Paragon Paths Dungeons & Dragons, Fourth Edition

Paragon Paths Dungeons & Dragons, Fourth Edition

Paragon Paths Dungeons & Dragons, Fourth Edition Class Race Other Requirements Paragon Path Source Page Ardent - - Anarchic Adept PsP 23 Ardent - - Argent Soul PHB3 38 Ardent - - Awakened Visionary PsP 24 Ardent - - Catalyst PsP 25 Ardent - - Phrenic Invader PsP 27 Ardent - - Psionic Binder PHB3 39 Ardent - - Siphon PsP 28 Ardent - - Stygian Adept PHB3 40 Ardent - - Talaric Strategist PHB3 41 Artificer - - Battle Engineer EPG 59 Artificer - - Clockwork Engineer EPG 61 Artificer not Warforged - Self-Forged EPG 65 Assassin - Executioner Guild Executioner HOTS 27 Avenger - - Dervish of Dawn DP 21 Avenger - - Favored Soul DP 23 Avenger - - Hammer of Judgment PHB2 44 Avenger - - Oathsworn PHB2 45 Avenger - - Unveiled Visage PHB2 46 Avenger - - Watchful Shepherd DP 26 Avenger - - Zealous Assassin PHB2 47 Censure of Pursuit, Avenger - Oath of Enmity Ardent Champion DP 20 Censure of Unity, Oath Avenger - of Enmity Dread Imperator DP 22 Avenger - Oath of Enmity Relentless Slayer DP 24 Avenger - Oath of Enmity Serene Initiate DP 25 Avenger - Oath of Enmity Weapon of Fortune DP 27 Barbarian - - Bear Warrior PHB2 62 Barbarian - - Fearbringer Thane PHB2 63 Barbarian - - Frenzied Berserker PHB2 64 Barbarian - - Stonefire Rager PrP 29 Barbarian - - Wild Runner PHB2 65 Barbarian - - Winter Fury PrP 31 Barbarian - Berserker Deadly Berserker HOTF 116 Barbarian - Rage Strike Calm Fury PrP 27 Barbarian - Rampage Ancestral Weapon PrP 25 Barbarian - Thunderborn Wrath Building Thunder PrP 26 Barbarian - Thunderborn Wrath Death's Thane PrP 28 Barbarian - Whirling Slayer Twinclaw Slayer PrP 30 Bard - - Cunning Prevaricator AP 18 Bard - - Euponic Bow AP 19 Bard - - Grave Caller AP 20 Bard - - Life Singer AP 23 Bard - - Student of the Seven PHB2 78 Bard - - Summer Rhymer PHB2 79 1 Bard - - Voice of Thunder PHB2 80 Bard - - War Chanter PHB2 81 Bard - Skald Master Skald HOTF 117 Bard - Virtue of Prescience Karmic Shaper AP 22 Bard Half-Elf - Half-Elf Emissary AP 21 Battlemind - - Blackstone Guardian PsP 49 Battlemind - - Eternal Blade PHB3 58 Battlemind - - Iron Guard PHB3 59 Battlemind - - Quicksilver Demon PsP 50 Battlemind - - Steel Ego PHB3 60 Battlemind - - Storm Disciple PsP 51 Battlemind - - Talaric Ironjack PsP 52 Battlemind - - Unbound Nomad PsP 53 Battlemind - - Zephyr Blade PHB3 61 Cleric - - Angelic Avenger PHB 72 Cleric - - Anointed Champion DP 44 Cleric - - Astral Savant DP 45 Cleric - - Battle Chaplain DP 46 Cleric - - Compassionate Healer DP 47 Cleric - - Divine Oracle PHB 73 Cleric - - Holy Emissary DP 48 Cleric - - Radiant Servant PHB 73 Cleric - - Soul Guide MOP 147 Cleric - - Truthseeker DP 53 Cleric - - War Priest PHB 74 Cleric - Diplomacy Messenger of Peace DP 49 Cleric - Heal Miracle Worker DP 50 Cleric - Warpriest Devout Warpriest HOTFL 98 Cleric Dwarf History Stone Keeper DP 52 Cleric Elf, Eladrin Longbow or shortbow Seldarine Dedicate DP 51 Druid - - Blightbeast DMA09 156 Druid - - Blood Moonstalker PHB2 96 Druid - - Coiled Serpent PrP 53 Guardian of the Living Druid - - Gate PHB2 97 Kepper of the Hidden Druid - - Flame PHB2 98 Druid - - Pack Lord PrP 54 Druid - - Primal Summoner PrP 55 Druid - - Sky