Erkende referenten / Recognised sponsors Arbeid Regulier en Kennismigranten / Regular labour and Highly skilled migrants Naam bedrijf/organisatie Inschrijfnummer KvK Name company/organisation Registration number Chamber of Commerce "@1" special projects payroll B.V. 70880565 "SOLIZE India Technologies Private Limited" 56553102 .FABRIC 34354648 @Fentures B.V. 82701695 01-10 Architecten B.V. 24257403 100 Grams B.V. 69299544 10X Genomics B.V. 68933223 12Connect B.V. 20122308 180 Amsterdam BV 34117849 1908 Acquisition B.V. 60844868 2 Getthere Holding B.V. 30225996 20Face B.V. 69220085 21 Markets B.V. 59575417 247TailorSteel B.V. 9163645 24sessions.com B.V. 64312100 2525 Ventures B.V. 63661438 2-B Energy Holding 8156456 2M Engineering Limited 17172882 30MHz B.V. 61677817 360KAS B.V. 66831148 365Werk Contracting B.V. 67524524 3D Hubs B.V. 57883424 3DUniversum B.V. 60891831 3esi Netherlands B.V. 71974210 3M Nederland B.V. 28020725 3P Project Services B.V. 20132450 4DotNet B.V. 4079637 4People Zuid B.V. 50131907 4PS Development B.V. 55280404 4WEB EU B.V. 59251778 50five B.V. 66605938 5CA B.V. 30277579 5Hands Metaal B.V. 56889143 72andSunny NL B.V. 34257945 83Design Inc. Europe Representative Office 66864844 A. Hak Drillcon B.V. 30276754 A.A.B. International B.V. 30148836 A.C.E. Ingenieurs en Adviesbureau, Werktuigbouw en Electrotechniek B.V. 17071306 A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. 71592717 A.M.P.C. Associated Medical Project Consultants B.V. 11023272 A.N.T. International B.V. 6089432 A.S. Watson (Health & Beauty Continental Europe) B.V. 31035585 A.T. Kearney B.V. 33279525 A10 Networks Ltd Netherlands 50839500 Pagina 1 van 150 A2Z-CM N.V. 63550547 A50 Shared Services B.V. 34302768 AACSB International, Inc.- The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business 61700967 AAEON Technology (Europe) B.V. 17170435 AAK Netherlands B.V. 35012547 AAme Flex Solutions B.V. 27338828 AAme Premium Solutions B.V. 27238661 AAO Stoffeerder 54753651 AAR Aircraft Component Services International, a Division of AAR International Incorporated 34036552 Aardevo B.V. 27319349 Aarini Consulting B.V. 61189693 Aaron Management B.V. 34258040 Aatop Personeelsintermediairs B.V. 24305889 AB Dent B.V. 71032258 Ab Ovo Nederland B.V. 28084550 AB Sciex Finance B.V. 34220135 ABAB Accountants B.V. 18028690 Abacus Medicine B.V. 56400705 Abaque Holding B.V. 14060944 ABB B.V. 24000504 ABB Finance B.V. 33232125 ABB Holdings B.V. 33272475 ABB Power Grids The Netherlands B.V. 74422634 Abbott B.V. 33179692 Abbott Biologicals B.V. 32040276 Abbott Healthcare Products B.V. 32039508 Abbott Informatics Netherlands B.V. 37062641 Abbott Laboratories B.V. 5018369 Abbott Laboratories Finance B.V. 67009484 Abbott Logistics B.V. 5026851 Abbott Vascular Netherlands B.V 34191828 AbbVie B.V. 54914094 AbbVie Finance B.V. 59116218 AbbVie Logistics B.V. 54910765 AbbVie Pharmaceuticals B.V. 5075314 ABC Expats Services B.V. 61814393 ABC Holland B.V. 27299210 ABC Holland Services B.V. 54674689 Aberdeen Property Investors The Netherlands B.V. 33226980 Abingh 61928631 ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance N.V. 30099465 ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 34334259 About Backoffice Services II B.V. 76228398 ABS Europe Ltd. 24193191 Absolute Results Training Systems Europe B.V. 34295469 Abstraction Games B.V. 52564401 ABT B.V. 9110804 ABT EUROPE B.V. 68692269 