THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES • • • • miSSISSIPPI geology Bureau of Geology 2525 North West Street V olume 1, Number 3 Jackson, Mississippi 39216 March 1981 i SELECTED REFERENCES ON THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS; ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE Compiled by Anne Bellomy, Librarian WEST VIRGINIA /' ( . I Mississir..'>i Bu reau of Geology : r-·. / . ............ ,' , KENTUCKY . _!I Anonymous, 1979, Broader expanse seen for Eastern I Overthrust: Oil Gas j our., V. 77, No. 42, p. 92. r p I~ Bartholomew, M.) ., et al. 1980, Geologic structure i and hydrocarbon potential along the Saltv ille and Pulaski thrusts in so uthwestern Virginia and (Continued on page 2) TENNESSEE I)['\IIQ'oiWI ~ OIIXMCW'f ROCXS tD60I \ Sl.l..laNo"-'~ROQ(SC50t Sl..l..lftlo\N ........ ~... AOO<S CSOCI ' \ f i """""""'""""""~..-tCAMIIItlM" AOO<.S lOCI en : GEORGIA S!! J (/) , (/) • ~ ! I --;;;;- j 1 A - A ..-.. ..-~~ •• ' .... cc ' ••.to.o-Dfl ... li).D"II ' .._ • ....., .xx- ...... - I < A, Generalized geologic map ...,1 .,._.aaa.. ...... .._ ...... , _j < 1 r . " .. Geologic map of the Southern Appalachians (From Harris and Milici, 1977) (Continued from page I) Appalachian Piedmont allochthon: Geology, v. 8, northeastern Tennessee: Virginia Div. Min. Res., Pub. p. 205-206. Comment and reply, v. 8, p. 404-405. --------'·:U,S~.~-----------------tcerm, . ., R. 111 ei,-1lnd+.~so~2;-€a rbo,,.,. .- ---- Bearce, D. N ., 1978, Structure of eastern Coosa Valley, iferous depositional environments in the Cumberland Alabama: Am. Jou r. Sci., v. 278, P. 461-476. Plateau of southern Tennessee and northern Ala- Bearce, D. N., and J. A. Drahovzal, 1972, Southern Appala- bama: Tennessee Div. Geol., Rept. lnv. 33, 32 p. ch ian valley and ridge province - structures and Fisher, G. W., F. J. Pettijohn, J. C. Reed, Jr., and K. N. stratigraphy, fie ld trip 3 in Guide to Alabama geol- Weaver, eds., 1970, Studies of Appalachian geology; ogy, ed. j. S. Tolson: Geol. Soc. Am. Southeastern central and southern: New York, Wiley lnterscience, Sec. gu idebook for field trips, 21st ann. mtg., 15 p. 460 p. Bryant, B., and J. C. Reed, Jr., 1970, Geology of the Ford, J. P., 1980, Seasat orbital radar imagery for geologic Grandfather Mountain Window and vicinity, North mapp ing; Tennessee-Kentucky-Virginia: Am. Assoc. Carolina and Tennessee: U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Pet. Geol. Bull. v. 64, no. 12, p. 2064-2094. Paper 615, 190 p. Harri s, A. G., L. D. Harri s, and j. B. Epstein, 1978, Oil and Chowns, T. M., and F. K. McKinney, 1980, Depositional gas data from Paleozoic rocks in the Appalachian facies in Middle-Upper Ordovician and Silurian rocks basin; Maps for assessing hydrocarbon potential of Alabama and Georgia; Geol. Soc. Am. '80 Atlanta- and thermal maturity (conodont color alteration field trip 16: Excursions in Southeastern Geology, isograds and overburden isopachs): U.S. Geol. Surv ., v. 2, p. 323-348. Falls Church, Va., Am. Geol. lnsti- Misc. Geol. Invest. Map 1-917-E, 4 sheets, scale tu te. 1:2,500,000. Cook, F. A., D. S. Albaugh, L. D. Brown, S. Kaufman, J. E. Harris, L. D., 1975, Oil and gas data from the lower Or- Oliver, and R. D. Hatcher, Jr., 1979, Thin-s kinned dovician and Cambrian rocks of the Appalachian tectonics in the crystal line so uth ern Appalachians; basi n: U. S. Geol. Surv., Misc. Geo l. Invest. Map COCORP se ismic-reflection profiling of the Blue 1-917-D, 3 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000. Ridge and Piedmont: Geo logy, v. 7, p. 563-567. Comments and replies in Geology, v. 8, p. 211 _216, ----------, 1976, Thin-skinned tectonics and potential hydro- 402-404. ca rbon traps illustrated by a seismic profile in the Cook, F. A., L. D. Brown, and j . E. Oli ver, 1980, The Svalley and ridge province of Te nnessee: U. S. Geo l. so uthern Appa lachians and the growth of co nti- urv., j our. of Research, v. 4, no. 4, p. 379-386. nents: Scientific American, v. 243, no. 4, p. 156-168. Harris, L. D., and K. C. Bayer, 1979, Sequential develop- Den ni so n, J. M., 1976, Grav ity tectonic removal of cover of ment of the Appalachian orogen above a master Blue Ridge anticlinorium to form valley and ridge decollement - A hypothesis: Geology, v. 7, p. 568- province: Geo l. Soc. Am. Bull. v. 87, no. 10, p. 572. Comments and replies, v. 8, p. 211-216. 