-Shelby -3ayeffe-$arbeman-fleNairy--qnrhin- T@ayn~-tamrence-6ile~-~inco1n-3ranklin-fl~rinn -$amilfon-33mhley -palk- Bipf on--flonroe- thjaywooh -mahison-Mhesfer-$enher~nn-Becafur- p~q-g~~ti~~fla~q-fla~~haU--@~hf~~h-M~ffee- 6mnhy -~equate@e-~hea-fleigs-flcflinn- flonre -%auherhale-Mroekett -6ihson-B yer-@hion- ~eakley-take-$enry--Marroll-Benf on-$umphreys -$nuston-Bfewad--Bicksnn-qickman-flnntgnmery - Boberfson- Mheaf am-milliamson-Bauihson- Buf herfnrh [email protected] flacon- Broushale- Mannun-Be Ea16- Smif 4-lllhrren-putnrtm- @lay- $arkson-@uerfon-f hife-~an~~uren-~khsne- XKnox -pirkef f -3enf ress --Mum berlanh -florgan - Scoff -8oane-Zouhon-Blnunf --Beuier-Anherson- Mamp hell- Qlaibome-Xnion-6raingdi- aeffersnn- qamblen-$anrock-thjawkins -Mueke-6reene- Sulli.lran-Xnicoi-mashingf on- Marfor- 3nfjnsnn- qe.Cennessee Cknealogical fkciety 9114 &vies plantaHon Road on the bistoric &vies plantation Rkiling address: P. 0. Box 247, Brunslvick, Tn 38014-0247 Cekpbone: (901) 381-1447 2. Editor's Musings r 3. Maniage, Mayl~emand Murder 13. la the Social Realm 14. Newspaper Ads of 1899 15. Old County Store Ledger 1;. Comings & Goings - 71. Warr 21. Tennessee Family Bible 32. Murder Most Foul .77. Cwrtberliutd University Graduates of 1898 74. Ter~nesseeNews 47. Gleanings 52. life & Family of a Tennessee Balker 54. In the Courts 55. Paul Milner Seminar Information 61. Sunlame index Edito?s Musings Weare dl aware of wday's roaring coscs and snowbaUing expenses And, unformnacQ, che hnessee healogicaL Sociey is noc exernpc In order co keep che presses running and che doors open, we have made che decision co increase che yearly dues by Ave dollars per membership, efeccive Occober Arsc, cwo chousand and four, wild7 Ubray subscripdons remaining unchanged This increase wiionly cover a pordon of che heighmed expenses Lase remember, we rely s~~ upon membership dues and donations w hndon Thank you for your underscanding and condnued 50PPO" We ac The Tennessee GeneaLogicaL Sodey are enchusiascic abouc our upcoming cahdar which includes a handful of esceemed speakers On ApriL sixreen&, ewo chousand and Ave, Me wiihosc &ny Z Jones ac che Memphis SheLby GunyLibray. Mr. Jones dLL leccure on four inwresdng wpics, as fdlovJs: a) When Sources Are Wrong b) Tracing che Origins OfEarly Eighceench-Cenuly PaLadne And Ocher Emigrants c) Family Tradition, How To Separace Face From Eiccion In GeneaLogicaL Research d) GeneaLogy In The New MiUannium base mark your cahdar dayso you dLL noc miss ouc on chis inwredng seminar. Do noc forgec, we aLso have Gjnd~WeUs engaged in cwo chousand and Ave as weL 6esc wi~shesw everyone for che forthcoming hollday s 1aqJO ~noa~1'4uno3 puellaqwn3 u! ~681tmxnv II P~!PPtm 3~ U! so81 w3nv 01 woq >(OH ..a!II!w., s!l!wa pm~1 u! 0881 hnmrp P~!Ppm 3~ u! O~LI sun1 oz woq %ELM amacJo latq%nep sw sem aqs .haalua3 1Jdeq3s.5~~ u! paunq s! aqS .NJ. ',Gmo3 puellaqum3 u! 5261 ~aqmatdaszz pa!p pue NJ. 'kuno3 awlsu! 