■ ',■■■■■'•'' ;-'«..i"'-'^ » •' ^-' ■;'.'.'*7^-.'v‘'':r i^.-v.'-^- ,-•■••-,^r .-i’. Vv' ->T» -■ftnnfrt._ ..... f '■f.'7 7 -''.iC J' V -i » c r \ ’X / FRIDAY^MAY 18,1945 fOuijBsar Manchester Evening Herald / ■ ^^Hrage Dally (Eolation Z- F ^ e ^ Meath M A p^ ISiS ’ Manchester War Finance Commit^ A ll members of Company G, Na- Bond WagoijB tee and their interest has grown tiohal Guard, who want to go to^ Brother and Sister Daueiiig Ael"^ with each aucoi^ve drive, II it Member o f Andlt About I^owu the rifle range at Weatogue miwt is a possible thing, we ahall work flALE^SELF SERVE ■eeaaa eif.; t ’?- report at'the State Armoiy at 8 har^r them ever this ysiM, Rslix- The I New England! o’clock sharp Sunday morning. ToPlav?art g thgt the quota of $700,000 in Manchetter^A City of Viltago Charm U a u t and Mrs. Robert Eldon Bond Series must be m et and ...........X D w ton announce the birth of a that Manchester will be asked but V— -------------- — ------- •on, Robert WilUam. on May 14, -‘ Miss Flora Pickles, daughter of MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1948 (TWELVE PAGES) Wbmen^ to "Again Be an twice this year to participate in JVOL. LXIV., NO. 195 (Claaeieed AdVerUahig aa Page If) 1946, at the ' Ha'rtford >6n>iUl. Mr. and Mrs. John Pickles o f Holl St Wi.r Loan Campaign.” SATURDAY SPECIALS! Ueut. Denton, U S A A F , !• nerving Street, has arrived home from Imp5>rCaiit (^og in the Further details as to the Bond 7veneaa as a pilot with Uie A ir Boaton University for'the summer •Wagons will be apnounced at a la­ X . Green Stamps Given With Cssh Saknt Transport Command. The .'mater­ vacation. She has majored in ^ufrent Campaign. ter date so that everyone may nal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. home economics at the College of have sin opportunity; to take ad­ --------------- ---------------- ------- - Surveying Berlin’s Wreckage M. W. Murphy of . East • Windsor Liberal Arts. v, ' "Manchester is to'have its Bond vantage of the Bond. Wagons HalafB Quality, Fveah Stij^er-Fopts Hill, and the paternal grandpar­ Wagons this yean” said Mrs. John when they are in the different ents arO'Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,0.. Center Church Gyp Club mem- P. Cheney, Jr., chajrman of the sectiona of Manchester. Denton of 39 SUphen street.'' bera will attend the United Chris­ BREAD tian Youth Conference at^he Cen­ Women’s Division of Manchester’s — Emil A. Meyer, who/died .in tral Baptist church Sunday'after- War Finance Committee. "The Hale'* Large Site , X .riese Rockville yesterdav afternoon, is noon and evening. Attorney Lewie Women's Division” continued Mrs. ASHES and RUBBISH the father of Mrs. Emil Dickinson, Fox of 'Hartford will., be the fea­ Chciiey, "will as usual play an im­ /.REMOVED D o f 36 Bigelow street, this town. tured speaker. • . ' portant part in this 7th W ar Loan lel|y Doughnuts The funeral is to be tomorrow Campaign." > TELEPHONE 8962 l^o j^rop Mines afternoon. ' St. Margaret's Circle, Daugh­ "When the .actual date of the ters of Isabella, will hold a bridge forthcoming Bond Drive was an­ GAVELLO A' B. SCHULZ and setback social for . mem'bers nounced,” said Mrs. Ch’eney, "the C o f f d i A Rings n e >. 2 9 c and friends. Tueaday evening, May X- TALL CEDARS eneral dbmmlttee of the Women’s 22, at 8 o’clock, at the home nf livision of Mancheater'a W ar Fi. Wlhchell Stnitli'a 100% i4 r m y Teams Mrs, Helen Griffin, 93 Scarborough gnance Committee met and plans amatus Ittdustnpr Tat>: ^ ^ k' Charges Apparent In­ B 1 N G O Road. Mrr. Griffin Will be asslat- were diectiased as to the best Way ed by Mrs. Anton -Kanak, Mrs. geu; Japanese^^Report Miss lAnralne SoovIMe Kent SbovWe to aaaiat in thla-drive. *It was de­ DON WILLIS Loaf tention of Estahlish^ T O M I6 H T Anna Della Fera and Mra. Ray­ cided to have our Bond Wagons js jjo w n mond'Fogarty, The pillow drawn aa we did in the 5th W ar Loan GARAGE Jwo Mine-Laying Ex- ^ ing Yugoslav Claims in ORANGE HALL at the busineea meeting wae won Mrs. Mary DanilaJiS'r, president Miss Lorraine Scovtlle, daugh Drive and we immediately set X peditiono: in Wa8aka’> / n C Northeast Italy and by Mra. Ward Strange. Mem- of the American I^ lo n Auxiliary, ter of Mr. and Mra. Harold Sco- a ^ u t making our plans. The Complete Anto Serriee . / ■ bera dealring to oontribute to a Commander Frapma Miner of the ville, of 228 Center street, and her Women’s Division has always been 18 Main s i Tel. 8088 Bay>ahd Bungo Strait. • sunshine basket are requested to Legion Post, MTs. John Derby, see- enthusisMlc workers since they Coffee . w 32c Southern Austria hy brother. Kent, will be among tha \ T h 0 e bring their gifts to the social Tues­ reta n , Mrs.