^.5^. : THE WILTSHIRE Irrjjfpfllngiwl ml Jiatarai M\im\ MAGAZINE, Pu6ltSl)ea unttcr ti)e SBittttian of fijc .Sactetg FOEMED IN THAT COUNTY, A.D. 1853. VOL. XXV. DEVIZES H. F. Bull, 4, Saint John Steeet. 1891. The Editoe of the Wiltshire Magazine desires that it should be distinctly understood that neither he nor the Comnaittee of the Wiltshire ArchcBological and Natural History Society hold themselves in any way answerable for any statements or opinions expressed in the Magazine; for all o£ which the Authors of the several papers and communications are alone responsible. COIJfTE]^TS OF YOL. XXV. No. LXXIII. PAGE Account of the Thirty-Sixth General Meeting at Westbury 1 Notes on the Churches visited by the Society in 1889 : By C. E. Ponting, F.S.A 12 Westbury under the Plain : By the Rev. Canon J. E. Jackson, F.S.A. 33 White Horse Jottings : By the Rev. W. C. Plendeeleath 57 Some Western Circuit Assize Records of the Seventeenth Century : By W. W. Ravenhill 69 The Buried Palaeozoic Rocks of Wiltshire : By W. Hewaed Bell, F.G.S. 80 James Ley, Earl of Marlborough : By the Rev. W. P. S. Bingham 86 The Church Heraldry of North Wiltshire (Continued) : By Aethub SCHOMBEEG 100 Wiltshire's Contribution to the Piedmontese Fund in 1655 : By J. Watlbn 112 Donations to Museum and Library 118 No. LXXIV. St. Nicholas's Hospital, Salisbury : By the Rev. Canon Mobeelt 119 The Bishop's Palace at Salisbury : A Lecture delivered at the Blackmore Museum, Salisbury, January 27th, 1890, by the Right Rev. the Loed Bishop of Salisbuet 165 On the Roman Conquest of Southern Britain, particularly in regard to its influence on the County of Wilts : Address by the Right Rev. the Loed Bishop of Salisbuet, as President of the Society, at its Annual Meeting at Westbury, August 1st, 1889 ..- 191 Two Wiltshire Mazers: By W. Cunnington, F.G.S 205 Edington Church : By C. E. Ponting, F.S.A 209 Notes on Remains of Roman Dwellings at Hannington Wick : By the Rev. E. H. GoDDAKD 232 Donations to Museum and Library 234 lY. CONTENTS OP VOL. XXV. No. LXXV. PAGE Account of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting at Devizes 235 Notes on the Churches visited by the Society in 1890 : By C. E. Ponting, F.S.A 252 Notes on Plaees visited by the Society in 1890 : By H. E. Mediicott ... 280 Inaugural Address by the President of the Society, Lt.-Ges. PiTT-RrvEES, F.R.S., F.S.A., on the Excavations at Eotherley, Woodcuts, and Bokerly Dyke 283 Notes on Human Remains discovered by General Pitt-Rivers, D.C.L., F.R.S., at Woodyates, Wiltshire : By J. G. Gaeson, M.D., V.P.A.I., Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London ,... 312 The Geology of Devizes : By A. J. Jukes-Beowne, B.A., F.G.S 317 Notes on the Church Plate of North Wilts : By the Rev. E. H. Goddabd 336 In Memoriam John Edward Jackson, F.S.A., Hon. Canon of Bristol 355 Recent Occurrence of the Great Bustard in Wilts : By the Rev. A. C. Smith 359 Additions to the Museum and Library 364 SllustrattDtts. The Uffington White Horse, 66. The Old Westbury Horse, 67. The Modern Westbury Horse, 67. The Alligator Mound, Ohio, U.S.A., 68. The Beaver Mound, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 68. The Buffalo Mound, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 68. Map of the British Isles in the Triassic Period, 80. Map of the British Isles in the Liassic Period, 80. Map of the British Isles in the Cretaceous Period, 80. Geological Sections (A. and B.) of Rocks under Westbury, 82. Section (C) from Vallis Vale to Westbury, 82. Plans (Nos. I. II. and III.) of St. Nicholas' Hospital, Salisbury, 128. Plaus No. I., II., and III.) of the Bishop's Palace, Salisbury, 184. Photo-print of Mr. Cunnington's Mazer, 205. Photo-print of the Rev. C. E. B. Barnwell's Mazer, 206. Edington Church, Wilts, Longitudinal Section, looking south, 215. Edington Church, Wilts, Tomb in South Transept, 220. Drawing of Stole from the Effigy of William of Edington in Winchester Cathedral, and of In- scriptions under Figures of Saints in the Clerestory Windows of Edington Church, 222. Plan of Roman Dwellings at Manor Farm, Hannington Wick, uncovered October 23rd, 1890, 232. Font-Cherington, 260. Church of All Saints, Marden, Wilts, 263. Map of Bokerly Dyke, between Dorset and Wilts, 288. Section 1—showing the natural order of the Strata beneath Devizes, 318. Section 2—showing the successive beds of Chalk at Morgan's Hill, 318. Fig. 3.— Structure of Siliceous Chalk, 324. Figs. 4 and 5, —Structure of Melbourn Rock and of Chalk Rock, 326. Fig. 6.—Structure of Middle Chalk, 327. Fig. 7.