8~81aunl 01 uioq wfiusLM spu!laly, .Xlalaluaa ladeq3 s.apH u! paws! aH 'NJ. U! 6681 ludv pa!p pue NJ. q st81 u! luoq wm llEH i.nluas, 'NJ. u! EL81 luoq .:uoo3,, oqor :NJ. U! ~9811nwluoq '.r q~aqsl!~aIhatawa3 dcuu!~u! paunq s! pm 868 I laqot~oZI pa!p pmNL u! 6981 inop woq 'sqvsw .UNL U! 1981 inoqe woq 'Lmag 'halama3 ladnq3 s.ale~u! paunq st a~ ,2881 ~aqwatdas61 p!p pue NL U! ~981aunl woq 'amr 'kuno3 pm11aqmn3 u! 6681 I!~V81 uo uoslaqox au!laq?sD pawwaH 'NJ. U! 6581 Inoqe luoq 'laor :slam lu!lq!s ~.UEJ!H, 'aassauual '~II!ASOJ~ u! halama3 umap!a u! paunq s! aqs '~881qm~ PI pa!p pue NJ. U! 2981 Iaqoi3o 62 luoq wht PJEII!W tslyl .halama3 an019 s.LaleH u! papq OSPs! 'aamuual ',Gun03 puellaqmn3 'pmquo qw3 mu'<I61 LZW E p!p PUB aasauual 'Limo3 ai!w %md~ u! 1~81LEN 01 woq %assoJaa oov Jaqtg pue 'Xlmura3 JAOJ~s.Xsp~ u! pa.mq s! leaqqq aasauuaL 'kun~pmllaqum3 pquo q1~3u! 0681 130 L pa!p pue aassauual'kuno3 uo!myy u! 928 I 111dv El woq 'JalssaH sswoq~16aqqq JO uos aql SBM aH .o!qo 'pla8luuds 'haiama3g!1xua~u! paunq s! aH .OP~Iuer 9 pa!p pue aasauual u! 8581 u! luoq wm mlnw ssuoql , IIEH JaIssaH awa EPI 'spuno~peaq aiaAas wpti 11aM aw q isig iaaj 'bpoq ssalajy s'ep~pan3sai pue paiaAo3sp Law 'iale~Lpoolq JO qay3nq moj lo aawgo By~erplap inq '11a~aql u! auoXue aas IOU p!p uauryJoM asaqi isnj 1~ .[lam aql o~u!uallej peq apI palas aqs 'slleci iaq 03 papuodsai Lqleau BU~JOMuam om uaqM pue wele ue papunos 11s~ spu!laW 'spnlwage uoos 'ialeM amos qciiaj pue llaM aql do] 08 01 sp~pay= Jawom s,mar!H ' ,,,8 isnSnv uo .ia)eM i!aw pauyqo L1!q aql q3!q~mog IIaM pal@M 7301 MOI~~Se =M 'asnoq aql mog laaj-&m 'hadoid 11s~aql uo pa)erq!g iaj!I BunoL iaq pua 03 andsuo:, 01 el-u!-iawom pue pueqsnq Mau iaq asne3 ppo~)q p!B a%-uaa) e inoqe alqlrJal os uaaq aAeq ppo3 ie~,9681 Lp~jo . lsnj aql punole ploqasnoq ns~aw 01 pauqai aqs 'J~A~MOH.amoq s,iaqlej iaq q y3eq paAom pue Bu!ppaM aw iage syaaM aAg pmqsnq gal sp~asne3aq 's@!ldnu aql lapuoos smalqoid alaM aiaw Lpuanddv .Xluno3 pueliaqum3 u! rrrrej Ll!mj s,ms.~!~le Bqdaayasnoq dn yo01 aldno3 BunoL aq'Bu!ppa~ aw ~u!Mo~[o~;us& epu!laW pue ,lls~lanmssjo uos aw se~aH .Xluno3 puepaqum3 'AaaJ3 Y3!1 U! '6L8 I mqadZZ m09 tII~Hmw!HJo amaql Lq Loq PO1e Pa-UJ sPI '9681 iaqmaidas £1 uo .aassauuaL 'huno3 puepaqum3jo Ile ;p.~e!ll!~ .hew pue 'ials~!w is!idea pue 1aq3eaqooq3s e ,'lalsss~uosrauap ssmoqljo ialq2nq lsapla aw '0881mn3 moq SEM JalsssH alp8 sp~'alp8 ep1 BunoL l@jaq ppo~leql Lpabr) awrg aqljo ~oqaq ppap!1 aq'ap!~ sm alom ial~0daiapuoJy3 all!nssoJ3 v 'y3n1 maw qsy aM p& sa!l!ureJ papadsai arog am03 qloa 'y3g %!ajo 'lalsss~allaa apI pue 11s~menH ioj s,ralsssH .r .l pue s,lle~mes ie pahlas se~sagu!ep q3ujo lseaj e pue 'Bpoi sn Suom %msllaq Bu!ppa M ""mpq pue wyfiew 'aSeyJevy Murder. Conrinued This story unfolds fiom newspaper articles copied verbatim: Word comes today that Mrs. Hiram Hall, who lived about eight miles south of town, fell in the well this morning and was drowned. She was the oldest daughter of Jeff Hassler. 