EXPERIENCE MATTERS WILLS, TRUST & ESTATES 804-758-2244 WAKE BUXTON, JD, LL.M., MBA Estate Planning Since 1978 848 GLOUCESTER RD., SALUDA, VA 23149 GLOUCESTER-MATHEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2021 VOL. LXXXIV, no. 24 NEW SERIES (USPS 220-560) GLOUCESTER, VA. 23061 | MATHEWS, VA. 23109 two sections 30 pages 75 CENTS November’s Together, GHS Class of 2021 receives its diplomas BY KIM ROBINS conditions in the GHS stadi- ballots um Saturday afternoon, but They were six feet apart it did not dampen the spir- but all together, and that is its of those about to receive are set what the Gloucester High the crowning achievement of BY SHERRY HAMILTON School Class of 2021 wanted. their 13 years of studies. About 390 GHS graduates re- COVID-19 created a senior The slates of local candi- ceived their diplomas Satur- year full of uncertainties for dates are set for the Novem- day afternoon during a two- the Class of 2021, and both ber 2 general election, with hour commencement in the of the class’s top scholars both Gloucester and Mathews school stadium. referred to them in their fielding multiple candidates School officials had initial- speeches. for the board of supervi- ly proposed three different “Unlike any other class be- sors and school board, while commencement ceremonies fore us, we have been faced Gloucester has one candidate over the course of the day with tackling a new world running unopposed for clerk and limited guests due to of remote learning upon the of circuit court. COVID-19 restrictions. They eve of our senior year—a Gloucester next were able to consider time in which anticipation of In the Gloucester Board of two ceremonies, with half of our final year of high school Supervisors race, Petsworth the class in each one. turned into a series of un- District Supervisor Michael A survey of seniors showed knowns: Will grades still R. Winebarger will be facing that graduating together and count? What does an asyn- off against challenger Ken W. the maximum number of chronous day even mean? Gibson, and At-large Supervi- guests were important con- Is my microphone muted? sor Kevin M. Smith will work cerns for their commence- Please do not let them hear to fend off Teresa L. Altemus. ment. When COVID restric- my sister yelling in the back- tions were eased near the ground. Will we even have a SEE BALLOTS, PAGE 7A end of May, GHS was able graduation ceremony?” said plan for one ceremony with class valedictorian Madelyn each graduate receiving 10 Junker. guest tickets. Junker also referred to pas- Rain overnight and light KIM ROBINS / GAZETTE-JOURNAL Juneteenth showers in the morning SEE GHS 2021, PAGE 17A Gloucester High School senior chorus members, from left, Payton Thorpe, Lewis Lawrence, Veronica Trist and Devonte Garcia celebration made for somewhat soggy sang the national anthem and the GHS alma mater during the school’s commencement ceremonies Saturday afternoon in Gloucester on Saturday Meeting Monday on proposed BY SHERRY HAMILTON A coalition of local religious mixed use project in Dutton and civic organizations will hold the second annual lo- BY MELANY SLAUGHTER project is to build multifamily multifamily dwellings, con- cal celebration of Juneteenth homes with some small retail dominiums, townhouses, or from 5:30-7 p.m. on Saturday, Rhetson Companies, Inc., businesses. shopping centers. June 19, at the First United will hold a community meet- Planning and Zoning Direc- Rhetson wants to work with Baptist Church, 6188 George ing on Monday evening at tor Thomas Jenkins said that the community on its pro- Washington Memorial High- 6 o’clock at the Piankatank the company has applied to posed project, not against it. way, Gloucester. The event Ruritan Club in Hudgins to rezone the property from Ru- “We want to be part of the will be held rain or shine out- gather feedback from the ral to Business-2. According community, not fighting the doors on the church grounds. community about a mixed use to Thomas, if the rezoning community,” said Parker. The theme of this year’s project that it is considering is successful, the developer Parker said that Rhetson will event is “CommUNITY & Cul- in Dutton behind the FasMart. would additionally be re- not try to construct anything ture…History & Heritage,” According to John Parker, quired to obtain conditional on the property that may be said a press release. Among project manager, Rhetson use permits for any of the fol- a nuisance to the community, the speakers will be Civil War wants to address any ques- lowing: a commercial