Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 12-10-1966 The Ledger and Times, December 10, 1966 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, December 10, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5487. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5487 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ciR a. 4 c I 4111101414421111111. odatila IMIeeted Al A Kest All Roun,1 Kentucky Community Newcomer The Only —111111110.—=11r... NIL =on' r• a _ Carged Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And —rttAlitlion,• " , le _ Both In City Calloway County S I $L _ III And In County, 41 id United Press International In Our 87th Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, December 10, 1966 [19* Per Copy, Vol. LXXXVII No. 291, • 'RAIN, GLAZE CAUSES SEVERAL WRECKS Seen & Heard Marines Killed Five Accidents In City Are ‹. Around •;• Reported With One Injured Five accidents were reported in Western Kentucky MURRAY As US Bombers the city yesterday after 11 :00 am. as rain and cold made city streets Guidance Group arcit and dangerous Visibihty for Noticed yeaerday In Viet Nam drivers was cut by cLorkened skies Meets This Week that a South Vietnaunese sonter and foggy automobile windows. 11111 a mine being moved down Mistake Police Target said that an accident was the rtver by Vait Cong frug men, The Western Kentucky Person- reported at 11 :18 am. at and exploded the mine ooth rifle Broac h nel and Guidance &awe:dation heki and Mller. Water Wall Hutchens shots. By BRYCE MILLER trig Communists near the dernija its VVInter Meeting at the Palo- of 1704 Milner was driving a 1967 tanaed sane Sixteen Martnes were; Tilghman Area Vocanonal tilted Preen International Ford east on Miller as Cheryl It ceased a big n owe but ePPIr- killed and 11 wounded in the School in Paducah, Kentucky on SAIGON US. Marine Outland MoCuiston of 1607 Olive ently no damage was done. The worst such inalhap of the war in- Wednesday, December - 7. Charles panes today accidentally chopp- was proceeding north on Broach news article failed to say what voriong Amer -an forces Holland, Counselor at the school ed two 260-pound ticarie on a in a 1962 Pion Liao. happent d to the Viet Cong trios Marine sp Jammer: at Lan Nang and treasurer of the Assocattion oornpany of Leatherneck, ba ttl- men They newt have been sha- d escobed the incedent as a "one Peke said that the McCuiston arranged for the meeting and pre- ken up a tet in a ft-Joon charm." car stopped at the intersection sided over the program. Local People Honored It occurred when the Marine: with Miler then pulled out in Emplatras was placed upon the We ate one potato chip the other called in a two-pane air strike fro rit of the Hutchens car. The non-college bound student. The du y just to see if we could do it. For Service With in the woke of renewed hea Hutchens oar was struck in the program theme was "Oxnmunica- Took real will power. Extension Service fighting in the rugged Jungle left side. No one was injured ton, Industry. and Catrasek)rs." south of the DMZ which divider but both cars suffered damage Dr. Newman Walker, superintend- Well, we just took the "buil by North and South V.et Nana This sox:dent was attended by ent of Padumh winces. gave the Over 100 pennons in the horns doe week and got our the MI- The panes dnopped a toted of Sergeant Berney Weeks and Pat- welcome. Joe Step of Seam Roe- vcraty of Kentucky hair cut short again onto hair Cooperative six 250-pounder.. Four of the rolman McDonald. buck, Dorse O'Dell of Pittaburgh Eau-neon Service were Or MO hoed bombs were on target but the Meta/Jumbos& Joe White of Union In Lexington this week tor their One sa-rson At 1 -50 pm. John Tliornes Carbide. and Torn Brea or of other two exploded in the posit- Sas Injured In the above scald tut a hen Fred Fermrngel of Paducah ran into a iong service. parked car on North Wbodrow, Jr of Clinton, Ken- Southern Bell Telephone Cten Somebody gad let a grow longer ions ce a oonipany of the 3rd -16th Street last night. Fee ne Reel sum thrust into the aind,thIeld of his oar Certificates were presented and buffered tucky was involved in a one car and it snit look blank er, so we (Continued On Page nee) curis on the head end face.His 1961 Dodge is shown above with the 1962 party composed the panel for tht Ford of accident. He did big It didn't We hut net- members with more than 40 yeers William Kemp at the left. was going north on muncitable cbscu.ssion on "Qua!