The Noumea Aquarium By R. Catala* When my tvife and I founded the Noumea Aquarium in 1956 we had in mind three main objectives. These were (1) to alloiv the study of organisms under conditions as nearly as possible identical biologically with those of their natural environments, concentrating on organisms most typical of the lagoon fauna, in particular on coelenterates such as corals, alcyonarians, gorgonians, etc.; (2) to build up, as far as possible, a comprehensive photographic record of the animals and to make movie films of such species as may be regarded as extremely rare or of exceptional scientific interest; and (3) to allow visiting members of the public to learn about living and growing organisms of types generally unfamiliar to them—kinds of organisms which are not available in aquariums in other parts of the world. These goals have now largely been attained.1 A beautiful pink and white alcyonarian, Spongodes merleti, which comes from a depth of 40 metres, can expand until it reaches 2 feet or so in height or retract to a tenth of its volume. HE MARINE biological station com­ vestigations into techniques which are what can be seen in the Aquarium, and T prises an aquarium open to the of direct interest in the management of so the following list sets out, firstly, the public, a scientific laboratory, and the the display tanks, for example, the culture permanent inhabitants that are almost apparatus and pumping installations of plankton (for food), etc. always available and, secondly, the rarer needed to ensure the continuous renewal Sea water is supplied in open circuit to species, generally those more difficult to of the sea water in the tanks. The the tanks at the rate of 400,000 litres per maintain and which, therefore, can be aquarium section, at present, comprises a day. It is drawn off, at a distance of 120 regarded only as occasional or temporary gallery with 24 glass-fronted tanks which metres from the shore, in the open water, inhabitants. It is among this latter group. are arranged in a rectangle around a beside a small, littoral, coral reef. The naturally, that some of the most interest­ service area in the centre. The largest pumping station comprises two entirely ing and rarest animals are to be found. of these tanks has a 10,000-litre capacity. independent installations so that if A separate special gallery of ten tanks mechanical failure occurs or a break in Permanent inhabitants of the Aquarium include— is devoted entirely to the presentation the pipe line puts one out of action, the of organisms from deeper waters that COELENTERATES: Hexacorals (stony other is immediately available to take corals), octocorals (gorgonians, alcyon­ fluoresce under ultraviolet light, such as over and maintain the supply. arians, and pennatulids) and anemones. true corals (Hexacorallia), false or Plants, especially in the warmer They come from shallower and deeper alcyonarian corals (Octocorallia), ane­ water habitats. Many coelenterates possess weather, are abundant in the Aquarium, fluorescent pigments. mones, echinoderms, sponges, and algae. being represented by those species which Now, thanks to a grant from the French are self-introduced into the tanks, per ECHINODERMS: such as starfishes Government, an extension of both the medium of the running sea water (for like Oreaster (the Rhinoceros Star), public section and the laboratory has Nardoa and Blue Linckia, crinoids of example Valonia, Enteromorpha, Viva, several kinds, e.g. Comatula and Antedon, begun, which should double the size of Gigartina, calcareous algae, etc.) as well many kinds of ophiuroid brittle stars, sea the station. urchins such as the Needle-spined Urchin, as by species which are deliberately in­ Diadema, and beches-de-mer or holo- Reserve tanks and aquariums especially troduced to serve as food for the animals thurians like the striped Water-bag Synapta designed for the taking of photographs or to help to maintain a balanced en­ or sea cucumbers Stichopus species and are located outside the buildings. Adjoin­ vironment. Holothuria species. ing the Aquarium is the laboratory, where It is interesting to note that there is no ANNELID WORMS are represented by biological experiments are carried out sedentary types like Spirographis and the artificial decoration whatsoever in the beautiful Spirobranchus. continuously along with the perennial in- tanks: everything there is alive. Some of the organisms have been there since 1956. ASCIDIANS or sea squirts are repre­ * Founder-Director of the Aquarium of The water in the tanks is at sea tempera­ sented from shallower and deeper waters. Noumea. ture. MOLLUSCA of many types are shown, 1 First published in AUSTRALIAN NATURAL including chitons, bivalves (like Pinna, HISTORY, March, 1966, Vol. 15, No. 5, pub­ Inhabitants of the Aquarium Pecten, Hippipus, etc.), cephalopods (octo­ lished by The Australian Museum, Sydney, puses), and many gastropods of the proso- and reprinted by permission of the Director. People are always interested to learn branch group. SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN, FOURTH QUARTER, 1966 Page 15 Among CRUSTACEANS perenially on colonial corals (Alveopora, Goniopora, physics, and