/Vol. 31, No. 1 February, 1964 THE JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH E D IT E D B Y L. A. MABBITT and J. A. B. SM ITH B.Sc., Ph .D. C.B.E., Ph.D., D .Sc., F.R.I.C. The National Institute for Research in Dairying, The Hannah Dairy Research Institute, Shinfield, Reading Ayr ASSISTED BY P rof. L. F. L. CLEGG (Canada) M r G. LOFTUS HILLS (Australia) Dr D. P. CUTHBERTSON, C.B.E., F.R.S.E. (Aberdeen) D r J. O. IRWIN (London) Dr F. H. DODD (Reading) Dr K. C. SEN (India) Dr H. P. DONALD, F.R.S.E. (Edinburgh) Dr C. C. THIEL (Reading) P rof. P. J. J. FOURIE (South Africa) Dr R. WAITE (Ayr) Dr T. GIBSON (Edinburgh) Dr J. C. D. WHITE (Ayr) Sir JOHN HAMMOND, C.B.E., F.R.S. (Cambridge) D r H. R. WHITEHEAD, F.R.S.N.Z. (New Zealand) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Bentley House, 200 Euston Road, London, N.W. 1 American Branch: 32 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y. P ric e .-—THIRTY SHILLINGS N e t (U.S.A. $5.00) Consultative Committee P r o f . R. G. BASKETT, O.B.E P r o f . E. L. CROSSLEY P r o f . R. C. GARRY, F.R.S.E. P r o f . J. W. HOWIE Sir ROBERT RAE, C.B. Dr J. A. B. SMITH, C.B.E. D r L . A. M ABBITT S ecretary M r J . C. F. COLES Editorial Assistant M r s DOROTHY SKIDMORE The Journal of Dairy Research was established in 1929 as a medium for the publication of the results of original research in dairy science and cognate subjects. It is published by the Cambridge University Press. The subscription to the Journal is 80s. per volume, for orders placed in advance of publication, and covers three issues. Single copies may be purchased at 30s. each. Postage extra. Subscriptions may be sent to any bookseller or to the Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, 200 Euston Road, London, N.W. 1. The subscription price in the U.S.A. is $13.50. Enquiries should be sent to the Cambridge University Press, American Branch, 32 East 57th Street, New York 22, U.S.A. Back numbers of the Journal may be obtained from the publishers. Volumes 1 to 4, each part 25s. net. Volumes 5 to 29, each single part 25s., double parts 50s. net. Postage extra. (With the exception of Volume 6, No. 2, Volume 9, No. 1, Volume 10, Volume II, No. 1, Volume 12, No. 1 and Volumes 13 and 14 complete, which are out of print.) THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY 17 DEVONSHIRE STREET, LONDON, W.l. Tel. Langham 5059 The Journal is issued in quarterly parts, four parts Marketing of Milk in Northern Ireland, by constituting a volume. The parts are usually issued D. L. Armstrong in January, April, July and October each year. Production of Milk Products in Northern The Subscription rate to non-members of the Ireland, by S. B roadhusst Society, payable in advance, is £2. 12s. 0d . net per Some Bacteriological Surveys of Milk and volume (post free): single numbers, 15s. 0d . net. Milk Products in Northern Ireland, by Subscriptions and all business enquiries should be J. G. Murray sent to the Secretary, Society of Dairy Technology, 17 Devonshire Street, London, W. 1. Dairy Education in Northern Ireland, by J. A. Y oung Each member of the Society receives one free copy of each number. One further copy of each number The Eradication of Brucellosis in Northern Ireland, by W. R. K err and J. F. R ankin may (if available) be bought by members for 10s. 0d . Microbiological Standards for Dairy Products, CONTENTS OF THE OCTOBER ISSUE Part 2, by J. G. Davis Spring Conference Personalia Subject: A General Review A Rapid Method for the Determination of Salt in Cheese, by G. T. Lloyd Agriculture in Northern Ireland, with Particular Reference to Dairying by J. C. H. W oods Section Notes The Journal publishes not only papers read at meetings of the Society, but also papers on dairy technology by members and non-members Advertising Offices: 9 g o u g h s q u a r e • L o n d o n • e .c.4 JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE V o l . 