ABZ Rotterdam Beheer B.V. 24323015 Academisch Medisch Centrum 34362777 Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht 14124959 Academy to Innovate HR 66776163 Acal BFI Netherlands B.V. 17204312 Accell Global B.V. 69722536 Accent Pointe B.V. 33298018 Accenture B.V. 34156015 Pagina 2 van 150 Access Business Group International B.V. 12049514 Access Financial Services Sàrl 30198546 Account 4 B.V. 32093604 Accucoms International B.V. 61824607 Accuracy Corporate Financial Advisory 16075440 Ace and Tate Holding B.V. 56577710 ACE Company B.V. 64954188 ACE Incubator B.V. 71903488 Ace Solutions B.V. 65179935 Ace Tankers C.V. 30240841 Acer Computer B.V. 16081669 Acer Europe B.V. 16084594 Acetate Europe Coöperatief U.A. 69534306 Achmea Interne Diensten N.V. 30124927 Achtung B.V. 34220472 ACI Worldwide B.V. 29041088 Acibadem International Medical Center B.V. 62665618 Acist Europe B.V. 30159397 Acknowledge Benelux B.V. 17131735 Aclaro Softworks Inc. 57097739 ACN Europe B.V. 34110202 ACNielsen (Nederland) B.V. 33078613 Acorel Technology B.V. 63532697 ACP Technology B.V. 39072086 Acquaint B.V. 61556173 ACT Commodities B.V. 27336523 ACT Commodities Group B.V. 53845900 ACT Financial Solutions B.V. 68344864 ACT Fuels B.V. 67412971 ACT Solutions Group B.V. 76658821 Act-3D B.V. 27343208 Actief Techniek B.V. 2058479 Action Service & Distributie 50969838 Active Cues B.V. 62573764 Active Theory B.V. 70263957 ActiveVideo Networks B.V. 30202881 Activision Blizzard International B.V. 34324431 Actually Design 28100709 Acupunctuur Centrum Kockengen 30115542 Adabt 75087413 Adalat Distelplein B.V. 67242103 ADAMA Northern Europe B.V. 33282727 Adams Multilingual Recruitment B.V. 37107061 Adams Paukenfabriek B.V. 13023690 ADAPTFY B.V. 78341493 A-dato B.V. 64967492 Addition Knowledge House B.V. 34276249 ADDITIVE INDUSTRIES B.V. 56692579 Addverb Technologies B.V. 82068364 Adecco Payroll B.V. 30190875 Adecco Personeelsdiensten B.V. 16031601 Adecco Support B.V. 30190859 Adeco Project Engineering B.V. 17107828 Adelee B.V. 75568314 adidas International B.V. 33276292 adidas International Marketing B.V. 34122362 Adifo Software B.V. 9062575 Pagina 3 van 150 ADK Insights B.V. 34088284 ADM Europoort 24160592 ADM WILD Netherlands 24257652 Adobe Systems Benelux B.V. 33266509 Adryan Consultants B.V. 56507151 ADT Nederland B.V. 76553426 Aduro Biotech, Europe B.V. 54239354 Advalley B.V. 34355881 Advanced Chiropractic Studio B.V. 27197227 Advanced Electromagnetics B.V. 17235479 Advanced Encryption Technology Europe B.V. 9114089 Advanced Industrial Computer Europe B.V. 30194704 Advanced Separation Company (Ascom) B.V. 9193075 Advanced Systems Group EMEA B.V. 33230020 Advantech Europe B.V. 24284472 Adver-Online B.V. 37081975 Adversitement B.V. 17124430 Advise Technologies Netherlands B.V. 63318245 Advisie Automatisering B.V. 31033154 Advision Finance B.V. 58981314 Adyen N.V. 34259528 AECOM Netherlands B.V. 27119183 Aectual B.V. 58864598 AEG Power Solutions B.V. 27270545 AEGIR-Marine Production B.V. 54357691 AEGON N.V. 27076669 AEGON Nederland N.V. 27111251 Aeon Astron Europe B.V. 27313329 Aeon Plaza Hotels Management B.V 34219929 AerCap Holdings N.V. 34251954 AerData B.V. 34277357 Aerohive Networks Netherlands B.V. 61174017 Aeronamic 8127192 AES Global Power Holdings B.V. 24276196 Aevitas Property Partners Coöperatief U.A. 55653804 Afas Software B.V. 31046821 AFC Ajax N.V. 33302453 AFHCo Stores Netherlands