] htdftmdmUDaUy I 16,475 luutd O*l!r. Monday thrown Frldtr. «nt«r»d u Stcond CUM Miller RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1961 7c PER COPY Be PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 131 it tin Po«t Oltlu at Kti Bank. M. J., undar tb* Act •! March t, 1171. BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Stout Is Supported Train Service Cuban Cabinet Bids 4s 'Unity' Candidate;Rapped RUMSON—Railroad commuter service after the Dec. 11 blizzard Mitchell Pressured was severly criticized last night For U.S. Policy Shift by representatives of the Munici pal Public Service Co-ordinating COP Leaders Auchincloss Committee. I don't think the trains have To Place ButMove run on time since the storm," Endorse Discusses said Rumson Councilman Charles Callman. Mr. Callman said he could un- Pressure Thinly Him Choice derstand the difficulties' on the day after the storm, but "there FREEHOLD — Monmouth WASHINGTON (AP) — no excuse for the subsequent County Republican leaders Rep. James C. Auchincloss service." On Fidel Veiled called yesterday for state- has let it be known that He also criticized the lack of WASHINGTON (AP) — wide backing of state Sen. the Republican members of information provided by the rail- HAVANA (AP) — Th« High diplomatic officials Richard R. Stout as a New Jersey's Congression- roads concerning train opera- Cuban Cabinet made a tions. expect new inter-American "unity" candidate for gov- al delegation intend to as- thinly veiled bid today for "It was this lack of informa- sert themselves in state GOP moves next month aimed ernor to avoid "a diffusion of tion," he stated "that led to the a change in U.S. policy •trength" in next November's politics and want a say in their panic situation in Pennsylvania at putting pressure on Cu- toward Fidel Castro's re- election. party's choice for governor. Station." ban Premier Fidel Castro. gime under the incoming In • brief meeting i.i the Hall Auchincloss of Rumson, N. J., Mr. Caliman was replaced by Two of the leading members Kennedy administration. of Records, the GOP Steering now the senior member of the Shrewsbury Councilman John W. of the 21-nation Organization of Committee—comprised of heads eight-man caucus, told the Van Brunt aa committee chair- American States — the United There was no indication of any of key county Republican clubs group's first meeting of the new man at last night's reorganiza- States and Brar.il—will have new change in Castro's policy toward and leaders from the larger mu- Sen. Richard K. Start Congress yesterday that he ex- tion here. presidents in office by the end the United States, however. nicipalities and geographic areas pected its views to carry some The committee was established of this month. A statement issued. after a of the county—declared: weight with the Garden State's last year as a civic watchdog The United States Is expected long night Cabinet session put • "A unity candidate who has political leaders. over public services and utilities to favor: the entire blame for the U.S. general public acceptance and 7 Seek This would mark a change in and consists of governing body 1. A concerted, thort-of-force break in diplomatic relations particularly at the grass roots policy for the delegation, which representatives from this bor- effort such as a co-operative pa- with Cuba on the Eisenhower ad- level among county committee hitherto has concerned itself with ough, Red Bank, New Shrews trol against arms shipments from ministration. Thje outgoing U.S. members would be ;n the best carrying out the state's leaders' bury, Shrewsbury, Fair Haven Cuba to other Latin Amer.can administration was also accused interests of the Republican party 4 Posts wishes in Washington. Oceanport, Little Silver, and countries. of "threatening with other (ag- •nd . such a candidate is Reports circulated on Capito] Middletown Township. 2. A joint tracking of Castro gressions) worse and much more Richard R. Stout . who is IvlATAWAN — Seven persons Hiii of renewed pressure on out- Selected as vice chairman was agents. serious," an obvious reference to announced yesterday a* candi- highly qualified »nd whose per- going Secretary of Labor James Oceanport Councilman Harry S 3. Economic restrictions aimed Cuba's charges that American dates for the Board of Education. sonality and legislative record P. Mitchell of Little Silver, N. J., Koch. at Cuba. invasion is imminent. 