SINTRAN Il Utilities Manual ND-60.151.01 NOTICE The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Norsk Data A.S assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this docu- ment. Norsk Data A.S assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished or supported by Norsk Data A.S. The information described in this document is protected by copyright. It may not be photocopied, reproduced or translated without the prior consent of Norsk Data A.S. Copyright @ 1982 by Norsk Data A.S. This manual is in loose leaf form for ease of updating. Old pages may be removed and new pages easily inserted if the manual is revised. The loose leaf form aiso allows you to place the manual in a ring binder (A) for greater protection and convenience of use. Ring binders with 4 rings corre- sponding to the holes in the manual may be ordered in two widths, 30 mm and 40 mm. Use the order form below. 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Sections 6 and 7 are new, Revision B The followi are revised: vii. Section 5. SINTRAN II1 Utilities Manual Pbl. No. ND-60.151.01 Rev.B NORSK DATA A.S P.O. Box 4, Lindeberg gard Oslo 10, Norway Manuals can be updated in two ways, new versions and revisions. New versions consist of a complete new manual which replaces the old manual. New versions incorporate all revisions since the previous version. Revisions consist of one or more single pages to be merged into the manual by the user, each revised page being listed on the new printing record sent out with the revision. The old printing record should be replaced by the new one. New versions and revisions are announced in the ND Bulletin and can be ordered as described below. The reader's comments form at the back of this manual can be used both to report errors in the manual and to give an evaluation of the manual. Both detailed and general comments are welcome. These forms, together with all types of inquiry and requests for documentation should be sent to the local ND office or {in Norway) to: Documentation Department Norsk Data A.S P.O. Box 4, Lindeberg gard Oslo 10 SINTRAN III/VS ND-60.125 TNTRODUCTCRY Sintr.III iIntr'oduot. "SER’S MD-60.134 ND-60.,132 ND-60. 133 GUITES Ccmmunic. Timeshar./ Real Time Guide Batch Guide Guide 5 ND-60.151 ND-60.128 ND-60.051 REFERENCE Sintr.III Sintr.III Real Time Utilities Ref. Man. Loader > OPERATOR/ MD-30.001 ND-30.003 ND-60.110 SUPERVISCR NORD 10/50 Sintr.III Postmortem Oper.Guide Sys.Sup.Gu. Investegat, L sl N ND-60.062 ND-60.122 ND-60.072 ND-60.081 ND-60.112 Sintr.III t'ile Sys. RT-Loader Nordnet Sintr.III Sys.Docum. Sys.Docum. Sys.Docum. Sys.Docum. Data Fields INTERNAL SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION SINTRAN III/RT ND-60.082 Sin.III/RT Ref. Man. vi PREFACE THE PRODUCTS This manual describes products which run under the SINTRAN Il operating systems SINTRAN I1I/VS ND—10048 SINTRAN I[lI/VSE ND—10174 SINTRAN H1/VS-500 ND—10175 The products described are: GPM ND—10124 PERFORM ND—10022 BACKUP—SYSTEM ND—10337 LOOK—FILE ND—10005 ND—10044 FILE EXTRACT UTILITY ND—10044 THE READER This manual is written for users of SINTRAN Il who want to use any of the subsystems listed above. PREREQUISITES Familiarity with SINTRAN 1ll is an advantage. THE MANUAL This manual describes some utility subsystems of SINTRAN 1Il. RELATED MANUALS Related manuals giving basic information about SINTRAN Il are SINTRAN It Introduction ND—60.125 SINTRAN Il Timesharing Batch Guide ND—60.132 Other SINTRAN Il manuals are shown on the preceding diagram. ND-60 151.01 Rev. A vii TABLE OF CONTENTS + + + Section: Page: 1 INTRODUCTION ...ttt e eeraeeeeesnsrseesrssa s s ansinssessssans 1—1 2 THE PERFORM SYSTEM ....ooiiiviiiimiirmnriseseneeeeresnessnsnnsiaenns 2—1 2.1 ] Yo [ Loy (To Lo F PPN 21 2.2 PERFORM Commands ......cooeeviiiiiiiiiiiiiee e enanans 23 23 Example of a PERFORM Macro............occooiiiiiiiiiiiiennninns 2—4 24 Interactive Prompts During Macro Execution ................. 2—-b 25 Output Listing File Control........ccccccceviiiviiiinann. 25 2.6 Mode File Submission Control .........c.o.ooooviiiiiiiiiiniiinnann. 2—-5 2.7 Extended Parameter SUbmisSion......ccccovevivviiiiiiiiiiniienes 2—6 2.8 Limitations, Restrictions and Defaults ...........cccciieiiiiinnn. 2—6 2.9 Standard PERFORM Macros ............eeeiiveiiiiiiiicnencaiinn. 2—7 3 GENERAL-PURPOSE MACRO GENERATOR — GPM .......... 