ALL MANCHESTER STORES ARE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY AVBSAOE DAILV CIBCITLA'nON for the Meath of November, I9SS THE WBATUUt 6r Poreeast ef C. A Weettwr Bsrttord Member6,193 ef the Aodlt BureoB of dreolstlaas Suf ttitm IJpralh Mr tMlOtt W. ey meetly Cloudy aod eeider. MANCHESTER - A CITY 0F«VIU,A(5E ( HARM VO L. LV H L, NO. 62 (Useetfled Adverttetag oa Page 10) M ANCHESTER, CO N N „ TU ESD AY, DECEMBER 13,1938 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS DEPUTIES APPROVE PREMIER WONT Burns Pleads Guilty P" ASK COMMONS DISMISSAL OF KEMP DALADIER REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO SPEED PASSAGE CONSPIRACY CASE IS Before Opening Any Nego- tiations Germany Emergency^ Measore$ Pro- Urgres Czechs Stay REFUSED BY McEVOY vide Appropriation Bills Friendly to Nazis For Return Of Former Colonies ReicJi Is Seeldng 1 Arrives to Attend Be Debated By Ministries MORRIS ASSERTS otion Made Wken Stall First State Dinner Rests, Defense C o n ^ Instead Of By Details. London. Dec. 18.— (A P ) —Prime •»- AIR EDUCATION Minister Chamberlain declined to- day to give the specific assurance Parta, Dec. 18 — (A P ) — The that he would got the approval of Chamber o f Deputies today i^iprov- IS STATE NEED the House of Ckimmons before open- mnskms Witt D e fo ^ ijl ed Premier Daladier’a request for ing any negotiations with Germany George Burns, radio and screen comedian, (left) wae pale and emergency measures to speed psM over the return o f former German ncrlous when he appeared in Federal court In New York city to Aeronautics Commissioner By Gooke And SUbenott age o f the ordinary and extra' colonies. p ead guilty to a jewelry smuggling charge. He’s shown with one of ordinary budgets for 1»3$. hU attorneys, Carl E. Newton. S p o cifl^ ly be was indicted for the Asked by Duncan Sandys, Con- smuggling of two braceleU and a ringfU l worth $4,885. He declined The measures, providing that the servatlve, for such assurance Urges Establishment Of Can’t Be Anytting G irriiA wouW tesUfy ag:ilnst his accused co-defendants, appropriation bills be debated by Chamberlain replied, "No, I do not Albert N. Chaperau, and a woman Indicted under several names. He mlniatriea instead of by more detail' think I can undertake it.” was released without bond. The prime minister then referred Aviation Courses For Bridgeport. Dec. IS.— (A P ) -J|B$ ed chapter dlvlslona, were approved to a previous government pletee state rested its oonsplrscy hy a show of hands. made by Malcolm MacDonald, sec- State Secondary Schools. •gnUut O. Latoy Kemp, to n # Even the SoclallsU backed the retary for colonies and dominions government on the vote, which was that any colonial agreement would SUU toad agent today Im m e tB ^ ^ purely technical and carried n »'in - be submitted to Parliament for rat- after Samuel H. SUbarmaa, wealtli^ RACE, RELIGIOUS STAND dication of possible future support ification. Hartford, Dec. 13.— (A P )—Public Stamford aeUte broker imBat$i of oppoalUon to the 1930 allocations MacDonald also told the House education In aeronautics, both gen- with Kemp and aevea otbef^ Aooepta Chamberlain's Statemeat of Commons last week that the eral and vocational, should be A t the Foreign Office it waa said Pieoaler Beraa colonial question waa not one of stepped from the wtlnees stand fafr SOUGHT IN WATERBURY greatly broadened, (Tommissloner France “ accepted’’ Prime Minister practical polltica now and was not lowing cfoee-exanrtnatkm. ^ Chamberlain's statement in ParUa' Prague. Dec. 13.— (A P ) being considered. Charles L. Morris states In bis bi- -Pre- Superior (touit Judge Frank jk ment yesterday that no pacts mler Rudolf Beran told the Cxecho- Chamberlain said yesterday Oer ennial report to Governor Cross. McEvoy than denied a dafiiSto treaUes bound Britain to corns alovak Parliament today that the many had made no formal demand Commissioner Morris urges the Qnes t i oDS Designed To As- motion for diemleeaf ot the lABnB France’s ah) In event o f Italian ag republic’s relatione with Germany for her former colonies. establishment of aircraft courses In ment charging the defendant wKfe WORD BATTLE secondary schools and points out: grsssloti over her colonial demands. would be baaed on fiiendsblp and Shonld State Stand On Oolanlea. conspiring to unlawfully share In Newspaper writers, however, tbat nationalism instead of interna- The Marquess of Londonderry, certam Prejudices Among "Ip order better to train wage commlaclona on Merritt Pariniiw made no attempt to disguise French once a leading advocate of British- earners to fulfill their duties proper- lend deals. tionalism must determine ber future perturbatloa over Chamberlain’s course. German friendship but recently a MARS HEARING ly. and to be prepared for future With the