.) ISSUE No. 117 MARCH 1987 PRICE 30p ELECTION 1987 ,... ! Emmet Stagg TD. with supporters at Maynooth Polling Station. Bernard Durkan T.D. with supporters at Maynooth Polling Station Having a Party? . Contact Pat6p O'BpisR . Gatcvlufi Go.btd. "WOODVILLE", PAGESTOWN, MAYNOOTH. PHONE: 286566 Hire all your requirements from us (Delph/Cutlery/Glass/Table Linen etc.) COLD* PLATTERS-* * MEAT· SALADS. DESSERTS. ROLLS OR GIVE YOURSELF A TREA T AND LET US LOOK AFTER ALL YOUR CA TERING - ALL WE REQUIRE IS A BUILDING! how Maynooth is to develop over the " open .1l(l'~~ pub!it'.!l i(l!1 "ilL! \\;I ! Editorial next three years. Now is the time to put I! l' :1 er,lll \ L,IIT\' ,111 \ ' 1ll, l[l'Ii,f, , li bm;il l'd these ideas to the test. There are over ~o it , "dlb jl,( t to th\.' I.t \\"" , d thc I.u :d sixty organisations in Maynooth at the ,l Id t il cd ito,i,t/ jlldgl' !1H'1l1. ;lii, i il d ~,: moment. Many Maynooth people con­ men l is l')' crci,ul by 111 ,' I dilOr i,ti Cl' lll La Feile Padraig tribute to a considerable proportion of rl1:1lt' /.' in order in pI l''-.t'l \'(,.' 1 ill' !n th.' these organisations and do an excellent pcndl'ncl' .lnd b,II,lncl' III ihl.' N('w,"' II ,". Maynooth may not be unique in the job. On the Community Council we need '1 hl' Committec Il',',I Yl', till' I i,~ilt ;" world as one of our globe trotting resid­ people who are not weighed down with ;li ll'l, ,Ibridgl' 0 1 o lll it 11 ;,lt<: I I,, 1 ",I,',iI ents, Seamus Smyth, explains in this commit ments to sixty committees all in it> opinio" l1ligill 1'(' nell'l :hl' New, edition, however we will be unique in meeting on the same night. These people iL't lL'r t h e i ) !{' i~1OIci 0 1 IIH; lI t ilpit' l l' I II County Kildare on St. Patrick's Day. are already overburdened, so we appeal to ~ CLti()l1,tI intcrc, I,> , ,\ny c!,nl rihlltul As in previous years we expect to host the theorisers and philosophers with all ':> ('eking IIII'lill.'1 )', u i(il-i;Ill' '> iii Iili, 1ll,11ll'l the only St. Patrick's Day Parade in the of their great ideas to desert their arm­ is i n v ited tn (<ll1 tdC t th e (O I1 l!:l il tl't', County on the 17th March 1987. And the chairs and .... get involved. Social & Recreational sub-committee of If you want Maynooth to develop into a the Community Council have laid on a community satisfying the needs of all MAYNOOTH - A CONVENIENT spectacle which while not up to Fifth of its residents, why not think seriously LOCATION Avenue, New York Standards in terms of about going forward for election? Every quality, promises hours of entertainment Maynooth resident has a contribution to It appears that Lei x lip's long standing on the day. So forget about driving into make, now is yo( ~r_ 9P~rtunity. campaign for Town Commission Status Dublin for the big parade, and worrying is on the verge of success, although the about losing the kids among th; thous­ outgoing government quibbled about the ands of onlookers, none of whom can get aL ' r ~ I'1) proposed boundaries, The government is a good view unless they are ten feet ta", \1( r-Y,/ ,--1._ 1----- waiting for the report of a review body and throng into Maynooth Main Street Maynuoth Newslettel on local authorities before making a for another outburst of Community /'u N ished / 1) ' decision, solidarity. Further details of the big day Maynooth Community Council One alternative which has been dis­ inside. cussed is a joint local authority to cover Editorial Board TRADE FAIR the whole area of Leixlip, Maynooth and April promises another sort of display, Suzanne Redm::md Celbridge, If this option is chosen, it would of course be necessary to find a the trade fair. The Community Council is Elizabeth uf Bhrian providing the organisational facilities for su itable place for the new authority to this showcase for Maynooth business, Earnmon O'Danaill meet, which is expected to raise money for two And here in the middle of Maynooth important local causes, the Boy's Primary Kay McKeogh we have the perfect location, The square, currently occupied by the erection School and the Royal Canal Amenity Gerry Colreavy Group. Many local businesses have been sometimes known as the Pee and Queu~ contacted but if you know of any busin­ Arm McStravick by others known as the 'Thing', formerly housed a very nice Cou rthouse, Unfor­ ess which would be interested in reaching Carol Clifford more clients, contact the Council Office tunately this building failed to survi~le in the Town Mall, Main Street, Pat Moynan the attentions of the Black and