18 August 1897, Crossville Chronicle Last Sunday a warrant was sworn out for Hiram Hall and Melinda Hall by T. J. Hassler. They were brought into town Monday. The case came before Esquires H. 0. Newberry and C. L. Deatherage yesterday at 10:OO a.m. Twenty-four witnesses were summoned by the state and four or five by the defense. 25 August 1897, Crossville Chronicle W'SChap~L - A goodly number from Big Lick and Burke attended the funeral services of Mrs. Ida Hall here Thursday. Mrs. Ida Hall, the wife of Hiram Hall, found dead in the well at S. H. Hall's on August 8" . Mrs. Melinda 'Linda' Hall states that the deceased went to the well after water and after she had been gone about twenty minutes, the old lady called her. Receiving no answer, she went to inquire and spotted the bucket in the well and the muddied water. W. A. Vandewer and Fred Beyer were mowing near there and Mrs. Hall called them to come and take Ida out. They found five gashes cut in her head. Mrs. Hall and her husband separated some time ago but they reunited about six weeks ago. The deceased was a member of the Methodist Church and we trust she has gone home to rest. The remains were interred in the local Chapel cemetery on Thursday afternoon. She left a host of friends to mourn her loss. 25 August 1897. Crossville Chronicle Hiram Hall Big Lick - By request of J. T. Hassler, father of Ida Hall, who was murdered by her husband, Hiram Hall, and who was buried at Hale's Chapel, she was taken up last Thursday and , brought to the Croft's Graveyard near Big Lick and laid by the side of her half-sister. 1 September 1897, Crossville Chronicle s 'uo!ssaJuo~ S.I~BH u! uau!lm '~681isn%ny 81 pue auolsqluoi laq lad '~681isn3nv gBu!aq auo 'BPI JOJ qieapjo saiep om1 are aJalU, .rasodmoa pue ssaulooa laapad ql!~alej s!q lam pue po3 s!q u! aauapguoa passardxz - uamaq u! m!q laam o$ Ile payse pue sdalslooj s!q u! ~olloj01 loo uaqlo paoleM aH .am!ra aqj jo uo!ssajuoa llnj apem aH -- a3ualuas alnmmo3 loo p1no.u rouraao3 - Bleuad aql p!ed seq 11eH :66gt 1!rdv ZT uo 2u!~ollojaqt papodar rapodar al?uory3 allpssor3 v .I!J~VJOw~ 1 aw JOJ alep uo!maaxa aw lasa1 pue la!plaa pa1103 aw 01 auroa peq woa aw llaj u!ll!mam 'I!E~U! 'e!uoumaud ql!~11! haa SEM O~M'~le~ wpt+ lam pue asea aw jo saauqsumai!:, aw 11e Maq aq u9a3aq 01 palueM aq -- ajy ueumq e ~U!AIOAU! SEM 1! se -- uo!leiaq!Iap JO shp [eiaaas laplew se~al!dsai s!q ioj iouraaog aw Lq uaa!8 uoseal au.uo!lnaaxa aw 8u!ssaq~jouo!lqaadxa W!M 'UMO~u! palqwasse pMoia a8ml e >a!laq s!qljo llnsai e sv .Laea!id slow amsu! pue spMoia aw uassal 01 sle!a~goLq asnr e se~s!~1q8now &unoa awjo suaz!l!3 Luem ,668 1 1udv £1 alep Mau aw 8u!yew 'sLep b~qlloju!ll!~3m iomaaog Lq pal!dsal se~IleH 'alep uo!lnDaxa £1 ~~dvaw aiojaq shp piaaas .&uno3 puepaqum3 u! isig aql aq plnoM 11eH mrtl!Hjo 8u!3ueq au,6681 1~dv£1 103 las uaw seM uo!lnaaxa aw pue woa iaMo1 aql jo la!piaa aw pau!qsns pno3 amaldng aw 668 1 q3myy jo pua aqllv .aw!l eilxa 11eH 8urprq.
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