jury abeeat from ttm declaration. The premier appealed to Ger- critic of anti-Jewiah violence in Vem'remen Asked; “ Klan” promotions. Pratt snd Whitney A ir- mrtioom nt the tlsM. — Germany, declared before the Over- craft has developed an apnrentlce- *? I^’Orde, Pertlnax said many, however, to understand “ the ^u n sel John Oeogh ctatoMd CbftnberUUn could only roconlsc psyehologlcal affects” of the loss of seas League that the British gov- ship system for picked employes be- of bto mottco that even tf . Mendoned By Defense. ON MONOPOLY tween the a ^ s of IS and 31. t u t the mutual a net et toes obUn- territory "which we have to over- ernment should state quickly and on and Tteinns N. OMha. tiana which unite France and Brit- come.” fully its stand on colonies. "O irrylng even further this train- other real ertoto hroher Infito ing of ehllled men for highly special- nln are valid only against Gei^ He declared that “ the Munich “ We are determined not to sacri- Washington, Dee. 1$.— (A P )— with Kemp, gave post nl their 1 many. conference necessitated a basic fice one individual or one inch of Waterbury, Dec. 18.— (AP) — ized taeka in aircraft, engine and Coiiunktee Encounters First Eleanor Rooaevalt debutante niece mtoelone to the former atoto ai ‘Tt remains, nevertheless, that he change in the methods and pro- territory and we will accept with its Questions designed to ascertain propeller manufacture, an extenrion there "muety can't be anythtne ms* gram o f Csecb policy.” full Implications any challenge to course waa recently announced at of the President end Mrs. Roosevelt waa certainly wrong to explain whether any rellgioua or racial pre- nipt or contrary to the miMelatna* so laceolcally and net to make Economic and cultural life of the that policy," he said. Tiff When Witness And Connecticut State College, Storrs.” " arrived In the ceeltal today to at- eat" in doing t& t. Judicae exist among the veniremen understoed that In Medlterranaaa dlmlnlshad rspublle must he taken *T believe this should be said In no WPA Oonraes Not Safllcteat ^ d her first etote dlnaar at the He pointed out that out o f politics, Beran said, leaving uncertain terms hut I am not think- opening aeselon today of Commissioner Morris pointa out White House. the two countries cannot had ebowed tt waa the “ q be separated.” no doubt that If the government’s ing tbat it will be necessary to take the thlra week o f Waterbury's Lawyer Disagree On De- that '•the W P A aviation oounes. BIghtocn-year-old Eleanor, lively aa$eng real eetoto agenta t o ______ “ rallUon-doHar” fraud trial. sponsored by the State Department Genevieve Taboius, In the Radi' efforts should meet opposiUon it any drastic etepa In re’atlon to I t ” and^ brown-eyed, will make her commlesloas when more than one cY Defense counselors hammered of Education In co-operation the cal-Sodalist L ’Oeuvre, said peonle was determined to enforce its pro- A new 80-day whirlwind appease- of Washington debut at a White House them figured In a transaetioa. gram. away on this phue of examination scribing Patent Handling. Department of Aeronautics, does not attribute the statement to his de- ment drive to sett’e Europe's out- bell two days after Cbristmas. She Olalma la«ctroent InvaiM not Cbase ninskms. standing differences took shape to- as the task of adding to the half meet the need. He says: sire despite everything to follow his Win waa presented la Bofton on Thanks- Keogh atoo claimed the lafilef* O f International relations be said day. With Prime Minister Chamber- Ailed jury box was resumed. S|x of “ In the hope of at least partially poHcy o f appeaMmeat. not to com- giving and has been In a gay whirl ment to be Invalid beoauee, he oitd, promise hla position with Roi CsechosiQvakla “henceforth will not lair, in a key role and the possibility the 12 jurors who will try Lieut. Washington, Dec. 18— (A P I- T h e satlafylng this need, the Depart- ever since. all the eridenee rriatlng to flm matter what the latter’s at_____ cbase after illusions, but foreign Oov. Frank Hayes and 31 co-defend- Federal Monopoly Committee en- ment has enlisted the active Interest ‘T v e bad lots of fun” , she said to- ants charged with conspiracy to de- of the Connecticut Secondary School Oooke tronaactioae showed ♦hqt thh w ay be, and in any case to try and policy will be based on facts, eco- (Coattnned on Page Igbt) countered Its first Uff today—be- Jay. “ but I ’m getting a little atoepv!^ do Bomething with Germany.” nomical and social, without however fraud the city were selected during Principals’ Association. dlvtolone were with Osoke’e eeryd- Eleanor to the daughter of jfri The “strong man’’ premier rode sacrlflciiig mdisputable rights or the past two weeks.
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