^lCathleen Sweet, Jun­ first offered their'services to the Almost ScorO Organized Force of Arms; Prior day evenipg. ior Difltrlol: Past President, and dancers who will appear in the Neatle’s Guam, May 19.-^ (/P) — COSMETICS ChapIain''Mrs. G.'W . Beeny of the sixth anmtal recitaV o f , their In- More than 400 Super-Forts To Track Doica Axis Agreements on Terri- Helena Robenatete The Hartfbrd County CouncE M Fourth^ District, will attend a atnittor, Mrs, Rolda Martin Gib­ Quality Garden FertiBaer On Poland Issue Harriett Habhard Ayen bre^fast-meetlng at the Hotel ?,!.31c were reported oVer J^pan to­ -ttiry Djlsclosed Today. Parent-Teacher AasoclaOon’a f » ~ bon, tonight. War Criminals; Will Max flaetor Tar^ey nual meeUng will be held at the B^di Hartford, tomorrow, to LECLERC $2.25 per 100 pounds day, bombing Tokyo and Laden LeLnng — Etc. First Congragathmal chun*. jh^t National President Vlp>^ The recital, under the title, "A lt Muaaelmaa’a Hamamatsu - industrial tar­ Investigate Atrocities. burn Memories," will be presented FUNERAL HOME ^ At the Farm. Rorme, May 19—(/P)— Field Arthor DmK Stores Church Comata. East Hartford* Helen Gilbert, of Norwich, Is Recognition: of Present 43r(l Divisioil : St the State Armory at 8 o’clock. gets and laying mines in two MarSlial Sir Harold Alexan­ bn. Thursday, May 24, beglnnWr spending the day in HartfopcL and Miss Scnville has served aa Junior 28 Main Street / vital waterways. Some 300 Ann Arbor, Mich.t May 19—(/F) nrarsoiD Provisional ^ at 11 a. in. Mra. Rfcharil ip a ti- for whom luncheon. antK dinner FRANK V. WILLIAMS Sliced Apples for Pie der, Allied commander in the assistant this season to Mrs. Mar­ isn ToUaod Tpk. Bncklaad —Almost a score of Army teams ton. o f town, la publicity meetings and a tea have been ar- Phone 5266 B-298 raided Hamamatsu Government as *Bnsic TJliltS Rclfikc Mediterranean theater, tin. An architect Inspect ruins of l ^ r chaMnafi.-. , ranged by different groups. .’ Sweetoeed, Eeady Ibr Viet . Lkrge Jar .about noon in the heaviest have been organized to .'track Representatives of the Soviet charged Marshal Tito of Yu­ 35c Ation. It was received via . radio epre* of Future Rule •trike and the only one announced dbwn Axis war criminals In the lln. Caption accompanying t h ^ goslavia today with the ap­ by the 21st Boniber command from Moscow, May J8. / A 8. Pleree '"biggest'and most justflable man­ > f irst of Elementary Dam Fo^ Held parent intentipn "of establish­ BROWN'S ■ here. hunt In history,” ^fbj. Gen. My^on Drop DemoUtlon Booib#/ C. Cramer, judge advocate gen­ Conditions Necessary. ing claims in northeast Italy They dropped more thgH 2,000 ahd southern Austria by Spdghetti with Mushroom eral said todays Fiiipin^ Guerrillas and toni of- demolition' bombs in the In addition,, he told a graduating Report to Hop^for Red^Action London, May 19.— (A*)— force of arms, which was / 16 Bnlnai^ FIsM greateat raid ever inade on the in­ class at .the Judge Advocate reminiscent of Hitlrr, Gen­ Prapier Stalin laid down iighboyls Attack Be­ (Rear of the Gas Co.) Sauce X " . .1 Lb. Jar . 23c dustrial center. ' . eral’s school, the .W ar Crimes of­ arid Japan." The TwenUeth Air Force in fice of the Judge Advocate Gen­ Federal Sug^r three ’•‘elementary" condi- hind Record Front- Agreement ERorta Failure AB kinds of General Washington^ ind Japanese broad­ eral's department hap established tiona todfay for solution of tjp ' He disclosed that hia efforts to Automobile Repair Work HaaPe Sepreme On Regional Defense Line Fire Ronihings. casts both reported the strike on branches in a I war theaters and Polish question, the fir^ of "come to a friendly agreement’’ Tokyq-'by perhaps 150 Super-For­ Judge advocates .in every Arm y with the Yugoslav leader had fall- No. 2'/i Can Siipply Stand which he said was yecogni- FREE TOWING Prune Plums tress. Japanese propagandists. unit have been ordered to' investi­ Manila, May 19. (iP)~AtUek- ed. Wm have taken to belittling the gate alleged artocities. tidn of ttie preaei^^arsaw PHONE SS7S OB S > tm ^ ing . behind record front-line fire At-the same time Allied head­ •iee of bomber strikes, said 80 To Round Up A ll OfTendera * iIoIm \ Have World provLsional govefnitient aa Betty Bine House Food Committee tions \ Have W orld Subsidy Plan bombings, Filipino guerrillas and quarters disclosed Tito agreed .in B-298 were in the form atioi# ” 1 reiterate.” he said in a pre­ the ’-basic core” of a future Ju ly,-194^4, and February, 1945, doughboys of the 43rd ^vision, re- The Japanese Domel news agen­ pared address, "that so -far as the Sharply Critical of Security'X Conference Polish government^ of national th^t "for 'm ilitary purposes Allied ■“'X' No.
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