- servre, 30 years and 30 years by 1Oth . in a 1965 toted two door. Mies uratly ike retorter hair anyway, Photo by E. Warren and and £3kolle Needed by Nevi Pamela Clark C'. .Tubbs He mad that another • • but we were willing to let it get Dr G. W. Schneider, arsockete Named car was Etnployees." M. L. Archer, Depart- stepped In the street ahead of aonsve if it wooed give is that &react of the service and Dr. Secretary Of Group ment of Personnel. Frankfort, MSU AOPi him about 75 to 100 "Papa genecia.tion" look Milani A Stay, dire, Chapter Shawn Bucy Gives yards and Kentucky, moire on "Career Op- Area persona honored were C. Entertains Alumnae Snow Is Seen he applied Ms brakes. When he portunities in Kentucky." Bob Pamela Cleric, Route 1 Paper At American touched his brake, the We Marled we belong to the but- 0. Honduran% Murray,. with 110 car in Brown , Department of Economic Murray, hoe been elected re- out dr control and tossed termilk generatton so we w hot years serene, Mire Outshine Col- Physics Society into a Secutity, told "How the Depart- cording secretary ad the needy- WARP mat fighting k However. we do ley of Benton. S V Foy 4 Mur- For Midwest Pole. ment of Eticmrentic Security Can created Venni 'a Student Gov- not intend to roll over. and kick ray, Keith Venable of Cadiz. all The Murray State Univensit Wait with The School Counselor." ernment Aincolatios at Woodrow was not injured, but wfth 'peed service. Murray Deka 406 South Ilth Plitivesig a tour of the heal up our he yd. Omega chapter it Aldo -Shawn Bum, the am was denuded More with 20 yeara service in- State Unit'entity. ached members the Anions Ortikion Ft social sorority en ter- Street, was one of three Students Morris and Pht/Zips attended the or - cluded B. W. Portenberry of Lex - The purpose of the WHOA is by Fulled Press International We Mil continue to esont as taencd iocaij alumnae Thursday trcrn the phylers department of acceded. non moved to the Wed Kentucky Ingtm, mordinate the watiellies of. 111 • nusch enjoyment as we can hom WS. Preside Hader of evening, December Ilk at the Murray State University to pre- Vocational School for lunch and arid promote understanding Locally heavy anowfads were 111 Another one car accident or- this We as our work will ter ma. Ildelyvkle, James H. Mier of thMde restaurant to celebrate sent a paper at the AMeriefirl a tour of that whool. tween, all etcre for portions of the Mid- cur-red at 8:25 pm_ when Lynn A. Benton. Greihum Willis and Car- women students e in Nash- Mts. Ruby Gunn. Area Super- the Path anniversary of the found- Physics sumety meeting Jester of Cowden, rolinns struck ies E. new officers will preside over a west "pay, including nearly half Par lostanee we wtH not be mitts- Wyatt, both of Mayfleki. trig of the sonority. ville tereritly visor for the twenty-three county group a foot in mord-meet Irxillara, al- a tree and bridge abutment on compotorl of three repre- who pre- Amodiation, brought greetings fled until we flrid the big rock we The Murray students Poplar Street . He was driving a sentative; from each of Murray Those presenting ready Plegued by flood conditions. want. Jurt • big rock, nothing the procrem sented papers were among 13 stu- frorn the Department of Guidance States five 1906 Chevrolet owned by Larry farts doyens included Miss Marlon Bente, chap- Services, Frankfort Kentucky, an I fancy. you undertarand Somebody Artie cold poured into the na- dents from Sigma Pi Sigma Conway. He was going mat on Mira Cut is a froth:non trial- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jack advised with says what the heck you want with Judith Belt tbon's inkinection today — with ters arms the country to do so. Poplar and when he applied his counselors on the 0111W in physical ethical ion and Bede, Murray, Miss Beverly presented his new trends in guidance service.] a beg rcrit We all we want to aro temperatures extending on Buoy, a senior, brakes he lost control and struck mo thematic's Goode. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. on the local. state. and look at it • a line teem Minnesota through paper on "Nnn-Equrabrium Charge • tree then careened into a bridge rational Other recently- elected of ricers of Kermeth Oxide, Murray, Mho Secretary Nebramica to Montana — while the Dostributbon for 28 MeV Iodine abutment.
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