—Structure of Chalk Rock, 328. Plate of ten Chalices in Churches in North Wilts, 342. Plate of five Flagons in Churches in North Wilts, 348. : No LXXIII. JULY, 1890. Vol. XXV. THE WILTSHIEE Irrjiffoliigiffll ml JMuml listorij MAGAZINE, ^u&ltsl)etr utitiet t^e Jitreitian OF THE SOCIETY FOKMED IN THAT COUNTY, A.D. 1853. vl \' >-''- DEVIZES Feinted and sold fob the Society bt H. F Bxjli^ Saint John Stbeet. Price 6s. Qd.—Members Gratis. ; NOTICE TO MEMBERS. TAKE NOTICE, that a copious ludex for the preceding eight Volumes of the Magazine will be found at the end of Vols. viii., xvi., and xxiv. Members who have not paid their Subscriptions to the Society for the current year, are requested to remit the same forthwith to the Financial Secretary, Mr. David Owen, 31, Long- Street, Devizes, to whom also all communications as to the supply of Magazines should be addressed, and of whom most of the back Numbers may be had. The Numbers of this Magazine will be delivered gratis, as issued, to Members who are not in arrear of their Annual Subscrip- tions, but in accordance with Byelavv No. 8 " The Financial Secretary shall give notice to Members in arrear, and the Society's publications will not be forwarded to Members whose subscriptions shall remain unpaid after such notice." All other communications to be addressed to the Honorary Secre- taries : H. E. Medlicott, Esq., Sandfield, Potterne, Devizes and the Rev. E. H. Goddabd, Clyffe Vicarage, Wootton Bassett. The Rev. A. 0. Smith will be much obliged to observers of birds in all parts of the county, to forward to him notices of rare occurrences, early arrivals of migrants, or any remarkable facts connected with birds, which may come under their notice. A resolution has been passed by the Committee of the Society, "that it is highly desirable that every encouragement should be given towards obtaining second copies of Wiltshire Parish Registers." Wiltshire^ The TopographicalCollections of J-ohn Aubrey, F.R.S., :/l.^. ihsq—70. CORRECTED AND ENLARGED BY THE REV. CANON J. E. JACKSON, M.A., F.S.A. In 4to, Cloth, pp. 491, with 46 Plates. Price £2 10*. SECOND EDITION OF The British and Roman Antiquities of the North Wiltshire Downs, BY THE REV. A C. SMITH, M.A. One Volume, Atlas 4to, 248 pp., 17 large Maps, and 110 Woodcuts, Extra Cloth. Price £2 2*. WILTSHIRE Itrticenliigiral anii latutol M\im\ MAGAZINE. ISQO.^^f-^^^xVoL. XXV No. LXXIII. JULY, ^"'' ContrntiS* PAGE General Meeting at Westbuht 1 Account of the Thibty-Sixth Society in 1889 By the Churches visited by the : Notes on ^^ F.S.A •• C. E. Ponting, V;;'V, '-^'a'i qq Rev^Canon J E Jackson, F.S.A. 33 Westbury under the Plain : By the Rev. W. C. Plenderkath 57 White Horse Jottings : By the Records oe the Seventeenth Some Western Circuit Assize • Century- By W. W. Ravenhill Wiltshire: By W. Heward Buried PAiiBozoic Rocks of The ^^ ; Bythe"R;v:w:p:s;:^gh^ 86 Ja^' L^i^E^RL o; M:rlborou;.h Wiltshire (ConUnuedJ : By The Church Heraldry of North ••• ^^ Arthur Schomberg Piedmontese Fund m•""icEK"1655: Wiltshire's Contribution to the ^^^ " By J. Waylen ,,g Donations to Museum and Library ILLUSTRATIONS. The Uffington White Horse ^6 The Old Westbury Horse ^7 o7 The Modem Westbury Horse 68 The Alligator Mound, Ohio, U.S.A 68 The Beaver Mound, Wisconsin, U.S.A 68 The Buffalo Mound, Wisconsin. U.S.A Rev. W. C. [-lenderleath for the kind loan (The Society is indebted to the of the wood blocks for the above.) Tria ssic Period 80 Map of the British Isles in the Liassic Period 80 Cretaceous Period 80 Rocks under Westbury 82 Geological Sections (A. and B.) of Westbury 82 Section (C) from Vallis Vale to DEVIZES : Street. H. F. Bull, 4, Saint John — THE WILTSHIRE MAGAZINE. "MUITOETTM MANIBUS OEANDB tEYATUB ONUS." Ovid. THE THIRTY-SIXTH GENERAL MEETING OF THE Mi\X%\i\xt ^riteeolofitcal antr Natural l^istorg ^octetg/ HELD AT WESTBURY, July Z\st, August \st and Znd, 1889, THE PEESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY, The Eight Rev. The Lord Bishop of Salisbuey, IN THE CHAIH. ^[^HIS was the first occasion on which the Society had selected grKyg Westbury as the place of its Annual Meeting. The num- bers attending' were smaller than they have been at some recent Meetings, but the programme gone through by those who were present was a most enjoyable one, and the weather was everything that could be desired—warm and fine until the close of the third day's excursion, the rain only beginning to fall as the archaeologists departed for their homes. The Right Rev. The President was unfortunately unable to be present at the General Meeting, held in the Town Hall, at 3 o'clock; ' For many of the details in the account of this Meeting the Editor ig ia- debted to the columns of the Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette, the Trowbridgt Chronicle, and the Warminster and Westhury Journal.
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