Index [entries marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in footnotes] A “Adventure of the Orient Express, The” Abramson, Ben, 66, 131, 176, 209, death of (pastiche), 325 227-8, 239, 381, 453 “Adventure of the Priory School, The” thumbnail biography, 377 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 303, 304, 352 “Acts of Peter” (Apocryphal New Testament), “Adventure of the Red Circle, The” (Arthur 356-8 Conan Doyle), 354 Adams, Robert P., 59 “Adventure of the Seven Clocks, The” (John Adler, Irene, 27, 39, 168, 177, 194, 289, 312, Dickson Carr and Adrian Conan Doyle), 342 193, 203, 385 Adventure, An (C.A.E. Moberly and E.F. “Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist, The” Jourdain), 318 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 350 “Adventure of Black Peter, The” (Arthur “Adventure of the Speckled Band, The” Conan Doyle), 121, 350, 352 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 99, 102*, 143, “Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton, 161*, 320, 335 The” (Arthur Conan Doyle), 50 “Adventure of the Sussex Vampire, The” Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (Arthur (Arthur Conan Doyle), 274 Conan Doyle), 160 “Adventure of the Three Gables, The” (Arthur “Adventure of the Acephalous Agronomist, Conan Doyle), 353 The” (“A. Conan Watson,” pseudonym for “Adventure of the Three Garridebs, The” VS), 287-8 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 352, 355 “Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The” “Adventure of the Three Students, The” (Arthur Conan Doyle), 21, 89, 123, 166, (Arthur Conan Doyle), 354 202, 229, 273 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (Arthur “Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans, Conan Doyle), 44, 157, 276, 441 The” (Arthur Conan Doyle), 309, 352 Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, “Adventure of the Clothes Line, The” The (Arthur Conan Doyle), Modern (Carolyn Wells), 48, 433 Library Edition, 74 “Adventure of the Cardboard Box, The” Adversary, The (H.H. Lynde), 244 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 90, 99, 321* Akron (Ohio), 59, 198 “Adventure of the Copper Beeches, The” Alexander the Great, 274 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 157, 170 Alfred Street (Russell McLauchlin), 88 “Adventure of the Dancing Men, The” (Arthur Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), 44-5, Conan Doyle), 55, 94, 96, 210, 259, 262, 74, 90, 269, 422 351 All About Lucia (E.F. Benson), 198 “Adventure of the Dying Detective, The” All the Books of My Life (Sheila Kaye-Smith), (Arthur Conan Doyle), 49, 49*, 245, 355 232 “Adventure of the Empty House, The” (Arthur All the Year Round (magazine), 276, 389 Conan Doyle), 79, 100, 121, 320, 445 Allen, Grant, 158, 288 “Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez, The” thumbnail biography, 377 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 352 Allen, Jerry, 251 “Adventure of the Illustrious Client, The” Allingham, Margery, 30, 265 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 215, 352, 353, 355, thumbnail biography, 377 420 Allison, Young E., 376 “Adventure of the Lion’s Mane, The” (Arthur Alphonse Bertillon (Henry T. F. Rhodes), 230 Conan Doyle), 352 Always the Young Strangers (Carl Sandburg), “Adventure of the Masked Ball, The” 206, 423 (supposed pastiche invented by VS), 67, Amateur Mendicant Society (Sherlockian 76 society in Detroit), 69, 103, 412, 418 “Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, The” American