27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey 23-26 May, 2018 Vegetation survey 90 years after the publication of Braun-Blanquet’s textbook – new challenges and concepts Book of Abstracts 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey 23-26 May, 2018 Wrocław, Poland Vegetation survey 90 years after the publication of Braun-Blanquet’s textbook – new challenges and concepts Book of Abstracts Botanical Garden University of Wroclaw Pl. Uniwersytecki 1 50-137 Wrocław 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23-26 May, 2018 Wrocław, Poland. Vegetation survey 90 years after the publication of Braun-Blanquet’s textbook – new challenges and concepts Book of Abstracts The EVS is a Working Group of the International Association for Vegetation Science. Cover design by SABAT - STUDIO GRAFICZNE Printed by SABAT - STUDIO GRAFICZNE ISBN: 978-83-950944-0-8 Printrun: 200 pieces Wrocław, Poland 2018 Scientific Committee Emiliano Agrillo Department of Environmental Biology University „La Sapienza” Roma (IT) Fabio Attorre Department of Environmental Biology University „La Sapienza” Roma (IT) Andraž Čarni Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Ljubljana (SI) Milan Chytrý (EVS secretary) Department of Botany and Zoology Masaryk University Brno (CZ) Monika Janišová Institute of Botany Slovak Academy of Sciences Banská Bystrica (SK) María Pilar Rodríguez-Rojo Institute of Environmental Sciences University of Castilla-La Mancha Toledo (ES) John Rodwell Ecological Consultant Lancaster (GB) Joop Schaminée Nature Conservation and Plant Ecology Gr. Wageningen University Wageningen (NL) Organizing Committee University of Wrocław: Zygmunt Kącki, chairman Ewa Stefańska-Krzaczek, secretary Attila Lengyel Grzegorz Swacha Marta Czarniecka-Wiera Renata Łojko Mateusz Meserszmit Katarzyna Łapińska Krzysztof Świerkosz Kamila Reczyńska Tomasz Szymura Ewa Szczęśniak Magdalena Wach Małgorzata Raduła Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences: Magdalena Szymura University of Szczecin: Monika Myśliwy TABLE OF CONTENTS Plenary Talks 21 Rodwell J. 23 90 years on, how does phytosociology inform habitat conservation and assessment? Botta-Dukát Z. 24 New challenges in the vegetation classification in the recent data-rich era of phytosociology Biurrun I., Antonio Campos J., García-Mijangos I., Herrera M., & Liendo D. 25 Plant invasions in Europe: general overview across natural and semi-natural habitats Oral Presentations 27 Adámek M., Petřík P., Hadincová V. & Wild J. 29 Long-term development of soil chemical properties and vegetation dynamics after wildfires and clearcutting in Central European pine forests Argagnon O., Andrieu F., Orain A. & Bravet P. 30 The Castanea sativa woods of the Cévennes: habitat of Community interest or not? Belonovskaya E., Tishkov A. & Tsarevskaya N. 31 Valday highland as a fragment of the Great Eurasian Nature Massive: priority habitats conservation and renovation Bricca A., Scolastri A., Cancellieri L. & Cutini M. 32 Understory functional response to different management strategies in sub- Mediterranean beech forests Bültmann H. 33 Vegetation description and scale or can parts of the vegetation be excluded from formal description? Čarni A., Škvorc Ž., Krstivojević Ćuk M., Franjić J., Igić R., Ilić M., Krstonošić D. 34 & Vukov D. Diversity of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea communities in climatic gradient along the southern edge of the Pannionian plain Carré A., Gaudillat V., Gigot G. & Teillac-Deschamps P. 35 The Red List of ecosystems in France, progress and improvements Chepinoga V., Lashchinskiy N. & Heim R. 36 Class Mulgedio-Aconitetea in Khamar-Daban Ridge, East Siberia Chytrý M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Knollová I., Biurrun I., Dengler J., Hennekens S. 37 & Jansen F. Research based on the European Vegetation Archive: the progress made so far Czóbel Sz., Németh Z., Ficsor Cs., Falvai D., Szegleti Zs. & Szirmai O. 38 Ecological features of three forest spring geophytes Didukh Y., Kuzemko A. & Vakarenko L. 39 Assessment of the conservation value, impact of threats and risks of loss of the habitats of Ukraine Ďurčanová P., Hájek M., Těšitel J., Peterka T. & Plesková Z. 40 Structure of moss layer as the environmental predictor for vascular plant vegetation in sub-alkaline fens Erdős L., Kröel-Dulay G., Bátori Z. & Tölgyesi Cs. 41 Conservation implications of habitat heterogeneity in forest-grassland mosaics Evans, D., Tryfon E. & Lund, M. 42 Revising the EUNIS habitats classification – where are we? Fortini P., Caldarella O., Ciaschetti G., Gianguzzi L., Rosati L., Terzi M. & Di Pietro R. 43 Floristic and phytosociological features of the Brachypodium rupestre commu- nities in Italy Gavilán R.G., Blanquer J.M., Sánchez Mata D. & Sancho L.G. 44 Spatial scales of alpine plant communities in Navarino island (Chile) Hédl R., Šipoš