5775 - dbhbn ovrct [email protected] 1 sxc dxezd zexewn divelea` e` diveleax :dkld - 60 ohkaurh ,racn ,kkfn • When we talk about ‘halachic change’, what level of change do we envision? • There are effectively 4 levels of halachic change A] FUNDAMENTAL C HANGE OF THE M ITZVAH /H ALACHIC S YSTEM AS PRESENTED IN THE C HUMASH , t" r ntBJ ', px«uT t«k u i«ug rD t«k u 'hUB J t«k Vk ih t :oh nk«ug h nk«ugkU ok«ugk , sn«ug vumn th vJ 'v r«uT!C J r«p nU rUrC rcS t 1. s g 'UbhbckU Ubk ,«k dB vu" r ntbu `(t:dh ohrcs) "UB Nn g rd, t«k u 'uhkg ; x«, t«k :,«uGg k 'Ur nJ, «u,«t o f,t vU mn h f«b t r Jt 'r cS v kF r n«ut tUv ifu `ok«ug s!g i,«uG)g!k Ubt ihU*mn 'v r«uT h rcS kFJ Ts!nk t !v /(jf:yf ohrcs) ",t«Z v v r«uT v h rcS kF , t ',«uGg k ok«ug 'rcS J !S!jk ht .!r th cb ih tJ Ts!nk t !v /(ch:k ohrcs) "th v 'o h n* c t«k" r ntbu '(,unuen vgca sugu `zh:d trehu) "o fh ,«r«sk ok«ug , E(j" «ut 'vumn !g«rdk «ut 'vumn ;h x«uvk «ujkJ wv J r !nt«hu ,p«unU ,«ut v G)g!hu ',«uN *tv i n ihC k trGHn ihC 'Jh t s«n)g!h o t QFh pk /vT!gn ,«ur«uS h r«uskU ok«ugk ibh t k trGh i vC UU !ymBJ ,«uu mN!v i,«ut J r !ntJ «ut 'v J«N n Ub g!nJ t«K J JUrP ,«uu mN!v i n vumnC J !rpk v J«nKJ «u,tUcb Jh jf!vk tC h r)vJ 'r eJ th cb vz h r)v Uhv i nz h pk ,«uu mn tkt t:y vru,v hsuxh wkv owcnr • The Rambam is dealing with ‘ground-level’ changes in the mitzvot - a ‘New Covenant’ • This would cover the Replacement Theory religions - Christianity and Islam • How does this relate to the position of the Reform movement? • To what extent does this position of the Rambam apply even during the Messianic era? tck sh,gk ,ukyc ,umn - ,rnut ,tz :;xuh cr rnt 2. :tx vsb ,umn htsu tkt //// oh,nv ,hj, inzk tck sh,gk ohbuatrv uarhp 'tck sh,gk ,ukyc ,umn ,rnut ,tz ibhrnts tvu 3. vnu '<vcuj tku ,ufz tk ovc ihta jhanv ,unh ukt= (wc t"be) ,ca ,fxnc ktua erpc ibhrnts ubhhvu 'tck sh,gk ,ukyc ihts ktuna rcuxa hbpn tk ',uhfkn sucga tkt jhanv ,unhk vzv okugv ihc iht ktuna rnts ktunas tdhkpu urnta rcux ktunas tkt 'ohtkf ouan ovc iht ,nv hfhrf, ib,s ih,hb,ntu t,hb,n tvt dukphku tck sh,gk ,ukyc ,umn /////// ,umn kkfc obht oh,nva vsun kct 'kfv ;uxc if rjtk tkt jhanv ,unhk kkf oh,nv ,hj, ihta sh,gk ,ukyc ,umn itfc urnta vnu oh,nv ,hhj, inzk whptu okugk ,ukyc obht ,umnv hf oharpn t"h h,ucr ,men kct ,umnv in hapj vagb ost ,naf hf v,hnv ,ga kg tkt ubht tck :tx vsb t"cyhrv haushj • Note a fundamental disagreement between the Rambam (who understands that the system of mitzvot will NEVER be changed, even when Mashiach comes - see his 9th Ikar) and the kabbalistic approach of a ‘Torah Chadasha’ after Mashiach. However, even according to the Rambam, non-systematic change of halacha WILL occur once we have a Sanhedrin etc • To what extent do modern non-halachic movements derive their philosophical validity from a world-view based on an assumption that we now live in a ‘New Age’? 5775 - dbhbn ovrct [email protected] 2 sxc B] OVERRIDING THE ‘ CHATIMAT HASHAS ’ vtruv ;ux tbhcru hat cr 'vban ;ux i,b hcru hcr 4. /up tghmn tcc sunk,v o,jb ovhnhcu o,ghxu tbhcru hat cr ov sunk,v urcja htr, 5. shdbv ktuna wrk sunk,v tucn tkt u,ryn iht uhrjt snga hn kf hrv 'sunk,v okab rcfu hat cru tbhcr ovn ohburjtva v"g ohnfjv kf u,n ratf 6. gurdk iht ubnnu ;hxuvk iht uhkg 'sckc urcja ovhrcs ,bcv vbank o"cnrv ,nsev • See sheet 38 for more sources on the Chatimat HaShas • The function of the halacha post-Talmud is to understand and apply the psak of the Talmud • Rejection of the psak of the Talmud is a clear departure from the halachic system. How does this relate to the position of the Conservative Movement? • Innovation is possible through interpretation of the Talmud in attempting to understand its conclusions (which are not always clear), but interpretation has limits! Examples: - Innovation of the Ba’alei HaTosafot in halachot for which the reasons no longer apply in the modern world - eg mayim megulim, mayim acharonim, dancing on Shabbat - Rav Moshe Feinstein on Chalav Yisrael • Why was there a Chatimat HaShas? 3 approaches: (i) Historic/Geo-political - Rambam (ii) Religious: Yeridat HaDorot - Rav Sherira Gaon (iii) Mystical: 2000 years of Torah - Chazon Ish • Under what circumstance is the Chatimat HaShas overruled. All opinions would agree that a new Sanhedrin would be able to make fundamental changes to the halachic principles in the Talmud. What other modern scenarios could justify a fundamental shift in halachic thinking? • Post Shoah/existence of the State of Israel? 