14 70-14 76. Harris, L. D., and R. C. Milici, 1977, Characteristics of thin - de Witt, W., j r., 1975, Oil and gas data from the upper skinned sty le of deformation in the southern Appal a- Paleozoic rocks in the Appalachian basin: U.S. Geol. chians, and potential hydrocarbon traps: U.S. Geol. Surv., Misc. Geo l. Invest. Map 1-917-A, 4 sheets, Surv., Prof. Paper 1018,40 p. scale 1:2,500,000. Hatcher, R. D., jr., 1978, Synthesis of the southern and de Witt, W., jr., and L. W. McGrew, 1979, Petroleum and central Appalachians, U.S. A. in Caledonian-Appala- natural gas in Mississippian rocks of the Appalachian chian orogen of the North Atlantic region, ed. Tozer, Basin: U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 1010, p. 441- E. T., et al. : Canada Geol. Surv., Paper No. 78-13, 450. p. 149-157. de Witt, W., j r., W. j . Perry, j r ., and L. G. Wall ace, 197 5, ----------, 1978, Tectonics of the western Piedmont and Blue Oil and gas data from Devonian and Silurian rocks Ridge, southern Appalachians; Review and specula- in the Appalachian basin: U. S. Geol. Surv., Misc. tion: Am. jour. Sci., v. 278, p. 276-304. Geol. In vest. Map 1-917-B, 4 sheets, scale 1:2,500, Hatcher, R. D., jr., and). R. Butler, comp., 1979, Guide- OOQ. book for southern Appalachian field trip in the Drahovzal, j. A., and T. L. Neathery, eds., 1971, The Carolin as, Tennessee, and northeastern Georgia: Middle and Upper Ordovician of the Alabama Appala- 'db k h N.C.Geoi.Surv., Raleigh, N.C., 117p. chian s: Ala b ama G eo.I S oc. G u1 e oo , 9 t ann. field trip, 240 p. Hatcher, R. D., jr., D. E. Howell, and P. Talwani, 1977, Ellwood, B. B., j. C. Stormer, D. B. Wenner, j . A. Wh itney, Eas tern Piedmont fault system; Speculations on its and j. H. Reuter, 1980, Discussion of the hydro- ex tent: Geology, v. 5, p. 636-640. carbon potential of rocks underlying the southern Hatcher, R. D., Jr., V. Price, jr., and D. S. Snipes, 1973, MISSISSIPPI GEOLOGY 2 Analysis of chemical and paleotemperature data 2427. from se lec ted carbonate rocks of the southern Appa­ ----------, 1973b, Where and why of Pine Mount ain an d other lach ians: Southeastern Geology, v. 15, p. 55-70. major fault planes, Virginia, Kentucky, and Ten­ Hooks, W. G., ed., 1969, The Appalachian stru ctural front nessee: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 273-A, p. 353-371. in Al abama: Alabama Geol. Soc. guidebook, 7th ann. ---- ----, 1975, Oil and gas data from the Upper and Middle fi eld trip, 69 p. Ordovician rocks in the Appalachian basin: U. S. Kidd, J. T ., and T. L. Neathery, 1976, Correlation between Geol. Surv ., Misc. Geol. Invest. Map 1-917-C, 3 sheets, Cambrian rocks of the southern Appalachian geosyn­ scale 1 :2,500,000. cline and the interior low plateaus: Geology, v. 4, Neathery, T. L., R. D. Bentley, M. W. Higgins, and I. p. 767-769. Zietz, 1976, Preliminary interpretation of aero­ Kidd, J. T ., and S. W. Shannon, 1977, Preliminary areal magnetic and aerorad ioactivity maps of the Ala­ geologic maps of the valley and ridge province, bama Pi edmont: Geology, v. 4, p. 375-381. Jefferson County, Alabama: Alabama Geol. Surv ., Rankin, D. W., 1975, The continental margin of eas tern Atlas Series 10, 41 p. North America in the southern Appalachians: the Kiefer, J. D., and J. M. Dennison, 1972, Palinspas tic map of opening and closi ng of the Proto-Atlantic Ocean: Devonian strata of Alabama and northwest Georgia: Am. Jour. Sci. , v. 275-A, p. 298-336. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull., v. 56, no. 1,p. 161-166. Rodgers, J ., 1970, The tectonics of the Appalachians: Mcl emore, Wil liam H., 1972, Depositional environments of New York, Wiley lnterscience, 271 p. the Tuscumbia-Monteagle-Floyd interval in northwest Shaw, C. E., 1976, Large-scale recumbent fold ing in the Georgia and southeast Tennessee, in Chowns, T. M., Valley and Ridge province of Alabama: Geol. Soc. ed., Sedimentary env ironments in the Paleozoic rocks Am., Bull., v. 87, p. 407-418. Discussion by W. A. of northwest Georgia: Georgia Geol. Soc., Guid e­ Thomas and J. A. Drahovzal in Geol. Soc. Am., book 11, p. 69-73. Bull., v. 88, p. 1368-1371, 1977. Reply by Shaw Milici, R. C., 1975, Structural patterns in the southern p. 1372-1374. Appalachians; ev idence for a gravity slide mechanism Smith, J. W., 1979, Structure and tectonics of th e Appa­ for Alleghanian deformation: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., lachian Miogeosyncli ne near the junction of Ten­ V. 86, p. 13 16·1320. nessee, Kentucky, and Virgin ia : Southeastern Geo l­ ---------, fie ld trip chairman, 1978, Field trips in the south­ ogy, v. 21, p. 83-89. ern Appalachians: Tennessee Div. Geol., Rept. ln v. Sobinow, E. S., and G. A. Boll inger, 1978, Seism ic studies 37, 86 p. (Companion volu me to Bull. 79) in central and eastern Tennessee: Seismol. Soc. Am. ----------, 1980, Relationship of regional structure to oil and Bull., v. 68, no. 4, p. 1081 -1094. gas producing areas in the Appalachian Basi n: U.S.
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