J., Chudomelová M., Kopecký M., Macek M. & Vild O. 45 Contrasting patterns in environmental drivers of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in temperate forests Janssen J.A.M. & Schaminée J.H.J. 46 Transplantation of Anacamptis morio in coastal grasslands of the Netherlands Jiménez-Alfaro B. 47 Data gap analysis for European alpine vegetation Kalníková V., Chytrý M. & data contributors 48 Formalized classification of the European montane and alpine river gravel bar vegetation Kaushik K., Rudolf K. & Morschhauser T. 49 Insight from the interaction of a monodominant with species pool Kermavnar J., Eler K., Marinšek A. & Kutnar L. 50 Initial response of understory vegetation to different forest management inten- sities in Illyrian beech forests in Slovenia Kompała-Bąba A. & Bąba W. 51 Abiotic and biotic factors that shape the diversity of ruderal vegetation (Silesian Uplands Poland) Korablev A.P. & Smirnov V.E. 52 Morphological types of below-ground organs of herbs as indicators of features of primary volcanic habitats Krstonošić D., Čarni A., Škvorc Ž., Franjić J., Temunović M., Sever K., Bogdan S. 53 & Katičić Bogdan I. Floristic and ecological characteristics of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) forests in Europe Landucci F., Chytrý M., Šumberová K., Tichý L. & WetVegEurope partners: 54 Aunin L., Biţă-Nicolae C., Bobrov A., Borsukevych L., Čarni A., Csiky J., Cvijanović D., De Bie E., Dubyna D., Dimopoulos P., Dziuba T., FitzPatrick Ú., Font X., Gigante D., Golub V., Hennekens S.M., Holubová D., Hrivnák R., Lastrucci L., Iemelianova S., Jandt U., Jansen F., Jenačković D., Kącki Z., Lájer K., Matulevičiutė D., Mesterházy A., Molina J.A., Paal J., Papastergiadou E., Properzi A., Radulović S., Ranđelović V., Řezníčková M., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H.J., Šilc U., Sinkevičienė Z., Stančić Z., Stepanovich J., Teteryuk B., Tzonev R., Venanzoni R., Weekes L., Willner W. & Zelnik I. WetVegEurope, not only a classification exercise… Lebedeva М.V., Yamalov S.М., Korolyuk А.Yu., Golovanov Ya.М., Dulepova N.А., 55 Zolotareva N.V., Teptina А.Yu. Petrophytic steppes of the Urals: diversity and ecological drivers Lengyel A., Swacha G. & Kącki Z. 56 Trait-based numerical classification of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea grasslands in Poland Liepa L. & Straupe I. 57 Edge effects and vegetation dynamics in back alder swamp woods in Latvia Ławniczak-Malińska A. & Achtenberg K. 58 Diversity of aquatic macrophytes in overgrowing lakes Marcenò C., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Chytrý M., García-Mijangos I., FitzPatrick U., 59 Herrera M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H.J., Tichý L. & Loidi J. Classifying European heathlands of the class Calluno-Ulicetea: data set selection and procedures for a broad-scale classification Milanović Đ. & Stupar V. 60 Vegetation classification in Bosnia and Herzegovina – current state and future prospects Monteiro-Henriques T., Cerdeira J.O., Aguiar C. & Fernandes P. 61 Are we looking sufficiently at vegetation structure in our vegetation analyses? Novák P. & data contributors 62 Syntaxonomy of oak-hornbeam forests of Central Europe:new insights into old problems Pasierbiński A., Błońska A., Kompała-Bąba A., Woźniak G., Nowak T., Babczyńska- 63 Sendek B., Sierka E. & Sławik Ł. Identification of potential Natura 2000 habitats in local scale based on remote sensing data and habitat modeling Roleček, J. 64 Central European forest-steppe: the concept, its testing and a preliminary synthesis Rooijen N.M. van, Hagen H.G.J.M. van der & Schaminée J.H.J. 65 Temporal patterns in dry dune grasslands on a regional scale are driven by sea-climate interactions Sánchez-Mata D., Rufo L., Rodríguez N., Ramírez E. & de la Fuente V. 66 On European fruticose halophytic vegetation: new insights and proposals Sciandrello S., Minissale P., Guarino R. & Giusso del Galdo G. 67 Alnus glutinosa woodlands in Sicily: an example of paleo-temperate vegetation at the southernmost limit of its distribution range Šibík J., Olejniczak P., Samulak E., Šibíková M., Bacigal M., Nechaj J. & Franklin S.B. 68 Clonal plant response to disturbance: A case study from montane Norway spruce forests in the Tatras Šibíková M., Jarolímek I., Bazalová D., Botková K., Hegedušová K., Májeková J., 69 Škodová I., Zaliberová M. & Medvecká J. Robinia pseudoacacia as the driver of homogenization of broadleaved tem- perate forests Sierka E., Błońska A., Kompała-Bąba A., Bierza W. & Woźniak G. 71 Biomass biodiversity relation in vegetation on post-mining heaps Stupar V., Čarni A., Mandžukovski D., Tzonev R., Dimitrov M., Tsiripidis I., Škvorc Ž. 73 Forest and scrub vegetation dominated by Carpinus orientalis in Balkan Peninsula Szumańska I., Rutkowski L., Kamiński D., Nienartowicz A. & Piernik
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