Subject: "_Fwd"_: "_Follow"_-" _up"_ and "_Local"_"_Network"_" _Credits"_ From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Tuesday, 2 February 2016 05:47:15 PM AEST Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: David Shankey <[email protected]> Date: 2 February 2016 at 4:50:50 PM AEST To: Mark Bailey <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Follow-up and Local Network Credits From: Reece Turner [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, 2 February 2016 1:23 PM To: David Shankey <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Follow-up and Local Network Credits Apologies for the delay David, We have identified the need to include more information (postcodes, residential addresses) from petition signatures and are currently resolving this. Ordinarily we wouldn't supply email addresses to petition targets however I've supplied the file with these email addresses in the hope that the Minister might be able to supply our interested supporters with a response to their concerns about increasing electricity bills. Released under RTI Act - TMR I also look forward to your views on the Local Network Credits proposal. Regards, 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 1 of 219 Reece Turner Consumer Campaigner Solar Citizens www.solarcitizens.org.au p: N/R e: [email protected] fb: www.facebook.com/solarcitizens twitter: @solarcitizens SolarCitizens STANDUPFOR ~\fff~ A~~ www. .tandupforaolar.org.au • A project to protect the rights of millions of solar owners, create clean power and help build a solar future for all. Join todav. On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:06 PM, David Shankey <[email protected]> wrote: Thanks Reece, I will have a read. I was just going through the petition and noticed that there is no email addresses attached. Formal petitions in Queensland require a return address of signatories, are you able to resend? David From:Released Reece Turner [mailto under:reece@solarcit RTIizen s.orgAct.au] - TMR Sent: Wednesday, 13 January 2016 9:57 AM To: David Shankey <[email protected]>; [email protected] Subject: Follow-up and Local Network Credits Hi David, Paul, 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 2 of 219 Good to meet with you yesterday. I hope we conveyed to you that Solar Citizens, whilst born out of protecting the legacy feed-in tariffs that helped kick-start rooftop solar in Australia, we're now more broadly focussed on a fair go for solar across a range of issues and are looking to support policies that help enable solar to grow as part of the inevitable energy transition. To that end we'll continue to take a particular interest not only in the range of positive election policies the Palaszczuk Govt has committed to (Solar auction, 50% by 2030, 1 M Solar Rooftops, Fair FiT) but also any changes to tariff pricing structures that have the potential to negate any benefits to solar from a "fair'' FiT by leading to higher fixed costs. As promised I've provided some information below about the proposed rule change currently with the AEMC concerning Local Network Credits for distributed generation. This is an exciting field and if successful would help the business cases for community and commercial solar. As a leading advocate of solar power, it would be great to see the OLD Government take an interest in this area with a submission to the AEMC rule change and look into ways to support its implementation. Kind Regards, Reece Turner Consumer Campaigner Solar Citizens Local Network Credits - Helping to share the benefits of Solar more broadly • Research into the network benefits of distributed energy such as solar rooftops is limited in Australia. However, in many instances rooftop PV helps ease network constraints and thereby potential costs by distributing electricity over a shorter distance from generation to consumption. These benefits are not currently reflected in electricity pricing. • The concept of Local network credits are reduced network tariffs for electricity generation used within a defined local network area. • This recognises that the generator is using only part of the electricity network and reduces the network charge accordingly. • The rationale for a local network charge is to address inequitable network charges levied on a generator/consumer pair; disincentivise Releasedduplication of infra stunderructure (private RTI wires) setAct up to avoid- TMR network charges altogether; and maintain use of the electricity network • The City of Sydney, Total Environment Centre, and the Property Council of Australia have submitted a rule change to the AEMC. • The rule change request is for distribution network service providers to calcu late the long-term economic ben efits that embedded generators provide to distribution and transmission networks, and pay embedded generators a local generation network credit that reflects those estimated long-term benefits. 