Geological Survey of Finland Bulletin 316 The lead isotopic composition of some Finnish galenas by Matti Vaasjoki Geologinen tutkimuslaitos Espoo 1981 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 316 THE LEAD ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF SOME FINNISH GALENAS by MATTI V AASJOKI with 6 figures and one table in the text and one appendix GEOLOGINEN TUTK IMUSLAITOS ESPOO 1981 Vaasjoki, Matti 1981. The lead isotopie eomposition of some Finnish galenas. Geologieal Survey of Finland, BuLLetin 316. 25 pages, 6 figures, one table and one appendix. New high-preeision lead isotopie analyses of 85 galenas from 54 loealities in Finland are reported. The leads from both the Arehean basement area and the Karelides exhibit a large seatter, suggesting that remobilization of lead formed in the upper erust during the Lower Proterozoie oeeurred du ring the Middle Proterozoie Sveeokarelian orogeny. Lead isotopie eompositions of galenas from the Sveeofennian area exhibit a marked eorrelation with their re­ speetive geologieal environments and form a sublinear trend on all diagrams employed. This is interpreted as a result of mixing of various amounts of mantle and erustal leads in the course of the Sveeokarelian orogeny and this group of mineralizations is therefore thought to represent Sveeokarelian orogenie leads. It is eoncluded that the present results suggest a close relationship between orogeny and lead evolution, whieh is to be expeeted in any orogenie environ­ ment. Based on the new data, applieation of lead isotopie determina­ tions to mineral exploration in Finland is more plausible than ever. Key words: lead, isotopes, galena, Archean, Proterozoie, Sveko­ karelides, Finland. Matti Vaasjoki, CSIRO Division of Mineralogy, P .O . Box 136, North Ryde, NSW Australia 2113 ISBN 951-690-146-8 ISSN 0367 -522X Vammala 1981, Vammalan Kil'japaino Oy CONTENTS In trod uction 5 Analytieal proeedures .......................................... 5 Graphical presentation of da ta .................................. 6 The 206Pb/ 204Pb vs. 207Pb/204Pb diagram ..... .. ............... 6 The 204Pb/206Pb vs. 207Pb/206Pb diagram ............. ........ 7 The 206Pb/204Pb vs. 208Pb/204Pb diagram ...................... 7 The trilinear 206Pb - 207Pb - 208Pb diagram . 7 Sampling and grouping the sample material . .. ... .. ... .... .. 8 Results ..... .......... ....... .... ... ... ... ..................... 9 Diseussion . 16 Leads from the Arehean basement and from the Karelides .... 16 The Sveeokarelian orogenie leads ............................ 17 Exploration 'applieations ........ ........................... 21 Conelusions .................................................... 22 Aeknowledgemerrts 22 Referenees 23 Appendix 1 27 INTRODUCTION The first comprehensive study of lead iso­ the Annual Reports of the Geological Survey topic composrtions of Finnish galenas from a of Finland (hereafter referred to as GSF) in wide variety of geologie al environments was 1965 and 1966. published by 01avi Kouvo and Laurence Kulp In the course of an interlaboratory com­ in 1961. Although the data suffered from un­ parison of sampies G16, G25 and G30 (GSF certainties in the determination of the 206Pbl 1973, p . 16) it was found that the resuHs dif­ 204Pb-ratio, and some of the interpretations ferred significantly from those obtained by were hampered by an insufficient number of Kouvo and Kulp (1961). Moreover, the intro­ existing radiometrie dates from adjoining duction of the new decay constants for ura­ rocks, they demonstrated that there was a nium (Jaffey et ar. 1971) and thorium (LeRoux distinct difference between the leads of the & Glendenin 1963), the redetermination of the Svecofennian and Kareli<an orogenie subunits. meteorite isochron and especially of the lead The Svecofennian leads yielded model ages isotopic composition ofthe Canyon Diabio consistently around 1800 Ma, whereas the troilite lead (Tatsumoto et ar. 1973) rendered Karelian leads formed a cluster on the 206Pbl any single stage lead evolution model obso­ 204Pb vs. 207Pb/ 204 Pb diagram with model ages lete. All these factors contributed to the de­ ranging from 2050 up to 2300 Ma. The reason cision to reanalyze the Finnish galena mate­ for the ,abnormal ,behaviour of the Karelian rial employing rigorous isotopic fractionation leads was thought to be either an earlier control and frequent standardization du ring his tory of the lead or its evolution in an the investigation. The data were to be inter­ unusual crustal environment. preted on the basis of the latest lead evolu­ A large number of new lead isotopk ana­ tion models and with the help of geochro­ lyses, generally supporting the point made nologic data accumulated since the early by Kouvo & Kulp (1961), were published in 1960s. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES As a rule, 'the galenas were chipped off tions, the sampies were ground and the ga­ handspecimens or fragments of diamond lenas were handpicked fram heavy (d > drill cores. They were cleaned of silioates and 4.2 g/cm3), nonmagnetic separates. other sulfides by handpicking under a stereo­ The chemioal treatment was as reparted scopie microscope. In some rare cases, when by Vaasjoki (1977, p. 12). galena occurred as fine-gr,ained dissemina- Each sampie was prepared in duplicate. 