anoo anse Jeff Hyslop Designer Denis Joffre Brings Fashion Sense to the Dance Stage Graham Jackson in Europe Strate on Dance Education ARNOLD SPOHR THE ARTISTIC VISION and unsurpassed dedication of Arnold Tuesday, October 18 Centennial Concert Hall 8:30 p.m. Spohr has enabled the Royal Winnipeg Ballet to reach outstanding Featuring the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and Sadler's Wells heights in dance excellence. Royal Ballet. He has applied his phenomenal energy and drive to building Gala evening tickets are $125.00 The net proceeds will go towards the RWB for a quarter century. establishing a permanent scholarship fund in Arnold Spohr's name for the RWB School Professional Division. For reservations call Arnold Spohr's Silver Anniversary is cause for celebration. the Royal Winnipeg Ballet (204) 956-0183 . I ille ~ umber 37 Fall 1983 Automne . 1ichael Crabb Ediwr/Redacteur FEATURES Holly Small "I Can Do That!" 2 ,;.ssistant Editor/ Redactrice adjointe Jeff Hyslop's Formula For Success GUY SHULMAN ack Cunningham dvertising Representative/ Publicite Photo-Gallery: 6 Charters Litho Inc. Chris Randle Production The Thinking Foot 9 -::: _ohshed quarterly by Dance in Canada Association (a non- Teaching Dance Literacy In School - ; fil organization, regist ration 11 00221 -22-23) 38 Charles S:-ect Ea st. Toronto, M4 Y I Tl , Ontario, (4 16) 92 1-5169. Peggy GRANT STRATE .a..:Leod Executi ve D irector. T he views ex pressed in th is -: - icatio n are not necessa rily those or Dance in Canada \ssoeiation. All rights reserved. Copyright~ 1983 by the Dance Caaada Association. Su bsc riptions: S I0/year; $18/two years; Dressing the Dance 11 ~ ~ insti tutions. Outsid e Canada add $3.00. Back issues are _. a1lab le in micro film from Micromed ia Ltd., 144 F ront St Toronto Dance Theatre's Denis Joffre • est. To ronto, O nt. MSJ 2L7. Li mited copi es of back issues are _ ailab le at SJ.SO each from the edi tori al offi ce. Send change of PAT KAISER ...,_adress , subscription o rders, back iss ue orders and ... ndeliverable copies to Dance in Canada, 38 Charles Street Easl. Toronto M4Y !Tl , O ntario. Printed in Bra mpto n. Ontario by Cha rt ers Litho Inc., Second class mail registrat ion "Jennifer Penney Is Indisposed" 12 ::- 03 74. Return postage guaranteed. ISSN 03 17--9737. t:nsolicited ma nuscripts cannot be return ed unless A Canadian Dance Critic's Notes From Abroad ~ccompanied by a stamped, self-addressed enve lo pe. D ance in GRAHAM JACKSON Canada pub lishes in offic ial language of o rigin. Special thanks to T he Canada Council and T he Onta ri o Ministry of Cit izenship and Culture. DEPARTMENTS1 Publication trimestrielle de !'Association Danse au Canada o rganisati on a but non lucratif, numt':ro d'enregist rement : In Review 21 Noticeboard 37 0022 1-22-23). 38 Charles Street East, Toronto M4Y ITI, O ntario (41 6) 921 -- 5169. Di rectrice executive: Peggy Macl eod. Book Beat Letters to the Editor 43 Les opinions exprlmCes da ns cette revue ne sont pas 35 necessairement ce lles de !'Association Danse au Canada . Tous droi1s reserves. Copyright© 1983, Association Danse au Canada. Abo nnements: un an: $ 10. deux a ns:$ 18, institutions:$ 15. Etranger: ajouter $3. Pour obtenir d'anciens nu mt':ros sur COVER: microfilm, s'adresser 3. : Micro media Ltd ., 144 F ront St. Wes1, Toronto, Ont. M 5J 2L7. Un nombre limitt': d'anciens numeros Jeff Hyslop, photographed by Scrivano. sont disponibles au bureau de la redaction a$3.5 0 le numero. Adresser vos change ment d'adresse. demande d'abonnemcnt , cornmande ct ·anciens num€ros et tous numt':ros no n livres a Danse au Canada, 38 Charles Street East. Toronto M4Y I Tl , CREDITS O mario. Impri mt': a Brampton, On1a rio par Charters Li tho Inc. , N° d'enregis1rement de courrier de seconde classe: 03874 Scrivano, page 2, 5 Anthony Crickmay, page 29 Frais de retour garantis. ISSN 0317--9737. Robert Etcheverry, page 13 Yoram Rubin, page 31 Les manuscrits ne seront pas retournCs sauf s'i\s ont t':tC Andrew Oxe nham, page 14, 24, 25 Para mont Pictures, page 33 commandCs ou s'ils sont accompagnt':s d'une enveloppe adressee et aff ranchie. Danse au Canada publielesarticles dans leurlangue Les lie E. Spatt, page 15 Photo Features Limited, page 38 d 'origine. Michael Crabb. page_ l. 22. 