SCOTCH PLAIIIS PUJUC 1927 BAi.x:~: ::,Ti )76 r SCOTCH PLAINSTH—E Serving Scotch PlainsTIME and Fanwood Since 1959 — S fANWOOD OUR 31 USPS4852M Second Claa Portage Paid at Scotch FUm, NJ. Thursday, May U.199S 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS TWO CIVILIANS CITED FOR RESCUE EFFORTS AT RQWCRAFT ACCIDENT Township Police Chief Presents Awards To Detective Carl Sicola and Five Officers Officers Cassidy, Mahoney, Zyla Promoted to Rank of Sergeant; Rescue Squad President Daniel Sullivan Commended for Service By GLENN R. KAPLINSKY September 2, 1921. Officials ex- resident. Specially Written/or Vie Timti in South Orange in addition to gradu- plained that Scotch Plains Police A 1986 graduate of the Scotch ating from the high school. He is The annual Scotch Plains Police Chief Florance J. O'Sullivan was Plains-Fanwood High School, Mr. President of the Scotch Plains Police Department's Award Ceremony, killed while on duty in a motorcycle Gilliam has been employed by Athletic League. He and his wife, hosted by Chief of Police Robert A. accident Bowcraft for the last four years as a Mrs. Joan Zyla, and their two daugh- Luce, in conjunction with Mayor New Jersey has seen 276 police supervisor. ters reside in Scotch Plains. Robert E. Johnston's proclaiming next officers killed in the line of duty. Mr. Espada is a self-employed car- Officer Mahoney is also a graduate week as "Police Week," was held at Twenty-five Union County police penter from Bloomfield. Both men of the high school and lives in the TOWNSHIP REMEMBERS... tc ansFanmi^lligiiSchoorchorus Tuesday's Township Council meet- officers have been killed in the line of were awarded Certificates of Appre- township with his wife, Mrs. Suzanne sings the National Anthem during the opening of ceremonies at the Village ing. duty. ciation by Chief Luce. Mahoney, and their three children. Green in Scotch Plains commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end or On average, one law enforcement Twocivilian awards were presented The department's "Exceptional Officer Mahoney came to the force World War II. The Reverend John R. Nielson, the Pastor of All Saints Episcopal officer is killed somewhere in the to Dwayne Gilliam and John Espada Duty Medal" was awarded to Detec- from the Westfield Police Depart- Church, gave the invocation which was followed by several speeches including United States nearly every other day, who rescued three young children one by Mayor Robert E. Johnson. The program was sponsored by the Scotch tive Carl Sicola whose police work ment eight years ago. He is an in- officials noted. Scotch Pains has sus- stranded in a ferris wheel at the Plains World War II Commemorative Committee, the American Legion Post "was instrumental in leading to the structor at the John Stamlcr Police tained the loss of one police officer Bowcraft Playland last August 30. No. 209 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 10122. arrest of a suspect in connection with Academy. who was killed in the line of duty on Mr. Gilliam is a lifelong Scotch Plains a 1993 murder of an elderly Skytop Chief Luce has assigned Officer Drive resident," the Chief said. Mahoney to the juvenile section of "The detective never gave up and the Detective Bureau. Scotch Plains his persistence ultimately paid off," currently has five probationary offic- New Jersey Transit Official Explains Proposal explained Chief Luce. ers who are in their last six weeks of He worked in close cooperation training at the academy. with the Union County Prosecutor's All five officers are expected to office, the New Jersey State Police graduate in early June. The recruits To Upgrade Borough's Historic Train Station and the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion. Detective Sicola was the "lead" COHVHUEDONMOE It New Jersey Transit-Funded Redo Would Cost About $100,000 and Add 55 New Parking Spaces detective on the case. Police Officers Suzanne J. Butler Train Station Plan By SUZETTE STALKER lar issuing of summonses to parking revenues minus maintenance costs Populus, would be additional park- and James Cassidy along with Ser- Specially Written for The Times violators has failed to curb the prob- would be shared b.y New Jersey Tran- ing spaces and parking permit rev- geant Richard Migliorato were the Opposed by Group The Fanwood Borough Council, lem citing the example of one com- sit and the borough. enue for the borough, improvement recipients of the "Meritorious Ser- A Fanwood citizens group has been during its agenda meeting May 3, muter who had received 30 sum- The Transit manager proposed the ormed in opposition to the New Jer- of the railroad and services to com- vice Medal" for their work last Au- sey Transit parking plan. The group is contemplated an offer by New Jersey monses but still felt grabbing a space installation of planters around the