Localchefs going wild with crawfish creativity FLAVOR Wednesday, March22, 2017 |HoustonChronicle.com and Chron.com |Vol. 116,No. 160|$2.00 xx Partly cloudy: High 84,Low 64 BUSINESS GOPfaces narrowpathonhealth carebill Stocks Manylawmakersremain on fence rank­and­file Republicans dozen Texans remain un­ makers. Buthesaid they from Texasand acrossthe committed, not counting still have work to do.“They have their as plan drawsfire from both sides nation face adecision about Tyler Republican Louie justhavetoput repeal of whether to sign on to their Gohmert, an outspoken the regulatoryauthorityin worstday By Kevin Diaz providing the firstcrucial partyleaders’ gradual ap­ member of the conserva­ the bill and I’m there.” and Bill Lambrecht legislative testfor Presi­ proach,orholdout for afull tive FreedomCaucus who With TrumponCapi­ of theyear dent Donald Trumpand repeal of former President has beensharply criticalof tol Hill Tuesdaytrying to WA SHINGTON —For the GOP majority in both Barack Obama’s signature the bill. closethe deal —and report­ Stocksfell sharply Republicans in Congress, chambers. health care law. “I’mnot ahard no,” edlyleaning on Republican Tuesdayasinvestors it’s crunchtimeonObama­ Facing withering criti­ Asurveyofthe Lone Gohmert said Tuesday holdouts—somelawmak­ worriedthat care replacementlegisla­ cism from hard­right Star State’sHouseGOP after House leaders put ers from Texas kept their President Donald tion, whichcould come to conservativegroupslike delegationonTuesday in 11th­hour sweeteners heads loworremainedun­ Trump will struggleto avote as early as Thursday, Heritage Action, some suggests thatatleastahalf­ to entice recalcitrantlaw­ Health continuesonA15 deliver promised tax cuts thatpropelled the marketsto record highs in recent months. PageB1 Gorsuchpromises Man, 35, accused LEGISLATURE independence on bench of serial assaults 10 girlsmolested near schoolsin Harris Countyand northeastHouston SanAntonioExpress-News Sen. Paul Betten- By Andrew Kragie court, R-Houston, and CindyGeorge is author of thebill. At the start of winter Propertytax break,Scroggins Elemen­ bill advances tarysentaletter to parents to the House warning of an “unidenti­ Afeudgrows fied man”who accosted betweenstate and a student Dec. 15 near the localofficialsas school’s northeastHous­ the TexasSenate ton campus. approvesaplan Just blocks away the designedtoslow same day,anothergirl the increase of local wasassaulted in much the propertytaxes. same way, by aman who Page A3 PabloMartinezMonsivais /AssociatedPress walked up behind her and In an emphatic and folksy style, JudgeNeil Gorsuch stressed his independence and defended the groped her throughher WORLD integrity of thefederal judiciary Tuesdayatthe Senate hearings on his Supreme Court nomination. clothes. That’s Terror concerns when ledtoairline By Adam Liptak hadruledagainstthe administra­ would be unfair to futurelitigants Houston laptop curbs and Matt Flegenheimer tion. forhim toannounce his views on police real­ U.S. and British NEWYORK TIMES “When anyone criticizes the issues thatcould come before the ized they officialssay the honesty or integrity or motives court. mightbe decision to baR WA SHINGTON —Judge of afederal judge,”Gorsuchsaid, Gorsuch’s stylewas folksy, looking for laptopsfromthe Neil Gorsuch, PresidentDonald “I find thatdisheartening and de­ earnest, learned and emphatic, aserial of­ Ayala cabins of some Trump’s Supreme Court nomi­ moralizing.” and he easily dodged questions fender,a international flights nee,soughttoassure the Senate Askedifthatgeneral statement from members of the Senate Judi­ predator targetinggirls wasn’t based on any and the nation at hisconfirmation applied to Trump, Gorsuchsaid, ciaryCommittee thathewas not walking to and from specific threatbut hearingonTuesdaythathewould “A nyone is anyone.” inclined to answer. Buthespoke school. on long-standing be afair­mindedand independent By turns expansive and eva­ forcefullyabout hisdevotion to “Wejumpedonit,” Of­ concerns about justice.Hesaid he would not hes­ sive,Gorsuchdiscussedlegal the rule of law. ficerMarcos Betancourt teRRorists. Page A8 itatetorule againstTrump if the doctrines at length, but refused to HisexchangeswithDemo­ said. lawrequired it,and