From Colonialism to Tourism: An Analysis of Cruise Ship Tourism in Ittoqqortoormiit, East Greenland Marianna Leoni Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences University of Iceland 2019 From Colonialism to Tourism: An Analysis of Cruise Ship Tourism in Ittoqqortoormiit, East Greenland Marianna Leoni 60 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Magister Scientiarum degree in Tourism Studies MS Committee Katrín Anna Lund Níels Einarsson Master’s Examiner Anna Karlsdóttir Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Reykjavik, June 2019 From Colonialism to Tourism: An Analysis of Cruise Ship Tourism in Ittoqqortoormiit, East Greenland 60 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Magister Scientiarum degree in Tourism Studies Copyright © 2019 Marianna Leoni All rights reserved Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland AsKja, Sturlugata 7 101, Reykjavik Iceland Telephone: 525 4000 Bibliographic information: Marianna Leoni, 2019, From Colonialism to Tourism: An Analysis of Cruise Ship Tourism in It- toqqortoormiit, East Greenland, Master’s thesis, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Uni- versity of Iceland, pp. 88. ReyKjaviK, Iceland, June 2019 Abstract This work aims to provide an analysis of tourism development in Ittoqqortoormiit, East Greenland, in the face of climate change and from a postcolonial point of view. The thesis is built on fieldwork supported by theoretical review of literature, spanning from tourism studies, geography, anthropol- ogy, sociology, and natural sciences. The discussion will focus on how tourism development in It- toqqortoormiit has been facilitated by climate change and its discourse, especially in terms of con- struction of its image as a tourist destination. The images of Greenland and Scoresby Sund hold an important role in the discussion, and will, therefore, be analysed in detail, regarding both the tour- ism industry and visiting tourists. The colonial history of Scoresby Sund will be addressed as a con- tinuum with tourist encounters, arguing that the power inequalities and distorted images of place are direct consequences of postcolonial heritage. Postcolonial and indigenous tourism studies literature will be used to support the observations and the findings of the fieldwork, in order to provide a clear picture of the nature of the host/guest encounters and the elements that contribute to maintain or re- negotiate inequalities. The impacts of tourism in the area will also be addressed and discussed, with considerations on the environment, the economy, and the society, with a special focus on marine traffic and its impacts on marine mammals and hunting activities. The role of Denmark in creating the circumstances for colonialism and postcolonialism in East Greenland is strictly connected to fu- ture developments and scenarios, both of which will be as discussed as well, although in hypothet- ical terms. Útdráttur Þessi rannsókn miðar að því að greina þróun ferðaþjónustu í Ittoqqortoormiit, Austur- Grænlandi, á tímum loftslagsbreytinga og frá sjónarhorni síðnýlendustefnu. Ritgerðin byggirá mannfræðilegri vettvangsrannsókn sem studd er athugun fræðilegra rita sem spanna allt frá ferðamálafræðirannsóknum, landafræði, mannfræði, samfélagsfræði og náttútuvísindum. Í umræðukaflanum verður einblínt á hvernig loftslagsbreytingar og umræðan um þær hafa greitt fyrir þróun ferðaþjónustu í Ittoqqortoormiit, sérstaklega hvað varðar uppbyggingu ímyndar byggðarinnar sem ferðamannastaðar. Ímynd Grænlands og Scoresbysunds gegnir mikilvægu hlutverki í umræðukaflanum og verður því greind í smáatriðum, bæði hvað varðar ferðaþjónustuiðnaðinn og heimsóknir ferðamanna. Fjallað verður um nýlendusögu Scoresbysunds samhliða fundum/samtölum við ferðamenn, og færð rök fyrir því að valdaójöfnuður og bjöguð staðarímynd séu beinar afleiðingar iii nýlendutímans. Rannsóknir er varða innlenda ferðaþjónustu verða notaðar til að styðja við athuganir og niðurstöður vettvangsrannsóknarinnar til að fá fram skýra mynd af því hvernig eðli sambandsins milli gestgjafa og ferðamanna er háttað og þeim þáttum sem stuðla að því að viðhalda ójöfnuði. Einnig verður fjallað um hvaða áhrif ferðaþjónusta hefur haft á svæðið með tilliti til umhverfismála, efnhagslífs og samfélags, með sérstaka áherslu á sjávarútveg og áhrif á sjávarspendýr og veiðar þeirra. Hlutverk Danmerkur í að skapa aðstæður nýlendustefnunnar á Austur- Grænlandi er beintengt framtíðarþróun svæðisins og mismunandi sviðsmyndum, sem hvoru tveggja verður fjallað um í tilgátuformi. iv Dedication In memory of Tina, with whom I shared so many laughs, knowledge and good moments. I would like to dedicate this work to those who have supported and believed in me in these three years. To my parents, my brother and my nephews, who are always by my side even when I am on the other side of the globe. To my aunt Giuseppina, who is my role model and the person I would like to become one day. To Sólveig, my mother in Iceland who took care of me and taught me a great deal about this beautiful country. To Mauro, the most wonderful man I could ever have by my side. To my best friends Miriam, Valentina, Mauro, Maurizio, Carlos, Meltem and Beatrice, who are always giving me strength and unconditional love, no matter what. To Dolores and Fernanda, who have been making my days in Iceland brighter. To my friend Anna, my other half of the straw- berry, whose help and support were incredibly precious. To Niels, the best friend Greenland could ever give me. And last but not least to all my friends and family around the world, thank you for your inestimable support! v Table of Contents Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... iii Útdráttur .................................................................................................................................... iii List of Figures .......................................................................................................................... viii Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... ix 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Research aims, questions, and method .................................................................................... 2 1.2 Thesis structure ....................................................................................................................... 3 2 Theoretical Context .................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Tourism in the Arctic ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Cruise Ship Tourism in the Polar Regions ..................................................................................... 6 2.3 Climate Change and Last Chance Tourism ................................................................................... 8 2.4 Tourism and Vulnerability in Remote Arctic Communities .......................................................... 9 2.5 Tourism in Greenland .................................................................................................................. 11 2.6 A Postcolonial Perspective ........................................................................................................... 13 3 The images of Greenland ....................................................................................................... 17 4 Ittoqqortoormiit ...................................................................................................................... 22 4.1 Geography .................................................................................................................................... 22 4.2 Historical Background ................................................................................................................. 23 4.3 Society and Economy ................................................................................................................... 26 4.4 Tourism ........................................................................................................................................ 28 5 Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 32 5.1 Interviews .............................................................................................................................. 33 5.2 Questionnaires .............................................................................................................................. 34 5.3 Participant observation ......................................................................................................... 35 6 Tourism in Ittoqqortoormiit .................................................................................................... 37 6.1 The Tourism Office ...................................................................................................................... 38 6.2 Cruise Ship and Sail Boat Tourism in Ittoqqortoormiit .............................................................. 43 6.3 Photographers and Filmmakers ..................................................................................................
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