1 • The mass return to Israel? • The majority of Jews living in Israel? • Global interconnectedness/technological revolution? • Examples of a psak which would clearly go against the Chatimat HaShas:- - to wear Tefillin on Shabbat - to remove the mechitza entirely from the synagogue C] HALACHIC INNOVATION WITHIN THE TALMUDIC PSAK C1] THE MORE PERMISSIVE APPROACH - ‘ HALACHA KEBATRAI ’ • The corollary of the ‘Chatimat HaShas’ is that every halachic ruling AFTER the Shas is in principle capable of being overruled by any other later authority, as long as that later authority does not reject the psak of the Talmud 1. Modern voices in the orthodox community arguing for a rethink of some halachic principles include (i) R’ Eliezer Berkovits (see Chapter 4 (Halacha in Our Time) of Not in Heaven, 2010 - Shalem Press; and (ii) R’ Natan Lopez Cordozo - see http://cardozoacademy.org/the-mary-russo-audio-file-library-2/ ‘The Future of Halacha’. Many argue that such positions are in fact beyond the boundaries of legitimate orthodox hashkafa 5775 - dbhbn ovrct [email protected] 3 sxc rfzb ubhta rjtn uhkg eukjk kufh ohexupc rfzuva unf ihsv ihta ,ujrfun ,uhtr jfn urus hbcku ihhsk vtrb ots t"h uvhn 7. ;ux hat cru tbhcr whkgupv wpc a"nf eukjk a"f gurdk tku ;hxuvk ,uar iht wndv kgs - t"rdv ruthc /(a"trv oac ruy) trndc vtruv oa t"rdv ruthcu t ;hgx vf inhx ohbhhs ,ufkv ypan iauj lurg ijkua tnr C2] THE MORE RESTRICTIVE APPROACH - ‘ ITMAR HILCHATA ’ rn,ht tks /// ?rfzba rjtk htn /ejsv ,gac uhkg lunxk rzghkt wr tuv hsf :rnt rfzba rjtk 'rzghkt wrf hcr vagu vagn 8. rnf tku rnf tk t,fkhv :y vsb thv /// vrurc vbanvu ovrct idnv ';xuh ,hcv irn unf ohhj ubt ovhpn rat ubh,ucr hpn ,kcuenv vtruvv rcs ;ux 9. ,hzdv ,fakc ihrsvbx hpn unf ,nhuen vtruv tn c,fn vru, - aht luzjv ,urdt .cue C3] HALACHIC CHANGE IN THE FACE OF AN ESTABLISHED PSAK • Under what circumstances can one ‘make a case’ for halachic change against an established psak? • Can ‘a case’ be brought from rishonim ‘within’ the psak of the Talmud? Examples: - Teaching women Torah (against the psak of the Shulchan Aruch) - Women wearing tefillin - Women’s Aliyot - ‘Partnership Minyanim’ •What makes a psak valid? Some important considerations:- - Who is making it? Senior posek: - sensitivity to the process of psak - deep understanding (not just knowledge) of the sources - training (shimush) with the great poskim of previous generations - see below - responsibility for the broader implications for the halachic system and the Jewish people - ability for weigh the sources against each other Junior Posek: - basic training - knowledge of halachic sources from digital access/internet - Public/Private? - External Agendas? - Metahalachic issues? - Not strengthening the position of non-halachic movements (see below) - Not undermining the halachic process by creating false impressions/expectations eg ‘where there is a Rabbinic will there is a halachic way’ - Not undermining the authority of the poskim generally - Maintaining Jewish Unity - Not alienating sectors of Jewish society (in particular women) - Not imposing on the community more than it can bear - Hashkafic Issues? - How relevant to halacha is the changing reality of the modern world (eg men/women; Jews/non-Jews)? - How important is personal autonomy in the process of religious growth and authenticity? How does this weigh against ‘Da’at Torah’? 5775 - dbhbn ovrct [email protected] 4 sxc !.rtv og vz hrv ohnfj hshnk, ana tku vbau tre ukhpt 10. :zn ,ufrc ohnfj hshnk, anha tku vbau trea vz :rnt tkug ////// ?ourg gar hns hfhv 11. :tf vyux hsf tkt - ohabc vfhnxa hbpn tk /ohab uhkg ufnxu 'ohab ,rzgk uvubthcvu 'ohnka hjcz ka kdg ubk vhv ,jt ogp 12. ohabk jur ,jb ,uagk :zy vdhdj 13. The discussion regarding women’s tefilla groups has regrettably focused excessively on technical issues and legalities. It has been framed by limited halakhic queries such as: may the participants forgo tefilla be-tsibbur to attend these groups? May menstruant women touch sifrei Torah? Undoubtedly such technical perspectives and narrow questions are necessary to ensure our compliance with all minutiae of halakha.
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