Tans Maynooth. and a photograph of the ruins can be Peter Denman seen in Caulfielcfs Bar. MORE ELECTIONS Th e opin ; o n ~ dn ti 51,lt (, I1 1'.' ;11,> l' :',Pl l',,>(' d With its history of public buildings, The Community Council has, over its in the df' til ic ) are thm(' of the lOllt ri, is there a more convenient place to three years of existance, made a consid­ locate a chamber for our public represen­ butors and not n (' c c~, aril y IIHJ\e 0 1 lilt' erable impact on the life of Maynooth, tatives? Of course this would involve Editoria l Bo,lrd, Ali matl'lial, to be whether people are aware of it or not. the removal of the most monumental in cluded in t'll' / (' l ltuclI), Edil ion 0 1 The parade and the trade fair are public public toilets in Ireland, But the citizens the Nl'w\ lencr should ill' ddclrc,'l' d I u signs of its contribution, but there are of Maynooth would, no doubt, manage other less obvious benefits- for example, in their usual heroic manner. How many community groups can negotiate more ihe Idi/o!', people have actually used the facilities favourable insurance premiums by oper­ i\1uY l1 oo lh /V('\ I', I,'//('I , in any case? ating through the Community Council, as r Oh'lI (cilire AI,tll, the Larine Drama Group found out rec­ ,1IvYI/O!)I/), I'll: :!8,)9:?2 ently. THE LIBRARY DI A RY The first three years of the Community Max imulll number o f w ()rd ~ 500 pel Councils existance have now passed, and arLiclc, To all groups, organisations etc. elections are once again in the air. Details who hold events in the Maynooth of the forthcoming elections are given in Copy Date: Mon, 16th feb, by 5 p.m. area. this edition. The Newsletter has been in­ We would like to draw your attention formed that a number of outgoing counc­ to a Diary in Maynooth Library, The illors will not be seeking re-election next Diary is there to be used by all to log time round, for a number of very good Editorial Statement coming events. In this way all groups reasons. So new blood is been sought. The Maynooth Newslettel i., published etc, will know what's on, when and This editorial is addressed to all as a serv ice tu the people an d orgJ lli sa­ where and will help each other in not of those out there who have ideas about tions of the ncighb(llnhood, It i., .ln clashing dates for events, MULLIGAN'S GARDEN SHEDS Letters to the Editor TOP QUALITY SHEDS AVAILABLE KILCOCK 17 Straffan Way, Phone: 287397 Maynooth, FROM 1140 Co. Kildare. ALSO SUPER LAP FENCING PANELS 6 x 6 112 February 12th, 1987 • ALL YOUR FENCING TIMBER . - Dear Editor, AND "<-;- .' On behalf of the Irish Kidney Asso­ REQUIREMENTS ciation, we would like to say a big thank you to the people of Maynooth for their wonderful generosity at our recent • Church gate collection. We would also like to thank the ladies of the local Clane Electrical Electronics, Ltd. I. C.A. and everyone who gave their CAPDOO COMMONS, eLANE, CO. KILDARE. time to help us as collectors. We raised the grand sum of £373. Phone: (045) 68328 Thank you all again. Sales and Service to all makes of Domestic Appliances Betty and Eamonn McNamee Local Members WASHING MACHINES - DISHWASHERS - TUMBLE DRIERS - COOKERS Irish Kidney Association TOASTERS - fiRES - KETTLES - DEEP fAT fRlERS TABLE LAMPS - IRONS - SANDWICH MAKERS etc. All AT COMPETITIVE CHARGES CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBER / ADDRESS FOI" Prompt Service Phone PET;ER GA-RTSnl)E ,045-68328 Appointed Service Agent for Dear Editor, N,EFF It GAGGENAU It TWEENY * ACORN I wish to insert a notice in the News­ letter regarding.a change of surgery hours and also the telephone number. The hours are as follows: Mornings - Mon. - Fri. 11.30 to 1.00 Afternoons - Mon. Wed. & Thur. 2.30 to 3.30 Evenings - Tues. & Fri. - 5.00 to 7.00 Saturday - 11.30 to 12.00 by appoint­ ment only. Phone 285943. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS Dr. Denise Nolan, I 8eaufield Ave., 5 BACHELORS WALK, DUBLIN 1 Maynooth. Tel. 730532 382280 (Residence) fOR BEST DRINKS AND DELICIOUS PUB GRUB P.BRADY CLOCK HOUSE Lounge Bar. C.[ ,E. Bus Stop, MAYNOOTH, CO. KILDARE Phonp.: 286225 SOUP, SANDWICHES, COffEE & MEAT PIi5 AlWAYS AVAIlA8t.E. , () GREENFIELD S PER ARK T M A YNOOTH & CELBRIDGE PROPRIETOR: T. GERAGHTY PHON[: 286224 • _ v'- MONDAY - WEDNESDAY lJam - Ipm TH URSDAY 9<lm - H pm f RIDAY 9am - 9pm SATURDAY 9am - 7pm SUNDAY OPENING HOURS lOam - 2pm ~ PRICE SALE IN OUR DRAPERY SHOP AND TOY SHOP FOR ONE WEEK ONLY COMMENCING ON .
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