3—1 3.1 INTrOdUCTION oo e s an b san e earas 3—1 3.2 GPM Syntax and Evaluation RUles .......ccccceeeerieriniiiniinnnnn 3-2 3.3 System Macros .....ooooviiiiiiiiic i B oy — 3-—3 3.4 Macro Evaluation ......coooiveeiii et 3—-5 35 Conditional Macros ....co..ovviiiiiiiiiiis e p e ae i aeas 3—-7 3.6 Recursive Macros ...........cooeiieieviiieiiiniineiiiininn. 3-8 3.7 The GPM Library ......cccooooiiiviniiiiii i, 3—9 38 GPM Under SINTRAN HI ..o 3—16 3.9 GPM Applications — Some Ideas.......c.ccovieviiiiiiviniiinnn. 3—17 3.91 GPM and Semigraphic Display ..., 3—17 39.2 System Generation Using GPM .........ccccciiiin..3—18 3.10 Combined Use of PERFORM AND GPM ...........occoeiiie 3—-28 4 THE MAIL SYSTEM Loooiiiiiiiieitiiieeeriiiie e eerrasesseennsneeenneaeseennses 4—1 41 INTrOAUCTION Luueiiiiiiiier e ieeni e eeae e s re b s e s ainen e b —1 4.2 General FOrmat ..ot seie st se s naeaain e 41 4.3 SUDCOMMANAS 1eireeriireiriiiei i e e et e b e e s anene 42 5 BACK-UP SYSTEM ..o iiiiiiuiiiiiiiinisiinesesrinesssssnssasssnssersesssaaaerss 5—1 5.1 INErOAUCTION L.oeeiiiii e s 5—1 5.2 Simple Use of the BACKUP-SYSTEM ..o 5—3 5.3 COMMANAS ....oovviiiiie e s 5-3 5.4 Commands — Detailed Description .............cccoiciiiiinnn 5-—-7 55 Label Formats on Magnetic Tape VOLUMES .................5—15 6 LOOK-FILE. iviiisnssransssnrssisasssarsersssonsmmsssssmssmnisiomiimns v iiniin 6—1 6.1 INTrodUCTION oo e e e e rran e e ees 6—1 6.2 Commands — SUMMAIY .....coooooiiiiviineireerieneiie e eiereeseines 6—1 6.3 Commands — General Rules .........coooeivvviriiiiiiiiiciiiannens 6—2 6.4 Commands — Detailed Description ..........cccoiiimimiiiinnn 6—3 ND-60.151.01 Rev. B viii Section: 7 NORD FILE EXTRACT UTILITY COMMAND ............ ciess 71 INtrodUCtiON it it s T e 7.1.1 PUrpOSe. siimarmiiisins i A S s i mas 7.2 Command SErUCUTE .....iaucibisesiieseeisaios ookl 7.21 INPUL FIl@ ,yumnsrmeesmereeysossassasassoiinisiossisvstonsissiaiviove fibninie 7211 Mode File Save Option .....c..oooiiiiiiiiiiiiean, 7212 Limited Automatic Command Input..............coveee 7213 Fixed Record Length Input File Option ............... 7214 indexed Access via KEY File ..........ccccciciiinnnnns 7.22 OULPUL File .oiiiiiiiieeeiiiiieee it 71.2.21 Output File Append Option ...........cooooiiiiiiininns 7222 File Split Option ....ccovvviiiiiiiiiiieieeee i 7223 Output File Organization Change (X Option) ...... 723 Extract Selection specifications .........cccccviciiiniiiiininan 7.2.31 Numeric Field Evaluation ................oivininininn.n. 7.23.2 Text Field Evaluation ...........c.ooooiiiii.. 7233 Text String Search .......c.oooiiviiiiiiiiicieneee, 7234 Limited Text String Search .........cccociiiiiiiiiiinnnn.. 7.235 Logical Operands ..........cccccooviiniiiniinnrirssensennn Parentheses Nesting .......ccc.cocvvvvrimiiviiinniiiinnninienns 7.23.7 Input File Record Intervals ............ccoiiiiiiiiniinnn. 7238 Show First Input File Record Option .......c.ccc...... 7239 Command Line Continuation Option .........ccccceen. 724 Output Specifications .........cccvvviiiiiniinivnneisremeearinnes 7.241 Input Record Subsets Specification .................... 7242 Output Record Constants ............c.ccccvvieeiiininnnn, 7243 Input Record Number Inclusion ........................ 7244 Output Record Number Inclusion .....................c.. 7245 Random Key Inclusion Option ... 7.246 Terminal Output Wait Option ..o, 7.24.7 Line Printer/Terminal Output Heading Option...... 7.24.8 Line Printer/Terminal Page Numbering Option .... 7249 Predefined Heading as Extract Command Line ... Predefined Heading as Position Mask ................. 7.24.11 Split File Copy Option........cccccooiiiiiiiiie s 7.24.12 Show First input File Record Option ................... 72413 Command Line Continuation Option ................... 72414 Skip Output Record Trailing Spaces ................... 7.3 Run-Time Status MesSages ......cvviirimveimimiiierininninn. ND-60.151 .0} Rev. A INTRODUCTION This manual collects together information previously published in the GPM manual ND-60.109 and SINTRAN Il Reference Manua! ND-60.128 and some new material. The subsystems described are not necessary for simple use of SINTRAN Il but may be of considerable use for particular tasks. The manual contains the information users need to efficiently use the particular subsystem relevant to their task. ND-60.151.01 REV A THE PERFORM SYSTEM 2.1 INTRODUCTION During the development of any software system, it is often necessary to re- compile the programs, load and test them.
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