its biology. It also offers a show are marine crayfish (langousts), crabs, mantis shrimps, hermit crabs, and etc.), others are solitary forms (Cyna- new technique for use in the field of various shrimps. rina, TrachyphyIlia, etc.). taxonomy in a group like the corals which, up till now, has taken into ac­ VERTEBRATES are represented by Other coelenterates also exhibit very count only the characters of the cal­ about 450 fishes of 85 different species and beautiful fluorescence, in particular some constitute a selection of the most typical careous skeletons, when trying to de­ and spectacular species from the coral of the alcyonarians and anemones. termine the relationships and classifica­ lagoon or from the edge of New Cale­ Amongst the feather stars, some species tion of species within the group. Studies donia's Great Reef; reptiles are also regu­ of the genera Comatula and Comanthus larly represented by turtles and sea-snakes cf the living tissues show, in fact, that such as Aipysurus species. have remarkable powers of fluorescence. different patterns of fluorescence separate Finally, deep-water sponges of the genus certain corals which up till the present Temporary inhabitants include— Euspongia must also be added to the have been considered as belonging to one Rare deep-water SPONGE, COELENTER- list. ATES like the Portuguese Man-of-War and the same species. (Physalia), large rhizostome jelly-fish with Preliminary research on fluorescent their attendant commensal fishes; deep-water madrepore corals has revealed that three While awaiting the complete solutions BRYOZOA (lace corals, etc.); and MOL- kinds of pigments are involved in the to the problems raised by the pheno­ LUSCA such as the interesting nudi- menon of fluorescence, we may note that branchs, cuttlefish and Pearly Nautilus. fluorescing processes—flavines, urobilines, and pterines. No doubt subsequent work the list of organisms possessing this re­ PROTOCHORDATE ASCIDIANS are will disclose others. Several theories have markable ability is still far from being represented sometimes by the deeper water complete, and meanwhile we can enjoy species Polycarpa auriia. been advanced as to the role these pig­ ments play in the living organism. It to the full the spectacle of extraordinary Among the rare VERTEBRATES which was thought, for instance, that an accelera­ beauty which they present. are kept are sharks and rays (of the cartilaginous fish group) and members of tion of photo-synthesis might take place The Aquarium is open to workers of the following families of bony fish: Ploto- to the evident advantage of the micro­ other countries who wish to engage in sidae, Exocoetidae (Flying Fishes), Clu- scopic algae (Zooxanthellae), which co­ peidae, Hamiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Aulo- scientific research or to make observa­ stomidae, Pegasidae, Siloginidae, Elopidae, exist, in the flesh of the coral, with the tions on its inhabitants. Already special­ Priacanthidae, Carangidae, Mullidae, Acan- pigment granules. ists from many countries, including Aus­ thuridae, Mugilidae, Sphyraenidae, Mura- enidae (eels), and Antennariidae. Occasion­ Another theory put forward is that tralia, England, America, Japan, and ally even mammals may be represented. Re­ these deep-water corals, because they France, have used its facilities. Here cently a dugong, 1.80 metres long, weighing they have been able to study the deeper 60 kg., lived for four months in the cannot use other radiations, have to Aquarium. utilize the energy of the ultraviolet rays water fauna, which would have been very in their metabolic processes. In either difficult or even impossible in the natural of these two theories one must ask one­ habitats. Fluorescent Organisms self why a considerable number of other The phenomenon of fluorescence in coral species from similar depths and corals from depths of from 30 to 40 from biologically similar habitats do not The Work of the Aquarium metres was discovered in January, 1957. manifest any fluorescent reactions under The two first specimens which responded ultraviolet light. Through the offices of the Aquarium, to ultraviolet radiation by fluorescing already much of the New Caledonian Various other theories have been ad­ reef and lagoon fauna has been collected were the corals Euphyllia pictetiandCyna- vanced about fluorescence but the scope rina lacrymalis. Since then methodical and named or has been sent to specialists of this article will not allow me to set abroad for identification and documenta­ prospecting for this phenomenon has them all out in detail. Whatever its been carried out both in the lagoon and tion. Some of these specialists were function may be, this ability to fluoresce, attached to the Australian Museum, and outside the Great Reef. At the present which occurs in certain marine organ­ time corals representing thirty or so others, notably Professor J. W. Wells, of isms, opens up exciting prospects of many Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A., genera are displayed in the Hall of lines of investigation into diverse fields Fluorescent Organisms.
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