1 Three full terms (three years) make him an ideal party choice ." to seek the GOP gubernatorial Red Bank Attorney Milton A. The U.S. decision to break The statement expressed the and one unexpired term (one Adopt Resolution nomination this year. Mausner was reappointed coun- diplomatic relations with Hava- hope that relations would be re- year) are up for voter action. A resolution adopted by the All eight members attended the sel for the committee. na is not expected to set off any established "some day . .. when Deadline for filing of petitions committee and released- by coun meeting, but only one of them Mr. Mausner reported to the quick chain reaction in other the governors of the United is toda^ at 4 p.m. ty Republican Chairman J. Rus- brought up a specific suggestion committe on the progress of the Latin American capitals, But BXOPUS IEGINS —Two U.S. Embassy off icon carry States finally understand that it The candidates are: celt Woolley said "a canvass of in a preliminary discussion of a improvement program now un- those who favored the break are baggage into the bailment entrance to the embassy is possible to maintain sincere Thomas J. Siddons (incum- possible choice for the April 18 der way by the Monmouth Con- optimistic that the eventual re- and friendly relations with the key Republicans in widely scat- building in Hivana, Jan. 4, in preparation to depart tered areas throughout the state bent), 36 Johnson Ave.; Mrs. primary. solidated Water Co. sult will be a more widespread people of Cuba on the basis of discloses a reluctance to joining Hilda C. Tomasello, 22 Beech- Rep. Frank C. Osmers Jr. Chairman Van Brunt said the withdrawal by other Latin Ameri- from Cuba as the result of rupture of U.S.-Cuban rela- respect for their sovereign rights, wood Ter.; Mrs. Joseph F. the camps of any of the candi- brought up the name of state committee will be divided into an nations of their envoys to tions. The other entrances to the embassy were blocked their legitimate interests and dates already announced, in the Smith, Van Brackle Rd.; Mrs. Sen. Walter H. Jones, an an four two-mna sub-committees to Havana. their national dignity." Donald B. MacMillan, 145 Main by Cubans seeking visas to the United States. The U.S. hope that substantially all ele- nounced candidate for the nomi- study the aciivities of surface Panama yesterday called home The statement made no spe- ments may eventually rally be- St., and John J.' Bradley, 2 nation. Jones and Osmers are transportation, electricity and its ambassador to Cuba for con- announced Jan. 3 its decision to sever diplomatic ties cific mention of President-elect hind a unity candidate who can Maiden La., all lor full terms, both from Bergen County. telephone, water, and gas com- sultation, giving rise to specula with the government of Fidel Castro. (APWirephoto) John F. Kennedy, but the lead the party to victory in No- and Alfred R. Manville, (in- Sen. Clifford P. Case was In- panies. tion that the Central American government radio-TV network vember." cumbent), 38 Little St., and vited to the caucus, but was Appointments to the subcom-" country may break with Castro. throughout yesterday h«d empha- Thus far state Sen. Walter Charles A. Matz. 105 Main St., kept away by Senate debate on mittees will be made after •!l Th« P»n»m»ni»n government de- sized that Kennedy did not par- Jones, of Bergen, one of three for the one-year term. a proposed change in mles to eight delegates have been named clined comment ticipate in the decision to break Board members Robert Bent- cut down on filibusters. Mr. Van Brunt also tald he Board Asks Parley who have declared their candi The U.S. government mean relations. The Cabinet statement ley and Calvin D. Pearce are not Auchincloss said that starting would ask the participating com- dacy, has been(, leading the field. while Is confident it fs in a also complained that Eisenhower He has organization strength in seeking re-election. next week the group would meet munities to re-affirm financial strc.ig position both legally and had broken relations with less his own county, and in Hudson, Mr. Siddons, a borough resi on the second and fourth days ol commitments for the operations militarily in its plan to hold On Tuition Costs than three weeks remaining of Passaic, Middlesex, and Somer- dent for 12 years, is a chemist, each month. of the committee in 1961. indefinitely its big Guantanamo his term in office. set, with strong leanings from the employed by the United States Pressure Mitchell Navy base in Eastern Cuba. HOLMDEL — The Board of( The Board now sends appron- Kennedy during the presi- leaders in Essex and Morris. Atomic Energy Commission, New Mitchell was reportedly urged No Legal Effect Education announced last night mately 44 students to Red Bank. dential campaign criticized the Sens. Wayne Dumont of War- Drunswick Laboratory. to run for governor by Charles The break in relations had no that it plans to meet with Earl The $780 figure is an increase Castro regime harshly, and the ren, a loser in the 1957 primary, During his three years on the Bailey, Union County Republi- Rollo Bus legal effect on the treaty under B.
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