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 3 of 219 j • The AEMC has published a consultation paper to facilitate public discussion on the issues raised by the rule change request. Submissions on the rule change request are due by 4 February 2016. • AEMC consultation paper and submission page: http://www.aemc.qov.au/Rule­ Changes/Local-Generation-Network-Credits# • The Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney is undertaking research into calculating LNCs which involves trials with some networks https://m.uts.edu.au/sites/default/files/LNCVNM%20B uildin g%20a%20Level%20Playing%20Field%20FINAL%20v 1.pdf Reece Turner Consumer Campaigner Solar Citizens www.solarcitizens.org.au p: NR e: [email protected] fb: www.facebook.com/solarcitizens twitter: @solarcitizens SolarCitizens STAND UP FOR ~\ft/,,~ LA~ www.atandupforsolar.org.au • A project to protect the rights of millions of solar owners, create clean power and help build a solar future for all. Join today. Released under RTI Act - TMR This email, together with any attachments, is intended for the named recipient(s) only; and may contain privileged and confidential information. If received in error, you are asked to inform the sender as quickly as possible and delete this email and any copies of this from your computer system network. If not an intended recipient of this email, you must not copy, distribute or take any action(s) that relies on 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 4 of 219 it; any form of disclosure, modification, distribution and /or publication of this email is also prohibited. Unless stated otherwise, this email represents only the views of the sender and not the views of the Queensland Government. Please consider the environment before printing this email. QLD_Price_Hike_Petition.csv ATT00001 .htm [j 145.8kB [j 168B Released under RTI Act - TMR 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 5 of 219 Pages 6 through 73 redacted for the following reasons: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deferred Access Sch 4 CTPI - Petition spreadsheet Released under RTI Act - TMR 7/5/2018 Print window Subject "_Port"_ " _pie" _ From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Wednesday, 3 February 2016, 8:53:15 pm AEST If not an intended recipient of this email, you must not copy, distribute or take any action(s) that relies on it; any form of disclosure, modification, distribution and /or publication of this email is also prohibited. Unless stated otherwise, this email represents only the views of the sender and not the views of the Queensland Government. Please consider the environment before printing this email. IMG_ 1288.JPG ATT00001.txt 95kB [j 25B Released under RTI Act - TMR 1/1 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 74 of 219 Released under RTI Act - TMR 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 75 of 219 7/5/2018 Print window Subject RE: "_Diary" _ A _please"_" _Gai" _ From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Wednesday, 3 February 2016, 12:21:26 pm AEST Done From: Mark Bailey [mailto:[email protected]. uk] Sent: Wednesday, 3 February 2016 12:15 PM To: Gai Duffy <[email protected]> Subject: Diary please Gai This email, together with any attachments, is intended for the named recipient(s) only; and may contain privileged and confidential information. If received in error, you are asked to inform the sender as quickly as possible and delete this email and any copies of this from your computer system network. If not an intended recipient of this email, you must not copy, distribute or take any action(s) that relies on it; any form of disclosure, modification, distribution and /or publication of this email is also prohibited. Unless stated otherwise, this email represents only the views of the sender and not the views of the Queensland Government. Please consider the environment before printing this email. Released under RTI Act - TMR 1/1 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 76 of 219 Pages 77 through 84 redacted for the following reasons: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deferred Access Released under RTI Act - TMR Subject: RE: FYI "_QLD" _"_govt"_ "_opposes"_" _rad"_" _waste"_" _site"_ From: [email protected] To: mangocube6@yahoo:co.uk Date: Sunday, 14 February 2016 04:23:29 PM AEST Happy first anniversary Minister. .......... () Released under RTI Act - TMR 135-05866 MIN - Page Number: 85 of 219 7/5/2018 Print window Subject: A Sch 4 CTPI A _ mentioned you in an update From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Tuesday, 16 February 2016, 9:07:52 am AEST Linked D Sch 4 CTPI mentioned you in an update "Could I also suggest to Main Roads and Road Safety Minister, Mark Bailey that perhaps when auditing the rest areas they make it a mandatory on the spot fine of $600 for any vehicles other than trucks that are parked in "Truck Only" parking bays - particularly during public and school holidays.
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