Iliad, The (Otto Eisenschiml and (Arthur Conan Doyle), 98*, 353 Ralph Newman), 103, 394 “Adventure of the Norwood Builder, The” Anderson, Frederick Irving, 30 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 172 Anderson, Robert (Sir), 75 484 I N D E X 485 Andrew, Clifton R. 59*, 198, 397 (See also new chapter at Michigan State University, Scandalous Bohemians) 59 thumbnail biography, 377-8 President Franklin Roosevelt a secret Andrew, Lelah, 304 member, 62 Andrews, Charlton, 252 new journal, 66 Annals of Murder, The (Thomas M. McDade), VS aimed joke at, 76 284-5, 411 new scion in Baltimore, 86 “Angels of Darkness, The” (Arthur Conan look forward to publication of ACD Doyle), 70 manuscripts, 100 anthologies of mystery stories, 298 first Tokyo chapter, 102, 120-21 Antonio Stradivari: His Life and Work (W. publication of “The Blue Carbuncle,” 123 Henry Hill, Arthur F. Hill, Alfred E. Hill), “Best of the Pips,” 225 321 poll of favorite stories, 280-1, 281* “Apparition of Mrs. Veal, The” (Daniel founded by Christopher Morley, 111, 287 Defoe), 198 Baker Street Irregulars, Chicago chapters, See Arabian Nights, 25 Hounds of the Baskerville (sic) and Argus Book Shop, 228, 239, 377, 381, 411 Hugo’s Companions (See also Abramson, Ben) Baker Street Journal, The, 66, 103, 188, 312*, Argus Books, 101, 176 325, 377, 388, 395, 399, 426 Aristophanes, 54 “Baker Street Legacy” (Nathan Bengis), 173 Arkham House, 65, 175, 391, 423 (See also Baker Street Pageboys (junior Sherlockian Derleth, August) society), 339, 419 Arlington Park race track, 292 “Baker Street Quartette, A” (Edgar Smith), Armenia, pastiche in, 32 167 “Art in the Blood” (James Montgomery), 168 “Baker Street Rubaiyat” (Nathan Bengis), 155 Art of the Mystery Story, The (Howard Baker Street Studies (H.W. Bell), 100, 381 Haycraft), 277, 298, 436 “Baker Street Suite” (Harvey Officer), 38, 414 At the Villa Rose (A.E. W. Mason), 300 Balfe, Michael William, 111 Auden, W. H., 279, 405 ballet adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, 207, thumbnail biography, 378 210 Austen, Jane, 145 Baltimore (Maryland), 86 Austin, Bliss, 320 Balzac, Honoré de, 55 thumbnail biography, 378 Bangs, John Kendrick, 32, 54 Avery, Delos, 36, 203, 339 thumbnail biography, 379 thumbnail biography, 378-9 Banned Books (Anne Lyon Haight), 44-5 Baring-Gould, William S., 228, 289-90, 302, B 312*, 331, 472 Babcock, Frederic, 130, 195-6 Baritsu chapter (of the Baker Street Back to Treasure Island (H.A. Calahan), 144 Irregulars), 120-21, 426 Bacon, Francis, 217 Barr, Robert, 54, 274 Badger, Shreve Cowles, 198 thumbnail biography, 379-80 Bailey, H.C., 30 Barrie, James M., 42, 54, 217, 269 thumbnail biography, 379 thumbnail biography, 380 Baker, Augustus, 158 Barrow, William, 91 Baker Street (London), 72, 79, 80, 101*, 110- Barzun, Jacques, 236, 250, 268, 279, 298, 11, 173, 226 322*, 378 Baker Street Chronology (Ernest Zeisler), 208 thumbnail biography, 380-1 “Baker Street Folio, A,” 62* Basil and the Lost Colony (Eve Titus), 310, “Baker Street Four-Wheeler, A” (Edgar W. 430 Smith), 46 Basil of Baker Street (Eve Titus), 251, 431 “Baker Street Inventory” (Edgar W. Smith), Basilisk of St. James, The (Elizabeth Myers), 54 318 Baker Street Irregulars (New York), 69, 105*, Bates, David L., 143 215-6 Baudelaire, Charles, 45 will be interested in new Sherlock Holmes Bauer, Harry, 217 story, 18, 20 Bay, J. Christian, 206 first state dinner of, 24 Bayer, Robert John, 147, 168, 388 protest “ten best detective stories” list, 29 thumbnail biography, 381 Woollcott account of dinner, 