![1917-12-22, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
6 THE IRISH STANDARD Saturday, December 22 1917 pointed Classics Professor in Pitts­ has fallen in action, was a son of ex- burg University at the age of 23. Councillor H. Howard, Belfast, dele­ WAR IS TESTING In an action by Mr. Shannon, can­ vasser, Duncairn Gardens. Belfast, gate for Ireland of the Boilermakers' against Rev. W. Maguire, vice-presi- Society. Deceased, who was formerly CHRISTIAN SCIENCE News from Ireland dent of the Methodist Conference, for secretary of the Belfast Harriers, won influencing, as plaintiff alleged, Rebec­ Practitioners and Board of Control at the Military Medal. Private E. V. Variance on Exemption. ca Shannon, plaintiff's wife, to remain Todd, N. Z. forces, who has fallen in absent without his consent, an appli­ CONNAUGHT. olic at the head of any of the 13 or cation was listed to change the venue action, was a son of Mr. J. Todd, J. P., New York, Dec. 20.—The Christian The Rev. Thomas Garrett, Clare- 14 departments of the Land Commis­ to Belfast, and it was adjourned until Fortwilliam Park, Belfast. Scientists are up against a stiff propo­ morris, who was ordained in Water- sion. Wednesday at defendant's request. sition. It may mean a repudiation of The County Meath Farmers' Asso­ At Kingscourt Petty Sessions, Jos­ ford last June, has left for his mis­ The defendant alleged that the action eph M'Keever was fined 2 pounds; some of their cherished theories of a sion in Virginia. ciation have asked the Department to was brought vindictively because he new and serious split in the denomi­ The L.G.B. sanctioned the tempo­ exempt from the 5 per cent extra swore to the character of the wife in Michael M'Keever, 77 pound, 10s, and rary appointment of Dr. O'Kelly, a tillage order farmers who in 1916 had a recent proceeding against her by the James Armstrong, 10s, for assaults, as nation. military eligible, to Knockalower dis­ tilled 10 per cent and in 1917 had plaintiff. Mr. Whitaker said it was a alleged, on Peter Larkin, James Wa­ Some of the leaders are claiming tilled 10 per cent extra. pensary district, Belmullet, but re­ most reckless case. Mr. Justice Gib­ ters and James Farrelly, and Larkin exemptions from military service on fused to sanction the temporary ap­ In adjourning an inquest on James son—Very possibly. Mr. J. P. Kerr and Farrelly were fined 2s 6d each at conscientious grounds as practitioners pointment of Dr. P. G. Hunt, Cooloney, Grant, miner of Clough, County Kil­ (instructed by Mr. McGinn) for plain­ on the ground of eligibility for mili­ kenny, who died as the result of in­ the suit of Armstrong, while cross- and as readers, which is another name tiff. cases by the M'Keeves were dis­ tary service, and the Tobercurry jury received at Wolfhill Coal Mines, Cardinal Logue presided at the an­ for Christian Science preachers. The Guardians asked the Board to recon­ for the attendance of a Mine Inspec­ missed. Notices of appeal were given Board of Control in Boston, the birth­ nual meeting of the Armagh Coal Fund in two instances. Larkin, Waters and sider the matter, as he has a brother tor from Manchester, the coroner said and gave a subscription of 10 pounds. place and home of the Christian Sci­ they should have such an official in Farrelly, members of the A. O. H., in the army. The vote of thanks to his Eminence alleged that on going to a hall they ence faith, states that such reasons Mrs. Mary Cooke, Glenbawn, Bal- Dublin, especially in view of recent was moved by Rev. D. Dowling, Pres­ linasloe, has died in her 106th year. mining developments. were attacked, and the others, S. F. are not valid and that they do not byterian minister, and seconded by Club members, said they only defend­ Cloonloo U.l.L. called on J. O'Dowd, Ten thousand pounds worth of sal­ properly represent Christian Science. Rev. R. E. Sherwood, Methodist min­ ed the hall against attack. M.P., to resign, and decided to dis­ mon was caught in the Slaney last sea­ ister. The question is not only how can a solve and take funds and hand instru­ son. Most Rev. Dr. M'Kenna spoke in W. H. McGlone, Pittsburgh, who has feeling terms of the late Mr. Patk. Christian Scientist on grounds of con­ ments to the local S. F. Club. Kil- Dr. J. McMicliael, Tullamore, has been elected Grand Registrar of the O'Hare, ex-M. P., at the funeral from science or consistently oppose war, but glass S. P. Club called on the local been presented by a number of friends Supreme (Provincial) Grand Royal D. C.'s and Co. C.'s to resign, as they with a