46 N o v e m b er 1963 No. 11 Representative Research Papers Effect of Heat on Proteins. L. W . A urand, J. W . Brown a n d J. G. L ecce. Purification of Caseins. C. A. Z ittle a n d J. H . C uster. Determination of L a c to se in Milk. D. A. Biggs a n d L . Szijarto. Irradiation Changes in Milk Fat. E. A. D ay a n d S. E . Papaioannou. Estimating Solids-Not-Fat and Protein in Milk. R . E . E rb, U . S. Ashworth, L . J. Manus a n d N . S. G olding. Histamine Concentration in Blood of Cattle. T. R. W renn, J. Bitman, H . C . Cecil, a n d D . R . G illiam. Fatty Acid Synthesis. J. R. Luick a n d L . M . Smith. Genetic and Phenotypic Relationships in Cattle. J. C. W ilk, C . W . Y oung an d C . L. Cole. Symposium: Milk Composition. C. A. K iddy, R . C . Laben, J. S. H illman an d S. T . Coulter. H. F. JUDKINS, S e c r e t a r y -T r e a s u r e r 32 Ridgeway Circle, White Plains, New York E. O. HERREID, E d i t o r - i n -C h ie f Station A, Box 250, Champaign, Illinois Jnl. of Dairy Research, Vol. 31, No. 1 0) COMMONWEALTH BUREAU OF DAIRY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY SHINFIELD • READING • ENGLAND The Bureau is the world’s information centre on all matters concerned with dairy husbandry, science and technology. It prepares abstracts, review articles, Technical Communications in book form, and undertakes to answer technical enquiries from authentic dairy scientists. PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE DAIRY SCIENCE ABSTRACTS COMPILED MONTHLY FROM WORLD LITERATURE Annual Subscription 7 0 s. to subscribers in the Commonwealth and the Republic of Ireland, whose Governments contribute to the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux 14 0 s. to subscribers in non-contributing countries T H E MILK FAT GLOBULE MEMBRANE by N. K in g Cloth bound 9 9 p p . Price 15s. o d . MILK AND BUTTERFAT RECORDING by E. D. A s h t o n Cloth bound 2 0 5 pp. Illustrated Price 30s. Od. Orders and subscriptions should be sent to COMMONWEALTH AGRICULTURAL BUREAUX • CENTRAL SALES BRANCH FARNHAM ROYAL • BUCKS • ENGLAND FULL PARTICULARS OF THE JOURNALS PUBLISHED BY THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS MAY BE HAD FROM THE MANAGER, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS BENTLEY HOUSE, 200 EUSTON ROAD LONDON, N .W . 1 (ii) ANIMAL PRODUCTION JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION Contents o f Volume 6, Part 1, February 1964 McBride, G. Social behaviour of domestic animals. 2. Effect Alder, F. E., Tayler, J. C. and Rudman, J. E. Hexoestrol of the peck order on poultry productivity. implantation of steers fattened at pasture. 2. Effect on empty McPhee,C. P., McBride, G. and James, J. W. Social behaviour weight, carcass weight and carcass quality. of domestic animals. 3. Steers in small yards. Mason, I. L. Genetic relations between milk and beef characters Adam, J. L. and Smith, W. C. The use of specific gravity and in dual-purpose cattle breeds. its reciprocal in predicting the carcass composition of pigs Doney, J. M. and Smith, W. F. Modification of fleece develop­ slaughtered at three weights. ment in blackface sheep by variation in pre- and post-natal Preston, T. R., Whitelaw, F. G. and MacLeod, N. A. nutrition. The nutrition of the early-weaned calf. VI. The effect of van Spaendonck, R. L. and Vanschoubroek, F. X. Deter­ supplemental lysine and methionine on the utilisation of mination of the milk yield of sows and correction for loss of groundnut protein. weight due to metabolic processes of piglets during suckling. Whitelaw, F. G., Preston, T. R. and MacLeod, N. A. The Yalcin, B. C. and Bichard, Maurice. Crossbred sheep nutrition of the early-weaned calf. VII. The relative value of production. 1. Factors affecting production from the cross­ four different fish meal products as the major protein source bred ewe flock. in the diet. Yalcin, B. C. and Bichard, Maurice. Crossbred sheep pro­ Topps, J. H. and Elliott, R. C. Volatile fatty acids in the duction. 2. The repeatability of performance and the scope rumen of African sheep given a variety of low-protein diets. for culling. Gall, G. A. E. and Berg, R. T. Studies of the inheritance of Soller, M. and Bar-Anan, R. A note on milk production in bovine serum transferrins. crosses between Dutch and American strains of Friesian dairy Alder, F. E., Tayler, J. C. and Rudman, J. E. Hexoestrol cattle. implantation of steers fattened at pasture. 1. Effects on Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of the British Society of growth and herbage intake. Animal Production, Oxford, 9-13 September 1963. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 45s. (U.S.A. $7.50) SINGLE PART 17s. 6d. (U.S.A. $2.75) OLIVER AND BOYD LTD., Tweeddale Court, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, 1 The Journal of General Microbiology Editors: B. C. J. G. K night and A. F. B. Standfast Vo/. 33, No. 3 Contents December 1963 I. Malek, M. Radochova and O. Lysenko. Taxonomy G. W. Gould and A. D.
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