3 Continuing Education. Remerciements au Co nseil des Arts du Canada etau \11 mstf'r des Kimmy Chan. page _3 Gniversity ofOnawa. page 40 AITa ires ci, iqucs et culture ~ ~ ·o ur R • ald . Diamond. a e : Paul Pascal, page 41 ohn Con oa i. age : Harbourfront, page 42 2 DANCE IN CANADA ''I Can Do That!'' Jeff Hyslop's Formula For Success GUY SHULMAN Canada is not an easy place to be a dancer. Jeff Hyslop est /'un des artis1es canadiens /es plus comp/els. Son energie infa1igab/e Just being able to eke out a living as a e1 son go{// du risque Jui on/ perm is de mener avec succes une carriere de danseur el dancer here is a sizeable achievement. To d' ac1eur independanl, une combinaison rare de ta/en1s sur la scene artis1ique go beyond that and to become a successful canadienne. Hyslop es! un virluose de la danse el ii a demon/re ses 1alen1s de dancer - without becoming a member of chan/eur el d' ac/eur dans la /Ournee internaliona/e de "Chorus Line" el dans '.-'A nne a dance company - is close to of Green Gables" au Feslival de Char/011e1own. II a egalemenl 1ravaille pour la miraculous! 1elevision el son spec1ac/e special "Dancin' Man" a ele par1iculieremen1 remarque. As a child, dancer Jeff Hyslop always Jeff Hyslop possede une vi1a/i1e inlense el ii exprime son goul de /'aveniure dans sa saw himself becoming part of a large, carriere d' anisle independan1. supportive company in order to earn a living. In Canada dancers are not encour- Jeff Hyslop with Karen Kain and Frank Augustyn in L'Histoire du Soldat, April 1983 . DANCE IN CANADA 3 · in k otherwise, but when the For anyone wanting a career as a other major US cities. It was in this nny to join dance companies dancer, joining the Bolshoi was like blockbuster hit musical that Jeff Hyslop - _ Hyslop found he didn't want it. starting at the to p of the dream heap. But burst into the national and international .i> afraid a company would want to even then Jeff H ys lo p couldn't visualize limeli ght. ~e o its standards rather than let himself as a company dancer, although he "I Can Do T hat" was one of Jeffs . e op my own. From as far back as I accepted the Bolsho i's invitation eagerly. front-flipping, show-stopping solos. His ay wa nted to do more than any Learning has to be a selfi sh act - Hyslop jubilant voice easily reached the back of c mpany's repertoire a ll owed." wanted to learn as much as there was to the theatre as he sang the story of a little p· a pproach to dance now is know about dance - a nd the Bolshoi' boy who knew he had to be a dancer. : ~h\ ays was, instinctive and Even at age 11 his career was his first His earl iest stage engagements were in - . He embraced dancing indiscrimi- priority. the chorus of Rigoletto and Aida for the - all forms of dance: ballet, jazz, Jeff H ys lop is le an and boyishly Vanco uver Opera. Then Jesus in Godspe/1, - · made no difference. handsome with curly reddish brown hair Dick in Dames al Sea, the lead dancer in .1 hild I'd go from my lates t faintly reminiscent ofa young Garfunkel. Gypsy, Carousel and many more - all in _,re dance style to my newest He pulls a wayward curl unconsciously as Vancouver. _ te dance style. Now I do what the he remembers preparing to move to J eff wanted to do more and be more. for." Russia as a little boy. His parents were . H yslo p never set out to be a ready to let him go but only if Jeffs "I'd still like to meet the people who • .,_ncer. H e only set out 'to do what he mother could accompany him. think they know what Canadian • to do. He explains this calmly. H e "The most amazing thing for me about audiences want - especially at the that whole Bolshoi experi ence is not the CBC" it's because he's nursing a cold - Bolshoi itself or that schola rship. It was - Hyslop hates being sick because he that my mother, at her own expense, was " I Ca n Do That" - it's an apt motto , low down. He's always working. totally prepared to redirect the course of one that any free-lance performer has to to work. her life - leave husband and daughter be able to say a nd believe. Dancers behind and move to Russia with me 1 But especially must be able to do it all. It's an ada, it seems, is reluctant to the Russians wouldn't go for it. I guess they'd heard about Mom!" attitude for Jeff Hyslop that teeters ourage stars betwee n confidence and bravado. Any The free-lancer's blessi ng is also his artist who doesn't believe in his own self­ curse. Independence can be as much a · ,huns such labels as " prodigy" or burden as a boon.
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