No. 49 1269 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 1 MAY 1980 Revoking a Warrant Declaring an Area of Land in the Nelson 4. Paragraph 5 of the principal order is hereby amended Acclimatisation District to be a Wildlife Refuge by deleting the expression "$4.10 per acre" and substituting the expression "$10.15 per hectare". KEITH HOLYO AKE, Governor-General 5. Paragraph 6 of the principal order is hereby amended A PROCLAMATION by deleting the expression "$2.30 per acre-foot" and substi­ PURSUANT to section 14 of the Wildlife Act 1953, I, The tuting the expression '"$1.85 per 1,000 cubic metres". Right Honourable Sir Keith Jacka Holyoake, the Governor­ 6. The Third Schedule to the principal order is hereby General of New Zealand, hereby revoke the Warrant published amended by deleting those items following the item relating on 14 March 1963* notifying and declaring an area of land to the fifth season and substituting the following: to be a Wildlife Refuge. $ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Sixth season 6.09 per hectare. this 17th day of April 1980. Seventh season 7.11 per hectare. Eighth season 8.12 per hectare. D. A. HIGHET, Minister of Internal Affairs. Ninth season 9.14 per hectare. [L.S.] Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! Tenth season 10.15 per 'hectare. *New Zealand Gazette, No. 16 at page 331 P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. (Wil. 34/10/5) (P.W. 64/7/1/15; D.O. 15/56/0) The Upper Waitaki Extension Irrigation District Amendment Order 1980 Redefinition of Boundaries of the Southern Southland Pest KEITH HOLYO AKE, Governor-General Destruction District (Notice No. 2370, Ag. 6/13/2/6A) ORDER IN COUNCIL KEITH HOLYO AKE, Governor-General At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 14th day of April 1980 ORDER IN COUNCIL Present: At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 24th day of THE RIGHT HON. R. D. MULDOON PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL March 1980 PURSUANT to section 274 of the Public Works Act 1928 and Present: part I of the Public Works Amendment Act 1%0, His Excel­ THE RIGHT HON. R. D. MULDOON PRESIDING IN COUNCIL lency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice PURSUANT to section 23 (1) of the Agricultural Pests Destruc­ and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes the tion Act _1967, His _Excellency the Governor-General, acting following order. by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council hereby makes the following order. ' ORDER 1. This order may be cited as the Upper Waitaki Extension Irrigation District Amendment Order 1980 and shall be read ORDER with and deemed part of the Upper Waitaki Extension Irri­ 1. (i) This order may be cited as the Redefinition of the gation District Order 1%9 (herein called "the principal Boundaries of the Southern Southland Pest Destruction Dis­ order"). trict Order 1980. (ii) This order shall come into force on the day after its 2. This order shall be deemed to have come into effect on notification in the Gazette. 15 September 1979. 2. The boundaries of the Southern Southland Pest Destruc­ 3. Paragraph 4 of the principal order is hereby amended tion District, which was constituted by Order in Council by deleting the expression "22 in" and substituting the ex­ pression "560 mm". on the 1st day of April 1974*, are hereby altered to exclude the area known as the Venlaw Station comprising approxi- 1270 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 49 mately of 1920 hectares, Roll No. 29400/144 P.T. Run 619, Appointment of District Court Judges as Justices of the Peace 621 Mokoreta, Slopedown and Tuturua S.D., which is being amalgamated with the South Otago Pest Destruction District. PURSUANT to section 3 of the Justices of the Peace Act 1957, *Union of Mimihau, Tokanui, and Waimahaka Pest His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to Destruction Districts to form the Southern Southland Pest appoint Destruction District (No. 687 (Ag. 20891A). Richard Ronald Kearney, Esquire; P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. Peter William Graham, Esquire; Michael John Albert Brown, Esquire; *Gazette, 1974, p. 552 Colin Campbell Fraser, Esquire; David Fergus George Sheppard, Esquire; District Court Judges, to be Justices of the Peace for New Redefinition of Boundaries of the South Otago Pest Destruc­ Zealand. tion District (Notice No. 2369, Ag. 6/13/2/6A) Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of March 1980. KEITH HOLYO AKE, Governor-General J. K. McLAY, Minister of Justice. ORDER IN COUNCIL (Adm. 3/17 /4 (10)) At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 24th day of March 1980 Present: Appointment of Visiting Justices at Wi Tako Prison THE RIGIIT HON. R. D. MULDOON PRESIDING IN COUNCIL PURSUANT to section 23 (1) of the Agricultural Pests Destruc­ PuRSUANT to section 10 (2) of the Penal Institutions Act tion Act 1967, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting 1954, I, James Kenneth McLay, Minister of Justice, do hereby by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, appoint hereby makes the following order. Thomas Stanley Johnson, Esquire, J.P.; and Donald Robert Cameron, Esquire, J.P.; ORDER both of Wellington, to be Visiting Justices of the Penal 1. (i) This order may be cited as the Redefinition of the Institution at Trentham known as Wi Tako Prison. Boundaries of the South Otago Pest Destruction Order 19~0. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of April 1980. (ii) This order shall come into force on the day after its notification in the Gazette. J. K. McLAY, Minister of Justice. 2. The boundaries of the South Otago Pest Destruction (Adm. 3/44/16 (5)) District which was constituted by Order in Council on the 1st day of April 1974*, are hereby altered to include the area known as the Venlaw Station comprising approximately Appointment of Chairman of Hawke's Bay Licensing 1920 hectares, Roll No. 29400/144 P.T. Run 619, 621 Moko­ reta Slopedown and Tuturau S.D., formerly belonging to Committee the 'Southern Southland Pest Destruction District. PURSUANT to section 32 of the Sale of Liquor Act 1962, His •Union of Clinton, Clifton, South Clutha, North Clutha, Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint Kuriwao, Waipahi, Clydevale, and Owaka Pest _Dest~cti?n Districts to form the South Otago Pest Destruct10n D1stnct Anthony Joseph Sheehan, Esquire, District Court Judge, of (No. 703, Ag. 20891A). Napier, P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. to be a member and Chairman of the Hawke's Bay Licensing Committee, vice, District Court Judge, John Webster Imrie. *Gazette, 1974, p. 662 Dated at Wellington this 16th day of April 1980. J. K. McLAY, Minister of Justice. Coroner Appointed (Adm. 3/27/3/6 (4)) PURSUANT to section 2 of the Coroners Act 1951, His Excel­ lency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint Robert Graham Sinclair, Esquire, barrister and solicitor of Appointment of Crown Solicitor Wanaka, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to to be a Coroner for New Zealand. appoint Dated at Wellington this 11th day of April 1980. Timothy Michael Gresson, Esquire, Barrister, of Timaru, J. K. McLAY, Minister of Justice. to be Crown Solicitor at Timaru in the place of Michael (Adm. 3/13/4/116 (6)) Cuthbert Gresson, Esquire, resigned. Dated at Wellington this 141th day of April 1980. Coroner Appointed J. K. McLAY, Attorney-General. PURSUANT to section 2 of the Coroners Act 1951, His Excel­ lency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint Reappointment of the Chairman to the Noxious Plants Council Graeme Scott Crabbe, Esquire, manager, of Cromwell (No. 2350, Ag. 12 / 10 /6) to be a Coroner for New Zealand, vice Maurice Herbert Spain, resigned. Nonrn is hereby given, pursuant to section 5 (2) (a) of the Noxious Plants Act 1978, that Dated at Wellington this 11th day of April 1980. Donald Macnab, farmer, Wanganui, J. K. McLAY, Minister of Justice. has been appointed as Chairman and a member of the (Adm. 3/13/4/12(6)) Noxious Plants Council for a term of 3 years, from 1 April 1980. Appointment of Member to Licensing Control Commission Dated at Wellington this 1st day of April 1980. DUNCAN MAclNTYRE, Minister of Agriculture. PURSUANT to section 4 (2) of the Sale of Liquor Act 1962, His Excellency the Governor-General appointed Pam~la Marloes Thompson, of Wellington, Appointment of Honorary Community Officers Under the to be a member of the Licensing Control Commission for Maori Community Development Act 1962 a term of 5 years, on and from the 20th day of March 1980. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of March 1980. PURSUANT 'to section 5 (1) of the Maori Community Develop­ ment Ac1t 1962, the Minister of Maori Affairs hereby appoints J. K. McLAY, Minister of Justice. the persons named in the Schedule hereto as honorary com­ (Adm. 3/26 (5)) munity officers for a term of 3 years. 1 MAY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1271 SCHEDULE MOUNT COOK Ramari Anne Joseph (Mrs). Tourist Hotel Corporation of New Zealand. Mere Tuhiao Piripi (Mrs). RAKAIA Rima Te Aotukia Bell (Mrs). Jean Matekite Whawhai Andrews (Mrs). Rakaia Motors Ltd., 39 Bowen Street. Hine Tahana (Mrs). RANFURLY Frances Poroaki Warren (Mrs). Maniototo Vehicle Services Ltd, George Heta. Dated at Wellington this 28th day of April 1980. RUAKAKA BEN COUCH, Minister of Maori Affairs. Ruakaka Stores Ltd., Main Road. SPRINGBURN (M.A. 36/5/8, 36/5/12) M. M. J. and J. R. McC!imont, Highway 72, Alford Forest.
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