry into the evident as well as a place of foreigners and when the Faith in the City Parks took her seat on that bus disparities and asking outsiders was recognised (eg, report led instead to a in Alabama all those years ago Government to outline clearly Government inquiry Leviticus 19:33-4). The stories Committee that (despite great in 1955 is another such what steps will be taken to now is also the time of Ruth and Naomi, of Esther, of efforts and much hard work) example. Only time will tell tackle racial prejudice more King Cyrus of Persia who simply had less power and whether Floyd’s death will be widely and challenge the for open and honoured the Jews in his impact than a Commission such a moment but I hope and culture of discrimination. kingdom, each demonstrate would have had. Enough is now pray so. Celebrating diversity has transparent that respecting racial diversity enough. This time, let’s not Floyd’s death came during a always been part of God’s consideration within and rejoicing in difference miss the chance to do the right time when Covid-19 has laid ecology. It was there from the takes us beyond familial and thing, begin making amends bare existing inequalities within start and will be there at the the Church of tribal ties. The poetry of Isaiah and find a better way. society, chiefly longstanding end. It is a Christian imperative, England dignifies those whom society But a brief word of warning. and systemic inequalities. The running like a thread undermines. The account of When it comes to matters of Public Health England report throughout Scripture. Right at Jonah reveals a compassionate justice and equality, it is in the Disparities in the risk of the beginning, the stories of God showing love for the end not possible to address outcomes of Covid-19 has creation (including the birth of people of Israel, and of the people of Nineveh despite the individual causes in isolation. If exposed that once again many humanity, male and female, responsibility of those with prophet’s plea for judgement we truly want to be a Church who are most marginalised are made in the image of God), say power to respect the human without mercy. where diversity is celebrated, bearing the heaviest cost, something about God’s love for dignity of all. Indeed in Genesis In the New Testament Jesus then we must find ways of among them people of BAME diversity; God’s self-expression 18 Abraham is visited by God is of course the most profound addressing other pressing heritage. Whilst further is an act of glorious variety. who appears in the guise of example of one who reaches questions including those research is needed to All through the Old three strangers. A reminder out to strangers, gentiles, around class, gender, sexuality understand the underlying Testament there are reminders that we encounter God in the outcasts, those who were and disability. Until we grasp scientific causes of why this about the value placed on all face of those who are other and considered different, the nettle we will forever fall virus impacts some more than God’s children, not just the unfamiliar. acknowledging their humanity, short of our true calling. 8 Friday 12 June, 2020 FEATURE Lusa Nsenga-Ngoy The last dance? On Sunday 7 June, I watched Archbishop. As I followed his House of Bishops. with some emotion Dr John ministry over the years, I was We need to listen to the Sentamu lay down his crozier often struck by the sense of chorus of discontent rising on the high altar of York isolation and the loneliness he from our theological Minster, marking his final act must have experienced as a institutions, towards our as Archbishop of York. This singular BAME voice in an mission agencies, and in all our simple gesture not only otherwise white institution. To governance structures. We brought to an end his me, he epitomises the need to listen to the protest that archiepiscopal ministry, but it experience of a host of people demands more than simple also marked the end of 25 years from the global diaspora who access to the room. It demands of history in the Church of are continually expected to a seat at the table and, more so, England. The first black singlehandedly shoulder the it requests an equal voice. archbishop of York, he was also burden of ethnic diversity and Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. the last remaining of only two inclusion. As my friend Dr reminded a divided nation of diocesan bishops from the Elizabeth Henry says: “There is the imperative for swift action.
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