Hunter PHB2 99 Druid - - Spiral Wind's Ally PrP 56 Druid - - Storm Speaker PrP 57 Druid - Evil Vermin Lord BOVD 27 Druid - Primal Swarm Whirling Samara PrP 58 Druid - Protector Inner Circle Initiate HOTF 120 Druid - Sentinel Steadfast Sentinel HOTFK 105 Fighter - - Doomguard Marauder MOP 141 Fighter - - Avenging Slayer MP 24 Fighter - - Dread Reaper MP 26 2 Fighter - - Dreadnought MP 25 Fighter - - Iron Vanguard PHB 86 Fighter - - Kensei PHB 87 Fighter - - Knight Protector MP 30 Fighter - - Pit Fighter PHB 87 Fighter - - Polearm Master MP 31 Fighter - - Rakehell Duelist MP2 26 Fighter - - Shield Adept MP 33 Fighter - - Shock Trooper MP 34 Fighter - - Sword Master PHB 88 Fighter - - Warhound of Bane MP2 29 Fighter - Athletics Glorious Myrmidon MP2 23 Fighter - Battlerager Vigor Ravager MP 32 Eldritch Pact or Infernal Fighter - Pact Avernian Knight MP2 22 Blood-Crazed Fighter - Evil Alignment Berserker BOVD 21 Fighter - Ironstar Student feat Ironstar Mauler MP2 24 Fighter - Knight Stalwart Knight HOTFL 139 Kulkor Battlearm Fighter - Student feat Kulkor Arms Master MP2 25 Fighter - Ogremight Student feat Rampaging Brute MP2 27 Fighter - Slayer Mythic Slayer HOTFL 161 Steel Vanguard Fighter - Student feat Steel Vanguard Master MP2 28 Fighter Dragonborn - Inner Dragon MP 29 Fighter Dwarf - Dwarven Defender MP 27 Fighter Halfling - Halfling Bounder MP 28 Fighter Tiefling - Tiefling Warfiend MP 35 Fighter, Paladin Dwarf - Eartheart Defender FRPG 52 Fighter, Paladin, Warlord - Cormyr Purple Dragon Knight FRPG 60 Invoker - - Adept of Whispers DP 70 Invoker - - Angelic Aspect PHB2 114 Invoker - - Blight Spearer PHB2 115 Invoker - - Crimson Arbiter DP 71 Invoker - - Devoted Orator DP 72 Invoker - - Divine Hand DP 73 Invoker - - Divvine Philosopher DP 74 Invoker - - Flame of Hope PHB2 116 Invoker - - Hammer of Vengeance PHB2 117 Invoker - - Speaker of the Word DP 76 Invoker - - Stonecaller DP 77 Theurge of the Invoker - Covenant of Wrath Compact DP 78 Invoker - Covenant of Wrath Vessel of Ichor DP 79 Invoker - History Keeper of the Nine DP 75 Monk - - Basilisk's Fury Adept PsP 74 3 Monk - - Four Winds Master PsP 75 Monk - - Ghostwalker PHB3 76 Monk - - Initiate of the Dragon PHB3 77 Monk - - Montain Devotee PHB3 78 Monk - - Radiant Fist PHB3 79 Monk - - Soaring Blade PsP 76 Monk - - Tiger Claw Master PsP 77 Transcendent Monk - - Perfection PsP 78 Monk - Stealth Unseen Hand PsP 79 Paladin - - Astral Weapon PHB 100 Paladin - - Champion of Order PHB 100 Paladin - - Demonslayer DP 96 Paladin - - Dragonslayer DP 97 Paladin - - Faithful Shield DP 98 Paladin - - Hospitaler PHB 101 Paladin - - Justiciar PHB 102 Paladin - - Knight of Celestia MOP 143 Paladin - - Knight of the Chalice DP 102 Paladin - - Questing Knight DP 103 Paladin - - Scion of Sacrifice DP 104 Paladin - - Slayer of the Dead DP 105 Paladin - Ardent Vow Holy Conqueror DP 101 Paladin - Blackguard Grim Blackguard HOTS 41 Paladin - Cavalier Valiant Cavalier HOTFK 131 Paladin - Corellon Stonecaller DP 95 Paladin - Insight and Intimidate Gray Guard DP 99 Paladin, Cleric - Evil Idol of Darkness BOVD 26 Paladin, Moradin, warhammer Cleric - or throwing hammer Hammer of Moradin DP 100 Psion - - Alienist PsP 100 Psion - - Anathema PsP 101 Psion - - Cerulean