silver salver and suit case on Monaghan Cathedral to the family also, by what authority does the Board Chapter of the U. S. A., is a native of burial place at Corcaghan. had shown opposition to the "saviour his recovery from a severe illness. Annaghbeg, Dungannon. of Control attempt to settle the ques­ of the nation." Cloone A. O. H. unani­ Mr. R. Goodbody made the presenta­ Portadown and Banbridge Water tion when their church teaches that tion. MOT "BEYOND," BUT THE LIMIT! mously decided to dissolve and join Board unanimously granted the re­ the Spirit will direct each individual the S. F. Club, with instruments, etc. At a meeting of the Ballyduff, En- quest of their clerk to increase his John Galsworthy's Latest Novel Un­ and show him the path he should fol­ By 9 votes to 3, two members not niscorthy, S. F. Club, a resolution salary from 40 pounds to 60 pounds, wholesome Reading. voting, Mohill Guardians, decided to called on Sir Thomas Esmonde, M. P., expressing surprise that lie did not low? The Christian Scientist pro­ present an address to Messrs. De to resign, and it was resolved to "stop fesses to be a believer of law. The ask for more. Should Be Barred From the Open Vauera and Ginnell and Rev. Father fox-hunting over our lands so long basis of his law is a belief in divine In the action by Margaret Wilson, Shelves of Our Libraries. O'Flanagan on their visit to the town. as our fellowmen are in English pris­ law, out of which all other laws 60 Years formerly of Portrusli, and r.ow in Eng­ spring. If civil authority be of God, Mr. Masterson, J.P., protested that ons." land, against G. II. P. Moore Browne, la Use The last issue of the "Yale Review" and the Bible says it is, then the Fed­ such an address was a vote of cen­ for damages for alleged breach of contains an article by Katharine Ful- MUNSTER. eral conscription act must "be obeyed. sure on the Irish Party, and Mr. promise of marriage, Mr. E. S. Mur­ lerton Gerould: "The British Novel­ 1J a When Tralce Petty Sessions Court This is both Christian and scientific. A Mother's Experience Woods said it was a censure on the phy, for defendant, said since the ap­ ists, Ltd." which repeatedly refers to Convention and the Bishops who were expressed regret at the transfer of plication made a fortnight ago, that But if an individual member of the Mrs. G. Justus, of Jersey City says D. I. Britten, M. J. Murphy, LL. B., the English writer Galsworthy. What Christian Science Cult finds no such supporting it. T. F. Smyth. M. P., who plaintiff give security for costs, a no­ it says of him is not at all laudatory. she always'gives [Father JoVn's Medi­ presided, claimed that it was due to associated himself with the resolution argument but on the contrary finds tice of discontinuance had been re­ "There always are long descriptions that war is always and essentially cine to her 'seven children when they the Irish Party the country was saved on behalf of the Bar, but Mr. J. D. ceived, and he asked for costs. Mr. O'Connell, solr., objected on his own of nature in Mr. Galsworthy's novels,' wrong, the consistent reader must ad­ are runjdown in£health or have a cold from conscription. Justice Kenny made the order. runs one passage, "and f they are behalf, to congratulatory references. i mit that he is in conscience bound to or cough. "We-always recommend it Galway Guardians have decided to A tablet has been placed by the delicately confused with mating ani J. II. Bennett, district secretary act according to his findings and re­ to everybody." present an address to Count Plunlcett North Antrim Solicitors' Association mals and human sex impulses, and Sailors' and Firemen's Union, Cork, fuse to go to war. Verily, it is a dil on his forthcoming visit. in the solicitors' room, Ballymoney all the connotations of stirring sap yesterday urged the men to resume emma. Ed. P. Murray, Roscommon, has Courthouse, in memory of Lieut. J. K. and swelling buds and the like, that work, and they decided to do so. There is another angle which is been appointed a magistrate. M. Greer, Irish Guards, formerly a will certainly not make them any less Rev. M. J. M'Grath, P.. D., a native none the less embarrassing. It is the Thirty rate collectors, who constant­ solicitor's apprentice, who died of popular." He is accused of not know­ A Merry Christmas of Ballywilliam, Nenagh, and brother natural side of the question. To re­ ly interrupted the proceedings, left wounds received at the Somme, ing "what he thinks about life"; "as of Mr.
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