building such as bars, night clubs or a historian Dr. Wesley Wilson tions or concerns surround- exceeding 7,500 sq. ft., any superstore. The company is and Bessida Cauthorne White, ing property owners may building that generates 150 or hoping that the property will president and co-founder of The familiar faces of Eva Mullins, above, and her friends are a welcome sight have about its potential proj- more vehicular trips during the Middle Peninsula African- in Gloucester’s senior living communities and nursing homes ect. Rhetson’s goal for the the peak hour of operation, SEE DUTTON PROJECT, PAGE 7A American Historical and Ge- nealogical Association. Juneteenth commemorates the day that the last enslaved Mullins and company SEE JUNETEENTH, PAGE 7A love to spread the cheer Residents chime in on variety of State, local offices BY TYLER BASS topics at school board meeting Residents at Gloucester’s BY MELANY SLAUGHTER ing offense—and someone Vietnam—but it is more in- closed Friday for many assisted living fa- is always offended by some- sidious,” Dyar said. “Children Juneteenth cilities welcome the sight The Mathews School Board thing. Now the doctrine of are especially vulnerable to of Eva Mullins and com- heard from many residents at Critical Race Theory, or CRT, this dogma. One little girl of All courts, county offices, pany dressed in colorful Tuesday night’s meeting, for has come to our state and kindergarten age in New York school board offices, librar- costumes, strolling down many different reasons. neighboring school divisions. came home from school and ies, and DMV customer ser- the halls, spreading a bit Kaye Dyar of Cardi- We will have to make a deci- asked her mother: ‘Mommy, vice centers in Gloucester of happiness. Mullins is a Community Spotlight nal was the first resident sion as to whether to endorse am I bad because I’m white?’” and Mathews will be closed Gloucester resident who In this series, the Gazette- s i g n e d u p t o s p e a k d u r i n gand integrate the teachings David Jones also spoke on Friday, June 18, in obser- organizes monthly outings Journal shines the light on public comment period. of CRT, or parts of it, into our against Critical Race Theory vance of the Juneteenth state to the nursing homes and residents who are working to “America the beautiful, the school curriculum. I vote ‘no’ at the meeting. “I’m not go- holiday. senior living communities make this a better place. land of opportunity, the ‘melt- and ask you to do the same. ing to apologize for my color,” Waste facilities and ABC in the county with 20 of her ing pot,’ has now become “CRT itself is a form of psy- said Jones. “I’m a Christian,” stores in both counties will loyal friends. the land of political correct- chological assault in the man- Jones continued. “I don’t care be open. Post offices will be Mullins said she started herds and Sheep. The pro- ness, wokeness and equity,” ner of the KGB, Chinese cul- what color you are.” open, as well; Juneteenth is visiting the nursing homes gram had her and fellow began Dyar. “Much time is tural revolutionaries, and, to “Let the parents do the not a federal holiday. in 1993 when her church spent in discussions such as a lesser degree, the reeduca- ran a program called Shep- SEE EVA MULLINS, PAGE 7A which pronoun to avoid giv- tion camps of Cambodia and SEE SCHOOL BOARD, PAGE 7A INSIDE THIS WEEK TO REACH US: Summer begins Sunday Phone: 804-693-3101 Gloucester 2A Coming Events 10A Variety 5B Fax: 804-693-7844 Mathews 3A Schools 11A-12A Days Past 6B Summer begins at 11:32 p.m. Sunday, the moment of Gloucester Point 4A Sports 13A-16A Business 7B the summer solstice, and the 24-hours with the longest period of daylight in the year. Next Door Neighbors 5A Community News 1B Public Record 8B On the web Arts 8A Church News 3B-5B Classifieds 9B-12B www.gazettejournal.net *The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit. The special terms APR will continue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full. The monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments Savings are in full bloom! during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchas-es will apply to certain fees such as a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. Locally owned and trusted since 1955 For new accounts, the APR for Purchases is 28.99%. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. This information 0% APR FOR 72 MONTHS* is accurate as of 8/1/2020 and is subject to change.
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