S/12265 S/12265 NINTH REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED IN PURSUANCE OF RESOLUTION 253 (1968) CONCERNING THE QUESTION OF SOUTHERN RHODESIA SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS THIRTY-SECOND YEAR SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT No. 2 Volume I UNITED NATIONS New York, 1977 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/... ) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which informati about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative en that date. CONTEPITS Paragrpho s Pa ge. VOLUTM I INTRODUCTION ............ .... ................... 1 -3 1 Chapter I. WORK OF THE COMPIITTEE ..... ................. .... 4 78 2 A. Organization and programme of work ......... ... 5 21 2 (a) Working procedures . ........ .. 10 15 3 (b) Consideration of general subjects ..... ... 16 - 21 4 B. Consideration of cases carried over from previous reports and new cases concerning possible violation of sanctions ..... ........... .. 22 - 71 6 (a) General cases ............ .... ... 29 - 59 7 (b) Cases opened on the basis of information supplied by individuals and non-governmental organizations (Case No. INGO-...) . ...... 60 14 (c) Imports of chrome nickel and other materials from Southern Rhodesia into the United States of America (Case No. USI.-...) .. ........ 61 71 15 C. Other actions taken by the Committee to promote the implementation of sanctions .. ......... ... 72 -. 78 17 (a) Sports activities involving participants travelling to and from Southern Rhodesia * 72 - 76 17 (b) Publication of lists of Governments failing to respond to the Committee's inquiries within the prescribed period of two months.. 77 78 18 II. ACTIONS TAKEN BY GOVERNI-DINTS IN IMPLEFIENTATION OF SANCTIONS ........ ....................... ....79 -86 20 A. Actions taken by Governments either independently or with respect to specific cases in response to inquiries addressed to them by the Committee . 79 20 B. Transactions conducted with the consent or knowledge of reporting Governments .... ........ 80 - 84 23 C. Replies received from Governments with respect to Security Council resolution 388 (1976) ... ...... 85 - 86 2h -iii- CONTENTS (continued) Chapter III. CONSULAR AND OTHER REPRESENTATION IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA AND REPRESENTATION OF THE ILLEGAL REGIME IN OTHER COUNTRIES .......... ...................... A. Consular relations with Southern Rhodesia B. Southern Rhodesian representational offices abroad ........ ...................... IV. AIRLINES OPERATING TO AND FROM SOUTHERN RHODESIA . A. Relevant cases examined by the Committee .... B. Consideration of the matter as a general subject V. IMMIGRATION AND TOURISM ...... ............... A. General information ............. B. Specific cases concerning tourism .. ....... Paragraphs pg 87 - 91 87 88 92 93 96 100 100 108 91 99 95 99 113. 107 ill ANNEXES* I. Report of the Chairman on his personal contacts with the Permanent Representatives of Governments in default of replies after three reminders II. Cases carried over from previous reports and new cases III. Import of chrome, nickel and other material from Southern Rhodesia into the United States of America IV. Cases of transactions conducted with the consent or knowledge of reporting Governments V. Cases opened on the basis of information supplied by individuals and non-governmental organizations VI. Note prepared by the Secretariat on Southern Rhodesian trade for 1975 * The annexes to the present report will be issued separately. -iv- INTRODUCTION 1. The eighth report of the Committee to the Security Council (S/l1927/Rev.1) I/ was adopted on 29 December 1975. Since then, the Committee has held 20 meetings. 2. At the 265th meeting on 7 April 1976, the Committee elected Ambassador Iqbal A. Akhund (Pakistan) Chairman and decided that the delegations of Guyana and the United Republic of Tanzania should provide the two Vice-Chairmen. 3. The present report was adopted at the 284th meeting on 21 December 1976. It covers the period between 16 December 1975 and 15 December 1976 and follows on the whole the outline of previous reports in its body and annexes. However, in accordance with the recommendations of the General Assembly on the preparation of documents, the Committee decided to make this report as brief as possible. For that reason, basic information already reported upon has not been reproduced and various sections have been combined. At the same meeting the Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, expressed the Committee's appreciation to all members of the Secretariat for the dedicated service they had rendered to it in the course of the year. i/ Official Records of the Security Council, Thirty-first Year, Special Su I, vols. I and II. -1- CHAPTER I WORK OF THE COMT!ITTEE 4. General information concerning the Committee and its working procedures may be found in chapter I A of the seventh reoort (S/11594/Rev.1) 2/ and Chapter I, A of the eighth report (S/1927/Rev.l). A. Organization and programme of work 5. It may be recalled that as a result of the Committees discussion of its programme of work at the beginning of 1975, agreement had been reached on a list of items deemed acceptable for consideration by the Committee. These items fell into two categories apart from cases: procedural measures and subjects of a general nature (see chap. I of the eighth report). 6. In the course of 1975, the Committee had dealt with all of the procedural measures and a number of the general subjects included in its programme of work (see chap. I, sects. A and B of the eighth report). 7. During 1976, the Committee modified two of its working procedures established in 1975, namely, the authorization given to the Secretariat to prepare notes with no-.objection slips concerning sports events, and the ratio in the allocation of meetings alternatively to specific cases or to subjects of a general nature. The Committee also established new working procedures with reference to: subjects of a general nature with which it had dealt in 1975; countries from which replies were still pending after three reminders; and, circulation to the Committee on a quarterly basis of lists of Governments in default of a reply after three reminders. 8. With reference to subjects of a general nature, it may be recalled that during 1975, the Committee examined the following items from the list of general subjects included in its programme of work: the question of relationship with the Organization of African Unity; the establishment of closer contacts with non- .governmental organizations; and the expansion of sanctions against Southern Rhodesia, on which, because of its particular importance, the Committee decided to issue a special report to the Security Council (S/11913) 3/ dated 15 December 1975. In connexion with the latter item, that is, expansion of sanctions against Southern Rhodesia, the Committee also examined the following items. which were included in its programme of work as general subjects: insurance of goods and of passengers going to and from Southern Rhodesia, trade names and franchises- request to Member States to deny landing rights in their respective territories to flights the route schedule of which included stopovers in Southern Rhodesia for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers and/or goods to and from Southern Rhodesia, and immigration, tourism and sporting activities involving Southern Rhodesia. 2/ Official Records of the Securityr Council, Thirtieth Year, Special Supp.lement No. 2, vols. I and II. 3/ Ibid., Thirtieth Year, Supplement for October., November and December 1975. -2- 9. The following items in the general subject category of the Committee s programme of work, which had not been concluded during 1975. were retained in the Committee's programme of work for 1976: (a) List of countries to which 20 or more notes concerning violations of sanctions have been sent(b) Manual of documentation and procedures for goods originating in southern Africa(c) Question of, and possible methods for, reviewing older cases more effectively(d) Question of conflicting reports of 'leriber States on the origin of goods declared to have been imported from Southern Rhodesia. (a) Working procedures 10. During the period under review, the Committee took the following decisions concerning its working procedures: to allocate four meetings in a row to the study of specific cases and then two meetings to the study of general issues; to extend the semi- .automatic procedure to information gathered from published sources regarding sports events only when such activities involved either individuals or organized sports groups, acting in a nationally representative capacity, or membership of Southern Rhodesia in international sports federations- to agree that any further aspects of the general subjects already dealt with in 1975 could be brought up again for discussion in 1976! to request the Chairman to contact the Permanent Representatives of countries from which replies were still pending after three reminders- and to circulate within the Committee
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