35 Bazeries (Commandant), 55 “A Baker Street Four-Wheeler,” 46 Beatitudes, The, 256, 256* sonnet read at annual meeting, 52* Bed and Sometimes Breakfast (Philip Owens), secretary Edgar Smith, 54 281 486 S h e r l o c k A l i v e Beecher, Henry Ward, 105-6 Blood in Their Ink (Sutherland Scott), 212 Beecroft, John, 292 Bonavia-Hunt, D. A., 145 Beeding, Francis, 29, 299 Bond, Raymond T., 55, 94, 96 thumbnail biography, 381 Book Collecting World (magazine), 315 Behind the Bar (A. E. Bowker), 149 Book Column (Vincent Starrett), 254 Beeton’s Christmas Annual 1887, 305*, 398, Book Hunter’s Holiday (A. S. Rosenbach), 53, 401-2 422 “Bel and the Dragon,” 115, 171 Book of Murder, The (Frederick Irving Bell, H.W. (Harold Wilmerding) Anderson), 30 judge on panel for Speckled Band contest, Bookman and the Hummingbird, The (J. 63 Christian Bay), 206 on board of advisers for new Baker Street Bookman’s Diary, A (J. A. Hammerton), 218 Journal, 66 bookplates, 319-20 opinion on true location of 221 Baker Boone, Daniel, 274 Street, 79, 170* Borden, Lizzie, 262, 343 death of, 100-101 thumbnail biography, 383-4 his collection of Sherlockiana left to The Born in a Bookshop (Vincent Starrett Speckled Band, 110 autobiography), 161*, 415-6 thumbnail biography, 381-2 Bostick, William A., 88 Bell, Joseph (Doctor), 98, 270, 316, 351 Boston (Massachusetts), 44, 59, 100 thumbnail biography, 382 Boswell, James, 60, 73, 87, 275-6, 301, 391, Bellamy Trial, The (Frances Noyes Hart), 28, 406 30 thumbnail biography, 384 Belloc, Hilaire, 211 Boucher, Anthony, 33, 38, 42, 59*, 128, 194, Belloc-Lowndes, Marie, 282 211, 292, 298, 326, 333, 398-9 Benchley, Jane, 292 thumbnail biography, 384 Benet, Stephen Vincent, 319 Bow Street runners, 128, 242 Bengis, Nathan, 128, 155, 172, 234 Bowker, A. E., 149 thumbnail biography, 382 Boys’ Sherlock Holmes, The, 280, 401 Bennett, Arnold, 318 Bracker, Jon, 286, 293, 326, 414 Benson, E. F., 198 Brackett, Charles, 23 Benson Murder Case (S. S. Van Dine), 28, 29, Bradley University (Peoria), 198 46, 431, 455 Bramah, Ernest, 30 Bentley, E. C., 29 thumbnail biography, 385 Beresford, Tommy and Tuppence (Agatha Bransford in Arcadia (Eugene Manlove Christie), 48 Rhodes), 318 Berkley, Anthony, 300 Brazelton, Julian, 320 Bertillon, Alphonse, 48*, 230 Breaking Point, The (Mary Roberts Rinehart), thumbnail biography, 382-3 135, 420 “Bertram” stories, 319 Brean, Herbert, 203 “Beryl Coronet,” see “Adventure of the Beryl thumbnail biography, 385 Coronet” Brend, Gavin, 177 Best Loved Books of the Twentieth Century thumbnail biography, 385 (Vincent Starrett), 220, 224, 253 Brett, Jeremy, 295* Best of the Pips, The, 225 Briggs, Gray C., 37, 79, 435, 438 Bierce, Ambrose, 278, 449 thumbnail biography, 385-6 thumbnail biography, 383 Bright Cages (Christopher Morley), 326 Big Bow Mystery, The (Israel Zangwill), 139 British Bouquet (Samuel Chamberlain), 309 Bigelow, S. Tupper, 89* Brown, Father (G. K. Chesterton), 30, 48, 136, Bishop Murder Case, The (S. S. Van Dine), 168, 252, 277, 299, 387 29, 30, 145, 145*, 362 Browne, Douglas, 233 “Black Peter,” see “Adventure of Black Peter” Browning, Robert, 36, 73*, 77*, 111, 347-9, Blake, Sexton, 58 379 Blau, Peter, 315*, 329* Bruce, Nigel, 294, 419 Blaustein, Phyllis and Albert, 243 thumbnail biography, 386 Blegen, Theodore C., 179, 205, 250 “Bruce-Partington Plans,” see “Adventure of thumbnail biography, 383 the Bruce-Partington Plans” Bleiler, Everett, 185 Brummel, Beau, 110 Blewett, George F., 120 Brunner, Francis A.
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