muters and benefits to the local real gust 14 in apprehending three armed Transit to upgrade the municipality's n the process of organizing a commu- wherever he cold, even when faced Fanwood station for beautification estate market. robbery suspects. lity-wide effort to "stop" this project, historic train station, which promises with hefty parking fines, was his only purposes, as well as such passenger spokesman for the group said. to enhance parking availability and The chief disadvantages, Mr. The "Life Saving Medal" went to guarantee of getting to his job on amenities as historic-style benches to Populus added, are the anticipated "A plan that could forever change service but has also sparked opposi- Officers Patrick J. Hamlette, Jr. and time. replace the existing models on either loss of green area and trees in order to he character of the historic Fanwood tion from some residents who feel the Mark Zyla. Officer Hamlette was rain Station is being considered by In May of last year, the borough side of the tracks; new trash recep- provide the additional parking spaces credited with saving the lives of two project will compromise the commu- tacles and shelters for newspaper he Borough Council. This plan would acquired 30 parking slots from the for the Fanwood station. There was people who were in cardiac arrest. save approximately a half-acre of lawn, nity through loss of precious green Dean Oil property in an effort to stands and a display case for trans- also some concern among governing space. Officer Zyla resuscitated one woman shrubs and trees at the North Avenue provide additional permit parking but portation and community informa- body members about possible pollu- who had no pulse or respiration. Of- [rain station to provide 55 parking spots The renovation, which would be the action was not enough to meet the tion. tion increase, though Mr. Mariani ficer Zyla is a cardiopulmonary re- For mostly out-of-town commuters. designed and contracted by. the bor- needs of all the commuters seeking He added that New Jersey Transit noted there would be more pollution suscitation instructor at the Union "This plan is moving quickly with ough and funded at approximately spaces. was also considering placing bicycle created by cars traveling around look- County Police Academy in Scotch imitcd statistical data to substantiate $100,000 by New Jersey Transit, is L. Richard Mariani, Manager for racks on both the north and south ing for places to park than by the Plains. the need. There has been no analysis of expected to spruce up the existing Passenger Facilities with Engineer- sides of the station, depending on creation of additional parking stalls. Chief Luce went on to announce alternatives," the spokesman said. station and provide 55 new parking ing, Development and Construction community preference and need, The proposed loss of green space the promotions of three officers to the This plan, based on New Jersey stalls to help alleviate the current Transit's shared revenue arrangement, at New Jersey Transit, presented an which he noted would benefit com- and trees was the catalyst in the for- rank of Sergeant effective Monday, would only result in revenues of about demand for commuter parking per- overview of the proposal, explaining muters living near enough to the sta- mation of an as yet unnamed com- June 12. Receiving the new rank were 1 $5,000 annually to the community mits which is said to continue to his corporation was eager for' bor- " tio'ri io peddle rather than having Tft •tifetee ' of about a do&sfr fesidetfts Of fibers Cassidy, BriairMahoney and - lessthari $2 per household, fie said. exceed supply. ough officials to take a "leadership seek, a parking permit. who plan to fight the project by kick- Officer Zyla. Officers Cassidy and "This historic train station is a source Insufficient parking facilities, ac- role" in development of the project. Mr. Mariani explained that rider- ing offa district-by -district campaign Zyla will remain in the Patrol Divi- of great pride and the focal point of our cording to Fanwood Police Chief He also shared several "before and ship is increasing on the Raritan Val- to have it voted down. sion. community. Is this plan in the best Anthony J. Parenti, has resulted in after" photographs of the recently ley line, which a 6 per cent boost this The group, in a May 3 letter to Officer Cassidy is Vice President interest of Pan wood?," the spokesman many commuters "encroaching into completed Woodbridge Station Re- past year along, which he said helps Mayor Linda d. Slender and mem- of Scotch Plains Police Athletic questioned. residential neighborhoods," where bers of the Fanwood Borough Coun- "Please come to the council meeting newal Project, featuring improve- reduce the need for taxpayers to sup- League.
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