6 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 316 Two mass spectrometer analyses (runs) were ton D.C. In this version, it is possible to performed on one, and one run on the other measure the filament temperature directly batch. If the difference between ,tJhe batches by means of an optical pyrometer. The fila­ o seemed significant, Le the standard deviations ment temperature was first kept at 1150 C, did not overlap, the second batch was ana­ but as experience was gained on the new lyzed again. If the results of three runs coin­ instrument, the running 'temper,ature was cided, the deviating fourth was rejected. In raised to 1200°C. The manufaeturers report the sole case where there seemed to be a sig­ the accuracy of ,the pyrometer used as ± 5°C nificant difference between the duplicates, a in this temperature range. Tests involving third analysis of a new mineral separate three staff members of the la:bomtory indicat­ demonstrated 1;he isotopic homogeneity of the ed and a'VeI1age »personal» difference of sample. ± 3°C. Thus there are grounds for assuming The samples from the rapakivi granites that the 'tempemture differences between runs (Vaasjoki 1977) were run on the older mass­ never exceeded ± 10 °C. spectrometer of the laboratory of the Geologi­ The results were normalized by comparison cal Survey of Finland, in which fractiona­ with the CIT standard lead, which was run tion w,as controlled by maintaining the power 2-3 times lafter every 60-80 runs. The on the filaments 'as constant as possible. Since values reported by Catanzaro (1967) were the dimensions of 'the filaments vary, this in­ assumed to be correct. The average correction volved the measurement of both the voltage was + 0.08 0J0 per mass-unit. The reliability of and the current and the calculation of their the standardization is demonstrated by the product. All other analyses were carried out interlaboratory comparison of samples G25, on the newer instrument, which is a z-focus­ G30 and G16 (GSF 1973, p. 16) carried out by ing single filament mass-spectrometer built Drs Olavi Kouvo (Geological Survey, Finland) at the Geologioal Survey accOlding to the and Bruce Doe (United States Geological SUiI"­ desi~n of the Department of Terrestrial Mag­ vey, Denver). The precision of the reported netism of the Oarnegie Institution, Washing- ratios is on average ± 0.07 0/ 0. GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF DATA The 206Pb/204Pb VS. 207Pb/204Pb diagram this (e.g., Kanasewich 1968, Fig. 7) . On the other hand, it is particularly attraetive, be­ This presen'tation invol'Ves the uranogenic cause i't involves only the U,Pb system, and lead isotopes 206Pb and 207Pb ,and the non­ the isotopic fractionation of uranium in na­ radiogenic 204Pb. It thus reflects the changes ture has been demonstrated only in one un­ which have occurred in the U,Pb systematics usual case, the Oklo natural reaetor in Gabon of the material ,analyzed. For galenas, this (IAEA 1975). Thus on this diagram each point essen:tially represents llhe history of their is defined by a unique pair of parameters leads before :their final crystalliza:tion. consisting of the 238U/204Pb ratio (fl) and the The drawback of the di'agl1a!m is Hs sen­ model age. Moreov,er, since geological sitivity to errors in the measurements of the processes are not known to cause any isotopic 204Pb and the correlated error arising from fractionation of lead, ·and the nonr,adiogenic Geologica l Survey of Finla nd, Bulletin 316 7 204Pb provides a natural reference isotope, the ti on al trilinear plot weIl known from petrol­ diagram is eminently suited for the calcula­ ogy. Thus, e.g. 'the 206Pb coordinate of a tion of high er order isochron ages. given ,analysis is: 206Pb 206Pb = X 100 The 204Ph/ 206Ph vs. 207Ph/206Ph diagram 206Pb + 207Pb + 208Pb This diagram contains essentially the same which by dividing the righ t side by 206Pb be­ information as the previous one but, as th e comes: ordinate is based on the more p recise 207Pb/ 1 206Pb = X 100 206Pb ratio, it does not suffer from the correla­ 1 + 207Pb/206Pb + 208Pb/206Pb ted error. The main difference ,to the pre­ vious diagram is that the ,age of a higher By the same procedure, rthe other two coor­ order isochron is given by the intersection of dinates become: the 207Pb/206Pb axis. The slope of a straight line on this diagram has no simple geological meaning. A drawback of 'this dLagram is that it is and practically impossible to present common lead 208Rb/206Pb 208Pb = X 100. data at a sufficiently large scale together wrth 1 + 207Pb/206Pb + 208Pb/206Pb the complete 207Pb/206Pb axis, and thus t h e visual comparison of isochron data is diffi­ It is evident that the effect of t he 206Pb/ cult. 204Pb ratio is not expressed on the trilinear plot.
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