Adept PHB3 94 Psion - - Dream Walker PHB3 95 Psion - - Firestarter PsP 102 Psion - - Master Summoner PsP 103 Psion - - Thrallherd PsP 104 Psion - - Time Bender PHB3 96 Psion - - Uncarnate PHB3 97 Ranger - - Avalanche Hurler MP 58 Ranger - - Battle Field Archer PHB 113 Ranger - - Beast Stalker PHB 114 Ranger - - Blade Dancer MP 60 Ranger - - Horizon Walker MP 64 Ranger - - Path Finder PHB 114 Ranger - - Ruthless Punisher MP 66 Ranger - - Sharpshooter MP 67 Ranger - - Shinaelestran Guardian MP2 52 4 Ranger - - Snow Tiger MP2 53 Ranger - - Storm Warden PHB 115 Ranger - Archer High Forest Scout FRPG 57 Beast Master, Cat Ranger - Companion Wildcat Stalker MP 69 Beast Master, Wolf Ranger - Companion Pack Runner MP 65 Ranger - Beast Mastery Feral Spirit MP 61 Dragonmarked, Mark of Finding feat, Hunter's Ranger - Quarry Tharashk Wayfinder EPG 77 Dragonmarked, Mark of Handling feat, Beast Ranger - Mastery Vadalis Griffonmaster EPG 79 Ranger - Dungeoneering Dark Strider MP2 47 Harrowing Swarm Harrowing Swarm Ranger - Student feat Archer MP2 48 Ranger - Hunter Peerless Hunter HOTFK 166 Ranger - Hunter's Quarry Lone Wolf MP2 50 Hunting Spear Student Ranger - feat Hunt Master MP2 49 Reaving Axe Savant Ranger - feat Reaving Axe Savant MP2 51 Ranger - Scout Intrepid Scout HOTFK 191 Ranger - Two-Blades Impilturan Demonslayer FRPG 58 Ranger Eladrin - Blade Banshee MP 59 Ranger Eladrin - Blade of Cendriane MOP 140 Ranger Elf - Sylvan Archer MP 68 Ranger Shifter - Bloodfury Hunter MP2 46 Ranger Tiefling - Hellborn Shadow MP 63 Ranger, Fighter - - Giant Slayer MP 62 Rogue - - Blade Bravo MP2 73 Rogue - - Cat Burglar PHB 126 Rogue - - Dagger Master PHB 127 Rogue - - Daring Slinger MP2 74 Rogue - - Death Dealer MP 90 Rogue - - Jack-Of-All-Trades MP2 75 Rogue - - Master Infiltrator PHB 127 Rogue - - Master of Poisons MP2 77 Rogue - - Master Spy MP 95 Rogue - - Rakish Swashbuckler MP 96 Rogue - - Shadow Assassin PHB 128 Rogue - - Whisper Knife MP2 79 Rogue - Acrobatics Daring Acrobat MP 89 Rogue - Arcana Arcane Trickster MP2 72 Rogue - Arcana Gatecrasher MOP 142 from Cormyr, the Dalelands, Elturgard, Evereska, Gray Vale, Rogue - Luruar or Sembia Ghost of Eventide FRPG 55 5 Rogue - Intimidate Strong-Arm Enforcer MP 98 Rogue - Quick Draw feat Flying-Blade Adept MP 92 Rogue - Red Cloak Student feat Red Cloak MP2 78 Rogue - Stealth Cloaked Sniper MP 88 Rogue - Stealth Verdant Stalker MP2 76 Rogue - Thief Master Thief HOTFL 186 Rogue - Thievery Guildmaster Theif MP 93 Rogue - worship Raven Queen Raven Herald MP 97 Rogue Drow - Dread Fang MP 91 Rogue Halfling - Halfling Quickblade MP 94 Rogue Tiefling - Tiefling Hellstalker MP 99 Runepriest - - Hammer of Vengeance PHB3 112 Runepriest - - Light Bringer PHB3 113 Runepriest - - Master of the Forge PHB3 114 Runepriest - - Rune Shield PHB3 115 Seeker - - Crimson Hunter PHB3 130 Seeker - - Death Arrow PHB3 131 Seeker - - Seven Fates Archer PHB3 132 Seeker - - Swift Strider PHB3 133 Disciple of the World Shaman - - Serpent PHB2 132 Shaman - - Everflame Guardian PrP 80 Shaman - - Ghost Panther PHB2 133 Shaman - - Great Bear PHB2 134 Shaman - - Spirit Tempest PHB2 145 Shaman - Call Spirit Companion Disciple of the Winds PrP

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