B.V. 51420074 African Clean Energy B.V. 61155748 African Health Systems Management Company B.V. 34266755 AFS Interest B.V. 33226084 AG Neovo Technology B.V. 24308102 AGC Chemicals Europe Commercial Centre 34259986 AGCO Netherlands B.V. 12032836 Agendia N.V. 34185452 Agenor Technology B.V. 61953555 agentschap College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen 50658131 Aggreko Nederland B.V. 23046086 Agiboo B.V. 32157662 Agidens Life Sciences B.V. 53704746 Agile Cockpit B.V. 62062719 agile42 Consulting B.V. 59402342 Agilent Technologies Netherlands B.V. 34115690 AgileXS Technologies B.V. 32110041 AgiLight B.V. 70711879 Agility B.V. 34066777 Agility Project Logistics B.V. 27172788 Pagina 4 van 150 Agium EPM B.V. 61663395 Agora Zaanstreek 34149420 AGREGARE B.V. 64765563 Agrico B.V. 32143948 Agrifac Machinery B.V. 1139456 Agrifirm Group B.V. 50003631 Agrifirm NWE B.V. 16050353 AgriNurture Europe Holding B.V. 57794065 AgriPlace B.V. 72188561 Agro Merchants Netherlands B.V. 59299312 AgroCare Ontwikkeling B.V. 27274144 AgroVision B.V. 58272682 AGT Group (Netherlands) BV 34376201 Ahold Delhaize European Business Services B.V. 61640220 Ahold Delhaize GSO B.V. 61639699 Ahrend Group B.V. 33244972 Ahrenkiel Steamship B.V. 69545200 AIDE Energy Europe B.V. 54452872 Aidence B.V. 64531694 AIG Europe S.A. 71305491 AiGENT AI B.V. 75197839 AiGENT B.V. 69447276 AiGENT Data B.V. 75197065 AiGENT Platform B.V. 75193256 Aigostar B.V. 60512091 AIMMS B.V. 34068128 AimValley B.V. 32096051 Air Agencies Benelux B.V. 24355288 Air China Limited 28111701 Air Energi Netherlands 53908775 Air Liquide Industrie B.V. 24266306 Air Products Nederland B.V. 29048443 AirBeamTV B.V. 61079634 Airblast B.V. 37046071 Airborne Development B.V. 27238301 Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands B.V. 28086907 Aircrete Systems B.V. 8166036 AirFreight Logistics 58792406 Airios 34090225 Airopack B.V. 55617530 Air-Paq B.V. 72334789 Airspace B.V. 78301084 Airsquire B.V. 70878943 Airtrade Holland B.V. 33248489 Airwallex (Netherlands) B.V. 77519256 AISWEI B.V. 75780291 AJC International (Global) Netherlands GmbH 65510992 AJC International B.V. 73703206 Ajisen Europe B.V. 27307418 AKKA Netherlands B.V. 55865313 AKQA B.V. 34275347 Akros Pharma Inc. Netherlands Branch 76925439 Akzend/SMS Uitzendburo B.V. 17060244 AKZO Nobel Car Refinishes 28080293 AKZO Nobel Decorative Coatings 28080295 Akzo Nobel N.V. 9007809 AKZO Nobel Nederland B.V. 9011382 Pagina 5 van 150 Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings B.V. 28080294 A-Label IT B.V. 30284115 Alavia Corporate Travel Solutions B.V. 71437290 Albelli B.V. 69103437 Albemarle Catalysts Company B.V. 32073705 Albert Heijn B.V. 35012085 Albert Heijn Support B.V. 34305784 Alblasserdam Yachtbuilding B.V. 24337487 Alcan Holdings Nederland B.V. 20069216 Alcatraz Interlocks B.V. 20081525 Alcoa Nederland Holding B.V. 66023068 Aldi Holding B.V. 11010928 ALE Delft B.V. 58056432 Aleph The Netherlands Corporation B.V. 52636003 Alewijnse Marine B.V. 55752713 Alexander Mann Solutions B.V. 34238256 Alfa Laval Nijmegen B.V. 10143387 Alfen B.V. 39037364 Alfen N.V. 64462846 Algemeen Octrooi- en Merkenbureau B.V. 17074382 Algorithmic Trading Group Netherlands Management B.V. 51315521 Alibaba (Netherlands) B.V. 65271505 Align Technology B.V. 34207531 Alimentiv B.V. 58050043 Aliter Networks B.V.
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