he repeated take positions on specific issues. cratic senators were sometimes At first,police hadlittle NATION his earlier private criticismof He asserted, as have previous tense and testy. Ye t through to go on, unaware of other Trump’s attacks on judges who Supreme Court nominees, thatit GorsuchcontinuesonA14 attacks justoutsidethe city Trump signs limits. NASA bill aimed Democratic Then on Jan. 23, an­ at Marsmission senators such as other girlreported an at­ President Donald Minnesota’s Al tack, this one more brazen. Trump signs a Franken, left, Less thanamile from the sweeping NASA tried to crank up December assaults, aman policybill,reinforcing theheatagainst tried to stuff a7­year­old the spaceagency’s Gorsuch,while girl into the back seatof commitment to GOP senators his sedan, releasing her human space such as Texas’ onlywhen her 9­year­old exploration and a John Cornyn brother screamed. long-term trajectory used questions On Tuesday, Houston to Mars. Page A8 to insulate the police announced they had nominee from arrested asuspect believed criticism. GirlscontinuesonA14 CITY |STATE PabloMartinezMonsivais /AP SusanWalsh /AP City bikeplan readybut faces oldconcerns Newstudentpresidentpushes barriers at A&M Amasterplanto guide development of high-qualitytrails Gayjunior is elected cialissues. He soon decided to run is headed toward to leadall Aggies as studentbody approval but remains to lead at traditionally president. dogged by the same conservativecampus Andthenhewon. issuesthatdivided Brooks, 21, learned thismonth neighborsascyclists By LindsayEllis that he will serve as Texas A&M’s claimedspace on next student president — the first the roadways. COLLEGESTATION —Bobby timeanopenly gaystudentwillhold Page A3 Brooksleaned overand kissed the officeatthe traditionally conser­ his date,anAggie tradition,when vative university. Texas A&MUniversityscored a “I believe in everyhuman’s capa­ touchdownlastThanksgiving. bilitytochangethe world,” he said It wasthe first time Brooks,who Monday,“and Idecided it wasmy is gay, felt comfortablejoininginthe time totry that.” ritualatthe renowned Kyle Field. Ajunior fromBelton studying ForBrooks, the momentwas economicsand French,Brooksac­ an importantsteptointegrating knowledges thathis electionisa Chroniclefile his identity as agay manand as an milestone for A&M. Here,students Bicyclists enjoya A&Mstudentonacampus better wear pressed Corps of Cadets uni­ BrettCoomer /Houston Chronicle BraysBayou trail. known for itsloveoftradition than forms and colorful sorority and TexasA&M studentbodypresident BobbyBrooks, whowas born for itsembraceofprogressive so­ Reaction continuesonA15 in Houston, said he came outduringhis freshman year. Index Chron.com HoustonChronicle.com @HoustonChron HoustonChronicle Business ... B1 DailyDigital A2 FlavoR........ D1 Obituaries B8 Comics......D7 Directory ...A2 Lottery ......C6 Sports....... C1 Houston’sSource forBreaking News Go to Chron.comthroughout the dayfor the latest Crossword D6 Editorials A14 Markets.....B4 Weather .. B10 stories, photos and videofromHouston’s No.1news site. A2 | Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com xx Unlockyour subscription. 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NosnoozingwithZZTopintown Read it: HoustonChronicle.com/ newtarget Prominent Methodistsurgeon 2. is victim of appar- ent murder-suicide Herstar wasstill rising,one of onlyahandful of black female surgeons in the na­ tion, when shedied over the weekend. Read it: HoustonChronicle.com/ surgeon In acitywhere bigger is better, 3. canHoustonbuild astartup scene? In acitywithmore than two­dozen Fortune 500 companies, whybother to foster small techcompanies? Read it: HoustonChronicle.com/ techstartup Michael Ciaglo /HoustonChronicle Texasrockers ZZ Topkept theRodeoHoustoncrowd energized withwailingguitars, sparklingblazersand gravelly sounds. THECOURT Explorerulingsbyall of By Joey Guerra cheers. theU.S.SupremeCourt Nightdominatedbyseriouslyfine “Wegotta do this one for you justices andsee howthey ZZ Topreturned Tuesdayto tonight,” Gibbons said before relate to each other at RodeoHouston after afive­year launching into “Sharp Dressed HoustonChronicle.com/
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